Van woke up to something warm between his legs and a catgirl derriere in his face. He did the only sane thing to do and helped Nikki out by taking care of her lower mouth while she used her upper one to take care of him.

Giving her a quick breakfast, Luna and Kiki soon joined in afterward, and half an hour later they were exhausted again.

“Wow… this is someday…” Kiki said, panting breathlessly. “I would never have thought in a million years that I would get myself a vampire lover of all things. I’m so glad that I came to Alcray!” She then gave a few giggles of excitement. “Not to mention the videos we made would definitely help me become a star! I can’t wait to go back home and show off!”

“Ya… definitely not a bad day for us.’ Nikki agreed, hugging Van on one side and purring affectionately. “My mom has been on my case for years that I should snag myself a man. Now I have one! All my sisters will be super jelly!” Now purring louder at the thought.

Kiki then notices where she is. “Wait… are we some sort of mansion? Holy shit! Did we bang a rich man? How lucky are we!” sitting up to take a look around at the accommodations.

“I know right! But it’s not a mansion, It’s a freaking castle!” Nikki said, also sitting up to talk to her friend.

“A castle!” Kiki exclaimed, then turned to Van. “Are you a vampire prince or something!?” sounding slightly hopeful and excited by the prospect.

“Well… not exactly…” Van began. “I am a noble… but this actually is my fiance’s castle…”

“Whoa…” Kiki’s eyes widened and she turned to her friend. “How big is the castle?”

“Huge… Like… one of the biggest castles you’ve ever seen! Definitely top twenty!” Nikki said.

“Damn… wish I was awake when you brought me here…” Kiki said, looking a little deflated at the thought she missed her chance to see something amazing.

“Don’t worry.” Luna spoke up. “You can still see some of the castle if you want, I’m sure we can ask for Rosalyn’s permission to give you two a tour.”

“Wait… Rosalyn? As in… the Rosalyn? The one that rules over all of Bright city!” Kiki began to exclaim, her eyes widening. “Your fiance is the Duchess of Bright city!?” turning to Van in shock. Apparently, even being an outsider she was aware of the power and influence of the duchess.

“It… Kinda just worked out that way.” Van said sheepishly.

“Whoa…” Kiki and Nikki said at the same time.


“Yes Kiki?”

“Forget about being a star… if we can get an interview with Rosalyn… we can be like… a SUN! Or something! We’d be famous for years! If not decades! People would be talking about us for a long time! Just think about it!”

She then motioned with her hands.

“Title! Interview with duchess Rosalyn of Bright city! One of the top ten most influential and powerful vampires of all of Alcray. At the age of fifteen, in thirty years turned her duchy around from stagnation to prosperity. Opened up her borders to foreigners and their investments. Has one of the top five most famous auction houses in the known world. Beat the odds and achieved greatness despite being an Ingrid. The vampire equivalent of a halfing. And so much more!”

“And we fucked her fiance!” Nikkia said.

“Ya we fucked her- …fiance…” Kiki’s face slowly went pale as it dawned on her what they just did..

Nikki noticed and slowly her face also went pale as she realized what she just said.

If Rosalyn was the type to be possessive of her male… she might not take too kindly of them having sex with her man inside her own castle…

The two went silent.

Then jumped as they heard a knock on the door and froze. Van allowed the maid to come in and she stuck her head in.

“Master Van, mistress Luna, mistress Rosalyn would be honored if you two would join her for breakfast. She wants to thank you for what you two did for her yesterday. Also…” She gave a quick glance towards Kiki and Nikki. “Please bring your two guests… that is all.”

The door was shut giving them the time and privacy to change and get ready.


“Yes Kiki?”

“It was nice knowing you. I love you like a sister…”

Nikki gave a small sniff. “I Love you too!”

The two then hugged each other in a dramatic fashion, each one talking about how they loved the other like family.

Van and Luna shared a somewhat amused look and got ready. Van activating a quick cleaning cantrip and then changing into some nice fresh clothes.

Kiki and Nikki were surprised by the cantrip, but also got ready to face their bleak future that was no doubt ahead of them. When they left the room with Van and Luna, they marched as if they were headed to war. Or worse. Resolute looks on their faces. Though it also seemed like they were just playing around…

Entering the dining room, the group sat down in the seats provided to them, Van adjacent to Rosalyn while her father sat on her other side and Duvessa one seat down. Luna sat down next to Van, followed by Kiki and Nikki.

Thomas gave a somewhat disapproving look at the two girls that followed Van and Luna, wondering if Van was one of those loose males that didn’t care who they bedded and already thinking if he should try and break up this engagement.

“How was your day yesterday Van? Luna? So sorry for leaving you to yourselves yesterday… That was very uncouth of me. But I just had so much catching up to do with my father… to which I say again… thank you… you have my deepest gratitude…” Rosalyn said, giving a small bow from her seat.

Thomas, despite disapproving of Van’s tagalongs, also gave a few words of thanks. Deciding to let the matter slide since he owed the young man a great deal for helping reunite him with his precious daughter.

