Van was glad to finally be back home, while the experience was a bit weird, and honestly not always enjoyable. What he learned and what he eventually overcame, made him feel like he matured and grew a little. While still uncomfortable with the gazes of other women, he did not mind it as much as he did before. If anything, the thoughts of sleeping with other women, at first making him feel queasy, were now of the past. He would admit to himself, he would now not mind sleeping with others. So long as it was on his terms, and if he felt comfortable enough with them.

It also seemed to awaken something inside of him. Like a small flickering flame, him getting used to sex has allowed him to desire it more, much to the joy of Luna and Anna. thought he could still go for days if he wants without indulging in such a thing. Looking into his soul realm, he had found that his incubus bloodline had increased to 37.7%. Which surprised him greatly, if he went to one hundred, his incubi bloodline would completely awaken.

And yet… Van couldn’t bring himself to getting rid of it. His incubi bloodline helped, even in its unawakened state, it increased his affinity to mana and his natural mana pool. In fact, just having it closer to being awakened increased those things, making him stronger. Not to mention the fact that he very much enjoyed seeing the expression of pure bliss on his wife and lover after lovemaking and was very afraid he would lose his natural skill, size, and other supernatural factors that made him amazing in bed. Something he blamed on his past lives, no, even he could not entirely blame them for that. No matter the world, men would always be self-conscious about their size and skill in bed. Probably like a woman would be with their breast and butt.

But moving on from such thoughts, now it was time to figure out what he was going to do, or learn, next. Now that he was back home, he started learning with Sheri again about vampire society but slowly moved on from there to the geography of Alcray, as well as the spoken and unspoken rules of the vampire world.

Two months would pass as Van slowly went into a routine of training in the morning, and studying the rest of the day with Sheri. Learning as much as he could cram into himself. These days continued until Lorenzo wanted his favorite pupil back to teach.

Surprisingly, Sheri agreed and allowed Lore to teach Van for the next few weeks as a break from all the studying. Van was thankful since he greatly missed learning magic and alchemy with Lore. Learning with Lore was always a fun experience, mostly because Lore was like a child with a toy, full of excitement and joy, while learning alongside his pupil half the time he taught, yet at the same time also very good at explaining what they were studying clearly and concisely with great depth.

It was during this time that Lorenzo brought up the fact that Van should learn some necromancy, and had decided to take Van to a few friends of his later in the day. But before they left, his parents wanted to talk to him about something over lunch. So they made their way over to the dining room to see what's up.

Once they sat down, Alv addressed them. “Van… me and your mother have been thinking. Which school do you want to go to once your teachings with Sheri are finished?”

“Which school?” Van questioned, confused.

“Well… you are nearing eighteen, and with the rate you are learning from Sheri, she has told us that in the next two years you should have learned everything she is planning to teach you. Which means choosing a school.” Alv replied.

“I thought there was only one school in Alcray?”

“Yes, there is, if you don’t count Nightfall academy for higher learning. But Bloodhaven has many branch schools as well, not just the one you are thinking about.”

“One branch school is on the west coast. A haven for progressive thinkers, a place where new technologies and ideas are constantly being introduced from the outside world. If you are to go there, you would learn much about the cultures and tech of the world, learning diplomatic skills, and gaining the latest in scientific research that you may read at your leisure. It is a great place to challenge the mind and get used to the more modern technology of our times. The best part is, there is a lot less sexism and such over there.”

“On the other side, we have the branch school in the east. Literally bordering the wastes, also known as the deadlands. Over there is the greatest military academy of Alcray. Where you will learn how to fight for real and defend yourself. And not just that, but lead troops, organize small armies, and learn how to acquire talented people. With real-life or death combat and the best martial instructors in Alcray.”

“Of course both have mage classes, thought of different studies. In the west branch, you will learn more general magic, with the best classes being alchemy, enchanting, runemancy, and more. While in the east you will learn more about necromancy, shadow, and blood magic. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.”

“And let's not forget the main branch of Bloodhaven academy. They have almost everything, not exactly the best of both worlds, but they are the oldest school around with teachers having centuries of experience and knowledge on how to teach students. You may not learn the latest in technology, or learn to lead armies. But you will learn how to properly govern your domain and lead your people. As well as how to cultivate your land and make it prosper. And with those teachers, you can be assured that you have the best of the best teaching you everything you need to know and then some.

“Do I have to choose now?” Van asked, feeling like he was being put on the spot all of a sudden

Alv shook his head. “Not right this second, but applying for a school takes time, so the earlier the better. There are of course more normal schools nearby you could take. But considering that house Umbra owes us. Why not shoot for the best available? It would be on their coin after all. Thought the sooner you make the decision the better. Is there any that catches your interest so far?”

Van thought about it, so far the branch in the west was tempting, but so was the main branch, learning how to properly govern the land he will one day rule, which sounded very important. On the other hand, he also planned to explore the world, and becoming as strong as possible would increase his survivability so that made the east branch also tempting.

“Hmmm. I know that Leiah goes to the main branch… and she is my concubine… So maybe I could have her teach me how to govern, not to mention she could also do most of that kind of work for me until I get good at it myself, that is her job as my concubine, after all, doing these kinds of things. As for the west… that sounds like a pretty good place to learn, but if I want to grow strong then I will need to go east… so maybe I can go east and Luna can go west. If they are so progressive, maybe they wouldn’t mind Luna having elf blood. And we can each learn the best from what each branch has to offer... But then again… I don’t want to part with my most beloved…” Van’s brow furrowed as he continued to think until he sighed and shared his mind with Luna and everyone else at the table.

