World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 81 Lyn’s story Part 9 (nsfw)

Lyn was breathing heavily from exertion, the last bout taking far more from her than she was expecting. Those mantises were no joke, and they had both skill and speed to back them up.

For the past few days, she had been taking battles in the arena, racking up enough points to be eligible for the tournament that was going to start tomorrow. She had learned a lot since then, far more about fighting than she ever thought she would with first-hand experience.

The crowd's cheering was something she still couldn't quite get used to either. She didn’t mind being the center of attention sometimes, but there was a limit, and it was broken by quite a bit considering the size of the crowd.

Taking a deep breath, Lyn raised her spear to the deafening roars of her fans, then lowered it, walking off the stage, leaving her opponent to be picked up by the arena staff.

Once in the quarters designated to her, she started to take off the new armor that she received from Anya. a nice black and blue armor with a mix of padded silk and soft and hard leather with small bits of black iron that hugged her body.

Once everything was off she stepped into the nearby shower to rinse the sweat off, jumping and almost hitting her head when she heard Evergreen speak up behind her.

“So… how was the match?” she asked.

Lyn blushed, trying to cover herself with her arms and hands then wings, then feeling silly for doing so, but unsure if she should stop or not. Confused as she was to what kind of relationship they had and where it was and it showed on her face.

“Oh… it was fine… a bit of a close one if I had to be honest. Could probably do better next time, now that I have a reference to use for future battles, but still a close one all the same.” Lyn replied.

“So you're saying if you were to fight her next time it would be easier?” Evergreen asked.

“Yes, that’s what I said, right?” Lyn replied, tilting her head.

“Just making sure. What do you think are the odds of you winning the tournament tomorrow?” Evergreen asked, switching tack.

“Umm… pretty good?” Lyn answered, a little unsure. “There are a few things I'm worried about, but if I'm a little lucky and plan ahead, I should be able to squeeze out a victory. Though I do wish my odds were better.”

Evergreen nodded, thinking back to the rooster for the tournament so far. “There’s that mantis that’s quickly rising through the ranks. Not to mention that young queen ant…”

“Ya… those two are the ones I’m most worried about.” Lyn agreed. “Both are very strong, I was even surprised they were able to take care of that butterfly archer and that one fairy mage. I would have thought they would have some difficulty, but their skill and power is no joke. They will be tough to beat.”

“And to think this isn’t even a big-time tournament, that there are stronger opponents out there and this is one of the smaller ones,” Amie said in a teasing manner, wanting Lyn to think about it a bit.

“I know...” Lyn said, nodding in agreement, then paused nervously. “...anyway… I answered your questions, can you let me shower in peace now?” Still a little embarrassed about having this kind of conversation while naked.

Evergreen gave a coy smile. “Why? Don’t like me watching? That didn’t seem to stop you that one time you caught me taking a shower.” making Lyn’s already red face even redder.

“That… was an accident…” Lyn said, trying to defend herself.

“Doesn’t change the fact that you seemed to enjoy it,” Evergreen said, now teasing Lyn. “Come on, admit it, you like me…” leaning in towards Lyn. “Why else would you enjoy that kiss we shared so much? I know you're always stealing glances of my lips,” she said pointedly.

Lyn felt like a cornered animal, she really didn’t want to be here right now. “Me like you? You're the one that kissed me! Doesn’t that make it so you like me and not the other way around?”

Evergreen giggled. “I only did that because they were having a half off at the ice cream shop. Besides, wasn’t it you that said that we should pretend to be a couple?”

“But I never said that we had to kiss! I was totally fine with just leaving when they asked for proof! You're the one that came out of nowhere and kissed me!” Lyn said, panicking with how close Evergreen was getting. “A-also you're getting kind of close, you're going to get wet.”

“Maybe I want to get… wet…” Evergreen said, slowly making her way into the shower with Lyn.

Lyn was now sharing a very tight space with Evergreen, her back to the wall, trying to squeeze every little bit of her as far away as possible all the while watching as Evergreen's clothes slowly got soaked showing what was hidden underneath, making Lyn gulp and her heart start to race.

Slowly, Evergreen got on tiptoes and gave Lyn a soft kiss on the lips, gently placing a hand on Lyn’s cheek and looking into her eyes. “Lyn, you are the funniest person I ever met, so weird, so strong, so… much… everything! I can’t even put it all into words…”

“Even I’m not one hundred percent sure of what I feel for you… I mean… we only just met a few weeks ago… but… you are the most amazing person I have ever met, and the thought of us parting and never seeing each other again makes the future look so… grey… and dull…”

“So forget confirming anything, let's just enjoy this…” letting her clothes drop to the floor. “Together…”

---Sex scene!---

Evergreen kissed Lyn again, and this time Lyn couldn’t hold back, returning the kiss in kind. Pressing their bodies slowly together, feeling their slick skin pressing and rubbing against one another. Evergreen wrapping her arms around Lyn, Lyn grabbing Evergreen's waist and ass. The smell of each other intoxicating, the smell of flowers and a woman's body.

