“I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can-” Luna muttered over and over again as she walked in a circle.

This was not a new sight for Van. It was weird how common this has become in just one week… “I don’t know why she’s complaining… after what she and the others did to me… not to mention… it’s not like she hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks without sex before… maybe she really has gotten sex addiction? Or maybe now that she’s part succubus, this is more serious for her… or maybe just perhaps… the mear fact that it is being denied to her, is enough to make it feel that much more worse than normal…” he thought as he continued to watch Luna struggled with her sex withdrawal.

After that day, the rest of the week had actually been pretty lax. Most of their time was free, when not studying of course. Since Alv and Thea had waived any real training and instead were replaced with long meditation classes to help keep their minds off their hunger and focus on growing their aura. They also practiced mana eating to help sustain their bodies. Now that it was their only source of energy and or sustenance, they had quickly become more proficient in it than they first expected to be.

They were also given far more time to complete their tasks so that they may recover from their lack of energy. Like during that weird dance practice trying to learn that movement technique from his father. They would practice for half an hour, then had half an hour to rest and meditate on their progress and better understand the technique's movements. This actually helped a bit, as Van was able to at least flicker about a foot or so away from his original position, showing some real progress while Luna still seemed to be a little confused by it.

When not taking their sweet time with the training class, Lore and Sheri were drilling into them history, magic, alchemy, runemancy, mathematics, and more. Sometimes making them learn the same thing over and over again until they got the answer right. During this time, Van and Luna studied more about their destination of Bright city, such as. Did you know that they had a train station that led all the way to the border with the wastelands?

Apparently, this train station had a rail all the way there because that was where the school actually was. Those coming from the east will take the train to the academy quickly and safely. It was also an important logistical line for the border forts, moving tons of resources as necessary. And since the east branch of bloodhaven academy requires students to bring a small troop of soldiers with them to learn how to lead and take for incursions into the waste, there are a lot of mercenary guilds in Bright city that sell their services to young bloods such as them as they pass through.

During these lessons, Alecto would also sometimes pop in and try to help by giving some of her own advice and learned wisdom of the world. Teaching them some of her secret ingredients that she uses for potions, or how to make charms that help combat certain evil spirits, and much more.

Van soon learned, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that this knowledge had been reinforced into him, that he was actually really good with his hands… as some projects requiring them to create talismans, or brew complicated potions, or even placing runes on certain items to give them certain traits, required a dexterous hand and a methodical mindset. To which he excelled at, and sadly Luna did not… making a mess a lot of the time.

Though she was a surprisingly good baker…

It didn’t help though that they were technically not allowed to eat the food she made. Since it smelled really good, and from what everyone else said, everything she baked always tasted delicious. Which he could believe because some of those brownies she baked smelled really good…

It was also weird how she was so bad at all these other things, even though she was pretty good at sewing and tailoring in general. So far, the skills she excelled at were, sewing/tailoring, baking/cooking, cleaning, and finally fighting… and sex… she was really good at that… by her own account… which was hard to deny…

Were as Van himself was pretty good with anything magic-related. Taking some joy in slowly creating talismans or placing runes on items to give them extra effects. He found out that he actually enjoyed taking his time to create things with his own two hands.

Which actually brought to them their weirdest tasks and learning lessons yet…

Alv thought it would be a great idea to bring in an actual blacksmith and crafter to help teach them how to make things. So now, when they were not too busy with their other studies, and since they had a lot more free time without all that heavy lifting… They were lifting heavy hammers, trying to smash iron into squares… or something, and trying to make furniture from wood from time to time… couldn’t forget that…

Of course, he and Luna were not the only ones learning. He made sure that some of his army also took this opportunity to learn how to make things such as their own armor and weapons. And he couldn’t deny it wasn’t a bad learning experience because it helped him realize how he could better improve some of the things he enchanted and more.