Luna seemed nervous, it was one thing to be parted from her loved one for a few months, they at least could communicate. It was another to be parted for years without being unable to talk to each other for most of that time. Her heart raced at the thought of being all alone with strangers.

And of course, Thea was completely against it. She had paused eating her food when talks about sending Van to school began, fearing for where this was going. And now her fears were founded as talks about her daughter leaving to go far away entered the conversation.

Alv nodded thoughtfuly when Van spoke some of his thoughts out loud. “That's not a bad idea. It would certainly cover all your bases. And you can teach each other what you have learned. But… are you sure you want to go to the east? It's a very dangerous place, and they are not as kind to lone males…”

Van nodded. “I'm sure.” then a thought entered his mind. “Isn’t Malon Taldor the leader of the east? Why is it still a bad place for males if he, a male, is in charge.”

“Malon Taldor may be the leader, but he has won that position by being the most cunning and ruthless leader out there. And if the aggressive faction likes anything, it's people who can back themselves up with strength.” Alv replied.

“I see…” Van said before Thea interrupted.

“Can we go back to where you guys came up with the crazy idea of sending my daughter off hundreds of miles away!? I won’t allow it! She is my precious baby, who knows what people would do to her away from me.” she said, panicked and fearful.

“Come now love, your daughter isn’t going to remain a child forever… She needs room to grow and become her own person. She has grown stronger, and she won’t be going alone. Leiah, Van’s concubine, will be finishing school in another year or so. I have already asked her and her parents, she wouldn’t mind going to the east for extracurricular courses and be with Luna during her stay there.” Alv said, trying to soothe his wife.

“I agree,” Van said, looking at his own wife and into her deep blue beautiful eyes. “Luna has grown very strong. I believe that she could do this, I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn’t. Not to mention, Anna will be going with her as well. At least two of them… maybe four…”

Luna actually blushed a little at being so lovingly stared at. She wanted to say something, but being told that she was strong, both by Alvaroz and her husband made her pause. She was still nervous and scared, but finding out that there were people who believed she was strong and that she could do it, gave her an odd feeling inside of herself that made any protest that she wanted to say, trapped behind the bars of her lips. It also helped that Leiah and a few Annas were coming along with her. So oddly enough for her, she kind of wanted to prove them right. Even as her heart was beating a million miles a second.

Even Lillia chimed in. saying that Luna had greatly improved and has learned a lot. With Sheri stating that her skill with shadow magic was a beautiful sight to behold. Especially with the way she weaved both shadow and light.

But Thea was going to need far more convincing than that. For everything, she has been through. She genuinely loved Luna with all her heart. While at first, she lamented, why her, why her of all people. When Luna was born, a feeling of connection formed. And a desire to make sure that her precious baby will never have to go through the thing she went through, grew in her heart. She felt like she and her baby were both victims, so a strange obsession formed for her daughter.

All this and more, made the thought of parting from her baby, a painful ordeal. As thoughts of all the horrible things that Luna could go through, amplified by the things she has experienced and blown out of proportion due to her trauma. Has made such thinking an anathema to her mind. To the point that just the thought of it was painful to her on a literal and spiritual level.

It was made even worse with what Luna said next.

“Mom…” Luna started, taking a deep breath and her husband's hand and gripping it tightly. “I’m… I’m going,” she said, using every little courage she could gather up.

Thea felt like she was going to cry. She wanted to say something, a small yell bulging in her throat, being swallowed back down. She wanted to say that she couldn’t. To say that she wasn’t allowed. But she didn’t...

And for all her courage of saying she was going, even Luna wasn’t sure if she meant the words she said. The thought of being parted from her mother also scared her far more than she thought it would. For her, Thea was a safe haven, the place she could always go to whenever she was scared. To stay so far away from her for so long, was like casting away a lifeline when you were out at sea and you had no idea how to swim.

The table took a silent turn. As an uncomfortable pause took the room. No one knew how to continue the conversation. So the matter was dropped and awkward small talk took the place of the silence before.

Thea was looking down and poking at her food while Luna ate autonomously, taking no joy in her food. After half an hour, everyone left to go their separate ways.

As Van was moving to go with Lorenzo, he was stopped when Luna took a light grip of his shirt. He was on the fence on whether he should give her space and time, or whether he should stay with her. But thankfully it seemed that Luna had made that decision for him. Taking a glance at Lorenzo, he nodded his head and turned to Luna, waiting for her to say something if anything at all.

With some hesitation, she very quietly asked if they could talk in their room.

Van nodded and the two of them left to get some privacy.

In their room, Van gently closed the door and let the silence linger before breaking it. “So… what do you want to talk about?”

Luna turned, eyes a little red and fear in her voice. As she panicky babbled about how afraid she was at the thought of leaving her mom. How scared she was at the thought of being all alone and how she didn’t think she could do it.

Nothing she was saying was making any sense. But Van could tell that this was a far greater deal than he first realized. Even Van was afraid of leaving. He didn’t want to leave, not at all. But he also knew that he couldn't stay here and stay the same person he was if he wanted to follow his dreams.

So he told her that as he hugged her close to him. “Luna, it's okay to be afraid, so am I. but you are not alone, you have not just your mom. But for me, Anna, Leiah, and everyone else. I know that’s harder to understand with your heart than your head. But I believe in you, I believe you are strong. And I'm not the only one. And more than anything, if you don’t want to go, that's fine, I’ll go alone. And if even that is too much for you, then I will stay with you. Forever.” Luna was silent hugging him. But the way she gripped him, made him realize she heard.

Luna wanted to say something back. But she was far more emotional than she realized. So she stayed silent and enjoyed the feeling of her husband wrapping himself around her with his strong protective arms.


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