World Occult User Guide

Chapter 254 Thought Gazing

Lin An’s education has two considerations.

The upper limit of ordinary people's potential is basically the Kaidan level. These mysterious prototypes have weak abilities and many restrictions. They are also difficult to control because of their low ratings.

Lin An's research on the "God of Farming" and the "Lord of the Earth" was also limited to the scene words spoken to him by Lord Arthur.

That is, the key word of the God of Farming is "providing valuable labor", and the Lord of the Earth is "maintaining the past living habits."

Once someone's pollution value exceeds the threshold and falls into madness, Lin An will be powerless.

He also had to kill the person if he was aggressive.

In order to prevent problems, Lin An decided to follow the onboarding model of the St. Annilov Foundation and first give newcomers a few "popular science" introductory courses on occultism, and then provide professional training according to their respective medium tendencies.

Cooperating with the [Edit] function of the system, more people can become mystics with higher ratings, greatly reducing the risk of losing control, and can also be converted into more measurement values, and the "Goddess with the Lamp" can be integrated faster.

Lin An has not forgotten that in two years' time, when the star paths of Commerce and Titan completely overlap, Adelia's ritual will no longer be reversible.

By that time, if he had not resisted the power of the radical family headed by [Black Capital], Lin An would be stuck in the interstellar orbit forever, becoming a bridge between the two planets, losing his personality and self-awareness.

What to do specifically would have to wait until Lin Hainan came to him in half a year to explain in detail, but Lin An felt that the more power he could gain during this period, the better.

Otherwise, it would be one thing to start a war with the radicals, and he did not want to become a pawn of the conservatives.

Maybe his father specially bought him half a year to let Lin An increase his strength in the rainforest where there are few people. As long as he is strong, he will not be too passive in the disputes.

Facing Lin An's request, the great elder pondered for a moment and said.

"Popular science? Of course it's no problem. However, I have a lot of daily work, so I'm afraid I don't have enough time to do it."

"You just have to teach them how to read."

Lin An stretched out his hand, and green data suddenly appeared out of thin air. Meyer was frightened and took a step back. The elder's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the code with great interest as it flew like a butterfly.

"What's this?"

"World Tree System Alpha1.0." Lin An said, "I spent a week making it."

The great elder scratched his chin, and data flew towards her telepathically. Her name appeared in the upper right corner, "Folami Spotted Lion", and she read the information on it.

"'Advisory Department Minister'?"

"With the growing number of members in the Spotted Lion Tribe, we cannot rely on a simple 'chief, elder and chief' management system. It is too confusing and inefficient with unclear division of labor."


When Lin An was appointed as the leader of the advisory team, he happened to take relevant courses at the headquarters.

His old employer provided a complete management system, so he simply moved to the Bantu Rainforest to provide one-stop services including clerical work, logistics, research, direct contact, instructors, and consultants.

The publicity and assessment departments were eliminated by Lin An, making the management system simpler and easier to understand.

In addition, he is also preparing to set up an inspection team to supervise the work of various departments.

But the word "inspection team" gave Lin An a bad memory, so he decided to change it to "forest ranger".

The simple framework is beginning to take shape, but the difficulty now lies in the language.

Patois has no real written language, so the data are all presented in French.

While living in the Spotted Lion tribe, Lin An learned that Bantu education relied entirely on "bards".

The singer traveled from one town to another, telling mythological stories, historical fables, astronomy and geography, similar to the function of the Greek bards.

Only a few people in the city can receive education from charitable associations and missionary schools and go overseas for further study, and most people basically never return.

The conditions in the rainforest are harsh, and bards rarely set foot there. If the great elder, a master of the University of Brussels, had not given some explanations from time to time, the spotted lion tribe would probably still be in the stage of prenatal education.

Thanks to her, the spotted lion people know some simple communication in French, but most of them are illiterate.

Every tribesman must learn to read, otherwise the "World Tree System" cannot be promoted.

"Actually, I have wanted to teach them for a long time, but it was difficult for us to survive before, so there is no use learning these things." The elder nodded and suddenly changed the subject, "Mr. Tulf, Meyer knows French."

