World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 76 Lyn’s Story part 4

Lyn wasted no time, when she left the beehive, she stretched her senses as far as they could go and zipped all over the place looking for any outcast or those who had lost their hive and queen.

Far and wide she went, fighting and challenging many bees and zappers for the next two days. Ambushing small groups of them, asking questions of where others like them can be found, and seeking them out to repeat the cycle.

Never slowing down, she didn’t stop until she felt like she exhausted every outcast or hiveless she could find within a day's area of her. Slowly forming a small posse of about twenty-one zappers and forty-eight bees.

Now normally some might wonder where she was going to put so many bees and zappers, and even a few ants. But Lyn had a plane, she wasn’t just dueling and coercing others to follow her… no she was also scouting the area around her. Forming a mental map of the area around her and of the two hives she now protects, when she was suddenly interrupted.

“Mistress Lyn! Mistress Lyn! I found another group without a hive!” one of her new zapper followers said. “But… there's just one problem… they have gone, mind dead…” making a few of her followers gasp. Mind dead being what happens to an insect that has gone without being ruled by an insect-kin for too long, their minds degenerated. Which meant that this new group ethier had a non-insect-kin ruler, or they were hiveless for too long…

While considered incredibly rude, if they were ruled by a non-insect-kin, if she so wanted to, she could ask if they would want to join up with her, but if refused, she would have to accept it. But if they were hiveless and lost their minds, then she could collect them, free manpower. And having her as their ruler would slowly bring back their minds.

The only problem was… if you could even communicate with mind-dead insects, as they are notoriously difficult for intelligent insects to understand. For when an insect becomes an insect-kin or is ruled by one, they gain intelligence despite their, admittedly, small brain, but at a cost that they lose some of their natural instincts that helped them before. Like a bee's ability to dance in order to communicate, now replaced by a form of telepathy when they get close to each other.

But Lyn wasn’t deterred, she merely turned to the zapper that spoke and asked. “How many.” in a confident tone.

“A full eleven! They are just milling about, it seems, doesn't look like they plan to go anywhere anytime soon. I think I found them just in time.” the zapper said proudly.

Which made sense, most hiveless, whether ruled by an insect-kin or not, would slowly die without a colony to serve and be a part of, leaving many to die over the course of a few weeks unless picked up soon. So by telling Lyn, the zapper was effectively saving their lives in a way.

Wasting no time, Lyn set out and followed the zapper to the small clearing that had the bees just laying about doing nothing.

“There! There!” the zapper said excitedly, pointing at the bees.

A few of the others also came to look, watching with interest. “How are you going to get them to follow you?” another one of Lyn’s followers asked when they stopped a good distance away to watch.

Lyn just smiled. “Don’t worry, I got this,” she said with confidence, gently flying down towards the small group of bees.

The bees then noticed her and started to buzz agitated by the stranger. But Lyn sensed no touch of an insect-kin on their minds or the pheromones of a regular insect queen. Meaning they were truly, free real estate.

Gently flying into the middle of the group, they buzzed with warnings and threats. But she ignored all of that and instead… began to dance!

She whirled around, shaking her hips and sticking her ass out. Making sudden turns and sharp angles, spinning in place and using her aura in place as pheromones, spreading it out to engulf her potential new recruits. The bees could not help but watch the majesty of her dance, buzzing ever closer to her with curiosity and awe. After a few minutes of this, they had accepted her as their ruler, and in their buzzing ways, swore allegiance to the new queen.

When she returned to her group of followers with the new group of bees, they were all in awe of what she did. “Whoa! That was amazing! I don’t know exactly what you did, but it spoke to me on a very deep level!” one of them said.

“Yah… if you had done that dance for me instead of beating me up, I would have joined in a heartbeat!” another replied.

“Where did you learn such a dance?” one asked, still in awe.

Lyn blushed heavily, and not just because of the praise. She went into a flashback of how she learned the dance moves.


Lyn was back inside Van’s soul realm, in Ren's room watching tv, she had been coming over more and more often to learn new things and watch the animays. But right now instead of the animays, she was watching a nature documentary about bees.

Her eyes were glued to the screen, only a few inches away as the show droned on about the daily life of bees. Though for most humans it would be educational, and it still was even for Lyn, she took it in a slightly different way.

“Ooooh yaaaa…. Shake that ass, you dirty girl…” Lyn said with a lewd voice, engrossed into the part where the documentary was talking about how bees communicate.

“Hey Lyn i’m about to-... what are you doing?” Ren asked, coming in from another room.

Immediately Lyn jumped to hide the tv screen with her body, wrapping her arms around it and feeling for the buttons on the side. “N-Nothing! I was…” she found the button and started to press it, changing the channel until it landed on one showing cars racing. “Looking for the sports channel!”

“...that's... not the sports channel...” Ren said, quirking an eye at Lyns' weirdness.