So while he had the time available, he visited with Isa and Kella to figure out a method to better equip the troops and figure out what they all would be wearing. They also got into discussions about what kind of troops they should bring with them, which confused Van for a sec since he thought he was bringing everyone.

But then it was explained to him.

“I think you should limit the amount, and the quality, of who you bring because the limit allowed is about a hundred and we don’t need people knowing you have far more for someone your age. Not to mention the fact that they are all of a variety of races and equipped with slightly above standard arms and armor. You should save the true core of your army hidden in your soul realm in case of emergencies.” Kella explained.

“We should also not forget that to fully equip everyone will now cost money since we simply can’t mine the forest anymore for resources. I propose that we use only about seventy to eighty goblins and maybe ten or so harpies, saving all the troglodytes and hobgoblins in reserve, who will be wearing the better equipment. We should also come with an explanation of how you will reinforce any losses you may have before we arrive at the school. We should go at this low key since Karmila, that bitch, will probably try putting spies on you, best to give her false information if she does.” Kella continued.

“Finally, we really don’t want rumors going around that your soul realm might be far bigger than normal. So even if we let out that you can summon goblins from your soul realm, we should try to limit how much can enter and exit, otherwise… people will want to dissect you…” she said menacingly. Making Van pale…

“...not literally… but still, let’s not let others know about it… alright?” Van nodded. “Good, any questions?” she asked.

“Do you think I should use the excuse of being a summoner and a creation mage? I mean, technically I can create equipment if I have enough materials for it. And I have a lot of shadow wolves as well to help supplement our numbers, do you think that would convince them? What else do you think I can do to improve our troops while at the same time hiding their true power?” Van asked.

“Using the fact that you are a summoner and creation mage would help yes. And if you can help create more equipment that too would be beneficial. Creating more disposable troops through your summoning of shadow wolves would also help, yes, and probably convince some. And another great way to improve our power is to not only create shadow wolves but perhaps other types of summons as well.” Kella replied.

“Other types of summons?” Van asked.

“You always create more shadow wolves. To which I don’t mind, but aren't you also a necromancer? Why don’t you summon and control skeletons?” Kella questioned.

“Well… if I had to be honest… I don’t really like a bunch of dead corpses hanging around me…” Van replied.

Kella arched her brow.

“...ah…” Van said as he realized that technically they were all half-dead to begin with. “Maybe I can create a few…” he amended.

“Don’t you also know how to create golems? If you can’t deal with moving corpses, maybe you can instead create golems in the shape of skeletons? I even heard that some necromancers study golemancy just for the sake of combining their skills to create even more powerful undead. This should be something you can do too and is practically a must when near the wastelands. Since undead can act erratically if not properly controlled due to the weird energies and nature of such a blighted land.” Kella said, trying to be helpful.

“Oh? I did not know that was an issue. Can you tell me more?” Van asked, now more interested.

Kella shook her head. “Sorry, I don’t actually know much about it. You’ll have to ask someone with more knowledge about magical environments and such to find out more if you want to know.”

“I see…” Van said, thinking about everything he just learned. “Well… thank you for all that useful information. I’ll try to put it to good use. Is there anything you need from me before I go?”

“Not at the moment, no,” Kella replied.

“Alright then, see you later.” Van then said his goodbyes and left for his next destination. Before leaving entirely though, he turned back to watch for a few minutes the troops at work. Marching in formation, and practicing their spear or swordsmanship. Kella quickly went back to yelling alongside Isa at the troops. It also came to him that he should probably promote a few more capable soldiers to become leaders, to help relieve some of the burdens off of Isa and Kella.

And with plans in mind, he finally turned his back to see his father, who said he wanted to see him for another training session and spar.

Walking over to his own training field, he met his father with Luna and Thea already there talking about something.

“Well, you certainly like to take your sweet time,” Alv said. “Did you get lost on your way here?” he joked.

