World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 123 Unfair for Agnès

Van began to explain everything he knew about soul bonding. How it worked, what effects it has, and why he had it. Going into detail about the many reasons why such a thing was forced onto him as a young child and how it helped stabilize his soul realm.

Alecto listened intently, by the end of it all, she was taking a thinking pose and muttering to herself. “I see… using a soul bond to take two damaged souls and fix them using each other as a crutch. Allowing them both to heal naturally on their own and even amplify their power…”

She then looked at Van. “I’m amazed that your parents were willing to take such a risk… and where is this Anna? The one who you first soul bond with?”

“She’s back at camp, still recovering. She’s doing better after what happened, but she still suffers from headaches from time to time, though they are becoming rarer.” Van replied.

“Hmm…” Alecto looked thoughtful. “Bring her around the next time you visit? I would like to check a few things for my own research. If you don’t mind, that is.”

Van shrugged. “I don’t mind…” not thinking much of the question. But the way that Alecto continued to stare at him made him pause. “Was there something else you needed?”

Alecto gave a small nod. “Yes, do you mind staying around for tea? I would like to pick your brain about every little detail you know about soul bonding and the soul realm. I feel your first-hand account would be invaluable for my own research.”

“Don’t you already know enough about the soul realm? After all, weren't you able to help your daughter with what you know?” Van asked curiously.

Alecto shook her head. “It’s still not good enough. Even now there are…” she blinked and looked Agnès’s way. “Problems that I won’t get into, that I could really use some illumination on.”

Van noticed the look and understood that there might be some private reasons for the questioning. While he didn’t feel comfortable explaining what he knew about soul bonding and soul realms, especially to a stranger who he knew only for a day at most. He did feel sympathetic to their plight and so decided to help out.

“...alright… I suppose I have the time to explain a few more things.” Van said.

“Thank you.” Alecto gave a kind and appreciative smile. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get the tea.” then as if realizing something. “Oh! I forgot. We are also expecting a guest to come soon, she should be here any minute now.” then with a wry smile. “It is that time of week after all.

“Guest?” Van asked.

It was Agnès who explained. “She’s one of my few friends here. She comes around at least once a week if she can help it.” then gave a beaming smile. “I honestly can’t wait to introduce her to you, you’ll like her!” genuinely sounding happy about seeing her friend soon.

“How many friends do you have?” he asked, then worried if perhaps that was a rude question, considering she just said she only had a few.

Agnès’s smile faded somewhat. “I used to have another one… but last I heard she got herself a lover. Since then it’s been a long time since I last saw her. She still sends letters of course, she even sends one or two to my mom.” trying to put a positive spin on the situation.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Van said.

Agnès shrugged as if trying to put it past her. “It is what it is. People have lives, they get married, these things happen.”

Just then, Alecto returned with the tea set and some biscuits, sitting it down on the table in the middle of the living room, and asked everyone to come over. They did and sat down on their own chairs, Luna still stuck on hers, unable to move.

Once everyone got comfortable, Van began to explain in greater detail everything he knew about the soul realm, only keeping the things that Ren personally told him to himself. He even confided the fact that his soul realm absorbed Luna and Anna’s soul, and many other things.

“Wait! Are you saying… you devoured your own wife's soul!” Agnès looked horrified by that, even as she leaned forward to hear more.

But it was Alecto who responded to that question. “Hmm… by the sounds of it… it wasn’t intentional the first time… correct?”

Van nodded. “That’s correct. But even after hearing about the consequences, Luna still insisted that we soul bond.” trying to somewhat explain himself.

“It’s true,” Luna added. “I wanted to be soul bound, no matter what,” she said from her chair, defending her husband.

“But why!?” Agnès asked incredulously, now looking Luna’s way.

Luna shook her head. “I love him, I want to be with him forever, he means everything to me. And honestly, there were no downsides that I could think of in becoming soul bonded with him.” not mentioning the fact that so long as Van was alive, she too could come back to life should she die.

Agnès looked like she still couldn’t believe it, while Alecto had a more thoughtful look on her face. Alecto then took another thinking pose, allowing the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place with everything she heard, her suspicions growing. She then looked up at Van.

“Van… if I were to swear on my name, my blood, would you tell me what you're hiding about being soul bonded to you?” a serious look on her face.

Luna and Van both looked surprised, and then a little uncomfortable, giving each other a look. Agnès looked at her mother as if she was crazy, not understanding why she would do something like that.

