World Occult User Guide

Chapter 67 [Holy Grail]

"You used alchemy to fuse [Ouroboros] and [Gem of Wisdom]?"

Simon looked at the wand in Lin An's hand in surprise. The latter danced the straight wand into a semicircle in the air, and five energy aggregates of different colors emerged from the ends of the twin snakes.

The first thing embedded in the snake staff is a red gem.

The snake staff immediately became extremely hard. Lin An made a move and slashed it down. Simon also blocked it with his angel sword.


The invisible strong wind blew away the documents on the desk, and the papers flew everywhere.

As Lin An thought, the blue gem penetrated into the snake staff, and the light energy slowly spread from the staff, forming an air current that rolled up the documents in the air and stacked them smoothly into a stack.

Simon was just about to praise the magic of alchemy when he saw Lin An pointing the wand at his finger. Dark brown color surrounded the strange wand, and a sudden chill came from the skin there.

Has my perception of the outside world been affected?

Simon raised his eyebrows and admired Lin An's performance calmly.

The end of the snake staff glowed with golden light, attracting Simon's attention. Lin An shook his wrist and clicked on a piece of black feathers that swirled and fell in the air. Abnormal changes occurred suddenly from within.

The angel's harmless feather turned into a sharp little arrow, falling straight down towards Simon's wrist.

"Brush it!"

Stinging pain came from the wound caused by the metal feather. Simon raised his finger, and blood flowed from a small wound, but because of the previous cold, the pain was not strong.

The feathers became soft again and fell on the documents on the desk. The green snake staff gently touched the wound. Simon raised his head and saw Lin An smiling slightly.

Surrounded by healing power, the injury heals and returns to its original state after five seconds.

"Is the performance over?"

"Yes, this 'magic wand' can turn into a hard weapon, control airflow, manipulate the five senses, change the structure of objects, and heal." Lin An hung it on the belt around his waist, "Captain, how are you? Am I honest enough with you?"

"Unfortunately, the five abilities of the wand cannot exist at the same time. As long as you switch the 'gem', the previous effect will disappear immediately." Simon said with a vicious look.

"Yes, so in actual combat, you can only choose one effect to retain."

"It's already very useful. According to my experience, the mystery rating of this wand is the same as the legendary C-level, and the radiation value is about 10%."

Simon's guess was very different from the truth. The system determined that the wand's radiation value was 11.4%. According to the proportion conversion, it was approximately equal to the equivalent 1% radiation value of the source B level.

"Are you going to write this matter into the report?" Lin An blinked.

"Don't always test me." Simon said, "If you are confident in controlling your own mysticism, there is no need to report it to the Foundation. The existence of the research department is only an auxiliary insurance to prevent you from misinterpreting 'Comes'. Leading to increased pollution levels.”

"Well, I think I can handle this wand."

"Then we won't tell the research department." Simon thought for a while and added, "Don't tell Mi Xi and Barry yet."


"They are different from you, Lin. They were two ordinary people a month ago, and they knew nothing about the world's mysticism. They not only need the assistance of the research department, but also have to adapt to the energy of 'Comes' on the ground. .”

Simon picked up the coffee and took a sip with a calm expression.

"I find that you are progressing too fast. I'm afraid that they will be pressured by their peers and become eager for quick success or jealous, which will create a gap between our teams. In short, don't tell them for the time being."

"What if I can't hide it?" Lin An covered the wand at his waist with his coat. "Captain, I can't wear a coat all year round. The winter in Ditry City will eventually pass."

"Don't worry, Mi Xi and Barry can only..." Simon waved his hand, "If no one explains it specifically, Lin, do you think this is a 'magic wand'?"

"Hmm..." Lin An thought for a moment, "I would think it is an ordinary metal cane."

The radiation value of Mi Xi and Barry was too low, so they had a cognitive shielding of the "Comes" energy, just like when Lin An saw the Canaanite Slate at Carmen's newsstand, but was not alert at all, only thinking that it was an unknown piece of stone. Eye-catching black slate.

After the radiation value increased, Lin An discovered that the stone slab was still written in Hebrew.

If you think about it from another perspective, Simon's mystery rating is not as good as his own, and his knowledge of Lin An is limited to the files established by the research department.

In Simon's opinion, Lin An "cannot see" the entirety of the wand.


When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Lin An's two companions appeared at the door of the office. They were a little sleep deprived. Barry had two black circles under his eyes, and Mi Xi's orange hair exploded into a popcorn.

Barry couldn't sleep all night because of witnessing the bloody scene, while Mixie scratched her head and yawned loudly.

"I'm almost tortured to death by the research department..."

"Mixi, good morning, have they figured out the mystery of your awakening?" Lin An took the opportunity to ask.

