World Occult User Guide

Chapter 183 A miraculous coincidence

"Steven, wait for the report."

Lin An pinched the microphone of the Bluetooth headset.

"Lin, who are you talking to?" Mi Xi asked curiously, "Isn't it your girlfriend?"

Don't make such scary assumptions!

Lin An was eager to know the situation on Joshua's side, so he made an excuse at random.

"No, it's my aunt...Lin Haiyan. She called me to ask how my life is lately."

"Your aunt is also named Lin?"

"Wait a minute, you didn't always think my name was 'Lin', right? My last name is Lin An, not Lin An! Lin is my family name!"

Mi Xi and Lin An looked at each other, and Barry coughed and quickly came to the rescue.

"She was just joking. Of course we know your name is 'An'. We just thought it was more polite to call you by your last name at first, but then you got used to it and didn't want to change it."

"You two had better not frame me, Miss Slane and Mr. Fenton." Lin An waved his hand, "Captain, can I go over there to take a video call?"

"Go, our department is currently dealing with the matter of Carol Bennett, and the [Witch] operation has been terminated. If the president has any new instructions, I will inform you." Simon said.

"It's almost five o'clock, it's time to get off work." Mi Xi pointed to her watch, "Captain, it's a rare trip to the International Bridge. Do you want to have a meal together? I know a great Lotus Restaurant. The red curry there is special. Authentic.”

"There are still many things to do next..." Simon couldn't stand the expectant look in her eyes and had no choice but to let go, "If the work of capturing [Witch] comes to an end, you can give it a try."

"Speaking of which, we haven't had dinner together outside of working hours." Barry sighed.

"Then we'll decide to go to that curry restaurant next time." Mi Xi glanced at Lin An. The young man's back was to the setting sun, and his lonely shadow was long. "Let's discuss it with Lin later - although he I will definitely agree!”

At the same time, Lin An was listening to Joshua's experience.

"Is there a weird big black rabbit in the cargo box?"

"That's right, teacher."

Joshua gestured at the size of about 40 centimeters: "Its body was fat and had strange patterns. It was tied with shackles and was very pitiful. But the moment I untied the shackles, it suddenly disappeared."

Lin An's mouth twitched, why did this description sound so like the mystery of a rebellious teenager.

James "The Visionary" Natchell's Zomo Rabbit?

But isn't it contained?

"When I closed the box, I turned around and met a boy. It's hard to describe his appearance, or it's not important. He behaved strangely. He first taught me not to touch other people's gifts, and then released a substitute. The messenger wanted to knock me out."

Those were probably Doris' guards. Lin An thought.

"Anyway, I killed him. The commotion we created alerted the staff outside, causing them all to rush in and pull their guns on me."

The surveillance video was originally pitch black, with a constant "creeping" sound coming from Joshua's side. It was not until the vision gradually became clearer that Lin An realized that he was wiping the blood stains on the camera with a cloth strip just now.

Lying in front of him were corpses scattered across the body - to be more precise, they were a mess of stumps and splattered internal organs. The blood and flesh were mixed together, like a puddle of burnt oatmeal, making it difficult to distinguish one from another.

"So you killed them?" Lin An's eyes widened.

"Because everyone here is a staff member, and their acting skills are just to test whether I have awakened the 'substitute user'." Joshua replied calmly, "After all this hard work, I feel that I am becoming more comfortable using my substitute ability. Thank you help, teacher."

Seeing that Lin An didn't speak, Joshua asked doubtfully.

"Did the signal break again? Or do you think I didn't do a good enough job this time? If I kill all the enemies, there will be no witnesses."

"Are you playing Assassin's Creed?" Lin An said expressionlessly.


"Steve, what else have you discovered?"

"Please give me a few minutes to rest." Joshua sat on a cargo box. "Except for the rabbit, there are a lot of gold, silver and various gems in it. Is this the teacher's prop?" "

He moved the camera forward, and the shimmering golden color came to his face.

The surveillance video showed a box of heavy gold bars, each carefully wrapped individually and stacked neatly together. It was as bright as an artificial sun, so numerous that it was distorted, making people subconsciously think that they were all chocolate.

Doris, you are so rich. Lin Anxin said.