Slowly, Evergreen pulled Lyn’s head down to her breast, as Lyn slowly and gently cupped her nether regions with her hand, trying to figure out how to plunge into her depths. Evergreen gasped as it seemed Lyn figured it out, feeling a soft finger explore her insides, all the while she moaned as Lyn bit into her breast like a starving dog to a bone. Her body arching as she was forced to go onto her tiptoes, but unafraid of falling since Lyn held on to her so tightly.

Despite the lack of skill on Lyn’s part, Evergreen still felt herself climaxing a little too soon, as every touch and movement of Lyn’s hand felt electric-like something massaging and making her body even more sensitive. Every bite mark that Lyn left on her body doing the same.

After letting out another moan, she gave Lyn a passionate kiss, then slowly slid down Lyn’s body until she reached her lower mouth. Evergreen then started to get to work, using her tongue to pleasure Lyn in ways Lyn never knew possible.

Lyn stared down at Evergreen as she ate her out. Feeling her muscles contract and spasm. Unable to handle it anymore, she grabbed Evergreen’s head and forced it harder against her crotch, just like those eyes of hers pleaded her to do, and released a massive climax that left Lyn’s legs feeling weak.

With that, she couldn’t help but slide to the ground to Evergreen’s level, who took this opportunity to seat herself in Lyn’s lap, wrapping her legs around Lyn’s waist, and proceeded to kiss her once more.

After a few minutes of this, they parted and Evergreen looked lovely into Lyn’s eyes. “Let's clean up and go back home… and continue where we leave off, I have a few toys we could use…”

Lyn nodded in a daze, but it still took them some time before they were able to get changed again and leave, a strange feeling, like she was walking on clouds infused Lyn as they left the shower.

---end of sex scene!---

Lyn woke up in her bedroom, back in the fairy grove where her hive was. Stretching and giving a light yawn, she slowly just layed there, enjoying the memories she made last night. Letting her eyes wander to the naked form of Evergreen who was sleeping beside her peacefully.

Slowly getting up so as not to disturb her lover's slumber, Lyn got up to take on the day, feeling like she could take on the world and then some.

Changing into her armor, making sure she had everything ready, she left to make sure she made it in time for the tournament.

“Leaving without a goodbye kiss?”

Lyn turned her head and saw Evergreen, still laying on the bed, head propped up with a hand, eyeing her amused.

Lyn blushed and slowly walked uncertainty towards Evergreen who made up the rest of the way herself and leaned forward to give Lyn a light kiss on the lips. “That’s for good luck, make sure to win, okay?”

Lyn blushed again, then stuck out her chest in pride. “I promise you, I’ll definitely win.” feeling like she could take on a hundred tournaments.

With that the two shared another moment, Lyn waiting for Evergreen to change so they could leave together. Exiting the door to the room, they got a lot of eyeballing and a few smirks by the other girls with even a congratulations or two thrown in for good measure, making Lyn extremely embarrassed, but trying her best to push it off and leave for the tournament lest they be late.

Leaving with saying a few terse goodbyes to all the onlookers, the two made it just in time for the beginning of the tournament.


“AND WE HAVE A WINNER! LYN FROM SHINEY LEAF!” the announcer yelled over the cheering crowd.

Lyn felt like she was going to fall over. It was only by pure luck that she won it, or at least that's what it felt like. The mantis wasn’t just strong, she was experienced and well trained, and many of Lyn’s go-to attacks seemed to be too easily deflect or redirect. If it weren't for Lyn brute-forcing her way through, by constantly expanding massive amounts of energy, she probably would’ve lost.

Now all that’s left, is to take on the ant, who had also won her bout previously. Lyn felt like she would have an easier time with her than she did with this mantis. For it seemed that both of them relied on brute-forcing their way through problems, and if it was a contest of strength, Lyn wouldn’t lose.

Taking a potion offered by the arena attendants to help energize fighters for the next fight. Lyn walked off to the waiting room until the final match.

Sitting down, taking a break, and just relaxing as much as she could, Lyn waited for things to be ready and talked her time away with Evergreen until she was called upon again. When she heard the announcer call her name, she got up and left back towards the arena.