Meyer's eyes widened when she named him, and he quickly calmed down.

"At your service, sir."

"Yes, are you willing to be a tester for World Tree System Alpha1.0?" Lin An asked.

"Okay." Meyer said concisely, "Please tell me what exactly needs to be done."

Lin An originally wanted Meyer to be the first tester. She is the only "God of Farming" medium among the three siblings, which means that her character and behavior are similar to most people.

"We both have things to do during the day, and I'll talk to you alone at night."

Lin An erased the data flying in the sky. The World Tree system was not yet complete and needed many tests and modifications.


Meyer's expression was serious. Although there was no reluctance, he was full of refusal to do business thousands of miles away.

After so many days, Lin An was not sure of her attitude.

There was no need to make random guesses, he simply used [Moon Cracked Hare Lip]'s [Listen to the Believer's Heart] on Meyer, and only heard a timid voice echoing in his mind.

"You asked me to meet alone. Isn't Lin dissatisfied with me? I really don't want to go... Without my grandmother's guidance, I might mess up. Wow, why did you choose me... If you can bring it with you Just my little sister.”

After hearing the truth, when Lin An looked at her tense face again, he suddenly noticed a hint of embarrassment in it.

No wonder every time she talked to Lin An, the fewer people around, the fiercer Meyer's expression became, as if full of resentment and dissatisfaction.

Daqing is a hidden super social fear.

Because of her introversion, Meyer always looks cold. In fact, she is afraid that she cannot control the expression on her face.

Lin An wanted to laugh a little, but he had received professional training. No matter how funny it was, he would not laugh out loud in front of his face, so he couldn't help but tease him a few words.

"Meyer, I have something to do with Mezzo. You might as well bring her with you tonight."

Meyer's pupils shrank as his thoughts were guessed, and his heart beat violently. A flush of blood flashed across his unsmiling cheeks, and he felt embarrassed that he had been seen through.

But then she thought, if Lin An knew what she was thinking, she would definitely be overjoyed.

Yes, she is still the resolute and neat Meyer!

She is the next successor to the Great Elder, how could she expose her tendency to become nervous when talking to others!

After gathering his emotions, Meyer spoke solemnly.

"Okay, I follow your instructions, sir."


Back at his residence, Lin An took out the [One Eye of God IV] from the hyena man's hand.

The naming of the system is usually full of profound meaning. The name means that the two eyeballs are just "weird stories" that were shattered by time and the spread of civilization, and cannot be obtained like the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone [Five Matrices of Paracelsus]. suffix.

Last time I used [Encyclopedia of Magic II] to refine the Philosopher's Stone, but the [All Seeing Eye] and alchemy belong to different systems.

Lin An tried briefly, but alchemy could only extract the energy essence in [God's One Eye IV], break it down into salt, mercury, and sulfur, and then reorganize it.

This obviously deviated from the purpose of tracing the origin, and Lin An had to give up alchemy, and more information about the "All-Seeing Eye" flashed through his mind.

This symbol has different names in different regions, and its basic form is an eyelid.

From its interior, countless beams of light are emitted in all directions. It is an omniscient entity, a symbol of the supreme god, and it is said that it can see everything.

This involves an ancient theological theory.

Beginning with Plato, theologians and philosophers believed that there was a contradiction between God and his creation.

Since the world was created by God, and all scenes are arranged by God with His vision, only God knows the true appearance of all corresponding concepts in the world.

Augustine believed that God is the standard of truth.

Only through Him does the true “world” appear before human eyes.

All humans perceive other things, such as size and shape, which Augustine calls an "external sense" of objective facts.

But in his theory, the most important factor in understanding the world is inner sense.

Augustine used the metaphor of "the imprint of a signet ring in wax" and believed that "inner sense" is the image and concept of an object. Under their influence, humans obtain the object in memory.

This object is a similitudo of the object seen through external sense, separated by its spiritual nature from corporeal necessity.

Interoception is the "abstract concept" that gives this object a precise meaning.

Augustine explained vision by combining the two senses, calling what one sees "species quae fit in acie cogitantis" (species quae fit in acie cogitantis); it constitutes the sight of concepts as seen by the intellect.

