World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 29: Learning how to breathe

After many tearful goodbyes with Luna and Anna, Leiah finally left to go back to school, promising to return next break. Despite only knowing her for a week, Van was going to miss her. Even his zapper came to say goodbye, before floating away to explore her new home more. “That zapper really has an adventuring spirit.” Van thought as he watched it fly away. “It's kinda sad though, that it doesn't stick around much.”

With that over, Van went back along with the girls to his room to change and leave to the back yard. The corner of which had a pool where Thea and his father would be waiting for them.

“Well, look who finally decided to show up!” Thea said with a grin. “I was wondering if you got cold feet.”

Van sighed. Since leaving with his towel, Anna and Luna had not been able to look away from him. Which he supposed made sense, considering he was wearing nothing but his bathing suit for the pool. It felt weird to walk outside with so little clothing, but honestly, it was the only normal thing about this world if one were to compare it to other worlds with beach culture. Except for the fact that Luna, Anna, And Thea, were only wearing the bottom half of their bathing suit, revealing their breasts.

“He didn’t get cold feet.” Anna giggled. “He was just embarrassed that he had to walk around practically naked! All the girls we passed, couldn’t help but give him a sideways glance.” she giggled once more.

Thea’s grin grew wider. “Gods bless that reincarnater for introducing us to bathing suits and beach culture, before he went mad and killed himself, am I right?” she said, staring at Alvaroz unabashedly.

“Are those who remember past lives that common? Or go insane that easily?” Van thought, but asked. “How long ago was this?”

Thea shrugged. “A few hundred years ago or so, maybe more.” then she clapped her hand. “Now, who knows why we're here?”

“Well, you did, say you will be making us do more intense training.” Van shivered at that considering what her last training entailed. “So perhaps swimming has something to do with that? Speaking of training, I have to thank you. When that bitch was riding me, it was only thanks to that I was able to concentrate enough to bring up my aura and hit her on the nose before she tied me up more securely. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if not for you.”

Thea seemed happy to hear that, she even blushed a little. “Well, no need to thank me for that. If anything you should thank yourself for training so hard that you could do that. I still can’t get over having failed you as a mother for not being able to be there for you when I should have. Though I am glad it was of some help to you.” She finished a sad smile on her face.

“So that’s still eating at her…” Van was touched, it reminded him again how much his family actually cared for him and how lucky he really was. “Still… thank you,” Van said firmly.

Now it was Thea’s turn to be a little touched. “Well… your welcome,” she said a little embarrassed and unsure how to reply to such genuine thanks. She shook her head and gave a grin. “But I hope you realize, just because you put me in a good mood, doesn’t mean that I’m going to go easy on you.”

Van shrugged. “It was worth a shot,” he said with a grin to which Thea replied in kind with.

“Now, what we're going to do here is what any good Vampire, or in this case, dhampirs, should know and learn.” Thea began, “as you know, we are considered near undead. That means we have less weakness than those who are considered, ‘living’. With me so far?” she asked the group, to which they replied with a nod.

“Good, I’m sure you have noticed, but properly trained vampires, move with a certain grace. Some of which is natural, the other, is thanks to training. Vampires can have so much precise control over their body, that to most, it seems unnatural. And the first step to learning that graceful movement is to learn how to breathe.” She said seriously.

“Being able to control your breathing is the first step to gaining that kind of grace, it's not only good for training on how to be a warrior, but for a vampire, it will literally set you apart from most other races. You could even say, it's where vampires get their arrogance from when looking down on others.”

Thea narrowed her eyes. Staring at each person individually. “The first step is… holding your... breath…”

Van looked at her, wondering if she was serious. And glanced to the sides where Anna and Luna was.

“It might seem simple…” Thea continued. “But it's what puts us above the weakness of the other races. For example, I can hold my breath for a full seven hours. Alvaroz can do it for six and a half. There are even others, who can hold their breath for a whole day, some even two days… as vampires and being near undead, we don’t actually have to breathe as much as others, coupled with something else I’m going to be teaching you, and well...” she let that last part hang.

Van’s eyes widened, somewhat in disbelief and awe at being able to hold one's breath for so long.

“By being able to hold your breath for so long, you can survive poison gas or areas where it's dangerous to breathe or if thrown into the ocean, survive underwater for far longer than most would believe, or hide from a predator. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times just being able to hold my breath for a little longer than most literally saved my life. Our lives.” she shared a look and a nod with Alvaroz.

“As Dhampirs, you won’t be able to hold your breath, as long as us. But you still should be able to hold it for far longer than the average person. We will be training you on how to hold your breath, how to breathe properly, and how to swim. As swimming will not only train many of the muscle groups of your body but help you get more familiar with them so that you can have more control over them. Any questions?” Thea asked.