“Well, they might as well consider it a sport!” Lyn said backing off the tv and acting like she actually cares. “I mean look at it! Look! They're taking a left turn! Look! Another left turn! And another left turn! I wonder what they're going to do next!” she said, trying to sound excited.

“Riiiiight…” Ren said, not believing a word, “look, I’m going out for some fresh air, do you want anything before I leave?”

“... tissue paper?”

Ren looked at Lyn for a hard moment as she sweated under his gaze, then gave up with a sigh and made a box of tissue paper appear. “Anything else?”

“Err-umm a laptop please?” Lyn asked.

Ren made a laptop appear, fit for her size. “Just make sure to clean up after yourself, okay.” then turned to leave.

Once she was sure he left, she turned on the laptop and looked for porn about women dressed as bees, or at least with honey on them. Then she switched it back to the documentary and rewinded back to where she left off when the bees started to dance. “This is a great starter! After this, dessert…” she thought, preparing a few videos on the laptop in advance for when the dancing bee scene was over.

End flashback.


“Umm… let's just say, I’m a genius and leave it at that…” Lyn said, doing her best to not blush too hard.

“”“Oooh aahhhh!””” her followers said in awe of her.

“Right! Now that we got the last of the hiveless around this area, it's time to look for a new home!” Lyn said, already thinking of a few places. That was when one of her new bee followers started to buzz next to her. “Hmm? You say you know a place that's perfect for us?” the bee buzzed again.

“Well don’t just stand there! Lead the way!” Lyn said, as she and her group then followed the bee for the next few hours. When they finally arrived, Lyn wasn’t sure what she was looking at, that was until she moved a few inches closer and everything changed.

“A hidden fairy grove!” Lyn exclaimed, surprised. It was under an illusion, but the second they entered the area, its true self appeared. A supermassive tree with shiny leaves stood before her. Surrounded by many other trees, such as a lightning tree, maple tree, and many others.

They all went deeper into the grove and found it abandoned. Which meant it was ripe for the taking! Exploring the place, they found that it had been abandoned for a long time now and that it was half-finished. So whoever was planning to stay here, probably gave up halfway through for some reason.

As she entered the biggest and most important-looking tree, she marveled how the insides looked bigger than the outside, which was impressive for the tree was already pretty big, to begin with. Walking in deeper, she and her followers found the throne room in all its majesty. Lyn walked up to it, touching its armrest, feeling the craftsmanship, then slowly sitting down on the throne and looking at all the bees, zappers, and the few ants that she had been able to win over and make follow her. The scene filled her with pride.

“Ohh! You look like a real queen!” one of the bees said. And soon the others agreed, all buzzing their approval.

Lyn blushed at that and was about to dissuade them when she felt an electric thrill run up her spine. Followed by another, and another. Soon she felt a slight change in her being, in her aura, and felt more connected to her followers more than ever.

Lyn felt choked for words. “You.. All of you want me to be your queen?” as she felt their trust through their new bond, as she felt closer to them than ever. They were accepting her as their new queen, and she felt the power of that trust flow through her, her body changing a little, growing, becoming stronger in front of her followers.

“Yes! Yes! Queen Lyn, brings back the mind dead!”

“Queen Lyn! She has a name!”

“Queen Lyn! She dances so well!”

“Queen Lyn! So strong!”

This and many more praises were heaped onto her, making her feel very embarrassed even as she felt strong from it. So she stood up and puffed out her chest in pride, her decision made.

“Alright! Since you want me to be queen, then I will be queen! From now on, this place is my hive! You are all my subjects! And I shall name this place… SHINY LEAF!”

All the bees, zappers, and a few ants, buzzed their joy of belonging to a hive once more and with such a great queen to serve. Already they could feel themselves becoming smarter through the new connection they now shared with their great queen.

“Alright then,” she said, sitting down on her new throne. “First order of business, I want a thorough scouting of our new home. What resources there are, and if there are any food stores left. Second, I want a group to go scout out and look for other outcasts and hiveless. Bring them to me, should I find them worthy, they can join my hive. And thirdly, I’m going to go visit my sister and the young bee queen, there are a few things I need to discuss with them. Now you have your orders, do them!” she said, waving her hand in a commanding gesture.

All her followers buzzed their approval, and moved out, splitting themselves into two groups and setting out to do their tasks.

With that done, Lyn got up from her throne and set out to her sister's hive, flying as fast as she could, as she was so excited to share the moment with her sister. A huge grin on her face.

Making good time, she rushed inside her sister's hive, surprising everyone with her speed. “Sister! Sister! Look!” She shouted excitedly, acting more like a kid than a queen.

“Wha-? Lyn? What are you-” then her eyes went wide. “You're a queen!” she shouted, almost unable to believe what she was seeing before her eyes.

Lyn puffed out her chest. “That's right! I found a lot of followers and founded a new hive. I call it Shiny Leaf!”

Lyn’s sister looked dumbfounded, “it's only been like… two days! How many followers did you get! How did you find a suitable place to make a hive!? How-!?” the words escaping her. “Just how!?”

