Calling Rosalyn Belladonna Lanira beautiful would be an understatement… Van had never seen an Ingrid before, but he knew what she looked like without even being told. Ingrid was essentially the vampire equivalent of a halfling, so Rosalyn was literally half Van’s size.

But it was her presence that clearly pointed her out as the ruler of Bright city. her power, her persona, literally wafted out of her and filled the hallway with her aura of a leader. And as you stared, you couldn’t help but be in awed of her sheer sexual appeal. Ingrid's were known for their looks, and Van was sure she out-did those rumors of Ingrid's beauty by several leagues.

Her crimson eyes twinkled with mirth and barely restrained joy, as if she had a hard time holding herself back from having fun at any given opportunity. Her hair was like spun gold that fell all the way to an inch off the floor and moved like the waves of the ocean. Her face was perfectly symmetrical, with a cute little nose and luscious pink lips. She wore a surprisingly conservative green dress, with golden stitching and other accessories to help make it pop out.

The only thing un-conservative about it was the large breasts that somewhat reminded him of Luna’s with how they popped out of her petite yet elegant body, the top half revealed to let in the air, though also in a way, flaunting what she had and wearing a tight corset that hugged her shapely body and helped support her boobs. She wore a necklace with a large ruby that flickered in the light resting on top her chest. She also had curves in all the right places, making it clear she was all woman in only half the size of a normal one.

She carried herself like a ruler, despite her diminutive form, and Van and Luna felt oddly Intimidated by that.

Her aid, standing not far from her, was a tall woman wearing a black dress with a large choker that tightly wrapped itself around her neck, almost as if she was afraid her head would come off. She had long black hair and pale blue eyes that were the opposite of her mistress’s, looking down on them with a hard calculating look that burned a ghostly intensity.

She stared at them suspiciously, as if weighing their every action or inaction against them with a harsh list of criterias that only she had access to. She would have been beautiful in a way if it weren’t for how she clearly looked down on them. Having a more plain and willowy build then her fuller and more sexually appealing mistress, though no less pretty.

Tha of course did not hide the inner strength she seemed to have… it was clear she was some sort of secretary or aid to Rosalyn, though her black dress also seemed like it was a military uniform with how it was cut and designed, almost as if she was also Rosayn’s general and or bodyguard.

“Ah… you must be Van and Luna… it’s such a pleasure to meet you two! Even if the circumstances aren't the best… I’m just glad to see you two okay!” Rosalyn gushed with a wide smile bursting with happiness. “I’m sorry for coming out of the blue… but I just couldn't wait anymore!”

She then gave a little squeal. “Ah! You two are just so cute! Van! So handsome! Luna! So beautiful! I see you too are a part of the club!” grabbing her breasts and lifting them up while giving a wink towards Luna, a twinkle in her eye. “We have so much to discuss! And so much in common!” she gave a little laugh that chimed like a beautiful bell while she let go of her breasts and then turned her attention to Van.

“And Van! I heard you were such a smart and clever boy, it must be true because you somehow not only convinced Karmine to let you go but even to confess to all her crimes while pointing the finger at her own mother! You’ve given me quite the gift I must say. Do not worry about the expenses of the contract, the hall of blood and justice will do their best to alter it, and I’ll take care of whatever is left of what you owe. Just stay here and relax! And enjoy the days you have left in my beautiful city while you still can before you leave for school.”

She then gently clasped her hands together. “Now, while I would love to talk to you two some more, I fully understand that you two had a long day and are probably tired. As well as needing some time to process everything that has happened. So please! Continue down the hall and enjoy your stay!”

Rosalyn was talking so fast and quick that Van and Luna had barely any chance to get a word in, such as to properly introduce themselves. But thankfully it seemed to she finally finished and the two gave a small bow and curtsey.

“Thank you for having us Duchess Rosalyn-” Van was about to begin when he was cut off.

“OH! That’s right! I forgot to introduce myself!” Rosalyn exclaimed looking shocked. “Please! Please! Let me start over!” she panicked, then gave a polite cough when she noticed that Van and Luna paused awkwardly to give her some time.

“Ahem…” she began, then gave another beaming smile and her own beautiful and elegant curtsy. “Hello! I am Duchess Rosalyn Belladonna Lanira. But you can call me Rosy! Or Bell! Or Lani! And this is my most trusted aid, Duvessa!” she said. “It is so nice to meet you! Say hi Duvessa!”

Duvessa muttered something that might have been a greeting but was too low to hear.

“Atta girl!” Rosalyn said happily.

Van and Luna only then finally introduced themselves, much to Rosalyn’s joy.