Theologian Aquinas believed that “universals are known to us before they are understood by the senses, for God gave the mind the intelligibility of what we see.”

In other words, this theory believes that God has given all concepts of things, ordinary people can only see specific items through light, and occultism provides a way to further interpret this concept.

The more one studies the nature of God and advances in spiritualism, the more "truth" one sees.

In the era of the arrival of "Comes", this theological theory is particularly applicable. After all, after the radiation value increases, the energy seen becomes more concrete.

Combining the occult understanding of the "Eye of God", Lin An speculated that [God's One Eye IV] could allow him to see more unknown secrets, such as directly "seeing" Zai hiding in the underworld, or in advance Predict the actions of the mystic.

Looking at the unique shape of the two eyes, Lin An couldn't help but think of another scientific discovery.

Helix Nebula NGC 7293, also known as the "Eye of God" by astronomers, is located in the constellation Aquarius about 650 light-years away from the solar system.

Its appearance is exceptionally beautiful, like an open eye, with a blue "pupil" surrounded by a white aperture, and a burgundy eye socket that is as dreamy as a dream. Its diameter alone is 2.5 light-years long.

According to the observations of astronomers, the Spiral Nebula was formed by the explosion of a supernova three times more massive than the sun. It is surrounded by the remains of the planet after its life has ended, and the center is the core of the star, which will become a white dwarf star in the future.

On the way to the death of a galaxy, the dust-rich outer layers of the star spread out in space and were exposed to the intense ultraviolet radiation emitted by the hot core of the protostar, giving off a dazzling light.

According to astronomers' estimates, in another 5 billion years, the sun will also enter the death stage, causing the galaxy here to gradually develop into a planetary nebula.

By that time, the entire solar system may become an "Eye of God", staring at the vast universe, waiting to create a new round of life and death.

I don’t know where in the universe “Comuth” is located, or how many light-years away it is from here.

By clarifying the legend, Lin An got a glimpse of the secret that continues to trace the origin of [God's One Eye IV].

First of all, the [All-Seeing Eye] is a tree with one eye, not two eyes.

They not only have the metaphor of "God is one", but also involve their origins from Egyptian mythology. They also represent the omnipotent and omniscient eye-the Eye of Horus, symbolizing the intact sun.

Lin An took a deep breath, placed his eyes flat in front of him, and used the [Tarot Divination] of "Magic Encyclopedia V".

This was the method he used to put it in the [Ghost-Possessed Box] and send it to the foundation, which drove Vanessa crazy.

The shadow showing the Tarot cards disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the two Major Arcanas "Sun" and "Moon" appeared above the two eyeballs, one on the left and one on the right.

Inspiration rushed to Lin An, and he put the [Philosopher's Stone] close to the "Moon" eyeball. The small world flowed, and a ray of light shot out from the left eye of Hermes, who had both male and female faces and stood on the blue-red sphere, and the The eyeball was badly damaged.

The right eye of Horus is the intact sun, which has the power to stay away from pain and defeat evil, while the left eye symbolizes the defective moon, representing the eye of Thoth, another ancient Egyptian god.

In Greek mythology, Thoth and Hermes belong to the same god and are called the Triple Great.

The myths of Egypt, Greece and South Africa converge at this moment, and the world's mysticism bursts out with endless light through Lin An's collection and research.

"After your testimony, the [One Eye of God III-Dante's Nine Heavens] illustration has been unlocked."

"This mysterious item absorbed your 'knowledge seeker' original energy during the birth process, and the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value dropped by 1%."

Lin An opened his eyes, and the damaged eyeball of the "moon" flowed out with wrinkled strips of colorful lines, wrapping the eyeball of the "sun" on the other side, and a budding light rose emerged.

Its shape is like a concentric circle with the bright light lake as the center. The overflowing light is arranged outward in layers. Each layer of petals is constantly surging, growing and radiating. It is so beautiful.

The light in the center seems to be there, as if the stamen is gestating something, only a faint glimpse can be seen.

Thanks to Detective Dingdang, Beef Porridge Saddy, and Sword Swinging Bone Rain for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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