world of fibre generals

28 The Bombs chapter-28

Deep underground in a large newly made bunker there was a the same group of people from before however the group had less then half of who was there at the start.Those were the ones who couldn't get bunker built fast enough or let greedy guide there hands but they still died with the greed in there eyes.

The room had 20 to 30 people with mostly guards and assistants but still some important figures.These figures were talking to each other about the mess they made and how stupid they were.Most of them were lucky and used nearly all there money and manged to get everything done on time.Even managing to make some routes to other bunkers and city's whilst also getting a couple few year worth of food and supplies.

"What should we do now then?"

"well I'm going to stay in my bunker and try to make it more self sustainable since I know that whatever is up there isn't the world we once new"

"this couldn't of gone worse for me I barley made it out of my office and I had to throw a few assistants and workers at those freaks and even then I've only got 2 years worth of food!"

"same some dame idiot family tried stopping me from getting to my helicopter luckily the zombies gotten them!"

"eventually most of us if not all of us will have to go back up there again and when we do we'll have to be prepared"

"this is bull crap what the hell did I deserve for this to happen to me!"

Many of them started shouting about the losses they had from big companies to cars and houses.However there was one person who wasn't shouting or talking but was actually smirking whilst sitting calmly in his chair thinking about his future plans.But his thoughts were interrupted by one of the more rude and annoying person who was a president of a small country.

"hey RED you've just been sitting the like an idiot and smiling like a retard have you finnaly cracked ya freak!"

"hey shut up if it wasn't for red we would of mostly already been dead thanks to him warrning us!"

"Yea thanks and all but why are you smiling red?"

"ha it's quite simple actually I've just been listening to you idiots babble about how bad things of been without you apes realising the massive opportunities layed in front of you"-RED

Everyone was shocked and the room fell silent at what he said and it wasn't just about the insults.

"you wanna die scum bag!"

Most of them didn't care about what he said beacuse they understood what he meant and he was right about them wasting time however they couldn't figure out the treasure they was missing.

"hey red what do you mean exactly?"

"yes come on tell us already!"

Everyone's yes were now dead set on red and the rooms intensity increased as they were waiting for a response.

"well it quite simple really now that the virus is world wide and has already killed many people.We won't have to worry about any governments anymore and it's most likely that all the fibre cores have been taken now which means one thing which is that it our turn to rule now!"-RED

Everyone was both confused and shocked by what he said and a few even thought he was crazy.

"Think about it we can create our own government or kingdom or even empire anything we want.We can do beacuse we have the reasources those at the surface don't.As for the fibre users we can bring them over to our side and use them as enforces and obviously treat them kindly and let them have some of our reasources"-RED

People eyes started to understand what red was trying to say and the greed in there eyes started to glow stronger than before.Some started smiling thinking about a future as king and having powerful soldier slay thousands of enemies.

"As for the zombies at the moment they fibre users are two weak so we will have to help them a bit.And this will also cut down there numbers a bit so they don't go to crazy and try to band together"-RED

"And that is?"

"Humaintys greatest weapon only ever use against it's own kin twice the nuclear bomb!"-RED

Some people stood up from the shock at the thought of his insane idea of using multiple nukes.

"you idiot we won't be able to even go back up there and might even kill ourselves and the fibre users!"

"throw this nut job out!"

"If you let me finish you'll now what i was about to say!"-RED

He slammed his hand on the table cause people stood up to quickly sit down.

"I know it sounds crazy but listen since we all decided to place our bunkers in England beacuse that were most of the boxes stoped at.So we only use the normal bombs on the land and even then only a few however we will send all the nukes we can another coutrys for a few reason one being that it will cripple them.Which will help use when taking them over since we will lolw like there shinning saviours.And by the time we get there most of the radiation levels should go down since we won't get there straight away since we'll have to deal with splitting the land and dealing with the zombies and fibre users."-RED

"he does make some sense and it's true that the people we we do nuke will be gratefull when we save them since they won't know it was us"

"I think we should nuke most of the useless coutrys and steal reasources from the rest also keep some parts of Africa since we can use the animale for testing!"

They all started understanding his plan and thinking of thier plans and what to do but ofcource.They wouldn't be doing the work the people they hired and let into the bunker would since most of them brought extra guards and soldiers.

"Oh yea great plan but what about other coutrys what happens if they send over nukes aswell?"

"we don't realy need to worry about that since we'll be targeting thier nuclear silos the most and even if they do it will take much longer. And won't be as affective aswell most of the essential personnel have probably turned into walking corpses.But let's say that they somehow do manged to launch a nuke at use we have 3 safety procedures which is the natural millitary systems.And the second is the fibre users if they band together and the last is ofcource our bunkers which they down know were they are.Even if they do hit near use we have radiation pills and suit and food to last us enough time."-RED

"You got to admit guys he's kinds right when you think about it"

"yes I guess so sure why not"

"And just to give you more insurance im pretty sure if there is millitary personnel they will be more distracted by the zombies.Humans ethier trying to kill them or the millitary trying to help them and don't forget they have fibre users aswell.But no where near as many we have also the fibre user there are probably mostly joined bandits and gangs which no one will miss"-RED

Everyone was in on the plan now even the annoying small country leader and they were all planning and preparing reasources.Some even thinking of names and banners for there new coutrys and merchant organisations. Since some of them were businessmen to the core and didn't want to rule a country but the economic world.

"Also I would like to personally invite you all to join my new faction I will rule called ATRAX which I hope you will join don't worry if you don't want to I'm only politely asking ha ha"-RED

The room became much more lively and full of energy and exciment out of the 30 leaders and powerful bussinzes men and other people 8 decided to join ATRAX with red whilst 5 joined together to make a business organisation.

Whilst 6 joined together to make a arms company and 4 joined together to make another faction.Another 2 joined togeteh to make a mafia type of faction/company any the other 5 went solo.They all then agreed that they would drop the bombs in two weeks and then wait 3 months for everything to settle down and then start there conquest.

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