It was the day that his first customers were expected to come. He had the girls set up a large enclosed tent around the magic circle, then prepared himself by donning a heavy robe that covered most of his body and face.

He then came into contact with one of the previous insect-kin he made before. Who told him that Lyn and Amie were waiting a few miles away with their first batch of candidates for rank up. More importantly, Amie’s mother, a high queen of sorts, was also coming.

Van did not know what to make of that information. He had heard that Amie had a mother who was a queen, but not much more than that. Either way, he felt nervous at the prospect of meeting someone who was supposedly very important and considered something like royalty.

The insect-kin then told him that after the meeting with Amie’s mother, the customers will be brought one by one, blinded to their surroundings using a special type of magic that obscured landscapes that they perceived, to help prevent anyone trying to follow back the trail to him.

Thanking the insect-kin he set her on her way and waited for Lyn and her group to arrive.

He did not have to wait long for a small swarm of heavily armed fairies to come into the tent. Followed by a regal procession and a beautiful woman wearing a green and gold dress that carried herself like she judged everything her eyes landed on.

Just then Lyn came running through, back in her small form, matching the heights of the fairies that came before her. Taking a look ahead, she saw that she was already beaten to the punch and a look of annoyance crossed her face. She then quickly moved around the group of fairies to Van while the regal-looking fairy in the middle of her entourage continued her judging.

“Sorry Van!” Lyn whispered into his ear as she sat on his shoulder. “Tried to stop her but before we knew it, she had already left!” she then scowled, clearly annoyed that Amie’s mom just went and ruined everything they had set up. “This place was supposed to be a secret! Including from her!” a little bit more loudly.

The regal-looking fairy then raised a brow and looked at Lyn, then at Van for what felt like the first time.

Her gaze was almost piercing with how it seemed she looked right through him.

Amie then just came in, panting a little, saw the situation, and with some hesitation, quickly flew over to Van and sat on his free shoulder nervously. Shaking a little as if afraid of what her mother would say to her doing such a thing.

The regal fairy also gave a quirk of an eye to Amie and studied her as if trying to figure something out. But then ignored her and looked directly at Van and addressed him.

“So… you are Lyn’s master…? The one who is a godling? The one who can so easily turn insects into insect-kin and so much more? And the one who is also the shared mate of my daughter and her… lover…” Her voice sounded regal at the beginning, but towards the end, one couldn’t help but hear the hint of disapproval in her voice.

Van gave a slight glare towards Lyn when the fairy called him a godling, to which she did her best to ignore. Then he became a little embarrassed as she continued, then a little protective when he felt more than heard that hint of disapproval. He found that Lyn having a little girlfriend was actually kinda cute and didn’t like the fact that this woman seemed to share the opposite opinion.

But he did his best to ignore that and continue on in a professional manner.

“I am many things… right now I’m just a guy who's willing to help you with your problem.”

The fairy narrowed her eyes. “And what problem is that exactly…”

“The problem of having a distinct lack of insect-kin to help you fight your war. One that I can help you with… for a price…” Van replied. Keeping his voice monotone emotionless.

One of the fairies seemed angered by his lack of respect and made to draw her sword. But Amie’s mother stopped her and waved her off. “And how can we trust you? You must understand, we would be putting our fairies and insects in your care… there is much you can do to them when they are vulnerable inside your circle… and not to mention the cost and the fact we don’t know if you can actually rank up or evolve anyone or anything...” she said, her steely gaze looking into his own.

“Wha-? Oh, come on! You saw all those insect-kin we brought back! And look at me! Am I not proof!” Lyn complained loudly.

Amie’s mom just shook her head. “For all I know, that could be just coincidence. From what I heard, you sent dozens of insects away, and only a few returned as insect-kin. Not to mention the last time you sent a portion of your army away they all… mysteriously died…

Lyn looked incensed. “Why you-!”

She looked like she was ready to start a fight right there and then, but Amie quickly snapped her out of it. “Lyn!” she said somewhat loudly, looking her way by bending a little to get a clear line of sight of her lover.

Lyn turned to look at Amie. “but she-!” but the shake of Amie’s head stopped her. Lyn knew that Amie still blamed herself for those zapper's deaths, but she still told Lyn to be quiet, so she did. Because she trusted her lover like that. Though it didn’t mean she had to like it.