Rosalyn then clapped her hands. “What a wonderful introduction! Now, I won’t be keeping you two any longer! Please go to bed, and in the morning we can discuss all the fun things we will do together!” She then gave another bow and moved on her way with a certain sway of her hips and a happy skip in her steps down the hallway.

Van and Luna couldn’t help but stare at such a sight as Rosalyn slowly disappeared from view and made a turn out of sight. They then turned to look at each other, both silently agreeing that what just happened was a little weird, but already their guide was motioning for them to continue and so they followed her to their room.

Once they arrived and closed the door behind them, they finally relaxed a little and started to talk about everything that happened so far. It was during this time that Kella and the others inside his soul realm began to ask if they could come out.

“Sorry guys, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. People would wonder where you popped out of and may ask questions, I think for now we should leave you girls where you are and figure something else out.” Van spoke mentally towards Kella and the others.

There was some push back of course, but he promised that he would figure something out and to only be patient. After talking with them some more, they finally agreed to wait a little longer but not too long. He had to either summon them out, or get some other guards to protect him and Luna, no ifs ands or buts. To which he agreed.

He then joined Luna on failing on top of the bed, completely exhausted.

Van sighed. “So… what do you want to do now Luna?”

Luna muttered something, already looking like she just wanted to sleep.

“Good idea…” Van agreed. “But we should at least discuss some of whatever plans we will be doing in the future…”

Luna groaned and turned her head to him. “What is there to talk about? We lost everyone. We’ll… not everyone… but you know what I mean. And we were captured by Karmila’s daughter, and you had to have sex with her! I’m still pissed about that.”

“Really? I thought you wanted me and her to have sex?” Van asked.

“If only to get it out of the way and put her in her place,” Luna replied, then turned over. “But as much as I love watching you do it with other women… And loved watching you really stick it to that bitch… it still left a bad taste in my mouth… I think… there was a part of me that… actually wanted you to… mind break her…” She coldly yet uncomfortably admitted.

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said that…” She was about to turn over once more to the other side but Van stopped her and instead drew in her for a nice hug from behind.

“You don’t need to apologize for that…” He said, somewhat in understanding. “If it was Karen you told me to mind break… A part of me would have been all for it, but another part of me would have been disgusted at even doing it with her again… I think I was more okay with Kamine because I felt like there was a chance that we could bring her over to our side… which means getting back at Karmila, in some roundabout way… I also didn’t know her as well as you did… and of course I’m still pissed about the fact her bandits killed our girls… We were just trying to do what we could to survive Luna… so don’t blame yourself for the things you did and thought while doing so… I love you and will love you all the same…”

He then turned her over and brought his forehead towards hers and gently placed them together. The two then looked into each other's eyes and gave a kiss. Which turned into two then four. Soon they were at it and Van was inside her. They went at it for almost an hour, ruining the nice cool, and clean sheets of the bed provided to them.

Finally, they finished, falling asleep in each other’s embrace, Van still hard inside his beautiful wife, keeping her nice and warm throughout the night…


Van and Luna woke up to a knock on the door. They had not realized that they had overslept and scrambled to clean themselves up and change into fresh attire. Ten minutes later they followed the servant and made their way to the dining room where the table was already set with freshly baked food for their morning consumption.

Rosalyn and Duvessa were also already there, waiting for them, discussing one thing or another, then stopping as Van and Luna arrived. Rosalyn smiled as they approached and jumped out of her own chair to pull out one for Van and Luna close to her seat before hopping onto hers once more which had a large pillow to help lift her up.

“Van! Luna! I’m so happy you could make it! I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t! Please have a seat and enjoy yourself. We have so much to discuss and I can’t wait to go over it all with you!” she said happily, already stirring several cups with a mixture of several different contents. “Tea? Coffee? Juice? …Remshola?” She asked.

Van’s eyes widened a little at that last one, but played it safe and asked for coffee while Luna asked for tea.

“Milk? Sugar?” She asked.

“Some milk, three sugar,” Van said, sitting down at the table with Luna.

“No milk, four sugar,” Luna added.

“Sorry for being late… we were more tired than we realized,” Van said in a way of apology.

“Oh, I'm sure!” Rosalyn said. “Considering everything that happened yesterday and last night, I'm sure you are no doubt tired and famished! So enjoy everything we have to offer! If you want it, I'll have my cooks make it for you!”

“Can I have cake?” Luna asked innocently.

“Luna!” Van said.

“Of course!” Rosalyn happily answered.

“Please don’t indulge her,” Van asked. “And cake isn’t a breakfast food.”Giving a slight look towards his wife.

