World Occult User Guide

Chapter 307 War within a war

December 11, 2038, Mbambuka.

Continuous heavy rains turned the city into a wet mud painting.

There is no distinction between spring, summer, autumn and winter at the equator. The humidity in the rainy season lowers the temperature, and the sultry wind finally mixes with a hint of coldness.

Misuru has just received a report from the scouts he sent.

There were a total of seventy soldiers in this group. They left the camp in Mbambuka, crossed the Kuba River and entered the Bantu rainforest. They arrived near Ingende and Bikoro, silently in the waist-deep elephant grass. move forward.

On the other side of the plain, the towering Itumbwe Mountains surround the plateau grasslands where the Bantu people were born and raised. It is an excellent place to set up camp.

Unless requested by the president, most wars are usually launched in the dry season when the roads are in good condition. In the rainy season, the roads are wet and the visibility is poor. The march speed of Kinshasa's army is worrying.

This group of scouts included many tribesmen, and they knew how to hunt in the rainy season better than the regular bureau. After discovering traces of the enemy's advance, the scouts hid in a banana forest near a small village.

While they were resting, a woman who went to work in the cassava fields ran into the scouts' temporary camp. She screamed in fright at the sight of the soldiers who were armed to the teeth with AK assault rifles and rocket launchers.

The soldiers planned to kill her, but in the end they didn't have the heart to do it and let her go.

The woman ran to a nearby military base to inform the troops in Kinshasa. After hearing the news, the president's personal guards came and surrounded the Yggdrasil scouts, shooting and killing 20 of them, capturing seven, and scattering the rest. , a total of five people ran back to Misuru.

The ambush quickly turned into an open conflict, with the captured soldiers appearing on television and live online as Tshisekedi paraded them to viewers across the country.

Gaunt soldiers in military uniforms are thrust into the spotlight, camera flashes illuminating their sunken eyes.

"This is the enemy."

The president clasped his hands and declared to the crowd confidently.

For many Bantu people, this is the first time they have seen the soldiers of the [Yggdrasil] organization with their own eyes.

This morning, Kinshasa's most subscribed newspaper, Le Potentiel, reported the incident under the headline "External spoiler."

State radio announcers also advised listeners not to believe the lies spread by World Tree about citizenship, using a metaphor.

"A tree trunk will not turn into a crocodile just because it has been soaked in water for a few days. In the same way, outsiders will always be outsiders. Even if they say sweet words now, it is absolutely impossible to change their treachery, cunning, and lying in the future. Adulthood.”

This indicates that the war has entered a preliminary stage. More and more Kinshasa troops have entered the villages near Mbambuka and begun to stockpile weapons in preparation for the next attack.

Groups of troops climbed up the hillside with arms in metal boxes on their heads. Farmers and businessmen hid in the jungle next to the mountain trails. Most local residents had no doubts and welcomed the arrival of Kinshasa's troops like a savior.

However, at the local level, warlords and militants took advantage of the opportunity to kill each other, and many Bantu areas were embroiled in feuds between different ethnic groups over power, land and identity.

Inciters instigated thugs to massacre innocent civilians, and thousands of people died in the conflicts in just a few days.

After Misulu finished speaking about the report, Meyer also finished speaking about the president's response. The two sat back in their respective chairs and looked at the man behind the desk with narrow eyes and a temperament like an ancient Egyptian statue.

"Lin, President Tshisekedi is coming fiercely, and the residents of Mbambuka do not support us." Misulu told the facts.

"Yes, Lord Zuling, with our current armed forces, we are no match for the president." Meyer pursed his lips, "If it were me, I might find another way."

"I always find it strange. When we occupied the Lambridge Hotel a week ago, Tshisekedi clearly did not directly declare war on us, but adopted negotiations and inspections. Why did he suddenly change his attitude midway?" Mezo He took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and said.

"If we want to have the right to speak in Bantu, we will eventually have a battle with him, sooner or later. The most important thing right now is to win."

The person speaking looked very young, but his eyes were filled with an age that did not match his age.

