“How do I get roped into this stuff?” Van wondered as his eyes quickly adjusted to the lighting of the semi-dark room. “Probably because I’m a little stupid…”

As he walked in, he was surprised to see Rosalyn quickly follow and take the lead. He thought he was going to be sent into the face a monster or something, a deranged person of sorts. But that didn’t seem to be the case with how the duchess casually just went over to a pile of clothes that seemed to have been flung over a chair and desk.

“Father, please… It's time to wake up.” Rosalyn said gently, pulling off the covers of a blanket, revealing an elderly man underneath, his head on the table. She then gently tried to nudge him awake.

Van had never seen a person so old before… his eyes were wide in shock. He looked like a human in his sixties, with slight wrinkles, some gray hairs, and everything! He slowly raised his head, half-rimmed glasses on the brow of his nose and sleep in his eyes. Upon seeing Rosalyn, he seemed to wake up a bit and groggily gave a large stretch and looked around bleary-eyed.

“Oh dear, is it that time already?” he asked, his voice sounding old but wise, with a slightly posh accent Van couldn't place. “Bloody hells! You can’t tell day from night in this place! How am I supposed to do my work if I can’t even tell the time?” he grumbled, slowly getting up and reaching for a large lever.

With a pull, Van’s eyes were blinded as large balls of light blasted into the room from bulbs fixed into the ceiling and walls. Without even being told Van knew what these were… light bulbs! Things that ran on electricity instead of magic! It made him wonder how the old man got the power to run them. But that wasn’t the only thing that took Van’s breath away.

The entire room was filled with steam vents and clockwork contraptions! Brass tubes and copper piping wove its way all over like a tangled spider web that had no beginning or end and even went so far as to turn in on itself. Clocks of all manner hung on the walls clicking and clacking away, each one showing a different time and connected to a valve or lever. Every so often a clock would go off and a lever would be pulled or a valve turned automatically, releasing steam pressure from one of the vents, or activating some sort of machine.

The old man then turned his attention back to Rosalyn.

“Now dear… if I told you once I told you a thousand times… I’m not your father and the workshop is no place for a young girl! You can get seriously hurt! Why don’t you run along now while I fix things up.” he said gently, clearly worried about Rosalyn's safety, even though he had no idea who she actually was…

Rosalyn almost seemed to choke up a little at that, but swallowed it down. “I have someone here who was sent to see you… he’s here to help you… please relax and try to work things out with him, okay?”

The old man frowned. “The shrink? How many times do I have to tell those fat cats that I'm perfectly sane! So I went off a little harshly on Herbert and my last invention exploded, sure!” rolling his eyes derisively. “But that little shit deserved it! I told those fools plenty of times that he’s not cut out for this line of work, and I'm sure it exploded because he got one of the pipes crossed! This should be a lesson in cronyism and playing favorites if anything! And I may be old, but I’m not senile yet! The crown still needs me still if they want to get their bloody airships off the ground!”

“Please… at least talk to him…” Rosalyn begged. “Just an hour, then he gives you a clean bill of health, and you can go back to work… promise…” she said, looking sadly at her father but playing along for his sake.

The old man sighed. “I’ll give him ten minutes, and not a second more,” he said with some exasperation. He then turned to look at Van and blinked. “Bloody hells…” he muttered. “He’s young enough to be my own grandchild!” looking at Van in disbelief.

“But he is a genius they say!” Rosalyn quickly tried to explain. “If he can’t do it! Then no one can! After all! It takes a genius to examine a genius! Or at least someone with decades of experience…”

“Hmm…” the old man thought about that… rubbing his chin.“He is young… but… genius you say… I suppose that makes some sense…” since, in a roundabout way, that meant he was also considered a genius.

“Alright, alright. I’ll see this quack and give him a good talking to… but first! I have something I’ve been trying to make for a while now and it’s in its final stage of development!” he said excitedly, almost like a child with a new toy.

He then went into the center of the room and pulled a lever, and soon several contraptions and gears began to click and weave themselves into place with surprising smoothness. Out of it all came a pedestal of sorts with a copper and brass bird so delicately put together that it was an awe-inspiring piece of artwork.

“I’ve been playing around with this new element I’ve discovered! Something that doesn’t show on any table! We all know how the queen’s mages seem to pull aether out of the air to cast their fancy magic.” he said derisively. “But! No one has yet found a way to harness it! Until now!” he beamed at his small audience.

“I have found a small rock that seems to generate its own form of energy! And I've tied that crystal to the heart of my newest invention! Right next to its fiery heart! As you know, steam engines are expensive things… not only to make but to refuel… but with this! We can do away with the refueling and create perpetual steam engines! Just imagine the possibilities!” He said excitedly, looking very much like a child with a new toy.

He then turned the bird on and it began to give out a clicking noise… After that, small puffs of steam began to blow out as gears and sockets began to turn and spin. After its warm-up, it began to chirp and took off into the air to fly around.