“AND IN THIS CORNER, WE HAVE LYN! FROM SHINY LEAF!” The crowd roared into life as the contestants entered the arena. “AND IN THIS CORNER, WE HAVE THE BLACK PRINCESS!” the opposite gate from Lyn opened up, allowing an insect-kin to walk through.

From what Lyn heard about her opponent, she was a supposed ant queen looking to test her strength before looking for a place to settle down with her colony. Promising anyone that can beat her, her loyalty.

Which was one of the reasons why Anya had Lyn join in on the tournament, if she could beat this ant, she could probably increase her hive’s power by quite a bit.

The bell went off, and so did they.

Lyn used her signature speed to rush her opponent, stabbing forward with her spear.

The ant scoffed at this, fast as it may be, she didn’t need to dodge, or so she believed, and instead grabbed the tip of Lyn’s spear with an armored glove.

Lyn’s eyes widened at the stupidity, realizing that the ant probably hadn’t bothered to study other people's matches like she did. And so simply sent a surge of electricity through the spear that sent the ant flying and stunned.

Lyn didn’t let up though, she took to the air and decided to fire a few bolts of lightning for good measure, just to make sure that the ant stayed down.

Unfortunately for Lyn, the ant wasn’t going to go down without a fight, rolling on the ground, she dodged the bolts and got up, using her own wings to fly up and meet Lyn.

Fist met spear and mini booms could be heard as the two went at it, the ant more than confident in her strength. But didn’t realize that thanks to Lyn’s master of aura, she could easily match her, and even exceed her. For few in the insect-kin kingdom could understand or use aura, or even know what aura is. So as the battle continued, the ant was slowly growing confused as to how such a delicate-looking bug could match her blow for blow.

What’s worse, was the fact that even if queen ants had wings, they weren’t really built for flying, and Lyn was taking advantage of that by putting her off balance and using her superior speed to get in attacks and surround her.

Lyn jabbed, thrust, stabbed, and even tried to get in a few wackes in. but even as she sped up and hit harder, the ant was still able to just barely hold on. Though the difference in power was now made clear.

After about a minute of this stalemate, Lyn had had enough, and flared her aura, depleting it a bit to get in a good enough hit that sent the ant reeling towards the ground like a meteor. Using the same trick she pulled on the spider, she rocketed towards the ground, intending to skewer the ant, confident that the healers would be able to patch her up; they had healed worse after all.

But suddenly the ant twisted away from Lyn’s strike, being blown away by the impact. She righted herself, and went back on the attack, hoping that Lyn’s spear would be momentarily stuck.

Lyn wasn’t having it though, charging her electricity up, she let it course through her body, turning herself into an electric bug zapper, forcing the ant to come to a stop lest she gets shocked by touching her.

Lyn then pulled out her spear and swung it at the ant, only to be surprised when a black shield appeared to block it, followed by a strike of a black axe. Lyn jumped back confused, only for her eyes to widen as the ant brought out spears, swords, bows and arrows, and more out of her soul realm. It was a rarity for bugs to use magic, usually used by butterflies and fairies, even rarer to use aura. But only a very few insect-kin or even fairies could use their soul realm.

The ant charged once more, now with a dozen weapons littering the ground, striking or throwing any she could reach, pushing Lyn on the defensive. The ant used some footwork that seemed to make her move quickly on the ground, making it hard for Lyn to keep track of her.

Blow after blow Lyn took, but she still played the defensive game, trying to draw her opponent closer, lulling her into thinking she got Lyn on the ropes. When the ant got close enough, Lyn let loose a pulse of electricity, something she had been practicing ever since she left Ren’s abode, which sent a mini shockwave outward from her and ripped all the metallic weapons from the ant's hand, even going so far as to push a few on the ground farther away.

Lyn then sent another pulse, but this time to shock and stun the ant who froze from the attack. Using this opportunity, Lyn attacked, and this time her stab hit true, right into the abdomen of the ant and sending more electricity through her, paralyzing her, and letting her fall to the ground.


The crowd roared its highest, its loudest yet as deafening cheers shook the arena.

Lyn had to use her spear as a crutch, so spent was she from the fight. But glad that it was over. She gave another few waves to the crowd and slowly walked out the arena to wait for the award ceremony. Happy that she won, and excited to share in the glory with Evergreen.

But when she got to the waiting room, Evergreen was gone, and in her place were an armed troop of guards. “Lyn of Shiny Leaf. You are wanted by high house Viridia for the kidnapping of their heir and daughter Evergreen. Please come peacefully…”


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