World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 110 Saving Lyn (nsfw)

Van ran as fast as he could towards the entrance, where a crowd was already beginning to form around Amie and Lyn.

Amie was carrying Lyn in a princess carry. She had also increased her size, just as Lyn had, to carry her friend and lover.

Kella was already there and was doing what she could with first aid. But even from a distance, it was clear it would not be enough.

Van finally reached the group and looked in horror as dread filled the pit of his stomach at the sight of what happened to his precious Lyn.

Lyn had a huge hole on the upper right side of her stomach, right below the rib. Her right-wing was completely torn and her eyes were half glazed.

“What happened!” Van asked, his voice in a panic.

Amie Looked up from her friend. “We-we were attacked! It was an ambush! The wasps set her up for a spike beetle attack at point-blank range. Then one of their generals attacked and ripped off one of her wings. If it weren't for her seeing the attack coming, the beetle would have torn more than just a hole through her. And yet despite the wound, she still was able to fight off the general and save our lives. But now…” new tears started to form on her eyes. “Now she…!” her words choked in her throat.

“If only I had brought back the zappers she gave me. If only I had brought back the insect-kin she asked for. If I hadn’t been there… if I hadn’t been there…” tears now feel uncontested down her cheeks.

“Please…” now looking up at Van. “Please save her!” she begged.

Van stood there, his mind running a million miles a second and coming up blank. There was nothing he could think of that could fix this, he simply wasn’t good enough to stop a whole hole in a person's body. But that didn't mean he was going to do nothing.

Without bothering to wait any longer, he moved forward and took Lyn in a princess carry from Amie and immediately turned towards the magic circle, taking her as quickly and safely as he could..

(“REN!”) he shouted in his mind.

(“already on it.”) Ren replied. (“get Lyn to the magic circle like you're doing. Prepare all the mana cores. Even if you can’t heal her, there is a way to save her.”)

(“Explain.”) Van asked.

(“were going to rank her up. Not just once, but multiple times. Good thing she has a lot of bloodlines to choose from. From what I know, she is a lesser storm fairy, lesser insect-kin, lesser chimera, and a greater zapper. What we're going to do is rank them all up. All at once. We are fortunate that we have all those mana cores on hand...”) Ren said.

(“How does it work.”) Van asked, already putting Lyn in the center of the magic circle and preparing the mana cores. (“Do we somehow force-feed her the mana cores? Or do we crush them?”)

(“insect-kin can eat cores, they are like monster-kin in that regard. Chimera are a mixed bag, as for fairies, they can’t. So you will have to crush them if you want to make sure she gets everything equally. Not that she probably could eat them anyway in this condition. You are lucky she is so close to ranking up her races, otherwise, this would be extremely costly.”)

(“as for how does it work… you know how you feel like you’ve been reborn when you ranked up? Or how you seen Isa and Gwen change right before your eyes? It’s something like that. Were going to force her body to be… ‘reborn’... and that should heal her up better than most healing magics would ever could. It’s just going to cost a bit.”) Ren said.

(“I will pay any price.”) Van said seriously. And got to work on preparing the magic circle. He ordered his girls to start crushing mana cores and leave their remains in the circle to be used as fuel for the rank up of Lyn.

The crystalline dust started to pile high as the cores were crushed one after another as Van began to power the circle with Lyn in the middle. He ordered them not to stop until he was finished for fear that it might not be enough. And he ordered Gwen to help and take the other side.

Concentrating now, and putting his all in the task before him, he focused everything he had on properly ranking up Lyn.

But no matter how much he tried to focus, a thought passed his mind that he simply had to ask. (“Ren… what would happen if she were to die…”) he asked fearfully. Knowing already the answer but hoping he was wrong.

(“if she were to die with your soul realm all closed up… it could well be permanent… if you tried to force her in, you would do horrific damage to your mind and spirit. It very well could be you would cripple yourself.”) Ren replied.

(“but I thought their souls were inside of me! Why is it that if they die it means permanently!”) Van asked, angry at how unfair this seemed to be.