In the end, Van agreed, but only under a few more stipulations and that if Agnès wanted to hear it, she also had to agree to the conditions. Conditions that would force them to serve him and his house should they break the agreement. His eyes hard and the tone of his voice, leaving no room for concession or debate. In all honesty, he was hoping that they would refuse.

But to the surprise of everyone, Alecto agreed. But instead of forcing her daughter into those conditions, they instead would all be put on her, with twice the power. With the only agreement being that Agnès swear not to tell a soul. Plus with her own condition, that if they tell her the secret, she would come over to serve their house anyway.

“Mom!’ Agnès said in surprise, unbelieving that her mother was going to such lengths for a stupid secret. Even Van was surprised, and excused himself and walked over to Luna, they then talked to each other in hushed whispers as they discussed whether or not to trust her. As Agnès tried to talk reason into her mother.

In the end, getting a witch, any witch, with the strange knowledge and powers they hold. Could be a huge boon to their house. And if Van wanted, to be honest, he had a newfound desire for power, and Alecto would help scratch that new itch very well. After all, he knew the second he saw her, that she wasn’t an ordinary person.

In the end, they agreed and Van walked back to take his place and tell Alecto everything. The only hitch was Agnès, who refused to even do the bare minimum of swearing herself to secrecy. Feeling very lost and confused as to why her mother was doing so much for something so little. But in the end, Alecto refused to budge, and as kindly as possible, asked her daughter to trust her.

Finally, Agnès gave in, and Van told the two the truth. That while it was sad that his soul devoured their souls. It came with it the chance for immortality, even going so far as to describe instances where his maid had died and simply came back. Saying the only drawback so far they found out, was when his soul realm was damaged as it was now.

Agnès looked on with shock at such a thing. While Alecto looked like her suspicions were confirmed.

“I see…” Alecto said as she was lost in thought with what she heard. She then steepled her fingers and looked Van directly in the eye. “Van… would you mind if I asked you to soul bind with Agnès? If you do, I would greatly appreciate it”

Agnès looked at her mother in complete disbelief, more shocked than anything. And though Van was somewhat expecting it, he still couldn’t help but feel a little surprised by how blatantly she asked.

After a few moments of silence, Agnès mind kicked back into gear. “Mom! Why would you ask something like that!? Are you crazy!? You heard them. My soul would be devoured if I form a soul bond with him!”

“Maybe so…” Alecto responded, looking her daughter in the eyes. “But it will also help your problem and give you immortality. That’s not an opportunity most people can get, not even in several lifetimes.”

The two then had an argument, Van, and Luna just doing their best to stay out of it. The small fight that Alecto and Agnès was having, continued on for some time.

Alecto was trying to say that if she were to soul bond with Van, most of her problems would be fixed and she would even gain a form of immortality. Trying to explain she was only concerned for her, and that she would be part of a nice family.

Agnès would refute, saying that she wasn’t like other girls that would jump at a chance to be with a male, and that Van and Luna were practically strangers. Complaining that Alecto always did things without her permission, always saying that they were with the best of intentions, even if it made her unhappy, never taking in consideration how she felt about it.

The two went at it for a while, Making Van and Luna very uncomfortable. No one but Van seemed to hear the tapping on the door.

“Umm… excuse me?” Van tried to interrupt. Agnès and Alecto both glared at him at the same time, putting him on the spot. He felt like there was sweat falling down his back. “I think there’s someone at the door…” he continued nervously, pointing at the door.

The two paused, allowing the silence to continue. Soon, another tapping sound was heard.

Agnès sighed. “I’ll get it.” using this excuse to get out of the argument she was having with her mother. Answering the door, she began to smile, having a feeling she knew who it was. Only to blink in surprise at who she saw instead.

“Hi Agnès! Sorry, I'm a little late, I was kinda nervous with that bear outside, but it turned out to be okay. Anyway, you would not believe the week I had!” a familiar green fairy said in rapid talk fashion.

Agnès took a mental step back, trying to think who this could be. “Elly? Is that you!” her eyes went wide, by the sudden change she saw in her friend.

“Yup! It’s me! Can you believe I'm finally a greater fairy now! Not only that, but I met the most wonderful man! And… well… long story short… I’m also getting married! I’m going to become a concubine! Isn’t that wonderful!” the fairy said excitedly.

Agnès's mind went blank, too much was happening too fast for her to take everything in.

“Agnès? Are you okay?” the fairy asked, noticing the shocked face on her friend. She then noticed the people behind her in the room and blinked.

“Van? Is that you?” Elena asked, confused as to why Van was here.

“Elena? What are you doing here?” Van asked in return, surprised by her visit.

“Wait, you two know each other!” Agnès asked as her mind kicked her into gear.