Van rolled his eyes. “Had to talk to Kella about a few things. Just finished and now I'm here.” knowing his father liked to make fun of the fact that Van liked to be punctual about things, yet in turn, was sometimes late to quite a few things.

“Anyway, what are we going to be doing today?” Van asked.

“We are going to spar. But not you and Luna… just me and you…” Alv said, trying to sound menacing, but unable to pull it off like Thea so it ended out more in a joking manner. But it was still pretty worrying to Van…

“After that, we will go back to your special dance.” he jeered, referring to the training exercise to help teach them the movement technique. “Unless of course, you prove yourself during our little scuffle…” taking a stance, getting ready for the fight to come.

Van took his own stance. “Oh, it's on… any rules?”

“None, if anything, the rule is to go all out, use all the aura you can muster. Trust me… you’ll need it…” Alv said, slowly bringing up his own purplish aura. “Don’t worry though, I will only use a tenth of mine.” he finished, in a somewhat condescending manner that really riled Van up.

“We’ll see about that…” Van replied, bringing up his own blueish aura. From the side of his vision, he saw Luna clad herself in her red aura and Thea her neutral, it seemed like they too will be going at this hard.

“Alright then… ready? Begin!” Alv said a grin on his face as he prepared to have great fun with his son.

Alvaroz struck first. Flickering then suddenly appeared right in front of Van, sword ready to pierce his collarbone.

Van’s eyes widened at the surprise attack, and by how swiftly and quick his father came at him. His thoughts already beginning to wake up and run at faster and faster speeds to keep up with Alv’s movements. Already coming to the conclusion that he will have to push himself, moving out of the way of the attack while drawing his second sword in his left hand to give him more options.

“Come on Van, that would have been barely a love tap! Get your head into the game.” Alv joked, taking some distance and getting ready for his next attack.

Van surged his aura until it slowly started to flow in waves out of his body, then tried to force them to stay, not wanting to waste any excess aura. He stiffened up his legs and with a sword slash, sent a wave of energy his father’s way before trying to use that same flickering technique to eat up the distance.

Alv didn’t even bother to dodge the wave of sword energy, with a simple swing of his blade, he cut the energy in two as it approached and then blocked Van’s second attack as his son came at him with great ferocity.

Van had moved in quickly to eat up the distance once more and used both his blades to attack his father with a series of devastating swings at high speeds. But Alv simply danced away from the attacks, moving with minimal effort, taking a few half steps at a time.

“Come on Van, you can do better than that!” Alv replied, not even bothering to use his sword to block any of the attacks.

Van frowned in anger until he realized that technically his father did say that he was allowed to go all out and that there were no rules… so his frown turned into an evil smirk, and his next attack was a stomp with his right foot, sending an earthen spike towards his dad’s torso.

Alv was a bit surprised by this, but then simply leaped back a few more feet than usual and smirked. “Well… I suppose I deserved that… I did say there were no rules… but next time, no magic, only aura okay?” giving a cocky smirk, as if even using magic wouldn’t be enough to make him sweat.

Van’s eyes narrowed. “Oh… it's on…” wanting to wipe that smirk off his father's face.

And what happened next… was an effort in pure futility…

For even after using mana to increase Van’s speed and power, setting traps on the ground to restrain Alv, using his shadow weaving technique to confuse which attacks were going to be his real ones, and even setting off literal magical bombs… his father always came out of it unscathed…

Luna herself, taking a cue from Van and going all out herself, couldn’t even land a single scratch on her mother.

In the end, after an hour of exhausting themselves, all they were able to achieve, was a completely broken training field, with burnt areas and holes everywhere…

Van and Luna looked at each other from where they were lying on the ground, too tired to move. Sharing a look of pure misery of being unable to do anything to their parents.

“Great! Now that that’s done, it’s time to dance! Get up you two, you already rested for five whole minutes! That’s a long enough break.” Thea said happily, clapping her hands together to get their attention.

Van and Luna looked at Thea, then shared another look with each other and groaned their sorrows to the world…


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