World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 127 Trauma Overcomed? (nsfw)

“Really… what the hells am I doing…” Van thought for the nth time so far. It had only been a couple of weeks ago when Luna barged into their shared tent, dragging a hapless Agnès along. Now he found himself naked once more and standing in front of the two girls while Luna did her best to get Agnès used to his exposed body.

Every day, Luna had Van strip and stand there while Agnès stared at his nether regions. Normally he wouldn’t mind it so much, but the way Agnès would look at him at the corner of her eyes or completely red in the face made him self-conscious in ways most women didn’t.

“Come on! Just touch it!” Luna encouraged, as she was on her knees next to Van. “It's not going to bite, I can assure you of that. If anything, it should be the one more worried about us biting!” she joked goodnaturedly.

Agnès was also on her knees and at eye level with Van’s waist, but several feet away. She looked very uncomfortable, and the longer she looked between Van’s legs, the redder her face would get until she couldn’t look anymore and had to avert her gaze.

“Luna… I don’t think this is the way someone gets over their problems with the opposite sex.” Van said, trying to reason with his wife. “While I get that in some cases, overexposure can help desensitize people to their traumas or other problems. Agnès’s past memories make this also a cultural thing. In some worlds, it’s considered very embarrassing to expose oneself or show too much interest in sex. Sometimes especially so for women…”

Luna looked like she gave that some thought. “That may be so…” she began. “But that doesn’t change the fact that while her mind might see things one way, her body sees it another. And it’s simply not healthy for a girl her age to show absolutely no interest in sex, and we know for a fact that she actually is interested. If the times she tried to have alone time was any indication.” making Agnès blushed. “Not to mention, she seemed perfectly fine with it last night!”

Now Agnès’s face went completely red as she remembered what happened. She never in a million years thought she would be seduced by Luna and taken to bed. Even now she could remember those soft lips on her own and the way Luna’s fingers moved inside of her, they way that warm and gentle body wrapped around her own. It was so stimulating and sudden that she came within a few minutes… and had the best sleep probably in her life…

Even now, when she should be paying attention to what Luna was pointing out, she couldn’t help but let her eyes fog up and gaze into the past of that stimulating night. She was even beginning to wonder if the issue really was because of her past life, and not because she might be into… something different…

But she was too embarrassed to ask Luna about that…

Luna saw that Agnès wasn’t paying attention and began to whine. “Agnès, pay attention…” she said with a pout, drawing Agnès’s attention back to reality with a start.

“S-sorry about that,” she said, feeling like her face going red would soon become a natural part of her body.

Luna paused, then a mischievous grin slowly grew on her face. “You're remembering last night, aren't you…” she teased.

Van looked at Luna, then at Agnès’s expression. Then crossed his arms and proudly said. “Ya… my wife is pretty amazing, isn’t she. Though even I must admit I was surprised by how easily you let yourself be seduced by Luna’s advances.”

Agnès thought that if her face was any redder, it might catch fire.

Luna watched with some mirth at Agnès’s attempt to keep her face controlled. But decided they wasted enough time as is and so started trying again to convince her friend to be more used to Van’s body.

“Come on Agnès, don’t be afraid,” she said, grabbing Van’s member and gently pumping it. “See? It doesn’t do anything unless Van wants it to. It's really just a big toy if you think about it.” she joked. “I’ll tell you what if you can at least get as close as me, or better yet, touch it. I’ll give you a nice… reward…” she said, giving a suggestive look Agnès's way. “Come on, please? For me?”

Agnès really felt like her face would catch fire when Luna said that last part. But in the end, knew that Luna was really trying to help her out. So she decided to move over for the sake of her friend. And not because of any ‘reward’ that might come with it…

“Good girl!” Luna said happily, sounding proud of Agnès for moving close enough to be within a foot of Van and her. “But come on, you can at least move closer than that, right? Even a little girl could do at least that much.” she teased.

Agnès looked at the surreally large member of Van’s. It was honestly impossible to comprehend how that could fit into anything, or why women would want to try to. Just being this close to it kinda scared her, because she knew, if he wanted to, Van could probably make it stretch enough to reach her. And that alone was scary enough to make her want to leave.