(“it's more like their souls are split in two. In a way. It's true a part of them will still live on inside of you… but… ”)He went silent. (“enough about that… it's complicated, focus on the task at hand.”) he then cut the connection.

Van did what Ren said and refocused on the task at hand.

Power and energy slowly began to flow towards Lyn’s body in massive droves. Her body absorbing it all like a black hole as he forced it to go through multiple rank-ups all at once.

Three hundred cores, four hundred, five hundred. The numbers of core ranks he used was steadily increasing as he poured every ounce of mana he had in him. He was incredibly thankful for the fact that he was so much better with manipulating mana and that he had Gwen to help, otherwise this would be far more difficult than he would feel safe with.

Slowly, Lyn’s body began to glow and change shape. It almost reminded him of the first time he evolved her, how it looked like she was more a being of pure energy then, and how it then turned into the Lyn he knew and loved today. Soon, the glow of her body became bright and hard to see, beginning to change and morph right before everyone’s eyes.

Slowly, a new Lyn started to take place in front of everyone. Still, the same as she was before, with strange blue hair and lightning blue eyes and wings. But far larger, now with a more womanly body with all that it entails. Larger breasts, narrow waists, curvier, beautiful, pretty, and just more than she was before. Her wings became larger and she took on a more… fae appearance…

Over the course of an hour, her body changed and changed again. Until it finally settled on a truly stunning look. If Van had to be honest. She looked sexy as hell.

Slowly her eyes became more aware, and one could feel the willpower behind them. She took control of the energies and used them to set herself right and gently put her feet on the ground from where she was floating in place.

The magic circle then began to lose power, and Van ordered everyone to stop crushing cores.

Lyn stared down on her new and improved body. Doing the same thing everyone did. Open and close her hands. She then gave a few punches, dispersing the air with ease, and then let electricity play between her fingers for a while before putting them away.

It was only now she became aware of everyone around her. She looked around her confused at all the people. Some she has never seen before in the troglodytes and many that were missing in the goblins.

“Umm… hi?” she said, looking confused.

Amie rushed up to Lyn with tears in her eyes and hugged her out of the blue, crying with joy that her Lover and best friend was okay.

Lyn for her part looked confused, looking down she asked. “Did you shrink down again Amie? You're so much shorter than me now.” not realizing that it was her that grew a few more inches.

Amie laughed as she continued to hug Lyn.

Van felt a little awkward, he felt an immense amount of relief and wanted to get in the action of hugging Lyn. but felt like it wouldn’t be his place to do so now with how Amie was hugging Lyn all for herself. But even he couldn’t help but let his eyes water a little at the sight before him, just glad to see Lyn okay.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Amie pulled away and Lyn asked what happened and how did she get here.

Amie then did her best to explain everything. The ambush, the attack, rushing her as fast as she could. Van saving her with his magic and more with her ending with how it was all her fault that Lyn was hurt. How if it wasn’t for her, Lyn would have been fine.

“Sh, sh, sh… it’s not your fault. No one saw that beetle coming. And I would do it again if it meant saving you…” Lyn, trying to console her lover.

“I hope not.” Van muttered, wanting to say something more about making him worry.

Lyn looked up. “Thanks Van. you saved me again. I don’t know how I will ever repay you.” she said lovingly.

“I don’t recall saving you before… but you can repay me by not getting yourself almost killed. I would really appreciate it.” Van said

“No promises.” she smirked, then on a more serious note. “But I will promise to avoid such things from happening again. I’m sorry to have made everyone worry. And… thank you...” she said, now getting a little emotional herself after it finally hit her how close she was to dying.

“Don’t just thank me. Amie was the one that carried you all the way over here. She deserves some of that thanks as well.” Van said, just happy that Lyn was okay.

Lyn turned to Amie. “thanks Amie. you really are the best half of me.” then went in for a kiss.

After pulling away Amie blushed, but even this wasn’t enough to stop her mood from deteriorating. “I didn’t do anything… I-” but she was stopped before she could say anything more by Lyn who put a finger on her lips. Getting the message, Amie let it drop and just enjoyed the moment alongside Lyn.