"Everyone is dissatisfied with my strategic plan, and that's okay. We can brainstorm ideas and make changes on the larger framework. I will keep some unavoidable individual actions secret. Other than that, I respect the ideas of my colleagues."

These words were both like Lin An and unlike Lin An. Misulu and Meyer lowered their heads and said nothing.

After a long silence, Mezo stood up to break the silence.

"By the way, Lin, a batch of wine arrived from the market this morning. I poured some for everyone to try."

She walked to the desk carrying a plate and placed the silver wine glass in front of "Lin An". The smell of wine exuded a strong aroma of leaves and essence, which made people drowsy.

The local dialect of this kind of wine is called "Kotiko". The locals cut off the crowns of palm trees and collect some sap from the trunks. The sugar in the sap will gradually ferment into alcohol over time.

"Thank you, no need. I'm not used to drinking palm wine." "Lin An" declined politely, "It has a high alcohol content and it's not easy to stay awake after drinking it. Let's get back to the topic of formulating strategic plans, everyone. companion."


Misuru took a breath and lowered his head again, looking at the green data that appeared in front of him.

"Although it's incredible, I have to believe... that thing is indeed a fake, and you are the real one."

"In the world of occultism, everything is possible." Lin An replied, "If you observe carefully, you will still find that some of his ways of thinking and logic are different from mine."

“That’s right, you wouldn’t be able to tell at a glance that the delicious drink is made from palm trees.”


“You can’t even tell the difference between cassava and yam.”

Lin An twitched the corner of his mouth and said straight to the point: "I didn't take the initiative to contact you before. Firstly, I was afraid of alerting you. Secondly, my time is also very precious. Thirdly, I have insufficient information. Telling you will only give you two more blank stares." people."

"You can brainstorm ideas," Misuru quipped.

"Goodbye, I'll contact Meyer."

"I'm glad to be of help to you, Lin. I've been a different person over the past month." Misuru added, "Since you were the first to reply to my message, it means you think my mystical skills are in use." More useful than Meyer in the coming battles."

He was right. Lin An raised his eyebrows.

"This is the hunter's intuition." Misuru said confidently.

"I need you to help me with something." Lin An simply explained the situation and informed him of the new progress. "After research, the fingers of the 'Wizard' will activate the tactile omniscience of [Hand of Fatima]. , rather than vision.”

"You still can't kill the 'Prophet'?"

"It stands to reason that it's not possible, but according to the original plan, it would take too long to get the third finger back and forth from Kinshasa. I'm afraid the situation on your side is not optimistic."

Misuru glanced at the shapeshifting wizard talking above him, and unknowingly, there were many unfamiliar faces around him.

Although their ratings are not as good as mine, they are skilled in all methods and well versed in the manipulation of "Comoth" energy.

At first, he thought these people were the free mystics of Mbambuka. It was not until Lin An pointed it out that he guessed that these people were not members of the [Four Living Gods].

They are like cuckoos occupying a dove's nest. The course of action of [World Tree] is no longer decided by Misulu and others.

"Alas, I noticed it too late." He was a little annoyed. "The impostor pretended to be very similar. Later, although I felt that there was something wrong with 'you', I didn't think about the time misalignment."

"It doesn't matter, I was confused when I first met the 'God of Truth'." Lin An continued, "Your mission is related to a free mystic. Remember the one caught in Mbambuka a few weeks ago? The holy blacksmith [Finzi]? Is he still alive?"

"Of course, after that time, the shape-shifting wizard replaced you." Misulu said irritably. "The blacksmith is still alive and well, and the impostor ordered him to build some special cold weapons."

"Ask him to make a special mask with patterns -" Lin An paused for a moment, and a dot pattern suddenly appeared in front of Misulu's eyes, "As shown in the picture."

He silently wrote down the pattern.

After so long, the World Tree system has been upgraded again.

"Then you try to cover it with Enquitas' energy and connect it with it." Lin An explained, "[Enquitas] itself has the characteristics of controlling the undead and communicating with the underworld."

"It means that I will be the intermediary between the living and the dead, so that you can contact the 'prophet'? Can this be successful? Besides, I have not mastered similar mystical skills, so I can only ask Dinganga." Misuru said Do your best, "And then what?"

