world of fibre generals

24 Power of control chapter-24

It was 5:00am in the morning and Alex had just woken up and he was walking around camp checking if any of the traps.Or alarms and found that one had been set off so he quickly woke up Luther and Zack.

They both quickly ran towards the trap were a zombie was lying on the ground with two large spikes in its arm and leg both pinning it down to the ground."What's the deal Alex why didn't you just kill It?"-ZACK

"beacuse I wanted Luther to try his dominance controller skills that he got remember he is best at controlling and commanding but hasn't really gotten a chance to try his powers on zombies"-ALEX

"Oh thanks Alex I guess now is an alright time it isn't like we got much to do"-LUTHER

Luther then walked towards the trapped zombie who was furiously growling and snapping at him.He got in front of the zombie whilst also making sure it could scratch him and he stretched out his arm.He then revealed the fibre crystal and closing his hand into a fist whilst closing his eyes and said a small command."Turn your thoughts to grass and wind and serve me for the wills of the trees and the living"-LUTHER

Mid way through the chant small purple particles could be seen floating towards the zombies eyes.The particals then sunken into the zombies place white eyes and through the sockets to the brain.The zombie head twitched as it's eyes slowly turned a dark purple with a faint glow to them.It seized all its groaning for a few minutes until it started violently shaking as thin pieces of crystallized vines.The vines stretched through out it's body from it arms,legs,and neck the only places the new armour didn't extend to was it'shead and chest.

It also had sharpened nails to the point of almost being claws and after 15 minutes it finally stoped it's transformation."it is done commander the process was a success congratulations l"-BOX SYTEM

"Quickly get him out of the trap"-LUTHER

But before Zack and Alex could get the zombie out of the trap the zombies after hearing Luther's words.It broke the two spikes and ripped them out and pushed it's fingers through the two holes pushing the stuck wooden spikes in its arm and leg.It then stood up with its eyes gazing solely on Luther not even turning it gaze towards Alex or Zack.

"hey box why has it gotten those weird armour plates and why's it's eyes glowing and purple at that"-LUTHER

"well commander the reason for the armour is beacuse it is your first soldier and will act as a guard for you however most zombie.Will not get the armour only speacial or rare zombie that acquire the skill on the way but beacuse of your situation the chance was increased."-BOX SYTEM

"ok cool so there is differn t types but what kind?"-ALEX

"well lieutenant Alex there are multiple ranging from armour to speed and intelligence to even skills.Like controlling or making traps and also some can secret acid or realise toxic fumes."-BOX SYTEM

"holy crap I hope we don't run into one of those anytime soon"-Zack

"But hey what about the eyes?"-ZACK

"well lieutenant Zack the reason for it eyes glowing is so it can see better in the dark and will allow the commander to see what it's soldiers are seeing.As for its purple colour it is simply beacuse of the particles and also it will help you tell the difference between your soldiers and the enemy's."-BOX SYTEM

"That's a big advantage but how many zombies could this guy kill?"-ALEX

"5 to 6 normal zombies at once and as for humans if they have meleel weapon 2 to 3 as for if they have a fire arm it depends on the bullets and were they shoot"-BOX SYTEM

"ha ha that's not bad I guess this guy can be our tank!"-Zack

Luther than tried giving it his first command"ok I want you to start patrolling around the area and kill near by zombies and threats"-LUTHER

After he finished his command to his surprise the zombie saluted which was very creepy and odd and the zombie walked off.

"Hey don't you think you should give him a name?"-ZACK


"Cause it's weird just calling him zombie and it gives him more humanity and will be like having another friend"-ZACK

"Ur ok how about Bob"-LUTHER

"Yea that's sound alright"-ALEX

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