Van and the girls shook their heads.

“Good. oh, and Luna dear. I’m sorry, but I still think you are too young to join in on the training, please wait aside with your father.”

Luna gave a hurt look. She then, with a dejected posture, walked towards Alvaroz and waited beside him.

She then watched as her mother started giving instructions on how to breathe, straightening their backs and watching their chest swell in and out, telling them what they should feel and having them hold their breath for five seconds before releasing and repeating the process.

“It’s not fair,” she muttered with her eyes a little wet as she watched Anna whisper something to Van that made him laugh. “I want to be strong too. They are not much older than me!” she looked at the sight of Anna and Van getting along, and for the first time, felt a twinge of jealousy. A hand came on her shoulders and she looked up.

“I know you don’t like being left out. But your mother has a good reason for it. Your body is still too weak and she worries, pushing you will do more harm than good.” Alvaroz said kindly.

“But she’s fine pushing Anna and Van, even to the point they get hurt! And still pushes them!” she looked down, a little sulky. “It's not fair.”

“Well, there's nothing you can do but wait. You can train with me! I can help you along so that you can train with them eventually.” Alvaroz said helpfully.

Luna thought about it, before another thought entered her mind. Hesitantly, she decided to talk about it, as it was what was really on her mind, more than just being left out of the training. “I… heard… from Anna… That now she will always know where Van is, whether he is okay or not. And can always be there for him right away. She is stronger, prettier, and if something were to happen to Van. It is her that can do something about it right away. And I… I’m still too weak to do anything… I can’t even protect my man…” real tears started to form on her eyes.

She then turned to Alvaroz, determination in her eyes, and a serious expression on her face. “I want to be soul linked to Van. to be connected to him in this life and the next. So that I can always be there for him.”

“Luna…” Alvaroz said with a sad look. “Being soul linked isn’t necessarily a good thing. It's dangerous and it was only done with Anna because it would have helped both of them and made them stronger to survive their soul awakening. It should not be done on a whim.”

“This is not a whim!” Luna said, somewhat furiously, surprising Alvaroz. “Anna and Van share a special connection. And that connection makes them stronger. I mean, just look at them!” she said pointing at the two. Pointing out how much they had changed. “Is it so wrong that I want to share that special connection with my own husband? Or that I want to get strong to protect him like Anna. And Anna is my friend. I should be able to stand by her side.”

Alvaroz was silent. He could understand the desire to be strong and protect what's important to you. But felt like Luna just didn’t seem to understand the dangers of being soul linked or soul bonded. As much as he hated to say it. He put his own son's wellbeing before Anna’s when they did the ritual to link them. It was that difference that actually helped them link so flawlessly, Van’s soul realm was so big, it literally consumed Anna’s, turning a simple soul link into a full soul bond, and maybe something more... He still felt guilty about it.

Alvaroz told Luna this, in hopes she would understand and after explaining, finished with. “You see. You can’t soul link, at least not on equal terms. If you were to soul link him, you will be forced into a master-servant relationship with him… you won’t really be husband and wife like that…”

Luna shook her head. “That's where you are wrong. I still would be his wife, if anything as his wife I should be bonded to him!

Alvaroz got a little angry now. “It’s dangerous!

A hard glint formed in Luna’s eyes as she stared down Alvaroz. “On the contrary, it's safer.” she then told him something else that Anna told her.

Alvaroz felt like his whole world was rocked. “Are you serious!?”

Luna nodded. “Anna wouldn’t lie to me. She said that she cannot die unless Van dies. Even if she were to sacrifice her body. She could slowly create a new one for herself inside his soul realm.”

Alvaroz hesitated. Already thinking how Thea would be interested in that for her daughter. “But that doesn’t mean that it would be the same for you. That may be true for her. But your soul realm and her soul realm are two different things. There's no telling what would happen when someone does a soul link. And you're hoping the same thing will happen to you that happened to her. How can you be sure that you would end up so lucky?”

Luna stared at her father in the eyes. “I believe it will happen. And even if it does not. At least I will be connected with my husband. As A man, I know you can’t understand. But whether you like it or not, as a woman, if there's a chance, I’m going to take it.”

Alvaroz didn’t know what to say to that. He knew if his wives had a chance to be properly connected to him with a soul link safely, they probably would. “Women... seriously... what strange creatures.”

He sighed. “I understand. I’ll talk it over with your mother and Lorenzo. But don’t think she would so easily agree. It is Thea we are talking about, and she would do anything to protect you after all.”

“I feel like she would understand. Or at least come around to it eventually.” Luna said with certainty.