Duvessa also gave a small bow.

“There’s no need for that,” Van said, feeling like he was now suddenly the center of attention, which he never was one for the spotlight or what he felt like was undue praise. “I just did what I could to help, that’s all… I was actually just glad everything worked out in the end.”

Kiki and Nikki now looked on with great interest, wondering if there was another scoop they could make a video of and get the views…

“Still, I owe you a great debt. I’m glad I can call you my fiance. If there is anything you want or wish for, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Rosalyn responded, giving Van a beaming smile full of thanks.

Van awkwardly accepted the thanks and slowly everyone began to eat of the small buffet placed down in front of them. As they ate, Kiki and Nikki couldn't help but feel a little out of place, self-conscious of the others around them. It didn’t help that Thomas didn’t seem to like them much.

“So… Van… who are your friends?” Thomas asked, making Kiki and Nikki stiffen a bit.

“Father!” Rosalyn admonished quietly.

“Oh? Uh… they are my and Luna’s new friends we made last night.” Van said. “They are travelers that came all the way from Malor to interview Rosalyn. They had heard of all her exploits and came all this way just to see her and bask in the city she helped redeveloped. You could even say they are huge fans.” Already pulling a story out of his ass using some of what he heard this morning of them talking about Rosalyn. “I thought I would do the nice thing and bring them over. I hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s right!” Kiki quickly swooped in. “We're huge fans of Rosalyn! She’s just the greatest isn’t she!?” She then gave a quick rundown of all of Rosalyn’s accomplishments that she knew of, Nikki helping out by adding a few anecdotes of her own whenever it looked like Kiki was stalling for time.

Thomas looked impressed, even Duvessa was nodding with some approval at what Kiki and Nikki were saying. While Rosalyn was wishing they would stop, her face went red with embarrassment.

“Honey, you didn’t tell me you were famous!” Thomas said, looking at her daughter with newfound pride. “I’m so proud of you! If even half of the things they say are true, you definitely will make a wonderful Archduchess one day!” Beaming a fatherly smile down on his precious baby.

“Jeez… dad… It’s not all that impressive…” Rosalyn said, her face red, and taking a sip of water to cool her down.

“I beg to differ!” Thomas exclaimed. “You broke house Deva, a house that’s been a huge thorn in our side for decades. Created a train network to monopolize one of the most important stops in all of Alcray from east to west and north to south. Made that bitch Karmila run for the hills with her tail between her legs. And put our city on the map! I mean… it was already there before… but now it’s on everyone’s lips to the point people all the way from Malor hear about us! What else can I say other than… that’s my girl!” His easy come smile and laughter took up the whole room.

Van was beginning to see where Rosalyn got her trait of easily being happy and positive, always smiling and laughing.

Rosalyn became even more embarrassed, trying to hide it with another sip of her water.

“Makes me wonder why you decided to marry a male already married, you should have your own harem centered around you. Not the other way around, you deserve at least that much!” Thomas added grumply, only wishing the best for his daughter.

Rosalyn almost spat out her drink. “DAD!” she complained.

“I know, I know… you're just like your mother in that regard, once you set your mind to something, you don’t turn away from it… it’s how she finally was able to woo me…” Thomas said, a wry smile on his face as his eyes looked like they were going through the fog of time to peek at the past.

“Dad…” She replied sadly.

Thomas sighed. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you have your reasons… And I know he’s not a bad person… I just wish I had more time to… come to terms with a few things… I missed thirty years with my precious baby girl… just let me cope in my own way for a while…” now looking down regretfully at all the missed opportunities that played through his head, a mix of deep sadness and self loathing for letting a past life take over his body and break his baby’s heart.

Rosalyn did not say anything, instead she simply leaned toward her father and put a gentle hand on his own. He in turn, put his free hand on that one, and the two simply stayed like that and shared a moment together…

The table was silent, even Kiki and Nikki who didn’t know what was going on knew enough to remain quiet and not to disturb the peace. Several minutes passed until Thomas gave one last squeeze of Rosalyn’s hand and told her he was fine. The servants then came by and changed out the food for a new fresh supply.

Rosalyn began to speak, trying to move the conversation along so as not to end breakfast on a solemn note, hoping that talking about other things would get the conversation off the table going and maybe reinvigorate everyone’s appetite and good mood.

“Van, Luna, let’s talk a bit about what we are going to do going forward, such as that thing with the halls of blood and justice and you two going to school. I just heard word from Venadetta that it won’t be long now that you two can come by and sign the papers. I also want to tell you that I’ve taken the liberty of buying all your school supplies. This of course does not include any arms or armor since unfortunately, your army had died in your defense. Alongside another few things I could not get for you.”