Van gave a polite cough and tried to explain the reason why there might be some disparity. “While I don’t know how most people do it… the methods I employ are both quicker and cheaper… and more importantly… less painful… This is because I have a… special method by which I can gauge if someone is ready for a rank up or evolution and those who are not. I only help those who can rank up or evolve, and leave alone those who can’t…”

“It’s a far better method than the eyeballing that other specialists seem to do. I heard that some of their customers die through the process…” Van said, knowing the reaction that that would elicit. He had been studying up these past through days, mostly through whatever connection he could get with Ren. and he learned quite a bit, such that not everyone survives the rank-up or evolution process when they try to force it through with a magic circle.

A silence befell the room as the two looked at each other, Van remaining impassive and Amie’s mother studying him hard. After what felt like forever Amie’s mother was the first to speak.

“So… you can gauge if someone can be ranked up or not? Do you mind if we test that out?” then waited for Van to reply. She then continued when she got a nod to go ahead. “Alright then… which one of my guards do you think can rank up?” waving an arm to encompass them all.

Van turned his gaze towards the two dozen guards that followed their queen. Gazing over them one by one. After what felt like forever, Van gave his answer. “None of them.”

“None of them?” she questioned.

“None of them,” Van repeated, then explained. “While some could be said to be close… they do not meet the requirements for rank up. Though… there may be a method to make them meet that requirement…” he said, sounding like he was thinking it over.


“Two of your guards could be evolved into high fairies, and I think you know which two, considering they are the only two that are greater fairies with you other than your servants,” Van said, which seemed to make everyone’s eyes widened. It was not always that someone could tell another's rank just by a glance, especially when people went to hide it.

Amie’s mother looked at him with interest. “And how would you go about ranking them up?”

Van smiled professionally. “I’m afraid that’s a trade secret, and one that I couldn’t do even if I wanted to, due to the fact I simply lack the ingredients. Though I might reconsider it if you give me a vial of your blood… I’m sure it could be very useful for later...”

Now it was the guard's turn to look incensed as they drew their swords and anger. Only to once again be waved down.

“But he-!” one of them began to say.

“Stand. Down.” was all Amie’s mother said.

The guard stood down.

“You know... I heard much about you from my daughter and Lyn. if you can truly rank up my guards… I’ll give you not one, but two vials of my blood… but if you fail…” her eyes turned menacing “I’ll want something of equal value…” she said, sounding like she wanted to cut off Van’s head.

Van did his best to show a stoic face, even as he got chills from the barely foot tall women in front of him. “I assure you, I’ll rank them without fail… but I want the blood first. We can also save the payment for their rank up later if you want.”

Now the guards very much looked like they were going to kill Van. but before they could say anything, Amie’s mother spat. “Fine.” glowering at him. “You will be paid in blood, plus whatever amount for the cost of the rank up later. But gods so help me… if you try to cheat me… I’ll have your head.”

Van gave a professional smile, even though he was kinda dying inside. He then motioned with his hand towards the circle, looking at the two guards in question who were both glaring at him.

Hesitantly they looked towards their master, and with a nod, they were sent towards the circle and one of them entered it.

“The blood now please…” Van said, now proferring his outward hand ready to accept the offering.

With another glare, Amie’s mother took out a knife, slashed her wrist in one quick motion, magicked the blood into two vials she took out of her soul realm and sent them flying towards him. If Van had not been careful, he would have dropped the blood samples.

More than that, he got his first taste of fairy haggling. For in his hands he had two vials of high fairy blood from a high queen from a long noble lineage, just as promised. Which would be very useful for future research and unlocking possible evolutions and making extremely rare potions.

If it weren’t for the fact that the two vials flung at him were fairy-sized…

His gaze slowly went from the vials in his hands, to the one who threw them at him.

“What?” Amie’s mother said, quirking an eye and pretending like she didn’t understand why Van might be a little unhappy with her right now. “I gave you what you wanted.” She then narrowed her eyes. “Trust me when I say you are lucky just to receive that much from me, if it was anyone else…” she let the threat hang in the air.

Van gave a quick glance towards Amie, who solemnly nodded with a seriousness that made him rethink his earlier actions of asking for a vial of blood. Now that he thought about it, if someone asked for his blood, he would also be pissed. One's blood contained an amazing amount of information, and in some cases, could be used against you if not protected from such curses.

He turned back to Amie’s mother and gave a small bow of his head. “Thank you for your kindness and trust. Rest assured I will do nothing that you would find fault with me using your blood. I will even swear upon it.” he said, plus a few other platitudes to help assure her that he meant no harm in asking for her blood.