Lyn then looked around as if noticing something amiss and turned to address Van. “Where is Luna? I thought she would be with you? And what happened to all the goblins? I heard you were attacked, but surely you didn’t lose that many?” she asked, looking concerned.

Van tried to hide his wince. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about everything that happened that day. But with a sigh, he explained everything anyway. Much to her shock and horror. By the end of his story, she was giving a sideways glare towards Sela and her group, making them feel very uncomfortable.

“Don’t be too mad, what's done is done, and they have helped greatly in fixing the mess they caused. Right now we need to look towards the future, and I really could use any help I can get. Speaking of which, I'm… sorry… I wasn’t able to help you get the insect-kin you need…” Van said, looking down.

Now it was Lyn who sighed and stopped glaring at Sela. “It's not your fault. We were both dealing with problems far bigger than ourselves. And speaking of those problems… I… I… should get… going… those problems aren't going to fix themselves.” she said, sounding far more mature than Van had ever heard her sound before.

“No! Please! At least stay one night here! You need to rest!” Amie begged. Horrified that Lyn was already trying to leave so soon after her almost life-threatening injury.

“Amie is right. You can’t just leave right now. At least stay one night with us… please… if you do… I won’t complain when you leave in the morning. So long as you promise to come back to me.” Van said, in an almost pleading voice.

“I… I can’t… there’s simply too much to do. I have to go.” Lyn said, breaking away from Amie and already moving out of the circle.

“Lyn! …Please… it’s been so long, I don’t want us to part like this.” Van said, stopping Lyn in her tracks.

Lyn stood still for a long while before her shoulders slumped and she sighed. “Alright… one night.” turning to address him. Amie cheered and hugged Lyn again. Thankful that Lyn was going to take a much-needed break and rest.

Lyn smiled gently at Amie but then became more serious, looking at Van. “Besides, I want to see with my own eyes what happened to Luna.”

Van’s stomach fell a little. But he nodded, slowly making his way to her, he held out his hand. And slowly, Lyn took it gently, they entwined their fingers together, then looked into each other's eyes and shared a moment before making their way to his tent. Amie hugging Lyn’s other arm.

Once at the tent, Van hesitated and turned to Lyn. “Luna… is a bit different than she used to be…” he tried to begin, but already didn’t know how to finish and explain.

“Don’t worry Van… no matter what. She is still my sister.” Lyn said, resolutely and proud. Doing much to help soothe Van’s fears.

Slowly, Van led Lyn inside the well lit tent.

Upon entering, they saw Luna giggling to herself, surrounded by bed coverings, pillows, and eggs…

“How did she make so many? There's already half a dozen goblin eggs!” Van thought wide-eyed.

Luna continued to giggle. “Eggies! Eggies everywhere!” rolling around with great joy. Then taking notice of Van and the others she stretched out her arms towards them. “It’s my husbando! My husbando and waifus!” she said, giggling to herself once more.

“Wait… aren't those slang terms from another world? Is the connection healing in a way that is filling up her head with knowledge of other worlds?” Van thought as Luna continued to giggle to herself.

“Gods… Van… I had no idea…” Lyn said, looking at Luna in some distress. Even Amie was looking very worried.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “She will get better eventually. I just need to keep her satiated until then.”

“Yes! Feed me your sex! Until I'm full!” Luna giggled.

“Should you really be having sex with her in this condition?” Lyn asked, incredulous.

“Ren said I had to… not to mention… I also kind of have to for my sake…” he then turned to Lyn. “Lyn… I’m an incubus now…”

Both Lyn and Amie gasped. Lyn always kinda knew this might happen, after all, she was privy to a lot of information thanks to Ren. but it still came as a shock to hear. Immediately she swore herself to secrecy. “I, Lyn, on my name, swear to not speak a word of this to anyone,” she said. Amie quickly followed, also swearing an oath of secrecy.

“Thanks, girls,” Van said with some relief.

“Can we fuck now?” Luna asked, getting impatient.

The group looked at her. Van wanted to say something… but sighed and turned to Lyn and Amie. “do you girls just want to skip to the sex and talk later in the morning? Or…” He was seriously mentally tired, and really could use a nice break, even if it was out of the blue.

