World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 107 Something wrong with Luna

Van walked back to the tent and entered it. And what he saw took him aback.

Luna was still naked, and the sight of her warmed him right up. She had changed so much, and even after relieving some of himself with Isa. Just gazing at Luna's form was enough to make him ready and raring to go for more.

She was tantalizingly beautiful, exuding sex and lust from every pore of her being. She had become even more voluptuous, curvier, more slender, more… everything... It took everything he had to withhold himself.

Right now her perfect ass was pointed his way, shaking to and thro, as Luna giggled to herself while looking at something he could not see.

As if realizing she was being watched, she turned, a strange ditzy smile on her face. “Oh! My love! Are you here to make love to me?” she said in a sultry voice. She giggled again and waved her ass some more, forcing Van to swallow and redouble his efforts on controlling himself.

“Not… right now…” he said, taking a huge mental step back. “I actually came to check up on you…” he hesitated, “how… are you feeling.” knowing that from what little he already saw, Luna was not in her right mind.

Luna giggled again, turning around to expose her sex, and started playing with herself. “I feel great!” she moaned, the moan giving Van goosebumps on his body. “I feel perfect! Everything is perfect! Everything is Great! And it can be even better…” she said, looking at him with a sultry gaze, enticing him.

Van gulped again, watching those magnificent breasts of hers sway and her body move. “Perhaps another time…” he barely managed to get out. “What were you looking at,” he asked, trying to change the subject and hide the worry that was beginning to creep into his mind by how much Luna had changed.

“Oh? These?” she asked, turning over again to grab at whatever she was looking at. She then presented three strange eggs painted black with some gold and pink swirls on the shells. “These are my children! Do you know what that means? I’m a succubus!” she laughed and giggled again airheadedly.

Van went pale. “Does that mean… I’m a father? How!?” he exclaimed with worry.

Luna tilted her head. “Why would you be the father? These are imp eggs! You know who can give birth to imps? Succubi! Which means I’m a succubus!” she giggled. “When they hatch, please make sure to make many more imps for me with them, okay?” she said as she rubbed the eggs to her cheeks. “Or… we can make more now if you want…” leering at him like a hungry predator.

Van shivered under her gaze. But at least it eased some of his worry about being a father. Kinda… “I guess like goblins… imps aren’t considered children of the father, nor hold any blood relation to him. Which is good I suppose… but still weird… more importantly, how did she make the eggs so quickly? And the way she acts… is there something wrong with her mind?” he wondered worriedly.

“Luna… are you sure you are alright? You're acting… a little weird…” he said, hoping to bring to attention her weirdness.

Luna chuckled. “I think the one acting weird is you,” she said, gently putting down the eggs and slowly making her way to him on all fours. “Don’t you want me? Love me? I need you soooooooo bad…” she said, now gently rubbing her cheek on his crotch area.

It felt like an electric shock went up his spine. His pants all of a sudden became too tight, and he watched her use nothing but her teeth to slowly open it up. Van watched, enraptured and his blood burning hot, he could literally feel his body and mind trying to fight for control.

Almost instinctively he reacted. His hand rose and like a cat, and he gave a quick but gentle, WHAP! To her skull, dazing her. Deep somewhere in Van’s mind, something whispered. “Horny Bonk!” But he wasn’t aware of that.

Silence pervaded the air between them, but slowly tears began to form on the rims of Luna’s eyes. Immediately Van felt bad and went down on his knee and hugged her. “I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.”

“You! You hate me!” she blubbered, barely keeping back the tears. “You don’t love me anymore!”

“No, no, no, no, no… I do love you! I promise, later tonight. I’ll fuck the shit out of you. Promise!” he said, desperate to make Luna happy again.

“Promise?” she asked, making sure to confirm.

“Promise, really…” he replied. Then hesitated and changed the subject. “The reason why I came back is because I wanted to check up on you. Because I was worried about you. Because I love you.”

“Really?” looking at him innocently.

“Really,” Van said.

“But… there is another reason why I came here.” he then looked into Luna’s beautiful silver pink eyes. “Luna… what happened two days ago… I heard you did a ritual, what ritual was it?”

Luna blinked, I did a ritual?” she asked, tilting her head.

Van looked back surprised. “Yes, you did, don’t you remember?”

Luna shook her head.

“Do you remember anything that happened two days ago?” he asked, concerned.

Luna shook her head again.

