World Occult User Guide

Chapter 231 New Era (Part 2)

Lin An and Sasaki were walking in the desolate and dilapidated city of Detli.

Dust filled the air, replacing the prosperity and bustle of the past. The streets were filled with debris, making it difficult for the survivors. Towering buildings either collapsed, or only a few broken walls remained, bare.

The wind howled by, carrying the smell of sand and dust, but the vegetation was still growing lushly, and the lush tree crowns shook off swaying shadows.

Birds such as pigeons, crows, and seagulls streak across the sky, and the radiation from "Cormouth" has nothing to do with the planet's flora and fauna.

Several vigilant survivors came forward. They were wearing relatively clean clothes, holding guns in their hands, and guarding each other. It seemed that in a few days, they had quickly transformed from modern people with civilized order to primitive people adapted to the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle.

Sasaki's cloud and mist had a "concealing" effect, and the survivors passed by the two of them without realizing it.

"It's really depressing," Lin An said.

"Alas, we are really powerless against other countries." Sasaki commented, "We can only wait and see whether the Stonemasons Association takes action."

"The Masons Association... is the Dawn Association, right?" Lin An quickly thought of the relationship between the two.

"That's right."

"Ever since they obtained the management rights from the Mysterious Man of Eagle Country, they have turned the St. Annilov Foundation into a place with cumbersome systems, low work efficiency, and rules that are better than nothing." Lin An twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's worse than a certain [ White Dove] Well done.”

"Lin Sang, not every aristocratic family is willing to take care of such trivial matters in the world. It is especially thankless to help residents of unrelated foreign countries survive. We will have to survive more terrifying battles in the future, and we have to conserve our strength. "

Sasaki sighed.

"If it weren't for the need for population to increase the mass of the planet and the two-way gravitational pull of the 'Comes' chakra, let alone protecting the people, some aristocratic families would probably treat people like pigs."

"Then what do you think?" Lin An asked.

He had already had a glimpse of the madness of the aristocratic family from Jericho, Adelia and Rocky.

Compared to them, Sasaki, who is also a core member of the family, is still in the normal and lawful category.

But Lin An also wanted to test his thoughts.

"Actually, we [Takamawa Co., Ltd.] are of the same type as the Stonemasons Association, and the main concept we pursue is - pendulum." Sasaki said evasively.

"...Is it messed up?"

"Yes, yes." Sasaki nodded, "Actually, Gao Tian didn't want to get involved in your matter, but the Dragon Kingdom sent a mysterious person who summoned a bunch of monsters and was like a Pokémon trainer to kick down the door of my shrine... …”

"Help whoever has the big fist, right?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero."

From Sasaki's joking message, Lin An roughly summarized the policies of different aristocratic families.

First of all, there are the "radicals" represented by Adelia's [Black City]. They only pursue "Comes" and wish the two planets would overlap forever, even at the expense of destroying their own home planet.

The second is the "Guardian Faction" composed of his father and more unknown families. They regard "Comoth" as an alien disaster. Although they have knowledge, they tend to protect humans and the mother planet.

The third group is Sasaki's [Takamagahara] and Lord Arthur's [Dawn Association]'s "Lieping Faction". They lack initiative in their actions, but they actually have considerable power. Lin An feels that they cannot be taken lightly.

The fourth one is the owner of the MGM Grand Casino and [Asgard] where Rocky is.

They use their ancestral inheritance to travel among various factions and conduct transactions, and can be regarded as a business-type "neutral faction".

While Lin An was deep in thought, the goldfish flew several thousand meters away.

Along the way there are still the ruins of the city, crumbling signboards glowing faintly, several broken telephone poles standing, and the faint sound of electricity sizzling.

Modern artworks and sculptures were destroyed by the turmoil, and incomplete fragments were piled up in the corners covered with street graffiti. The faint smell of blood spread in the wind, and uncollected bones and garbage were floating around.

In the gaps between abandoned buildings, you can occasionally see some out-of-control mysterious beings, wandering aimlessly, and their twisted bodies look extremely weird in the sunlight.

Suddenly, a song full of vitality sounded, and the "dong dong dong" rock drum beat echoed, and the bass with strong low-frequency impact played low, accompanied by high-pitched female harmonies, instantly attracting the attention of all the out-of-control mysterious people in the ruins.