“Why not!” Rosalyn said in Luna’s defense. “It has eggs! Milk! Fruit! And flour, just like waffles and pancakes! All in one!” She then turned to one of her servants. “Please get this beautiful girl some strawberry cake in her, ASAP!”

“Yes!” Luna pumped her fist.

Van looked at her a little annoyed and sighed, turning to Rosalyn. “Actually… I’ll have some of that Remshola too if you’d please…”

“Of course! Help yourself!” Rosalyn said, passing the drink along.

The group then ate their breakfast with gusto. The food was fresh, hot, and delicious. And Van and Luna stuffed themselves for what felt like an hour of pure joy as the meals they ate seemed to be the work of a god. Van even said as much with how delicious everything tasted.

“Oh! I should hope so! One of the chefs I hired was from TROA. and he is a follower of one of the gods of cuisine. A bit expensive, but the money is well worth it I say!” Rosalyn said with a smile.

“Wait… you mean the Theocratic Republic of Angora? How did you get someone from there!?” Van asked in surprise.

“Oh, it wasn’t easy… I had to pull a few strings and it was very expensive, costing me two years of my savings! But it was worth it to wake up and go to sleep with food like this!” she said happily. “What’s the point of being a duchess if you can’t enjoy it? Especially with the amount of work I put into it! I deserve a little something!” looking cheerfully proud of herself.

Van’s eyes widened a little at that, wondering how much two years worth of the duchy’s savings was… it couldn't be small…

The group then began to talk about other things, Rosalyn always keeping the discussion lively and interesting while still staying on the relevant topics of today. Soon, Van and Luna fell into her pace and began to enjoy the conversation they had with her, almost forgetting everything that happened yesterday.

But not all things were meant to last, and as the breakfast came to an end, so too did their happy-go-lucky conversations as things took a more serious turn… Rosalyn was the first to break the atmosphere.

“Well… as much as I enjoy this… I’m afraid we must get on to more serious matters…” She began, not looking too happy about the fact she had to do this.

Van and Luna straightened and started to pay closer attention to her.

“The matter concerning you and Karmine and what is to be done with the contract between you two… I have just heard word from them that they were able to adjust the terms greatly in your favor… though not everything…” Rosalyn began, then explained all the changes that they will be able to make within the next few days to the contract.

Van and Luna blinked.

“That’s… not actually that bad…” Van said, sounding impressed.

And Luna had to agree.

The amount they owed had been drastically reduced to a quarter of the price it was before. Though they still had to pay it… they held no legal responsibility for the actions of the bandits before the contract, though after it was another matter… Thanks to Karmine’s confessions, most of the blame was put on Karmila’s feet, though it was unlikely she would pay anything and deny all accusations, no doubt also disowning Karmine in the process. It at least made Karmila look really bad.

Half of the bandits would be forced to pay a few years of their time in jail or forced community service, though there was a clause they could pay their price to society by agreeing with some of the rules of the contract and being the bodyguards of Van and Luna for the next few decades…

Speaking of which, Karmine was to work for Van and Luna for the next century, and they also had that long to pay the price of what they owed her during that time as well… the sexual sessions were also still optional. The only thing they couldn’t change was that they still owed Karmine a visa. Karmine absolutely refused to budge on this one thing other than the time frame they had to provide it. Which was also a century.

All that was left now was to wait for a few days to let the changes sink in and they would be escorted to the hall of blood and justice to sign the revised contract.

“So in the end… the contract will still be kinda enforced, so far as Karmine will be forced to protect us as part of her giving back to society for the damage she has wrought… though she still gets fifty million crava’s…” Van said.

Rosalyn nodded. “There is only so much the priestesses can do… you are lucky… some people don’t have such contracts that so heavily favor them… which makes me wonder how you convinced her to take on such a skewed deal…” Looking at him and Luna curiously.

Van shrugged. “There honestly wasn’t much we did… which just… appealed to her better nature… and gave her an out for the life she did not want to live… your not the only one that hates Karmila… if anything she said about her own mother is anything to go by…” he explained.

“Interesting…” Rosalyn said, thoughtfully.

“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” Van asked, out of the blue once the silence stretched.

“Hm? Of course!” Rosalyn said with a smile.

“Why doe’s Karmila want to be an archduchess so badly? Why do you? It seems like everyone does everything they can to be one… to the point they do such bad things like what Karmila made Karmine do… What's exactly the point?”

“Hmm… that is a big question…” Rosalyn said, giving it some thought. “It will take some time to explain… is that fine with you?”

Van and Luna nodded.

“Alright then… let me tell you… a little bit of our history… this is something you will probably learn in school, and you probably heard some of it before. But I’ll try to explain it in my own way… hope you're ready!” sounding a little excited about acting like a teacher to a couple of students.


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