Van had to admit, he was impressed. And by the looks of it, so was Rosalyn…

After a while of playing with it, the old man was so happy by their wide-eyed fascination that he began to show off a few other of his toys.

First, a clockwork spider that seemed to run up and down the pipping, checking to see if everything was okay. Then a miniature dirigible that was using another example of his newfound perpetual steam engine. Then a few more of his toys, finally ending on a clockwork man he had been working on.

It was several hours later that he finally seemed to be running out of things to show, though not out of things to say, as he continued to excitedly talk about all his future plans and inventions he planned to make.

It took a while, but Rosalyn was able to get him back on track to the reason why Van was here in the first place. Much to his annoyance…

“Alright, alright, fine… I suppose it is getting a little late… or is it?” He then turned to the only window within the room, the only one not covered by some clockwork or another. “Bloody hells… the weather here is absolutely terrible…” he sighed. “Alright… let’s just get this over with…”

Van nodded and tried to look for an open spot to make his magic circle. Talking inwardly to Ren about what he had to do and how. But halfway through the making of the circle, the old man took a step back in disgust.

“Oh no you don’t! I’m not going to be part of any superstitious voodoo!” he then turned to Rosalyn angrily. “I thought you said he was a genius! What kind of genius puts stock in this nonsense!” Rosalyn tried to explain it away, but he wasn’t having it and an argument broke out.

Van froze in place, confused as to what to do. When all of a sudden, a new voice spoke in his mind that was neither Ren, Duran, Magnus or Xan… sounding a little annoyed he spoke into Van’s mind.

“Oh! Let me do this!” the voice grumbled. “Just repeat after me!” sounding deeply annoyed by James.

Van hesitated, but oddly enough… he trusted the voice, it sounded familiar…

“Oh what a big baby you are James! I was right about all the things I said about you! If you seriously can’t open your mind to at least this much, then I guess that means I win the bet we wagered those twenty years ago! Not that you would remember being senile to the point that they had to bring me to help you!” Van said on behalf of the voice, though he now wondered if he should have Ignored it.

James looked shocked, staring slack-jawed at Van. “I… I know that way of speaking… Zasimus? Is that you?”

“Huh, I guess you're not completely senile! Still doesn’t change the fact you probably make a fool of yourself every time you drink more than half a pint of slightly fermented mulberry! Seriously, how in the world can you not handle your berries? Even for a human that is just sad…” Van parroted.

James grunted. “That’s definitely you… you goddamn knife-eared bastard… what the bloody hells has happened to you!?” Now looking worried and confused about what’s going on.

“What happened to me? What happened to you!? You haven’t even realized that you’ve been dead for a long time! To the point, you don’t even recognize your own daughter! For fucks sake James! If I still had my potions on me I would shove them down your throat until you saw reason again! But sadly… that’s not going to be the case…not anymore…”

“What? I-I don't understand… what’s… what’s… going on?” All of a sudden James reached for his head as if he was suffering from a headache. His knees felt weak and he slowly fell to the floor. “What’s… happening… Zasimus?” he asked, now looking very afraid and scared, his bewildered eyes frantically looking all over the place as he realized how unfamiliar it all was to him.

“You died you old fool… that’s what happened.” Van sighed on Zasimus’s behalf. “And it’s time you let go of that body to its rightful owner… get in the circle… we can discuss in there…”

“N-no!” James panicked. “I don’t want to! This! This is all wrong!” he started to panic, trying to get up but Van was suddenly there and dragged him into the circle, using shadow magic to bind him down and complete the rest of the magical formula while he was at it.

“Unhand me you fool! You can’t do this to me! Do you know who I am!” James complained, trying to fight back but finding himself oddly weak as if his entire body was fighting him as well and not just Van.

Soon the magic circle activated, and for Van… things went a little… trippy…

The spirit of James and Zasimus left their respective bodies and a memory realm was born… all of a sudden Van found himself inside the memory realm… in a very strange room…

“What’s going on! Where am I!?” James exclaimed as he looked around.

It looked like a very old workshop. Far bigger than the one they were just in. filled with all kinds of steam machinery and items. But the weirdest part of it all, was how all that steam junk and architecture, seemed to have been painted over an older previous style… and sloppily done as well, as old vampire architecture would still poke out, and an old painting of a happy family definitely not of Jame’s own were covered in tarps or blocked by heavy steam machinery.

“You are in your memory realm James… think of it as a sort of… racial memory capsule for the soul…” a steampunk-looking elf said with vials of potions wrapped around his waist.

“W-what does that mean!? Why am I here!” James exclaimed, still in panic.

Zasimus sighed. “It’s going to take a while, but please bear with me… I’ll explain everything…”

The next few hours were filled with Zasimus doing his best to explain to his old friend about the memory realm and dying as well as a bunch of other things.

“No… I can’t be dead… I still have so much more to do!” James said in denial.

“James… I understand…” Zasimus said sympathetically.