Not to mention the "gems" Joshua mentioned, this box of gold alone is worth about 500,000 dollars.

Although Lin An can also use the Philosopher's Stone to rub gold bars with his bare hands, metals cannot be made out of thin air. Making them requires consuming radiation, which is not infinite.

Of course, this made Lin An more convinced of his guess.

Money and food indicate that Doris is leaving Eagle Country...and it seems she will leave at five o'clock tonight.

However, her forces were wiped out by Lin An and Joshua in a two-pronged manner, and her escape plan was ruined. She will probably have to stay in the Eagle Country for a while again.

While Joshua was resting, Lin An sorted out the entries obtained on the black ship.

"Cryptozoology Research III: Wasilla", "Cryptozoology Research III: Demon Monkey", "Cryptozoology Research III: Lelu Garu".

"Can the three entries be traced together?" Lin An asked the system.


"Compared with two item traceability, what are the additional benefits?"

"Tracing the three entries together has a probability of directly obtaining the highest level 'I' of the entry, as well as the legendary entry "Research on Cryptozoology." The disadvantage is that only two abilities can be retained." The system replied, "Do you want to trace the origin? "

Just like 1 plus 1 equals 2, you can add one more to get 2 or 4.

The seeker is truly a medium of randomness.

Lin An had previously obtained four entries of "Mishnah I". He had tried to trace their origins, but failed. The system told him that "I" was the end.

To jump from "Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone I: The Five Matrices of Paracelsus" to a new entry "Hermetic Philosophy - The Emerald Tablet II" like the Philosopher's Stone, you first need to perfect the previous an entry and spend some "Lady with the Lamp" medium to sublime.

In other words, Lin An also had to include the marriage laws and sacrificial laws held by Hill and Efron to complete the six volumes of the Mishnah, thereby improving the rating of the Mishnah.

Returning to the three Kaidan-level entries, they are all related to "transformation", namely turning into Vasila, a demon monkey and the werewolf Lelu Garou, improving one's strength and agility, and gaining a special ability of the animal. ability.

Hand-to-hand combat...

The abilities of animals are also relatively useless. For example, the demon monkey retains the special function of a excrement machine. It can ignite its own or other people's excrement and throw it out as an incendiary bomb.

Blow up the toilet, right?

These strange entries are getting more and more interesting.

The strange story rating was of little use to Lin An. He asked the system to trace three entries. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and did not make it a legendary one.

"Through 'tracing the source', the new entry "Research on Cryptozoology II" has been included; through your testimony, the [Ghost Deer] illustrated book has been unlocked."

The Ghost Deer is a mysterious creature that lives in the canyons of Eddy Mountain in northern San Francisco.

According to local legend, when a hunter points his gun at it, the ghost deer disappears without even leaving any footprints.

This entry contains two abilities. The first is to consume a "Lord of the Earth" medium to transform into a ghost deer, gaining superhuman running speed and quick reflexes.

No matter how fast you run, it's not as convenient as "Dreamer" to travel through space, but the effect of "improving reaction power" is quite interesting.

Does this mean that his thinking has become faster, and that even in fierce battles, he can truly "stop and think"?

Knowledge seekers rely on thinking ability. For example, Lin An needs to recognize the mystery in order to unlock the panel.

The second ability is called [Eliminate Breath], which is an invisible skill.

High-rated mystics can detect other mystics with their breath, but this kind of invisibility can still fool the eyes of many low-level mystics.

Moreover, this ability only requires one "Lord of the Earth" and one "God of Farming".

Although he did not obtain the legendary level, [Ghost Deer]'s two abilities surprised Lin An.

The effects of many legendary items conflict with the [Philosopher's Stone], such as flying, healing, creating hallucinations, etc., and are not as practical as the two alternative abilities of [Ghost Deer].

Lin An glanced at his own panel. After the Black Ship's adventure, his radiation value finally entered the double-digit threshold, reaching 10%.

"Brother Tongzi, haven't you unlocked any functions - such as the 'reincarnation' mentioned before?"

"[Mysterious Encyclopedia] has not been able to unlock new functions for the time being."

Lin An narrowed his eyes: "You have returned to the unsmiling and quiet system. What about the various personalities you maintained before? Did you give up halfway?"