Van was now very worried about Luna, not only did her personality seem to change drastically, but her memory of what happened seemed to be gone.

After a while of thinking, Luna giggled again and went in for a kiss, surprising Van since he was not paying attention. “I like kissing you!” she giggled after pulling out.

He held Luna at arm's length. “Luna… do you remember why we are here?”

Luna blinked. “To… fuck?” she asked, tilting her head.

“No, why ‘we’ are here, like in the forest?” he asked.

Luna’s brow furrowed like she was in deep thought. “To… find things... for you to fuck?” she asked questioningly, then smiled widely as if she got the answer. “I like watching you fuck things too!” she said, very happy.

“Do… Do you remember when we arrived? Do you remember your time in that other house of Moonshadow? The things you experienced and went through? What about all that training you did with Thea that you were so proud of? All the things you learned? Do you not remember any of it?” he asked, fear beginning to creep into his voice.

Luna stared at him, almost blankly, as if not entirely understanding what he was saying. After a moment of silence, she blinked and asked. “Can I suck your cock now?” completely innocently.

Dread filled Van’s chest. It was like Luna had a childlike mentality. As if all the constraints that a normal adult person had to deal with did not apply to her. As if she was completely liberated, she knew what she wanted, and was willing to have it, no matter time, place, or situation. What’s worse, was that she seemed to have lost her memories, or at least most of them, as she still seemed to know who he was. A small consolation...

Van began to panic, and his chest heave as fear took his heart.

(“calm down… she will get better… eventually…”) a voice said in Van’s mind.

(“REN! Am I glad to hear you… what happened to Luna! Why is she acting like this! Did she really lose her memory!”) he couldn't help but ask in a panic.

(“I said calm down! Don’t worry, It might take a while… but she should recover most of her memories… though she might not be exactly the same person she was before… like neither will you be…”) Ren said solemnly.

(“What do you mean? What do you know Ren… tell. Me. everything...”) Van asked, now suspicious.

Ren hesitated, then sighed and began to explain everything that happened after Van was forced fed a bag full of pure eros powder. How he helped Luna save his life using an extremely risky ritual that put both of their lives in peril. How near the end the ritual started to get out of control. And a bunch of other things that happened to lead to what went wrong with Luna’s memory.

(“so it was your fault!”) Van growled, scaring Luna off, who had no idea that Van was talking to Ren at the moment. (“Are you crazy! Luna could have died!”)

(“I know what I was doing, and honestly speaking, if I didn’t do it, everyone would have died, not just you…”) Ren said unapologetically. (“The important thing now is to make sure I fix the damage to your soul realm as quickly as possible. If we do that, then some of the damages to Luna should also be repaired, since you two hold a particularly strong soul bond. Though even then, she won’t be completely the same as she was before, and it will still take a while for some of her memories to return.”)

(“That's all I wanted to say. Sorry, but even this connection is taking its toll on me, we’ll talk later. Oh!, and make sure to have sex with her regularly, that will help a little, don’t have time to explain. goodbye.”) and with that, Ren cut the connection, leaving a frustrated Van in his wake who kept trying to establish the connection to no avail and gave up eventually.

Van sighed in annoyance, and when he was aware again of his surroundings, he noticed Luna was right in his face staring at him.

“You have such pretty eyes,” she said, looking intently into them.

Van leaned away, a little weirded out and embarrassed. Slowly he got up. “Well… it was… nice talking to you Luna, but I have to leave… sorry. There is much for me to do and…” he paused, not sure how to follow up.

“Awww. do you have to go? You look so sad… I can make you feel better?” she said, hugging his leg. “Tell Luna all your problems. I’ll fix them for you because I love you.” she giggled as she snuggled his leg.

Van’s other leg felt very jealous right now. “Thank you…” he said with a sigh, but I don’t think this is something you can help with. We… lost a lot of good people. And it will take a lot of work to… get more of them…”

Luna tilted her head. “Who did we lose?” she asked innocently.

“Well… a lot of goblins,” Van answered hesitantly. “It’s sad how many we lost…” trying to keep it simple for her to understand.

“Oh… that is sad…” she said, though it sounded like she didn’t fully comprehend. She then giggled. “I can help you make more goblins! Lots and lots of goblins! Very fast!”

Van blinked. “You... can?” he asked, incredulously.