“HOW COULD YOU! YOU BLOODY KNIFE EAR! YOU CAN LIVE FOR CENTURIES! BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!” James yelled, tears in his eyes. “I never was able to complete her… she was supposed to be my magnum opus!” he collapsed onto his knees. “I was supposed to make a beautiful daughter to carry on my work… And I failed…”

Zasimus went to his friend, kneeling down and placing a gentle hand on James’s shoulder. “James… I’m here too james… I also died… and you didn’t fail… she’s alive… and… even was able to make a family of her own… I promise you… you succeeded before you died… you just don’t remember… but give it some time… and you will…”

He then brought his other hand onto the other shoulder and made James look him in the eye. “And you also have a daughter in this life… and she’s been wanting you to come back to her for a long time… please… remember that…” Then looked off over to the side were an old worn out painting still hung unobstructed.

James followed his friend’s gaze and found himself staring at a loving family and a young duchess Rosalyn being carried in his arms…He then looked around him and slowly began to realize that his place wasn’t his own… then looked to Zasimus once more.

“What am I supposed to do, Zas?” James asked, looking lost.

Zas told him.

James let his head drop in defeat.

Van watched as the steam machinery seemed to melt away. Slowly, bit by bit, the room seemed to take on its previous form and look. Though there were still a few bits and pieces of brass gears and copper piping here and there, covering up a few holes left over.

After a while, James opened up his eyes and looked around the room in confusion. “What? What’s going on? Who are you people?” his voice sounded as lost as he probably felt, and his eyes foggy as if he just came out of a long, long sleep.

Zas got up and looked over to Van. “it’s time for us to go…” he said, though there was a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Van nodded, and soon the memory realm collapsed and they found themselves back in the real world.

Thomas opened his eyes… the shadows holding him down slowly fading away. Confused, he looked around until they landed on Rosalyn. “Flower bell? Is that you?” He asked, his head still feeling a little foggy.

Rosalyn’s eyes widened, and she quickly ran and hugged him, tears in her eyes.

“Oof!” Thomas said. “Not so rough dear! You're not a little girl anymore!” He said, though he had a gentle smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “I don’t know what’s got into you.” he chuckled. “But I love you too.” Returning Rosalyn’s hug back. “Now where’s your mother? No doubt you got caught messing around again. Hiding from trouble?” he joked. “Why don’t we apologize together and go on that picnic I promised? It’s been a while…”

Rosalyn couldn’t take it anymore and began to cry, her choking sobs flooding the room as she squeezed her father harder.

“What’s wrong sweety? Daddy’s here… You know I’ll also be here for you…” Thomas said lovingly. Which only made Rosalyn hug him harder.

An awkward few hours passed after that and slowly they got Thomas up to speed on everything that’s happened.

“Thirty years… you're saying I’ve not been in my right mind for almost Thirty years?” James asked, looking like he couldn’t believe it. “And that my wife and your mother… are dead!?” looking horrified at the thought.

“I’m sorry sir… but it’s true…” Duvessa said, having come in after she heard the crying and taking control of the situation before it spiraled out of hand.

Much to Van’s thanks since he didn’t want to be the one that had to explain everything.

Thomas looked down now at his sleeping daughter. She had cried herself exhausted and now was clinging to him like how a baby would in his arms. “Strangely enough… I believe you…” he said after a few moments of thought. “I can’t put my finger on why… but I do…”

He then looked towards Van… “and you are the young man that helped me… aren't you? The one that is also supposed to be my daughter's fiance?”

Van nodded nervously.

“...normally… I would have asked you to break your engagement off… After all… how do I know if your house only agreed for the sake of the power my duchy can provide? But…” he looked down gently on his daughter who now seemed to be in a peaceful sleep. “Just like with everything Duvessa said… I strangely… have a feeling like I can trust you… and that you may just be able to make my precious baby happy…” he then looked and gave Van a more serious and intense gaze. “But if you break my baby's heart… you’ll regret it…”

Van nodded. But then… he couldn’t help but ask. “Do you… still have some of those… other memories of yours?”

Duvessa looked like Van said something rude again with the slight glare she gave him.

But Thomas tilted his head in thought at that. “Perhaps… perhaps… but we can worry about that later… for now… I just want to be left alone with my daughter…”

“Of course sir. We will leave immediately.” Duvessa said.

“Thank you Duvessa…”

Duvessa’s expression softened for a microsecond, before turning and giving a slight glare to Van.

He got the message and left the room, followed by the door closing after her.

Luna had been waiting outside, sitting on the ground next to the door, looking completely bored out of her mind.

Just then, Van got a ping from his Vespera bangle with a message saying to come to the bank of Thram to complete his paperwork and get his gem.

Duvessa saw that. “I’ll send some agents to watch you from the shadows as you leave for the bank. Please leave everything else here to me.” Though it sounded more like an order than a suggestion…

Van nodded and brought Luna with him, promising to tell her everything along the way to the bank.

Hopefully nothing else eventful will happen today…


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