I don’t want to be just one of the others,

This is my life.

Seize the moment, the opportunity is fleeting,

I don't expect to live forever,

I just want to live a wonderful life every day,

My heart is like running on an open road.

Everyone should live their own wonderful life.

"This sound..." Sasaki exclaimed in surprise, "This is not our roommate Mike Smith."

"The singing is not bad." Lin An said.

"In this case, music is a good mood-lifter, especially rock."

Mike often held karaoke parties in the common area of ​​the dormitory. The quality was extremely poor. The constant noise tortured Sasaki and Lin An, who were both happy, and it was also the culprit that caused the latter to rent an apartment outside.

The two have tasted too much of this person's singing voice.

But this is not the dormitory of Ann Arbor University, but the crisis-ridden city of Detli after the disaster. When Mike's fanfare was heard, the out-of-control mysterious people in the area followed the sound.

"Why don't you go and take a look?" Lin An was slightly surprised.

"I don't want to say hello to Mike." Sasaki said cautiously, "In order not to reveal my identity, I endured him for three full years... I have three more years of youth!"

"He has grown a lot since entering society." Lin An took back the role of dormitory coordinator, "Aren't you curious about what he is doing?"

Sasaki reluctantly jumped up to a high ground and took in all the band members.

What surprised Lin An was that Mike was now a mystic, Lord of the Earth. Judging from his appearance, he should have awakened the [Bigfoot] shown in the "mysterious tree diagram".

Bigfoot, one of the most classic Eagle Country folklores, also known as Sasquatch, is said to be a huge, furry humanoid creature that inhabits the forests of northern Eagle Country.

Since the 20th century, a large number of cryptozoology enthusiasts have provided various forms of dubious photos or records to prove that they have witnessed Bigfoot, but all the evidence has been basically disproven.

Folklorists have traced the Bigfoot phenomenon to a variety of factors and sources, including native culture, Western savage imagery and some folk tales from across the ocean.

In fact, there are stories of wild, hairy humanoids from all over the world, such as the Almas of the Caucasus, the Shennongjia savages of the Dragon Kingdom, and the Yaowei Snowmen of the Kangaroo Kingdom.

Bigfoot originated from human beings' fear of giant creatures. After experiencing the baptism of myth, giants have versions of urban legends and popular culture in Eagle Country.

Beside him stood all the people familiar to Lin An.

Mi Xi strummed the guitar, Barry played the bass, Sangsang was beating the snare drum, and the high-pitched female voice came from an old friend Lin An was very familiar with, April.

The woman with a half-open jaw, only a white bone, clapped her hands as if to beat the rhythm, and her throat emitted an accompaniment of melody.


The out-of-control mysterious people gathered and pounced on the band singing rock and roll in the apocalypse, and the five people immediately scattered.

Mi Xi spread her wings and flew high. The almost transparent wings of the elf drew an arc and rushed towards several brand-new packages that appeared somewhat unexpectedly.

Barry cooperated and lifted several heavy stone slabs to block the way of the out-of-control mysterious man, helping Mi Xi buy time.

Until the crazy monster broke the stone slab and rushed towards Barry, he showed his fangs and nails and started fighting with them.

"Brush it!"

The monsters moved too fast and there were too many, and wounds inevitably appeared on Barry's thick hair, and blood spattered, but soon a blue witchcraft flashed, and the flesh and blood healed and returned to the original state.

Sangsang cast healing witchcraft with one hand, and raised the blinding energy with the other hand, locking in several fish that slipped through the net and were about to attack Mixi.

"Oye will punish you!"


The eyes of the out-of-control mysterious man were dark, and he was waving his limbs in an unorganized manner. Barry took the opportunity to throw out a few scattered stones and lead them elsewhere.

These young newcomers have already developed a mature fighting method in crises and experiences.

They cooperated with each other and their movements were skillful, which made Lin An couldn't help but recall the day when he encountered the Foundation's foursome. He looked at the foursome's skillful cooperation with "always on target" and marveled.

At this moment, he is still a bystander.