Lyn thought about it. Before also giving up. “Sure… I really could use a good fucking. It’s been a long week…” thinking back to everything that happened to her, not to mention the fact that she almost died, which probably influenced her decision.

Van blinked at that, as it hit him that it really has been only almost two weeks since they arrived. “Umm… alright then… let's get to it.” as he took off his clothes. Much to Luna’s delight.

“Oh my…” Lyn and Amie gasped. “Van… you look… delicious…” Lyn said, swallowing.

“That’s not the only thing delicious, you’ll soon see.” he said playfully with a wink.

---sex scene---

Van was as naked as the day he was born. And Luna was cheering him on like she was at some party with a male stripper. Lyn and Amie also took off their clothes and looked longingly at Van’s cock.

“You're so much bigger! If only I was still in my smaller size…” Lyn said wistfully, Amie nodding along.

“First dibs! First dibs!” Luna chanted, rushing on all fours and gently headbutting Van’s waist with her hair. Then giggling and making cat noises she slowly began licking his cock with a smile and bright eyes.

“Oh no you don’t. You have to share!” Lyn said, a little amused by Luna’s antics and joining in.

“Hey! Leave some for me!” Amie complained and also joined in with the others in sucking and licking Van’s cock.

“Damn it, girls! I’m already…!” Van cummed like a geyser, much to the surprise of Lyn and Amie who were not used to him being this sensitive, or spraying this much cum on the first load. Their faces became completely drenched and it looked like they were wearing mascara with how much was on them. Their mouths slowly opened in awe, only to be filled. Luna was used to this and after letting it squirt, quickly took it deep in her mouth and began to swallow.

Van felt a little bad for cumming so soon, but it truly was a sight to behold and it wasn’t like he couldn't do that over and over again anyway. After that he had them line up, taking Lyn first.

“Oh! Oh fuck! It’s really been too long, and you're so much bigger! When I can shrink myself down, we have to do this again! You have to promise me you’ll fuck me in my small form, alright!?” she begged as Van took her. Promising her that he will.

Then he took Amie, who was sopping wet from watching Lyn take it. “Oh gods!” she moaned, as Lyn licked up the cum left over on her face. “This is great! A nice giant cock in my pussy, and my best friend and lover next to me. How could this get any better!?” she moaned

Finally, it was Luna’s turn. “Yes! Yes! Fuck Luna! Fuck her! Mmm! Fuck! Luna wants to be your pet! Luna wants be your fuck pet! Let me give birth to all the eggies!” as Van came another massive load into her womb. Lyn and Amie watched both impressed, and jealous with how deep Luna was able to take him.

After several hours of fucking they were done. Van was exhausted, and the girls were drenched and filled with cum. And everyone fell asleep happily

---end of sex scene---


if you like my work please make sure to rate and follow. it really helps. also, if you want to read ahead, please visit my Patreon. links below. there are two free chapters on my Patreon as well.

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Special thanks to my Patreon members

- Clown44 - Thomas Menegatti - Edaurdo Garcia - Placid -

for all your support! =)

I'm back! will be posting regularly again next Saturday! 

sad to say, I didn't have the vacation that I was hoping to get, technically speaking, I should be posting next week. but was forced to come back home early. no one told me I had to bring a fu#king E-visa! or whatever you call it. it was literally last minute! they wouldn't let me on the plane! so guess who was stuck in the Netherlands! me! for a whole fu#king week! had all because no one told me I had to bring something like that. I had everything else... but not that. so I had to pay a hundred dollars, using my phone to buy E-visas... but guess what? it was too late... if they had just waited five more minutes for the thing to process, I would be one that flight to my destiny at a nice beach. but no... the plane literally left right in front of me, and the staff was completely unhelpful... at least the Netherlands has good restaurants...

tell me any vacation mishaps you guys had. I'll like to hear them so I don't feel like I'm the only one that has it this bad.

I'm not going to post on Wednesday ethier. I just need some more time to for myself and recover from the jet lag. hope you all didn't miss me to much! =)

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