“Oh! You know the guy I just said I was going to marry? That’s him!” pointing at Van. “He's also the guy who helped me become a greater fairy!” Elena said, then her eyes widened.

“OH! And guess what!” looking excitedly at Agnès. “Evergreen is also with him! So once I officially become his concubine and start staying with him, I’ll be able to hang out with Evergreen as well! Isn’t that wonderful!” not realizing the damage that her words were having on Agnès.

Agnès looked lost, like someone took another part of her heart away. A pained expression began to form on her face as she balled her fists and tried to stop any tears from forming.

“Agnès? Are you okay?” Elena asked, now realizing that Agnès did not seem happy about the good news like she hoped she would be.

“It’s not fair...” Agnès muttered to herself. “It’s not Fair!” She then dashed out of the house.

“Agnès!” Elena exclaimed in surprise.

“Agnès!” Alecto yelled after her in worry, getting up and taking a few steps towards the door, then pausing in uncertainty.

“Did… did I do something wrong?” Elena asked, a pained and fearful expression on her own face. Confused, scared that she might have done something bad, and even a little hurt by Agnès’s response to her good news.

“It’s nothing you did.” Alecto said, soothing Elena’s fears on her daughter's behalf. “She’s just… going through a few things… I’ll go talk to her.” She then turned to Van and Luna. “Please excuse me, I have to have a talk with my daughter...”

“Take all the time you need.” Van said helpfully. “Trust me, I understand… I’ve been in similar situations before…”

Alecto thanked him and rushed out the door after her daughter. Not wanting to let her run too far into the woods and build too much distance between them.

After that, only Van, Luna and Elena were left in the silent room.

“Soo… concubine…” Luna began, trying to break the ice. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves.” since this was the first time the two had met.

After a somewhat awkward conversation where the two introduced each other and explaining what happened, silence took the group once more. A part of Van was wondering if he should have gone and helped Alecto chase after Agnès. While another part, told him even if it was dangerous in the woods, it really was a family issue, and that he shouldn’t interfere. These two facts, one where the right thing to do was to help, while the other was to let it be, made Van feel constantly conflicted as he waited for their return.

After a whole hour of waiting in awkward silence. Alecto returned with Agnès, who looked like she had been through a lot.

“Sorry everyone.” she said. “I didn’t mean to run out like that…” she then looked at Elena. “Especially you, Elly.” she said with a sad smile. “You didn’t deserve that, I'm happy you finally got a man to marry you.”

“Agnès…” Elena said sadly in return.

Agnès then turned to look at Van and Luna. “My mother and I have come to an agreement…I get a say whether or not I soul bond with you… but... if it is okay with you… I’ll also be staying over at your place for a while so that I can make an informed decision. If you're okay with that.”

“Well… I don’t mind but…” Van said, trying not to be too awkward about this. “But… I never actually agreed to soulbond you in the first place. That’s something your mother began talking about before it was even on the table. I’ll have to ask my wives if it’s okay to take you in, because only someone who is going to become one of my true wifes, can be soul-bound to me…”

That made both Alecto and Agnès blink. Then Agnès gave a small glare in her mother’s direction, while Alecto, realizing her mistake, looked away embarrassed.

Agnès sighed. “Be that as it may… I did promise my mom to at least try… so maybe you can perhaps humor it as a…” she winced with what she was about to say next. “Type of courtship on my part?”

Van looked at Luna, who looked back and gave a shrug. He then turned back to Agnès. “Sure, I don’t mind. It would be wonderful to have a healer who can help around the camp.”

Elena then moved forward and spoke. “You're not still mad at me… are you…” she asked with some nervousness.

Agnès’s face softened, and she looked genuinely sorry. “Of course, I'm not mad at you… if anything, I should be apologizing.” then giving a warm smile to her friend. “Congratulations Elly. you deserve this.”

Elena beamed, happy that things were somewhat back to normal. “Thanks! Oh! And if you play your cards right, you can also marry him! That means!” her eyes sparkling excitedly. “We can be sisters! Wouldn't that be wonderful!”

Agnès chuckled gently. “Yes… I'm sure it would be wonderful…” more to humor her friend than actually meaning it.

Van relaxed when he saw that the two started to hit things off again, sitting down he enjoyed the tea that cooled as they waited. Alecto joined him and the two talked about herbs and herbology.

Luna looked right and left, concerned. “Umm… guys? I think it’s been well over an hour. Can somebody take these needles out of me? Hello? Guys?”

While it was a rocky beginning, in the end, everything played out all right…

“Guys…” Luna whimpered


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