world of fibre generals

1 project green bull chapter-1

" the head of this project and will be overseeing the progress of your..."medical" experiments you can call me Mr smith"

I hope we can all get along well and that we can change the future for the better.Now is there any questions?-MR SMITH

Mr Smith looks around the lab to see if anyone had raised there hand and in the corner of Mr Smith's eye he saw the hand of one of the top but young researchers who's name was Alex stone a very promising man in his mid twenties who asked.

"how can we be sure that if this project issuccessful that it we be able to help everyone a not just the rich who funds us?"-ALEX STONE

"well Mr stone of course our donators will get it first but it will take some time before we can release it to the public"-MR SMITH

"but it will be given out and not hoarded right?"-ALEX STONE

" have my word"-MR SMITH

then Mr Smith asked if anyone else had any concerns which no one had then he proceeded to leave lab.

As the researcher began to talk and discuss about were they should start and most of the researchers said they should start with DNA splicing.

the researcher were about 4 years into the project they had made minimal progress and many of the researchers were contemplating on leaving the project and however they made a small breakthrough they manged to make a unique type of species it was a small plant with a long neck and a hard shell at the top which had a small dose of a type of slimy gelotounes steroid which would for a small period of time.increase a person's overall strength,speed and senses it was progress but the founder still didn't see much into it so the funds for the project started to be pulled.

after 4 months Alex stone manged to increase the size of the plants core and it's density this was great news since most of the money and researchers and gone of been on very low hopes.

This manged to catch the eye of one of the donators who test it out on a soldier and they wanted to produce more however the researchers refused and were angered saying it was for medical use not for millitary action.

One month laterthe lab was broken into by soldiers in millitary clothingwho started firing at the researchers screams and yelps could be heard echoing out of the halls killing half of them and capturing the rest all the researchers and put blind folds on them they then wereput in a line and Alex stone had his blind fold taken off in front of him was Mr Smith who was standing in front of Alex with a cigarette in his mouth behind Mr Smith were 8 soldiers but Alex couldn't tell which country they were from.

Mr Smith then spoke"hello again Mr stone it been quite some time hasn't glad we could meet again"-MR SMITH

"what the hell is this..why are you doing this?"-ALEX STONE

"well Mr stone it quite simple realy you actually manged to make something with the money you were given..quite shocking really it was kind of a hopefull spin of the wheel and I guess we did it didn't we Mr stone"-MR SMITH

"but I had your word you said it would be used for medical research not for war!"-ALEX STONE

"oh please Mr stone everything the government and the rich do are for war you are kidding yourself if you think we honestly gave you hundreds of millions for a couple new types meds..please Mr stone don't say something stupid like that again"- MR SMITH

Mr Smith the signals to the guards who proceed to shoot the other researchers around Mr stone until only he was left then Mr Smith told him"you will continue your research and will make it more effective,stronger and easier to have 3 years don't disappoint us..or else"- MR SMITH

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