But… this wasn’t the first time she saw it. She had been exposed to it for almost two weeks now. And that last comment somewhat hurt her pride. So taking a deep breath, and steeling her nerves. She moved to within half a foot of Van and Luna. Now coming face to face with the large… meaty… thing… her heart beating a million miles a minute, and wishing she could be anywhere else but here.

But with determination in her eyes, and perhaps with a hint of anger, she brought up her hand and grabbed at an exposed part of Van’s member.

Van winced at the sudden roughness.

“Whoa there, relax your grip, it’s not going to attack or anything,” Luna said, somewhat admonishingly.

Agnès did so, and as she did, she couldn’t help but feel amazed by how warm and firm Van's member was. It was so big, she had trouble fitting it in her hand, and so long that even with her and Luna’s hand on it, it wasn’t enough to cover it all. And yet despite its size, Luna claimed to use it every day she could get the chance. Making her think that just perhaps, there was something about the bodies of women in this world that might be unique to allow such a thing to happen.

“See? It’s not so bad if anything… It's kinda therapeutic.” Luna said as she continued to move her hand up and down Van’s shaft, now gently bumping into Agnès’s hand from time to time.

Agnès wasn’t so sure about that, if anything, she felt like she had been here long enough and that it was time to leave. But didn’t want to be seen as a coward by suggesting it first, so waited in the hopes that they could move along and she could finish this up and get out.

Luna looked on proudly as Agnès was able to hold her own and not move away. “Now that we got you here, the best way to get you used to it, is if we play with it a bit. You know? Just mess around with it!”

Agnès looked at her weirdly, not understanding at all.

Luna cleared her throat. “What I mean is stuff like this,” she said, gently pulling Van’s member, and then scrunching it up, flopping it around, twirling it a bit, and a bunch of other things. “See? You can do a bunch of things to it. Try to figure out yourself what you can do with it. If you understand its limitations and weaknesses, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable with it!” she said happily, hoping that Agnès would take to it.

“You can even do things like this!” Luna then stopped her pumping motion and gave a gentle little pinch to Van’s dick, then moved her hand away to let Agnès give it a try.

Agnès watched nervously as Luna started to swing the member around haphazardly. When Luna was finished and showed her pinching, Agnès, with some trepidation, followed suit, trying to give a gentle pinch to Van’s cock. Just following Luna’s orders along in the hopes that they would finish sooner.

But when she did…

“OW!” Van exclaimed loudly.

So loud that Agnès gave a jump and snatched her hand away wide-eyed in fear. Hand to chest, she stared at Van’s member in horror that she might have accidentally set it off or hurt it. But after a few long tense moments, she noticed nothing happening, nothing happening but a few snorting sounds coming from her side.

Turning, she saw Luna doing her best not to burst out laughing. Covering her mouth with both hands, with barely constrained mirth in her eyes. Upon seeing her, Luna redoubled her efforts of not trying to laugh, but couldn’t help but let out a few giggles.

Agnès blinked at the scene blankly, still confused. Slowly she looked up and found Van doing his best to hide a huge smirk behind his hand. Looking away but with the same amount of barely constrained mirth that plague Luna.

Slowly, Agnès’s face went red as she realized that she had been played. With a hint of anger, she gave a slap to Van’s member. Not too hard, but certainly enough…

“Ow!” Van said more seriously, looking down, giving a hurt and betrayed look towards Agnès.

Luna couldn’t take it anymore. She burst out laughing and rolled over in a fit of giggles.

Slowly, even Agnès couldn’t help but let an amused smile creep up on her own face. She then grabbed Van’s member again and gave a confident yet threatening smirk as her grip tightened, making Van’s face go pale.

Luna, upon seeing that, had her laughter redoubled. She was laughing so hard she was in tears. But was slowly able to regain some control of herself and dragged herself over to Agnès, hugging her from the side and rubbing her face into hers.

“Oh so s-sorry.” Luna was just able to stammer out. “But it was too perfect! You were too perfect to and-” she cut herself off with another fit of giggles. Soon, Agnès was joining in a little, Luna’s laughter and joy being infectious.

After the two let it out of their system, they began to talk about girl things as they messed around and played with Van’s dick. Bending it and sometimes trying to twist it and a bunch of other things that Van did his best to deal with. Though he couldn’t help a wince or two, he did his best not to ruin the moment for them.

