World Occult User Guide

Chapter 200 Ghost Legend (Part 2)

The corruption deep in the soul is mixed with a dull pain that seems to be absent, coming like a tide.

Doris did not fall asleep. Even though she took a lot of sleeping pills, she still lay wide-eyed in her bed, unable to fall asleep.

Perhaps she would never be able to sleep as peacefully as she once did before the ritual was successful.

Fortunately, mystics like her hardly need to supplement their sleep. Sleeping soundly like humans does is more like a life supplement for them.

Doris raised her wrist and looked at the shining colored gemstones on her skin, her eyes filled with hatred.

The search for the "seed" that withstands the pollution value is very unsuccessful. Due to the existence of ghosts in Detli City, the free mystics are not as unrestrained as they once were. The public security environment is getting better and better. Doris, who has lost all her subordinates, cannot fish in troubled waters.

Some of the newly awakened people were either taken under the witch's command, or continued to live in the city after understanding the rules of Comoth.

Some of them spontaneously created new factions of mystics. Doris knew of three of them: the Ghost Worshipers Association, the Furry Fans Group, and the Pythagorean Brotherhood.

She didn't want to know what these groups were working on, they sounded too stupid.

What's more, Doris doesn't have a lot of money recently. The police station and related agencies are respectful on the surface, but secretly they are hindering her efficiency, which makes Doris feel like she has a problem in her throat.

However, the biggest obstacle is...

She looked at the projector in front of her. The forum with a black background appeared. Doris scanned the posts on it through the scrolling keyboard tray.

"Don't believe the 'personality test' that has gone viral recently! Phishing website, phishing website!"

"Instead of this unreliable social science, let's continue discussing ghosts. I heard that a 'miracle' happened at the Central Hospital in Detli City."

"Big news, new trends in ghosts! Absolutely true!!!"

Seeing her questionnaire being submerged under the ghost, Doris glared angrily and clenched her silver teeth.

Ghost, I can't see what a pushy bastard you are!

"Jingle Bell!"

Bad news came one after another, the electronic butler played an electronic sound at an inappropriate time, and Doris slid the keyboard to close the terrible interface of the World Tree Forum.

"Dear third daughter, it's almost the time we agreed."

"I understand, Father."

Doris had heard this voice countless times, always so arrogant and elegant. Perhaps because she was so upset, she did not notice that her father's tone was a little worried.

Hearing her suppressed impatient reply, the male voice sighed.

"Lili, this is an ultimatum. I hope you will return to the family immediately. If possible, I would like you to start preparing your luggage and embark on the journey immediately."

"Father, let me play for a while." Doris glanced at the calendar in the corner. "There are still a few days left before the promised 'April Fool's Day' party. I promise to arrive as scheduled."

The male voice fell silent, and immediately returned to his previous condescension, speaking casually to his biological daughter as if he were evaluating a strange woman.

"After such a refusal, I dare not ask anything more of you for myself."

"Goodbye then."

Doris hung up the phone, rubbed her temples, and dialed a new contact.


What was different from the past was that the person who answered the phone this time was actually a woman with a calm and soothing voice.

"Foundation, please make a price." Doris said coldly, "I need you to send some manpower."

"I'm sorry, dear Miss Esther." The female voice said kindly and regretfully, "We have no plans to participate in the chaos and struggle in Eagle Country or even Upper East Continent in the near future; because our mission is about to come to an end."

"Is my price not high enough?"

"Unlike that guy; I never lie or break a contract. When I reveal something to you, I swear by my loyalty and mercy that it is true."

"The Foundation—Asker and Embra Legacy Foundation! Wait!"

"Good luck, miss."

The other party cut off contact without being humble, leaving Doris with only the voice butler's cold mechanical voice broadcast.

She slumped down on the gorgeous bed. The silence and helplessness were more unbearable than the pain of her soul and body, so that her eyes turned slightly red, but soon, tears flowed down and turned into an unquenchable fire, making her blood boil. combustion.

"Everything is staked on this. Esther, you are not a victim of the world, but the master of your own destiny. Your choices and decisions determine your future."


In the gorgeous office, the man added milk to the black tea with just the right temperature, and the fragrance filled the air.

Lord Arthur listened patiently to the secretary's chattering report.

"The Wisconsin branch claimed that they could not defeat the elusive MI-Alpha-002, which resulted in the control team and disciplinary team being unable to obey the original arrangement, which was to help the Michigan branch manage the mysterious people in the northwest area. They hope the headquarters will approve it."

"The Ehiah branch believed that even if they resisted MI-Alpha-002, the entire army would be annihilated, so they made an agreement with [Ghost] not to set foot in Michigan again. They asked Michigan to solve the problem on its own, or for the headquarters to intervene. "

"This is the third email sent by the State of Michigan today. The reputation and influence of MI-Alpha-002 have skyrocketed in a short period of time. It has long been beyond the scope of control. It is faintly developing in the direction of becoming the uncrowned king of mystics in Detli City. Please request the headquarters. support."