"I am a little fairy..."


"No, I am the Great Fairy." Mi Xi rubbed her face with both hands, "I am the ruler of the Great Fairy!"

"Her secret name is 'Fairy Queen'." Simon picked up a stack of information and handed it to them. "It has been hard these days, but there are no holidays in the direct-face department, and attendance must continue. We will go to the International Bridge tonight. This is schedule."


Steam filled the luxurious bathroom with black gold tiles and blurred the floor-to-ceiling mirror. A short-haired girl was wearing an essence mask and lying in a Roman-style bath with rose petals scattered.

She was soaked in hot water, and the petals gently hugged every inch of pale skin, flowing over the girl's round shoulders, slender arms and thighs. The fragrant smell poured into her porcelain-like delicate pores and penetrated into every cyan strand. in the blood vessels.

Doris crossed her white calves, picked up a glass of ice-cold champagne on the wooden folding shelf, and flipped through the latest "Fashion" magazine with her other hand.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang from the radio at an inappropriate time, interrupting the girl's pleasant time. She frowned slightly and ordered the language steward with a hint of dissatisfaction.


A magnetic and elegant male voice spoke.

"Honey, it's me."

"Father?" Doris's expression showed panic for a moment, and she rarely said in a tone appropriate to her age, "Humph, it turns out you still remember me."

"I'm so happy to hear your voice again, Lili." The male voice said in a gentle tone that Doris was very familiar with. "The family knows about the trouble you have recently caused."

"Tick tock."

The hot air collides with the cold champagne, and dew drops fall on the steaming hot water.

"Father, when do those little things count as trouble?" Doris said stiffly.

"Someone sent me a slate from Detrey. Alas, my dear daughter, although I tried against everyone else and allowed you to stay at Ann Arbor University for three years, your family kept urging you to come back as soon as possible. It’s very difficult for me.”

"You know that the family only regards me as a fragment of a book, father."

"It's a pity, dear. You and your two sisters have to make sacrifices for the perfection of the Tanach. I assure you that this does not mean death, just... becoming a normal person, but I will To protect you.”

"Okay, father, please tell the family to wait another three months. After my 'desire' is satisfied, I will wait for the time like a docile lamb." Doris said coldly, " Do you have anything else to do?"

"Oh, I just want to remind you to be careful."

"There won't be a second time." Doris said to the voice steward, "hang up the phone."


The end of the male voice was cut off and silence returned to the bathroom. Doris buried half of her face in the hot water and blew out a few bubbles to calm her complicated mood.

Raising her head again, Doris said to herself in a faint voice.

"Happy April Fool's Day, Father."

After a while, she walked out of the bath, put on a long burgundy bathrobe, stepped on the cold floor with her bare feet, and walked through the magnificent corridor of the villa. The lights gradually dimmed and a door appeared.

Doris expertly unlocked the password, fingerprint and iris recognition system.

Different from the high-tech door, the interior of the room is noble and elegant, covered with retro shag carpets. Doris is like a dark shadow floating towards the stone altar in the center of the room.

There is a full-height statue above the altar, made of complete pure white marble, carved with a classic artistic image - La Pietà.

When the Savior died, the Virgin Mary held the body that was lowered from the cross, with tears streaming from her eyes.

The original word "pietà" means pity or mercy. It is used to express the motherly love displayed by Mary under great pain. It is also called "Mary's Seven Sorrows".

There is a weird Holy Grail placed under the statue. Its surface is crawling with grease, and white and yellow are intertwined with each other, like gold and shell glass. The endless soul gives it a thriving atmosphere, and the milky white holy light is reflected in Doris's eyes. .

"I will be resurrected like the Messiah." She stroked it obsessively. "Holy Grail, grant me healing of all wounds and eternal youth and happiness. I am not Doris, but Ios of April. Special', I am 'Easter'..."

Withdrawing her gaze, she turned to the other side of the altar. There was a printed flat photo placed in a classical oil painting frame, which seemed quite inconsistent.

"The preparations for 'flesh' and 'spirit' are complete, now only the most important thing, 'blood', is left."

The woman in the photo is about forty years old, with an elegant temperament, a pair of deep blue eyes that are like works of art, and the corners of her mouth are raised in a playful arc, which does not ruin the intellectual temperament of the entire face, but also adds a touch of Mona Lisa-likeness. of charming.

"Adelia Hughes is the granddaughter of the great occultist Duke Vasilika Tepes Hughes, the hidden bloodline of the vampire Duke. I don't know what means the witch used to call her to Dieter. Lishi."

Doris stared at the smiling woman, frowning slightly.

"Why does it feel like... I seem to have seen someone who looks a lot like her in real life?"

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