"Captain Mixi, let me help you." Sangsang saw Barry leading the mysterious man away and approaching Mixi, "This should be able to activate a lot of equipment in the base. Unfortunately, the Dawn Association can only airdrop supplies and cannot send people to assist us. .”

It turns out that these packages were sent by the Dawn Association.

They did not directly intervene in the situation in Ditry City, but only sent various supplies from time to time to help the St. Anilov Survivor Base tide over the difficulties.

It's really a model of "laying flat".

I really don’t know why the Dawn Association volunteered to manage the Eagle Country, because their ancestors were a father-son country?

No, it is most likely the decision made by Xizhou. Lin An thought.

"I'm afraid the situation in all the states of Eagle Country is not optimistic." Mi Xi pursed her lips in a strangely serious tone, "We must survive on our own until..."

"Don't think so much." Sangsang patted her on the shoulder, "You are already outstanding! When the foundation resumes operations, be sure to ask them to give you a huge salary increase! Give you a bonus! And give you a set of sea-mounted villa!"

"But I would rather get 12,000 dollars a month, at least then the captain and Lin are still with me." Mi Xi whispered to herself, and quickly calmed down, "Sandel, you can follow Mike and April."

"I listen to you, Captain Mishy."

"This is the first time we have tested this anomaly. It is best to collect as much information as possible. If it is as observed, [Lion Here] will only attack mysterious people with a rating higher than disaster. In the future, we can Make use of it for more convenience.”

"Chief, you are so cool."

Sangsang gave her a thumbs up and trotted towards Mike and April's position.

Mi Xi was left alone to pack the packages airdropped by the Dawn Association, her withered orange hair hanging down like a wound that could not be healed.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice singing the rock song that Mike had not finished just now.

This song is for those who have firm faith,

To the great fairy who never flinches.

There is no doubt that the future will be more difficult,

Goddess of luck will not favor you again and again.

But don't give in, baby, don't give up.


Mi Xi's eyes suddenly widened, but the voice faded away.

Her expression changed from shocked to disappointed, but she quickly bent her bright green eyes, raised the corners of her mouth in a long-lost arc, and hummed a melody while shaking her head and packing supplies.

"Mixi, you're laughing." Seeing this, Barry, who had left and returned, subconsciously blurted out, "Did the Dawn Association give you anything good?"

"It's not much different from last time." Mi Xi stood up, "But the black-haired Hope just kissed me, just like the ever-bright lamp he gave to your child."

"Oh, he's here..."

No need to explain, this man who has been around the gambling table all year round can naturally guess what she meant.

"Then keep going, maybe we will meet again someday in the future."

Lin An, who said goodbye to his two teammates, followed Mike and April.

When she was attacked, April screamed, forcing the out-of-control Mysterio to stop. Mike picked her up and walked away with big steps.

In addition to the monsters lured away by Barry, there are also three out-of-control mysterious beings chasing the two.

Mike ran all the way until a strange sound surrounded him. He stopped and held his breath.

"Crash... crash..."

The strong wind blew loudly, making the advertising signs on the street rattle. A human figure stepped on the sand, holding a long staff in his left hand and a scripture in his right hand, pointing at the roaring monsters.


Thunder fell from the sky and chopped them all into charcoal.

Before Max could breathe a sigh of relief, the black shadow turned to aim at April, who was in his arms. He raised his long staff and the red comet broke through the clouds, almost trying to kill the two into pieces.

The strange thing is that at the next moment, the black shadow looked somewhere and remained motionless.

Mike took the opportunity to rush out of the range of [There is a Lion Here].

It turns out that not only the rating, but whether to take action against this anomaly also depends on the individual's pollution value. Mike decided to record the new information after returning to the survivor base.

"Mike, April! Are you two okay?" Sangsang rushed from not far away.

"It's great, but I just can't figure it out." Mike put down April, and she immediately took her boyfriend's arm, "[There is a Lion] clearly wanted to kill us, why did it stop at the end?"

"Uh huh... uh..."

April made a sound of air leaking, and Mike handed her a twig.

"It must have seen something amazing." April wrote on the ground with an overjoyed expression. "At that time [there was a lion here] was as excited as a Thanksgiving turkey! Muhahahaha!" (End of Chapter)

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