World Occult User Guide

Chapter 214 The first volume is complete

The halo of the setting sun filled the sky, and the water color of the river changed from light blue to dark blue, almost black.

The heat gradually faded as the star sank below the horizon, and the remaining warmth gave everyone a warm coat.

Caroline twisted the three swearing robbers and handed them over to the arriving police. When she saw that the police officer she usually cooperated with had changed, she couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Sir, you are..."

The police officer passed his finger across the brim of his hat and nodded to her: "The last police officer from Detli City Police Department was assassinated by a person with super powers, so I am temporarily taking over."

"That's it." Caroline flattened her mouth, "It's because we are not strong enough..."

"You don't have to blame yourself, everything is thanks to the ghost." The police officer showed a strange smile, "Ms. Jones, we are still performing official duties."

"Okay, please keep in touch."

After saying goodbye to the police officer who behaved a little strangely, Caroline first found Hector by the river. Although he had repeatedly entered the water to save people, his smooth skin did not get any water stains.

"How's it going?"

"Fortunately, the sun appeared again and the situation did not escalate further." Hector said, "Caroline, do you know how the battle in the sky ended?"

Caroline shook her head: "I've been in the department store, so I don't know. Is it [Ghost] who did it?"

"No, the first person to attack the New Tower of Babel was a mysterious person above the myth level that we have never witnessed, but I have seen this kind of energy fluctuation... Minister Cardenas used this method to destroy restraints in all isolation rooms.”

"What?" Caroline's eyes widened, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, keep listening." Hector, who was not good at words, waved his hand, "Then, someone flew out to stop the man from continuing to destroy. He came from a black ship, the lair of the [Witch]."

"The Free Mystics...prevented the disaster?" Caroline asked in surprise.

"Although I don't want to admit it, when it was over, I was convinced that I saw a dazzling silver light rising into the sky, and then [Ghost]'s iconic green code flashed away, and the sun appeared."

A lot of information poured into Caroline's mind. She thought for a moment with trembling pupils, and then spoke.

"In other words, in addition to the mysterious liberal faction led by ghosts and witches, there is actually a terrifying mysterious person hiding in Ditry City, and he is the culprit of some crimes?"

"I'm afraid that's the case." Hector said, "Caroline, these people who are wanted by us may also be protecting the city in their own way."

"The St. Annelov Foundation has never—" Before Caroline could finish her words, a flash of light flashed through her, and she almost screamed, "It's the director of research! She is the one who compiles the information on the wanted list!"

"And President Emmanuel. The two of them kept leading us to move all events closer to the mysterious liberal faction, ignoring that 'maybe there is someone else behind the scenes.'" Hector sighed, "Caroline , do you remember the last riot?"

"Never forget."

"Secretary Cardenas never used the ability to destroy restraints until his death, so he may have been using a mysterious item before. Then why did no one pick up this item at the end of the battle?"

"Maybe it was a one-time thing," said Caroline.

"Maybe so, or maybe it was taken away by the Minister of Research."

"Oh!" Caroline exclaimed, "Could it be that they secretly colluded with the people who destroyed the New Tower of Babel?"

"I'm not sure, so I'm just going to say...we have never learned about this ghost, classified as Alpha-002, wandering the city of Detli."

Caroline fell into thinking, and for a long time, she muttered to herself: "Did Vanessa do something wrong?"

"Don't deny Saint Anilov's past, but think about what to do in the future. [Ghost] is very powerful, far beyond what we can match, but he doesn't have to be an enemy."

"You think we should work with [Ghost]?!"

"The Confrontation Department is out in force during this disaster, but so far have you received any news of anyone being killed by the Ghost or the Free Mystics?"

"Speaking of which, they did not hunt down members of the Foundation."

Hector said dullly: "It's just a personal thought. Instead of being helpless in the face of a powerful enemy like today, it is better to talk to the ghost. The situation will become more and more out of control as the star orbit of 'Comuth' approaches. We are far from able to protect this city."

"The question is, is [Ghost] willing to talk to us?" Caroline smiled bitterly, "We don't have any bargaining chips worth his attention... we were chasing him like a madman before."

The two were silent, and there was a sound of footsteps.

"Caroline, Hector!" The orange-haired woman waved her hand, "You are here! Have you got any news from our captain?"