After that he made his way towards the circle with the fairy inside it waiting impatiently and looking like she would try to fight him, doing the rank up if she could.

Van then made the last-minute preparations, taking out the mana cores and a few other ingredients. He watched her closely, figuring out what requirements the fairy had to fulfill and what he could do about it to artificially meet them. He also saw things on a deeper and spiritual level. Saw the parts of her body where her mana didn’t flow correctly and needed correction and a dozen other myriad of things.

He took one of the vials of blood just handed to him, took a few drops of that, and threw it into the circle. He then asked Gwen to take the other side and the two started the process of the rank up.

Slowly the fairy began to change. Her body began to glow and morph as energy poured into her. Growing an inch and becoming stronger and more beautiful. As the process continued, he fixed all the little imperfections he found, molding the fairy to be more… perfect… just like he did with all the other times he did a rank up.

After half an hour, the process was complete, and like always, the fairy was looking at her hands like it was the first time she ever saw them. And it wasn’t just her who looked on with amazement. But Amie’s mother and all those who were with her as well. The procedure was just so smooth, and the effects were far greater than what a normal rank-up would normally provide.

Van then turned to the other fairy in waiting. “It is your turn, get in,” he said emotionlessly, acting completely professional about the entire process.

The fairy blinked out of her daze and nervously, and even a little excitedly, moved into the circle as the first fairy had to be guided out of it. After that, the same thing was done and the second fairy was left just as amazed and euphoric as the first one. Looking at her hands as if it was the first time she’d ever seen them.

Van now turned to address Amie’s mother. “It’s done. I hope you are satisfied with the service provided. And now you see why I'm so highly regarded in this field.” acting as if he was some well-known bigshot when it comes to ranking up.

Amie’s mother realized she was staring, mouth slightly open. She was indeed impressed but did not want to admit it. She was also a bit suspicious, she knew that Van must be very young, she could sense it, so there must be a trick to it. Or at least that’s what she thought. So instead of admitting she was impressed, she instead changed tack and asked him a question. “That was my blood you used there… before you activated the circle… why?”

Van was a little taken aback by the question. He frowned a little confused. “Do you not have methods to add blood to unlock certain evolutions?”

“We do… but my blood is extremely valuable… not to mention… that is to unlock new races, they are already fairies… last time I checked at least…” she said a little sarcastically.

“Well… let’s just say that it’s part of my secret method… one of the many I have…and one of many I'm going to keep to myself,” he said coyly. Which seemed to piss Amie’s mom off.

(“umm… can you tell me?”) Lyn asked through their connection, extremely curious.

(“Well… I suppose I can tell you… you see, I have found that there is no reason as to why one can’t do something to ease the process of a rank up, then by using the blood of someone who is of higher rank. Thinking about it, I have developed a method to use the higher ranking blood to act like a… anchor, no… perhaps a rope?”) he paused, trying to properly describe what he was thinking. (“Like… something you can use to help lift yourself up to a higher place. Instead of just trying to push a person through a rank-up, why not also ‘pull’ a person up at the same time? At least… that was the thought process I had when doing it.”) Van thought to Lyn

(“I see.. Thanks for telling me! I swear not to tell anyone else!”) she said.

Van inwardly smiled. (“anything for you.”) he replied.

Unfortunately, it seemed his long silence only pissed off the fairy queen even more. “Give me one good reason why I should help you.” in a menacing tone of voice, thinking she was being ignored. “What's in it for me…”

“While I don’t know every little detail you all have talked about before.” motioning with hand, meaning Lyn and Amie. “I can make these two a freebie.” motioning to the two guards he just did. “And also maybe rank a few fairies and insects of your choice? Not all fairies and insects will meet my prerequisites of course, but if you have special access that allows you to send more to me than others, or give ‘special recommendations’ to your allies. I think you can see how this would be beneficial to you.”

Amie’s mother thought about it. “Alright… I agree… for now… I still have a few conditions, but those can be worked out later… till then, you have my… tentative support.”

Van smiled professionally. “Thank you, you will see that this will be most lucrative for the both of us.”

“It better be…” she then turned to leave, her guards professionally following her.

“Ah wait!” Van called out, making her stop and turn. “I never got your name.

A look of confusion befell her, she then turned to give a questioning look to Amie who looked away nervously, and then Lyn who she glared at and who smiled mischievously back. Before finally settling back on Van. “my name is Gloria, Gloria Viridia, you will do well not to forget it…”

And with that, she was gone.


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