"Reply 'Your suggestions are under active consideration'." Lord Arthur picked up a butter scone with smoked salmon, "Send the first two to the inspection team's approval system, and they will be approved in three days. "

"Aren't you going to mobilize manpower to help Michigan?" The secretary swung his big lizard-like tail, "Those foundation branches seem to have collapsed because of the fear caused by MI-Alpha-002."

"It's not the Dawn Association's turn to be a hero, Bean." Lord Arthur took a bite of the scone, "Let them achieve results in the Eagle Kingdom, and don't lead the disaster to the West Continent. Anyway, when the dust settles, just come to the people of the Lion Kingdom One public speech and they won’t care about the truth on the other side of the ocean.”

"I am not a fool, Mr. Lord." The secretary operated the headquarters system, "What are you announcing?"

"We brought peace to an entire generation."


The pungent smell of hospital disinfectant hit my face, and the room was unusually silent. The faint sounds of breathing and the beeping of instruments and equipment circulated monotonously, as if it was an etude without an end.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

At some point, someone appeared next to the hospital bed, quietly looking at the pale boy above.

After a while, he raised his hand, and the strange stone representing "everything is one" floated. The world inside slowly rotated, the Ouroboros surrounded the blue and red planet, and Hermes raised the snake staff in his hand.

Green energy invisible to the naked eye filled the air, and the boy woke up like a spring flower.

What you see is a dark ceiling, the fluorescent lights haven't been turned on for a long time, and only the moonlight is flowing mottled on the cold tiles.

The boy turned his head, and there were three strange people standing in the supposedly empty hospital bedroom.

The half-human and half-goat woman, the solemn man, and the face in the center whose face cannot be seen clearly are surrounded by green codes, which are both illusory and real.

They are like the residents of the kingdom in Alice's Wonderland in the fairy tale. Their appearance and dress are quite strange, like a fantasy species.

The boy tentatively sat up and was surprised to find that all his pain had disappeared.

"Am I dreaming?"

"No, this is reality." The figure in the center said, his voice pleasant.

"Did you save me?"

"It's just an attempt." The figure said, gradually becoming unreal, "I found that treating others will attract the 'God of Farming', causing the pollution value to increase by 0.5%, and you happen to be the 100th person, allowing me to get data worth recording. .”

"do not go!"

The boy suddenly jumped off the hospital bed, stepped forward and hugged the green human figure. His steps were still very staggering, and he stumbled when he walked.

"Thank you for saving me, big brother! Dad will be very happy!" He hugged his waist, raised his little face and asked, "What is your name? I want to remember you forever!"


"Your name is really strange. It has no first name or surname. I am Andrew Fenton." The boy looked at the ghost's blurry face, "You feel warm when I hold you."

"Okay, okay, go back to bed and stay there, kid."

The ghost put the boy back on the hospital bed, and when he was about to take action, he suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Ghost, can you also cure my friend? He is next door to me... He has cerebral palsy. His parents have a little sister and don't want him anymore."

When he received no response, the boy quickly added: "You can give him my health. I still have my father and my mother, but he has nothing left."

"This minor illness is nothing in front of the Philosopher's Stone. I can even make all the seriously ill patients in this hospital recover instantly."

The ghost picked up the photo on the boy's bedside. There was a group photo of four people on it, which attracted his attention.

"Although this will probably increase my pollution value by 3%."

"What is pollution?" the boy asked.

"One of the two boundaries between 'Comes' and us, there is a notebook saying that the pollution value is 'human nature'. Now, I have roughly understood it."

"Then you promised to save my friend?"

"He is already alive and kicking." The ghost chuckled, "Actually, there are several people in your father's company who can do the same thing. It's a pity that the foundation does not allow the mysterious person to privately intervene in social institutions. I guess it is for convenience in the future." Miracle' sets a flat price."

"They sound like very bad adults." The boy tried to hold the ghost's wrist, "Ghost, don't leave, okay?"


"I'm afraid of the dark."

"I'll give you a gift." The ghost took out a candle that emitted cold light and would never go out. It replaced the photo and guarded the boy, like a beacon in the darkness. "It's called [Ghost Lamp]."

"Thank you, ghost." The boy reluctantly let go of his hand. In his opinion, the magical but temperatureless lamp was not as warm as the ghost. "Next time, I will prepare a gift for you. Do you have any?" A wish you want to come true?”

The ghost put the photo in his arms and returned to the man and woman.

“I hope you read Peter Pan a few more times, because I see it’s the highest-rated book on your tree.”

The boy was stunned for a moment, then nodded in understanding: "Okay, since you said it."

"Goodbye, kid."

"I will always miss you, ghost!" the boy shouted at the top of his lungs as he watched his figure disappear. (End of chapter)

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