The two looked back towards the rest of the group and saw Thea violently dunking Van’s and Anna’s head under the water of the pool with an evil grin on her face. They watched as Van and Anna tried to lift their heads for breath, but were not strong enough to break through Thea’s iron grip. A part of Luna actually was thankful that she wasn’t included in today's training.

“You know...” Alvaroz began as he continued to watch his son partially drown. “A succubi, even as they wish to surround their man with women, still want to be the most important one to him. How do you know you don’t want to soul link with my son because you're jealous of Anna?”

Luna hesitated. Thrown off by the question. “I… don’t know… maybe a part of me is jealous. But… that still won't stop me from forming a link with him. I know I’ve only known him for a few years. And only been married to him for a week. But…” she brought her hand to her chest and tightened. “This warm feeling of being with this family, this kindness and love. And just the pure innocence of Van… I know he loves me, truly loves me, and wants to love me more. I can feel it through our marriage link… I want to keep that feeling forever… is that so wrong?”

Alvaroz slowly shook his head. Remembering how badly she was treated by the other house of Moonshadow when she was a hostage. Picturing in his mind's eye the damage done to her ears and back. Scars that probably won't heal for a long time. “She just doesn’t want to lose what she has gained.” then remembered something.

“If Van dies you…” he paused as he realized that she probably already took that into account.

Luna gave a small smile. “Yes… I know… I’m prepared for that, and more... I would rather die than be parted.”

Alvaroz looked at Luna like he was finally seeing her for the first time. “Did she have to grow up so quickly, so fast, because of what she had been through?” he thought that despite looking younger than Van and Anna, Luna was probably, at least mentally, just as old if not older than them.

“Are you sure you're not clinging onto something, more for your own sake, then because you believe it should be done?” Alvaroz asked. Not looking at Luna.

Luna also watched her husband and Anna swim, not looking at Alvaroz. “I thought about that… and you are right… it’s probably for a far more selfish reason than anything. But… I really do want to be with him forever. He makes me happy and feel safe. And if it's for him, I don’t mind changing and becoming a better version of myself for him. Perhaps it's just a women thing, how we act when we finally have something to protect. But whether it's instincts, blood, trauma, or whatever else. It still won’t change the way I feel for him. And it was knowing that that helped make my decision.”

Alvaroz sighed. “Gods dammit.” he looked up. “I’ll see what I can do to help you,” he said, giving in.

Luna looked to him with a smile. “Thanks, dad.”

“Don’t thank me just yet. You still have to convince everyone else. Including Van. and something tells me, he would be the most difficult to convince. He cares about you as much as you do about him.” Alvaroz said, returning the smile.

Luna nodded with a sly smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll convince him eventually,” she said with confidence, turning to look at the other group only for her smile to vanish and blink stupidly at the sight before her.

Van and Anna looked exhausted. Somehow Thea was balancing herself on the top of their backs. One foot on the other as they tried to swim in sync and not to drown.

Alvaroz sighed and shook his head. “This is what happens when she gets carried away with no one to watch her. It's not even proper training. She’s just having fun at their expense.” As he watched both his son and Anna struggled and gasped for breath with Thea egging them on and yelling at them to continue.

“How did it even get to that?” Luna asked, genuinely concerned and curious.

“Trust me, your mother can say a lot of stupid things so convincingly that even a scholar with decades of experience and knowledge wouldn’t know whether or not to take her seriously. Trust me, I know from experience,” Alvaroz said.

Thea then took a pose, hand and finger pointed forward, and laughed out loud the joy she was having before falling into the water as Van and Anna couldn’t take it anymore.

“Well, I figured something like this may happen,” Alvaroz said, bringing a beach ball out from his soul realm. “Let's join in and have some fun. What do you say?” he asked Luna with a grin.

Luna grinned in return and got a running start and cannonballed into the pool. Alvaroz joined in soon after.

Soon, everyone was just enjoying their time in the pool. Especially Van and Anna, for having their training end early. Thea thought, didn’t seem to have noticed, as she threw the beach ball to her daughter. Their laughter was heard from so far away, that even Lorenzo and Lillia came to join in on the Fun, soon followed by the zapper. And like that the hours passed.


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special thanks to my new patron members. - Shadow

Just want to say, I'm pretty sad to find out that many of the people who joined me on Patreon left before the end of the month before they were charged. They essentially saw ten chapters ahead and got out before they had to pay. so an extra special thanks for all those who stayed! I've been writing a lot lately, now at chapter 55. so I'm going to take a break for the rest of the month. It's that time of year after all, have things to do, people to meet, doctor, dentist, taxes, etc. so I'll be a bit busy for a while.  with that said, I meant to do a double post last week, but I'll do it this week since I feel like I've made good progress.

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