"Captain Simon?" The two looked at each other, "No. Can't the communication equipment make contact?"

"There has been no news since he left with the president yesterday." Barry, who followed, added, "But I feel that if such a disaster occurs in Ditli City, he will not miss the rescue operation."

"President Emmanuel..." When she talked about the speculation that the president had betrayed the foundation, Caroline's expression became a little subtle, "If I remember correctly, Captain Simon and the president used to be comrades-in-arms."

"Yes, he almost gave the president to..." Hector hesitated and changed the subject, "It's best if you don't look for him again."

"Why?" Michelle asked unhappily, and Barry also frowned.

"For your safety."

"Captain won't hurt us!" Mi Xi shouted.

"Alas, once the 'Lord of Dreams' loses control, he will kill even his biological parents." Caroline said helplessly, "Besides, Mr. Simon Lloyd is the former Beta-003 on the wanted list, [Evil Eye]."


Letting go of the lifeless Doris' cold hand, Lin An let out a long breath.

it is finally over.

This is a respectable opponent, and just as Doris expected, Lin An will always remember her.

Remember her fiery figure and unyielding will, as well as her unruly pursuit of freedom.

After a moment of silence, Lin An called up the [Psalms of Asherah] he had just obtained.

Asherah, Astarte, and Anas are collectively known as one of the three major goddesses of the Canaanite pantheon, of which Asherah is the most well-known.

Her main titles are the Mother Goddess and the Moon Goddess. Legend has it that she also has brute force that is beyond the reach of ordinary people and can emit unlimited power.

About four thousand years ago, in the myth of the city-state of Ugarit, she was the wife of the main god El, and she and her husband gave birth to a total of 70 children, forming the pantheon of gods.

Asherah later spread to the land of Canaan and became the goddess of fertility. She was also worshiped by other peoples such as the Hebrews. She was depicted as a naked woman, a symbol of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The Canaanites associated Asherah with a sacred tree, a tradition carried on by the later Hebrews, with Eve, the "Mother of All" described in the Garden of Eden story, in some ways imitating Asherah, the two trees of life. and the tree of knowledge may also reflect the worship of Asherah.

Doris is obviously not Asherah herself, but her Psalms.

The most important document of Canaanite mythology is the poetry they used to record the gods. Just like the Encyclopedia of Magic, it allowed mystics to glimpse a corner of the gods and make use of them.

The difference between gods and mystics who use literature to borrow their power lies in rating, ability and "passive". For example, Simon's [Sariye] is born with abilities such as soul protection and evil eye.

If he is a mystic borrowing from a text, these abilities are activated by casting arcane spells.

"The Psalms of Asherah" only records a part of the afterimage of Asherah, but it is so powerful. It is difficult to imagine how much energy the goddess herself possesses to destroy the world.

However, Lin An believed that the real goddess Asherah should have been lost in the long river of time like the Hittite gods, and would never awaken.

The era they lived in was too ancient, and their images spread throughout the world through various civilizations. They were either completely changed or integrated and rewritten, unable to form a complete set of "cognition" for modern people to understand.

It is said that the age when Asherah was born was the last time the "Comoth" star orbits completely overlapped. Lin An thought.

Will all members of that era be statue-level?

How did the "mysterious prototype" come about in the first place?

"That planet gave birth to an advanced civilization, and its inhabitants are products of independent parallel evolution."

"It was the 'Comes' side that gave birth to the two-way chakra in order to get in touch with another civilization in the solar system..."

This is a letter from Joshua's drawer, from a female member of [Xion] named "Nili".

According to her, there seemed to be a "Comes" star who came to Titan a long time ago, and the story of the mysterious person unfolded.

Aliens, ancient gods, the Great Flood...

What's the connection between them?

Suppressing her racing thoughts, Lin An turned to Doris's panel. "Asherah Poems" recorded a total of two of her abilities.

One is [Throat Cutting Weapon], the semicircular bronze weapon Doris used to deal with Joshua before, using "Seeker" x1, "Judge" x2, "Farming God" x1 and "Lord of the Earth" "x1 Summon, throw it out to cause damage.

This kind of damage ignores all defense and healing abilities below the source level and directly causes fatal damage to the body.

The difference from the Hittite ritual is that it requires Lin An to throw it out actively. Wherever it hits the target, it can be split.