"I still like your unruly look."

"Ahem, Lin An, as your subconscious mind, I noticed that you don't like 'talking to yourself', so I chose to use the conversation method that suits you best."

Damn, this guy can still think?

Lin An frowned.

The initial system was a real "tool". After the pollution level increased, it became crazy and garbled codes kept appearing. As it was shut down and restarted, its personality changed drastically when it came back. Even the way it spoke and thought was different from Lin An's. .

So far, it has taken the initiative to "optimize and upgrade" without Lin An's reminder.

It's like an artificial intelligence with independent personality has been produced.

At this point in the science fiction novel, the next step is basically to talk about how AI can replace human engineers and build its own digital empire.

But the system does not belong to Titan's technology tree, it is just a radiation source from another planet...

So far, Lin An has never seen an example of a mysterious prototype kicking the main body and establishing its own business.

Even Jericho, who controls Adam Kadmon, does not seem to be affected by the mysterious consciousness and generate a new personality.

The only thing that is close to the system at present is probably Joshua's brass-colored snake. Once it is hurt, it will naturally protect its body without the need for personal control.

Maybe the system's anomalies are just a self-protection mechanism?

After all, it endured the distortion caused by the increased pollution level on behalf of Lin An.

Joshua on the other side had finished resting, and a deep voice came from the earphones, interrupting Lin An's thoughts.

"Teacher, I found a special container."

He moved the camera, and a rusty container came into Lin An's eyes. Its shell was an inconspicuous gray, and the only thing worth paying attention to was its size.

The box was unusually large, four times the size of an ordinary container.

I'm afraid only Bennett's giant ship can hold such a huge container.

Even so, Lin An looked at it carefully for a long time and wondered: "What's so special about it?"

"Teacher, didn't you see? Some flying letters appeared in front of me, as well as some... five-pointed stars. They were blue, sloping down like waterfalls, flashing with a faint light."

The magic of separation of soul and body?

The surveillance camera could not capture the energy of "Comes". Listening to the description, Lin An felt that he had touched Doris' real "treasure trove" this time.

"Can I go in?" Joshua asked tentatively.


There is a high probability that Joshua will not die from Doris' magic, but he may lose his memory again after his resurrection, or other variables may occur, and Lin An is a little confused.

Suddenly, a familiar blazing gaze came from the corner, and Lin An turned his head sharply.

I saw a baby-sized rabbit crouching in the corner, with its exotic plaid dotted with black fur. It twitched its inverted triangular pink nose and looked at him eagerly.


Hearing Lin An's call, the rabbit exerted its hind legs and jumped into his arms with a "plop" sound. Its body was soft and extremely cold, which reminded him of the snowy Farmington town.

This "visionary" traveling through space appeared by his side like a fate, as if it was tailor-made for this moment.

Stroking Zomo's fur, Lin An always felt something was wrong.

Zomo is most likely the black rabbit mentioned by Joshua, but why does a subject of St. Annilov's research appear in Doris's warehouse?

Could it be that in addition to Joelna Cardenas, there are also traitors inside who have taken refuge with Doris?

However, the four major departments showed no mercy when hunting down the [Ghost] disguised by De Waal. They worked together to mobilize clues, desperately narrowed the encirclement, and finally killed Doris' men.

Even not long ago, under the leadership of Lin An, they sank the giant ship Doris was sailing out to sea. Bennett died and about a hundred sailors were arrested and prepared to be sent to government agencies for interrogation.

The two don't look like allies at all.

"Teacher?" Joshua thought the signal was cut off again and said to himself, "It seems I have to find a way to decipher it."

"Wait, Steven." Lin An pinched Zomo's ears and looked into his big eyes. "That is the final test of our organization. I am very worried about your safety. You should wait until I arrive." go in."

Thanks to Rail Rail for the reward, thanks to Huguangnnn, Ice and Fire Little Master, Shuyou 20220401164108934, luiye Liu Ye, Float_tea, Meng Xiaoxiao, Hapu Tower, Pan-fried cod, Shuyou 20211115145552200, Ultimate Monthly tickets for Water Monster and Youlongjun, thank you for your recommendation and subscription~

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