"Based on my previous experience of observing people possessed by 'prophet', when they die, the soul of 'prophet' will temporarily break away and look for the next possessed person."

"And I will seize this opportunity and cooperate with you to kill him in one fell swoop." Misulu suddenly felt relaxed, and the young man's recklessness and boldness, which did not look forward or backward, were clearly revealed. "When the faker finishes his speech, I will start doing it right away!"

"Don't worry, Misuru, it's just a backup plan. You finish the preliminary work first and follow my instructions." Lin An quickly dissuaded him, "'Prophet' is at the source level, and you might lose your life if you confront him."

"Wouldn't that be just right? Without the sense of risk to fight for my life, I don't have the motivation to use my full strength." This young man who dared to kill an adult hippo single-handedly never took his own life to heart. "Besides, Tshisekedi recently He acts like a different person."

"what happened?"

"Before, he seemed to have some scruples and wanted to take advantage of us in Mbambuka. He neither incited the hatred of the people across the country nor spread the news of declaring war with great fanfare." Misulu said keenly, "Since a few days ago, He’s like crazy and no matter the cost.”

"What do you think?" Lin An asked.

"In the past, Tshisekedi's performance was just a president's attack on some regional forces, but now it is a dispute between mystics wrapped in the skin of war."

"It means that he not only discovered the traces of the 'Prophet', but also lost his composure due to certain changes." Lin An pondered for a while, "Continue talking, Misulu."

Misuru was very happy to receive Lin An's encouragement and wrote a lot, roughly speaking: No matter what the cost, Lin An should join his companions in [World Tree] as soon as possible to face the coming all-out war together.

"Sometimes, wait and be patient, but sometimes, you have to fight quickly." Misulu concluded, "I will try my best to make a mask within two days and assassinate the impostor. Wait for my good news."

After taking back the green data, Lin An turned his attention to the [Hand of Fatima] who raised his middle finger.

On its side, yellow balls of light shone and floated, and the ancient and strange Bantu language talked about the legends and miracles of the "conception" world of "witches". The knowledge of the great sages lasted forever in Lin An's ears.

With the experience of refining the prophet's finger, his research accelerated a lot this time. Four days after getting the wizard's finger, he was ready for divination.

Taking a deep breath, Lin An's thoughts flashed through his mind as usual.

"System, using [Tarot Divination] from "Encyclopedia of Magic V: Halfway to Divinity - Wanderers Ask the World."

At the same time, in front of the Capitol building outside the presidential palace, Tshisekedi's pupils suddenly shrank in front of a group of reporters as he talked endlessly, causing a group of people below who raised their microphones to look at each other in confusion.

"The prophet took away..."


Reporters in the front row picked up on his whisper and surrounded the president, flooding him with questions about it.

Tshisekedi smiled and shifted his focus skillfully.

"Everyone, pay attention! There is a civil war in Lakon'ao, and [World Tree] was established at this time. Is this just a coincidence? And there is also a terrorist named [Forest Ranger] who is recruiting young people. There is no doubt that , he wanted to emulate the Patriot Front invasion.”

"Mr. President, what evidence do you have?"

"Yes, this man is undoubtedly a spy sent by a neighboring country. I have evidence of what he did, and I will present the evidence to the public soon!"

Delivering a rousing, nonsense speech, the president's fingers were behind his back, twitching abnormally.

Completely different from his appearance, the tall and indifferent woman was walking on the streets of Mbambuka, her eyes burning with the flames of hatred as she looked at the snow-white buildings standing on the hillside.

"First, you caused me to lose my membership in [Black Capital]; second, you stole my trophies; third, you should never have...prevented me from returning to the spotlight! I don't want to I will continue to live an ignoble existence with you!"

"Madam, are you lost?" Several young teenagers passed by and asked enthusiastically.

The woman turned to them, took out a stack of bulging red envelopes, and gently patted them on the boy's face. Enjoying their pure gaze, she suddenly became adoring and greedy.

"Take me to the Lambridge Hotel. This is the reward." (End of Chapter)

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