Luna nodded happily. “I'm a succubus! I just need some goblin blood and lots of fucking and I make many goblins! It will feel sooooooo good!” she said as if she was imagining it right now.

“I see… well… that’s certainly something to keep in mind… But you will have to share with Isa, I promised to… fuck her… too…” he said, a little embarrassed at how candidly he was talking about fucking someone.

Luna squealed in glee, surprising Van and scary him a little.

“Yay! I get to have a fuck buddy! Isa and I will fuck together! It will feel so good!” she giggled and laughed, clapping her hands together.

It broke his heart to see how far her mental degradation went. But if Ren was right, he just needed to give her what she wanted on a regular basis. And in time, with some help on Ren's side of things. She will mostly return back to normal… hopefully. Till then, if Luna really could help with reproducing more goblins… then perhaps he shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if it did leave a bad taste in his.

“Well… I have to step out now. Umm… fuck you later… okay?” He said as a goodbye.

“Fuck you later!” Luna said happily with a giggle, waving him goodbye, a happy smile on her face.

Slowly, Van walked out of the tent. Took a deep breath, and exhaled it, trying to get rid of all the nerves he got from such a crazy situation. He then immediately went to look for Kella to tell her what happened to Luna.

Finding her near the command tent where they put most of their maps. He found her talking to Amie, about what they were going to do next.

He approached them. “Hello Kella, Amie.” grabbing their attention and now looking towards him. “Kella, I see your arm is… looking better…” he said, pointing out that she got her arm back, which was now tied tightly together with many threads of stitching and in a sling.

“Just another benefit of being a greater ghoul, it will take a while for it to be usable, but better than losing the arm,” she said.

“That's good to hear,” Van said with some relief. But then his expression turned a bit complicated as he had to break the news of what happened to Luna. “girls… there's something I have to tell you about Luna…”

He then started to explain what happened.

“Oh no…” Amie said, hand to mouth in surprise and horror. “I’m so sorry. Is she okay?” she asked in worry.

“She’s doing fine… but it is better to keep an eye on her just in case. Which is why I decided to tell you this.” he then turned to Kella. “I know we are already stretched incredibly thin, but I want someone to keep an eye on her at all times until she gets better. Can you do that for me?”

Kella nodded with a salute. “You have my word, we will do everything to protect mistress Luna,” she said resolutely.

Her words did much to help Van relax. He knew that Kella would do anything for him and Luna, so he knew she was in good hands.

“Now that’s taken care of, can you tell me how you lost that arm in the first place? I heard you were outside the fort when you lost it? Why were you outside the fort and not on top of the battlement?” Van said, a little angry. Feeling like Kella was being reckless with her life.

But if Kella felt like she was in trouble, or that her actions were wrong, she did not show it. “Because those battlements weren’t big enough to hold me. And because if I have to be honest… the gate was made mostly of twigs and magic. There was no way for it to hold back a small army of troglodytes… I stepped out so as to buy time for Luna and the goblins on top of the wall to fire down and kill as many of the enemy as possible.”

She then looked him directly in the eye. “No offense Van, but while you may have been proud of making that wooden gate, it would have barely held back a determined child, given enough time.”

“I did what I believed I had to. I’m sorry if you feel differently, and am willing to accept any punishment you deem for me,” she said, standing straight.

Van looked at her for a while and sighed in defeat. “Whatever… what's done is done. Just don’t do it again.”

He then turned to Amie. “Amie, I’m glad you're helping out here, but there is something I need you to do.”

“Yes, Van?” Amie replied nervously.

“Please return to Lyn and tell her what happened, she deserves to know. Also, tell her my decision to remain here. That I will not be moving. And… that any help she can provide would be appreciated. I know it’s asking for much when she is in the middle of a war, and that she lost a lot of her followers… but… tell her I will do my best to help make up for it. That I swear I will… and that I love her…” Van said solemnly, but his eyes were clear and held determination.

“I know you're afraid to go back and tell her these bad news… but you're the only one I can trust… Can you do this for me?” Van asked gently.

Amie looked very much afraid at the prospects of having to tell her best friend and lover what happened and remained silent for a while before slowly nodding her head. “I will tell her,” she said.

“Thank you,” Van said, and leaned forward to give her a kiss. Afterward, he told her to prepare and leave whenever she was ready. And within half an hour she packed a few of her things and zipped away. Making Van feel just a little bit lonelier, sad to see her go.

But he had things to do, and turned to face those challenges head-on.


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