“But, I have put in a good word at the mercenary guild for you. All you have to do is drop by and they will help you choose a few decent mercs that are willing to go into a five-year contract with you. I’m also willing to pay for the upfront costs since I feel somewhat responsible for all this happening…”

“I also bought tickets to the theater, coliseum, and auction house. And placed special reservations at all five-star restaurants within the city. All you have to do is walk in and that’s it, the guards and restaurant staff will take care of the rest. If there's any item from the market you want, just charge it to me, I’ll take care of anything you purchase, so long as it’s within reason. If for example, you want to go to the auction house, just tell me and I’ll go with you, we can even make a date out of it.” She gave a small wink and smile at that.

“The tickets for the train are already bought, but if you have any friends you want to join with you, just say the word and I’ll purchase tickets for them as well. I’ll also give you a list of places you can explore while you are here in the city. Tourist attractions and the like, as well as a few date spots…” Giving him a knowing smile.

“We of course will be going to see the scenery, watch the lunar flowers bloom, eat at the Flying Cat, maybe do a few other things while we're there… enjoy our time together, take it nice and slow, talk about our feelings and more.” Now saying everything in a strange teasing manner.

“We’ll have a wonderful day, watch the fireworks, have fun at the carnival, watch a play at the theater and end it all with a nice rump in a field of flowers… of course you don’t get a say in this…” Giving another wink of her now sparkling eyes, a mischievous smile on her face.

Kiki and Nikki gave a small squeal of delight.

While Thomas sighed. “Just like her mother…” he said wistfully.

“Can I join!” Luna asked excitedly.

“Of course you can! The more the merrier!” Rosalyn said, her smile beaming and also looking just as excited as Luna.

Thomas sighed. “I suppose marrying someone already with a large harem is not a bad thing if you can make friends with the other wives…” He muttered as he watched his daughter and Rosalyn talk about all the things they were going to do together.

“Speaking of which… How many wives and lovers does he have?” Saying his thoughts out loud, now looking at Van suspiciously.

Van’s danger senses were tingling and he gave a quick side look towards his soon to be father in law, realizing something was up.

He quickly then tried to join in the conversation with Luna and Rosalyn, talking about the things he would also like to do during the date, dragging in Kiki and Nikki to ask Rosalyn their questions so as to constantly get a conversation going at all times.

Kiki and Nikki did not waste this opportunity. They immediately went on to asking Rosalyn some pointed questions such as her plans for the growth of her duchy and her future plans as a person and individual. Talking about if it was true if she was trying to help Tethra Umbra open up Alcray’s borders to the world and what she stood to gain from it.

Asking about her economic policies, questions and advice about how to grow a more prosperous city, and a bunch of other things. Acting completely differently than how Van and Luna first met them. As if a flip was switched and they were professionals, Nikki’s orb camera steady on Rosalyn at all times.

After about half an hour they were done, though it was mostly due to everyone getting a little tired. It had been a long morning after all.

“Last question,” Kiki asked. “When are you and Van getting married? And do you think you have room for two concubines?” She and Nikki tittered at that last bit, though the question previously was a bit more serious.

Rosalyn gave a professional smile. “Well for one, I don’t mind having such lovely girls joining in my future husband's harem. It’s something I have to get used to since I heard he has quite a large one…” Making Kiki and Nikki blush.

Immediately Thomas’s eyes swiveled towards Van.

Van pretended not to notice, looking away, and inwardly wondering how Rosalyn knew.

“As for the date… It should be two weeks from now… I already sent the invitations!” Rosalyn said happily. “It should take place just a few days before their departure.”

Making Van only somewhat surprised, stuff like this just wasn’t enough anymore to get a rise out of him, and he knew that she knew that he could call it all off at the last second, so it didn’t bother him much. But Luna on the other hand squealed in joy alongside Kiki and Nikki at the thought.

“That is of course, if my fiance accepts…” Rosalyn said, looking towards Van.

Van nodded, playing his role. “I would love to marry such a wonderful woman such as yourself.” Giving Rosalyn a winning smile and allowing some of his glamour to drop for a split second. Making her blush and all the girls as well, even Duvessa seemed affected by his smile for a split second.

“Well… you heard it here folks!” Kiki said towards the camera. “In just two weeks, Duchess Rosalyn will get married!” She then finished by asking for likes and subs.

“And cut!” Nikki said, putting the orb away.

“I hope you don’t mind not sending the video out just yet,” Rosalyn said. “I just want to make sure some… potential party crashers don’t get any ideas…”

Kiki and Nikki nodded. “Of course! You can count on us!”

Rosalyn smiled. “Thanks, girls.

The conversation seemed to then move on to other things. But Thomas was still staring hard at Van.

“So Van… how many wives, concubines and lovers do you exactly have?”

The other girls heard and also looked towards him, interested in his answer.

Van paled, wondering how he was going to explain this. “They will definitely think me a slut after this…” He thought worriedly.

But surprisingly, the opposite happened, at least with the girls, though his father in law to be didn’t seem to approve… he at least had the decency to keep his opinion to himself, chalking his dislike to being old-fashioned…

The other girls though… were in awe of such a virile male such as him… and begged to meet most of them come wedding day. To which he promised. Hopefully, nothing bad would come of it…


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