The skill I used to throw darts at the foundation facility was actually used. Lin An moved his fingers.

The second type is called [Blessing of the Original Incarnation], which consumes "Seeker" x1, "God of Truth" x1, "Mother of Desire" x2, "Lord of the Earth" x2, and "God of Farming" x1. The effect is By communicating with Asherah, let her perform a miracle.

No wonder every Hittite ritual requires the "god of truth". It turns out that their essence is to communicate with the ancient gods and let the Hittite gods help perform the sacrificial effect.

The miracle is the blessing of strength, the blessing of fertility, and the blessing of free consciousness. The effect lasts until Lin An actively "refuses" it.

It seems that there is a price to pay for receiving the blessing.

With the addition of two source-level abilities, Lin An has more means to deal with mystics of the same level, but Doris's entry has another use.

"System, tracing back to Hittite rituals and Canaanite magic!"

Improving the system's rating is his most critical goal!

The myths of the two nationalities separated thousands of years ago are finally reunited through Lin An at this moment.

"You traced the source of "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Death, Fertility, and the Land of Darkness - Hittite Worship Ritual" and "Hymn of Life, Betrayal, and Light - Canaanite Foreign Magic I: Asherah Psalms", new The entry "Volume 1 of the Mysterious Encyclopedia" has been included."

"After your witness, the illustrated book of "Volume One" has been unlocked, and the effect of the mystery under this entry has changed."

"Through the two entries of 'source tracing', you have improved the first volume of this encyclopedia, raising the rating of [Encyclopedia of Mysteries] to Source A level."

"Due to the improved rating, [Mysterious Encyclopedia] has added two new features."

The system played a series of prompts, and he didn't forget to add.

"Due to the upgrade to Rating 2, the pollution level has been recalculated."

As it said, the panel in front of Lin An slowly changed, the data jumped, and finally stopped at the current state.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Grade A

[Radiation value]: 12.4%

[Pollution level]: 18.2%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Looking at the eye-catching "A" grade, Lin An felt both happy and a little regretful.

"I thought you would evolve to the statue level."

"I'm very sorry. Source A level is already the upper limit of the normal mysterious rating. Further assistance from the 'Lamp Goddess' is needed."

"Why do you need law?"

"This encyclopedia has not included any relevant entries for the 'God of the Twelve Komos'."

"Brother Tongzi, can you reveal the real name in the [Name] column of the panel? And this entry called "Volume One" is also the name after cognitive shielding." Lin An asked.

"Because you don't know the real name of the encyclopedia, it will not be displayed."

What a familiar conversation.

Unexpectedly, the advanced entry in "Encyclopedia of Magic I" was actually called "Volume One". From the tone of the system, this was not the real name of the entry.

The absence of Roman numerals in "Book One" indicates that it reached a final form similar to a "culmination".

Although the improvement in ratings is a good thing, it has brought greater doubts to Lin An - what exactly is the system?

Don't think it's really a "system" of deus ex machina, that's too illogical...

"You must not be an alien's notebook." Lin An teased tentatively, "Even I don't know how to pronounce the word 'Comes'."

"This encyclopedia is the crystallization of human wisdom." The system said lightly.

"Strange rhetoric."

Lin An couldn't do anything about it, so he shifted his focus.

"In other words, to upgrade to the statue level, you not only need to complete the entries in the Encyclopedia of Magic, but also have to interact with the medium of 'Goddess of the Lantern'?"


"I have never met the mysterious 'Goddess with the Lamp', and the source of this medium is always strange." Lin An thought, "According to past experience, it is suspected to be related to the 'Supreme God'..."

Keeping the next development direction in mind, he turned to the suspended [Little Man in the Bottle].

Not only the source-level entry "Psalms of Asherah", the Little Man in the Bottle temporarily accommodated the "Torah". Lin An wondered if he could use the method of consciousness synchronization to include it into the system.

The white-haired mini boy floats, Doris's last breath in the world floats, and the girl's fragrance is faintly spread, filled with sadness and hollowness.

Just as Lin An was about to reach out, a fly with purple eyes flew past.


As the sonorous sound of the horn filled her ears, Doris's breath completely dissipated.

"Aha, the victory belongs to Valhalla!" A familiar and naughty voice sounded, "I have completed another commission from [Xion], they have to reward me!" (End of this chapter)

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