After about half an hour of playing around and talking, the two finally seemed to be nearing the end, finishing with Luna looking at Agnès somewhat smugly.

“See? What did I tell you? Nothing to be worried about!” she said with pride.

“Well… I don’t know about that…” Agnès said, “but I guess I did have a bit of an… overreaction… I guess once I realized that I had the power in my hands, and how everyone was taking it so lightly… and after all that laughing… it just kinda made me realize how silly I was acting…” she confessed. “Don’t get me wrong! I still don’t think I’m ready for this quite yet, but… I guess… At least I'm not as afraid of it anymore…” trying to land on a positive note.

Luna nodded proudly, hands on her waist with a smug smile. “I knew this would work out! In the end, laughter is the best medicine!” acting like she had everything planned out from the beginning. Making Van snort in response to the blatant lie.

“But now that we are done…” Luna’s smile turned leery. “I guess it’s time for your… reward…” looking at Agnès suggestively.

Agnès stopped her pumping motion. It really did give a therapeutic feeling. And stared at Luna, her heart beginning the quicken. She swallowed as Luna’s sultry gaze looked deep into her own. “Umm… I…” she began to nervously say. Wondering how she was going to get out of this, and wondering why she should.

---sex scene!---

Luna slowly, and seductively, bridged that small gap between them. Gently crawling on Agnès and looking into her eyes filled with panic and… something more…

Soon, Luna was sitting on Agnès’s lap, legs wrapped around her waist, breasts pressed against breasts. With one hand she gently grabbed the back of Agnès’s head to draw her in, with the other, she held Agnès’s hand that was still on Van’s member. Slowly, she leaned in and gave a heated kiss. Gently and methodically, worming her tongue in. As she helped pump Van’s dick together as one. Van’s cock finally got the long-awaited message that now was the time.

Agnès tried to resist, not physically, but mentally. Unfortunately, that was a battle she already lost before it started. And soon, within a few moments, she found herself moaning as Luna tasted every inch of her mouth. Her eyes became foggy as well as her mind, with pleasure. Luna’s taste was just too good…

After a while, the two parted. Agnès’s eyes half-lidded with glazed stare, as she panted, and Luna looked at that face with pride. There was something about Luna, her taste, her smell, her touch, that excited Agnès beyond reason. Her body craved for more…

Luna smiled wider at the look Agnès now gave, a craving-hungry one, she knew now that her friend’s fire had been finally lit. With that in mind, she took Van’s cock and gently moved it between them. Then started to suck and slurp its tip, lathering it and drowning it in her fluids until it became a sticky mess. Watching with joy how Agnès stared and watched her every movement. Luna then turned the cock to Agnès’s direction, the tip dripping with her saliva.

Agnès swallowed, it was clear what Luna wanted her to do. But she couldn’t really refuse… Luna’s delicious taste was now all on that cock… And it now looked tantalizing…

With a deep breath, and her heart beating fast with a mixture of lust and fear. She took the tip deep into her mouth. Luna giving small words of encouragement and advice as she did so.

Agnès' eyes widened as the taste assaulted her senses. The taste of the cock, and the taste of Luna, mixing together to create something entirely new and addictive. At first she was scared, but slowly, that fear went away and she found herself unable to stop, shoving Van down as deep as she could take him. While she was doing this, Luna was playing with her lower mouth, using her expert and dexterous hands while whispering lewd words of encouragement in her ears.

Too late she realized that her new best friend was a succubus and that Van was an incubus. She knows they told her that before, but it never really clicked in her mind what that meant. Now she knew… once you are their target… there was no escape… they were literally designed to seduce and give the most amazing amounts of pleasure imaginable… it was too late for her… the only thing she could do… was give in… and hope she remained mostly herself once everything was over…

And with that… she did give in. And Van came… a massive load that drowned her stomach with his seed and almost washed away what little was left of her mind. It was also during this time she had a massive orgasm, the greatest she would probably ever have in her entire life.

After that, the pleasure continued for a little longer as Luna had her turn and helped give Agnès another round or two of orgasms. But by then she was largely out of it, moaning widely and slowly losing herself to the pleasure, and sometimes gibbering madly about what was going to be done to her. After an hour, the group was finally done.

But Agnès knew… she probably wouldn't be the same ever again…

---end of sex scene!---


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