world of fibre generals

39 spoilt kids chapter-39

After quickly looking at th book of the few know mutations which were very few with them only being the basics.

[mutations and infromation]

[property of Alex]

[Don't touch]


Stone/rock-concrete-hardens the skin and increases defence

however causes the user to slow down a little.

Rose-covers the body in rose vines which stitch together the skin which increases agility while sharp spikes protruding from the skin also gives the user some defence.

Items-this mutation is different as it takes the user needing to find and touch or understand multiple of their old items from the past.the only know user so far is named Ryan who is the commanders sort of advisors and gaurd.

Luther quickly put down the book and left while walking back to the cafeteria tent which was for mainly group leaders.He sat down next to Ryan who was currently sorting through some files.

"hey there Ryan what you doing there?"-LUTHER

"hu.oh greeting commander I didn't mean disrespect"-RYAN quickly shot up with a salute.

"oh it's fine so what are you going with so many different pieces of paper you seem really into it ha"-LUTHER

"oh yes well I thought It would be good to keep a profile on the residents so we keep track and can help a sign jobs and benefits"-RYAN

"well great idea and thanks but we don't even know if they are going to stay here and it's only been 3 days"-LUTHER

"trust me commander they may not show it but this place is like going from a cave to a 3 star hotel.It doesn't seem like much but once they start realising the little things they use to have and or want.They won't leave and if they do that will quickly realise the difference and will come back."-RYAN

"well since you put it that way sure just make sure to not mess up the papers and keep them in a secure place"-LUTHER

"ofcource sir I will give the papers to lutentant Zack since he said he wants to build a building for you and lutentant Alex to have meetings and also house your close employees like me and J"-RYAN

"what about Bob?"-LUTHER

"we don't really know if he is an indoors person as he seems to like wildlife but we will still make him a room just in case"-RYAN

After they were done talking Ryan quickly went to find Zack and Luther sat down and quickly started eating some cereal.Which was strange considering it would be one of the last left for a very long time.However as he was eating he quickly saw a group of 5 kids walking over with faces that didn't seem very fond of Luther.They tried barging in put ofcource the guards outside stopped them but they still stood there glaring at him.

"can I help you?"-LUTHER

"we want cereal"-kid

"Yea give us cereal we don't like that slop you give us"-kid

"and sweets I want some chocolate we know you have some!"-kid

Luther didn't know what to do as for one he actually didn't have chocalte and if he did Zack would eat it within seconds.As for the food he didn't think it was bad compared to what he saw them eat a camp with them roasting rats and herbs.

"well this is stuff I found so I eat it"-LUTHER

"screw off those weird glowing eyed guys found them for you whilst you just sat there"-kid

"yea you were probably eating steak whilst drinking chocolate milk"-kid

Bit of a weird mix but he did love chocolate milk however he still doesn't understand the problem.He give them a safe place with food,water,shelter and comfort but they weren't happy.For all he did he deserved at least some small luxury as leader.

"well I do lots of stuff so I don't get to eat much so when i do I need lots of energy not only for my powers but to function and do my job"-LUTHER

"still why can-"-kid

Before he could finish Zack who was walking with Ryan past saw the gaurd stopping the kids aged 10 to 15.

"what's going on?"-ZACK

"I have no clue sir let's go ask"-RYAN

As they both walked over they quickly heard parts of the conversation and walked a bit faster.

"hey you brats stop bothering the commander whilst he is eating he's a bust man"-RYAN

"no we want the same food as him!"-kid

"well to bad the food you use to eat is running low and the rest that left goes towards us"-ZACK

"That not fair!"-kid

"yea why do you get good food"-kid

"quite simple really one we need to eat more food that contain a lot of energy to maintain power and two.We are the ones we lead the group so we get benefits while you do to just different kinds and third Luther works hard he deserves everything he gets.Look at you and your family they are alive beacuse of him and you don't have to worry about zombies either!"-ZACK

"I don't care I want cereal!"-kid

"who cares we want sweets"-kid

"yea he isn't that-"-kid

Luckily before the kid said something stupid their parents caning running at them with a few getting a smack on the head or cheek.After a while parents needed to enforce the fact that they couldn't act as spoilt as they use to.

"you little idiot keep you mouth shut"-parent

"I'm so sorry sir they didn't mean any harm"-mother

"Its fine it's fine"-LUTHER

He couldn't really be that and they were still kids though only a bit rude and didn't understand the reasons.

"thank you sir"-mother

"hey your getting no time at the park for a week!"-mother

"nooo were sorry"-kid

As for the park Luther and Alex thought that since there wasn't much to do they built a few things.Like a park and pond and also a few activity fields like tree climbing and treasure hunts.For the residents to use In their spare time since they would have about 6 to 8 hours of free time.

Considering children didn't have much to do losing something like the park we they us rot take for granted was huge.Since that meant they would have to stay in their house as their parents said they would get in the way of everyone's work.So they had to sit in their house only if they were lucky did they have a friend.But it still was boring since they were still use to being on a phone or tablet and eating and doing what they like compared to now.

The funny thing was how in the far future they would look back and realise how lucky they were and even brag about being the first children there.

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