Lyn smiled smugly, “I worked really hard!” was all she said.

Lyn’s sister just stared at her in disbelief, before slumping into own her throne, trying to make sense of everything, only for her to jump up in panic as she remembered something important. “You! You went to that beehive! Are you okay? Were you hurt? What happened!”

“Oh, that? I took care of it! They're under my protection now too! They will do what I say.” Lyn said matter of factly with a shrug of her shoulders like it was no big deal.

Lyn’s sister went slack-jawed, before collapsing back onto her throne, trying to massage her scalp as her brain tried to catch up to everything that Lyn just said. “I must have gone mad… I mean, who could blame me? I lost so much… My Mother, most of my hive, and my sister I thought gone forever suddenly came back to then challenge the hive that did this to us. Only for her to come back in two days and say that she is a queen now and also got the servitude of our enemy hive… surely I have gone insane…” she mumbled to herself.

“Oh well…” Lyn began, now feeling a little bad for putting her sister into this predicament. “Since you think you have gone insane, perhaps you wouldn’t mind if I tell you I want you to move in with me and that other hive? You know? All of us living together from now on?” she finished, a little worried about how her sister would react.

The Lyn’s sister just stared, then let her shoulders slump to the ground. “Sure… why not… it can’t possibly get worse than it is now right?”

Lyn winced, she could kinda understand what her sister might be going through right now, perhaps just leaving like she did without catching up first was a bad idea. But right now she didn't have the time to feel sorry, she had a plan to put in motion and she was running against the clock. Who knows how much time she had before her master and his father decided to leave.

“I’m sorry sister… but right now I don’t have time for this… just know, I’m doing my best to set things right and make sure your hive prospers. I promise you that.” Lyn said gently. “When you're ready, follow one of my zappers, she will make sure you get to our new hive safely,” she said, pointing to one of the few followers that followed her to the hive.

Her sister sighed. “Alright… I honestly don’t really have a better option anyway. Besides, You have always been the smarter of us, even if it was in the… strangest of ways. You never let me down before. Not even when you saved me from that frog.” she smiled gently, as she remembered their past together. “So I will put my trust in you.”

Lyn was very touched. “Thank you… I promise, again, that you will not regret this.” She then turned to leave. Sad that she had to so soon leave again, but promising herself that she will find the time to talk with her sister properly after all this was over.

Now flying towards the beehive of the young queen, some doubts played across Lyn’s mind. But she pushed them aside, for she had no time for them. Making good time, she entered unopposed into the throne room of the young queen and her aid. Explaining everything to a wide-eyed audience of everything she was able to accomplish in just two days.

“You want us to live with that zapper colony! Are you crazy!” the aid yelled. “After everything that has happened between us, you really think we can just get along, just like that?”

“No, I don’t think you can, but you will because I say you will,” Lyn said, taking no nonsense from the aid. “I promise you, I will take care of the spider problem, and not only that, I will take care of the food problem. I will take care of everything. But you have to do what I say. And I say you have to get along with the zapper colony.” she finished, not taking no for an answer.

“But! But!” The aid began, trying to make sense of everything that was happening.

“That’s enough.” the young queen said to her aid, before addressing Lyn. “Do you really think it would be alright? We both lost so much in our conflict, not to mention if we are going to be living together, then we will also have to share food stores with each other. And I'm not sure either one of our hives can do that.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Lyn said. “I have a plan. Now, when you are ready, please follow this bee back to my hive, she will lead the way.” pointing to the last remaining follower she had tagging along with her.

“I see… well… if you say it's possible that we can live together and be fed, then I will believe you. But know this, young as I am, I will do everything for my hive. We may be under your protection, but that still doesn’t mean we are under your rule…” she then leaned in a little forward. “I am trusting you here, please understand my position.”

Lyn nodded. “Don’t worry queen, I made a promise, and I mean to keep it. You’ll see.”

“And I meant what I said before… if you can truly keep such a promise, then I don’t mind serving you if you meet the prerequisites of becoming a high queen.” the young queen said.

“Thank you… you honor me.” Lyn said solemnly, knowing full well what such a comment meant.

The young queen nodded.

With that, Lyn turned to leave, now that she had accomplished most of her goals, she flew towards the edge of the bee and zappers territories, looking for any sign of spiders. She had to scout them out because, after she grew her power and fixed the food shortage, she would have to take care of the spider problem before it became too big.

So she flew near the locations of a few spider nests she was told about by her scouts. As she flew, she thought about how silly it was for two great hives to kill each other over the shrinking flower pastures when they could have just worked together to get rid of the spiders. Just the thought of it made her a little angry.

That was of course when she had to do a dead stop and gasped in horror at the sight before her eyes. As far as she could see, everything was webbed up. Not a single tree, branch, or leaf wasn’t covered. And some of the biggest and ugliest spiders she had ever seen watched her from a distance.

This… was spider territory.


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