world of fibre generals
Chapter 46 - Thoughts on the situation 46
**forgot to mention Charles grand kids called Lilly**
**also sorry for being gone for so long**
**also also i cant be bothered to names city's or the areas so just known it in England and shape the story how you want and where**
Currently sitting on a log bench at one of the parks was old man charles who was currently watching his grand daughter.While she played with the other children like running around the park and climbing the trees.
He was quietly watching her whilst remembering her mother and father who didn't make it but charles hoped.They were happy knowing she was in a safe and secure place in which she could learn and grow and when she's older start her own family.
"Hey Charles how you doing today?"-?
"Hmm.oh..hi Steven yes..yes she doing well and is enjoying playing with the other little children which is a rare occasion now a days"-Charles
"Well listen charles I was wondering if we could have a little chat..if your fine with it"-Steven
"Sure I've got some time come sit"-Charles
"Well charles were both men so I'll get to the point the worlds changing and I don't want my family sitting at the bottom again.This is my chance to ethier get it right or its over"-Steven
"Woah there Steven don't let the train destroy the station there just take it down a bit lad"-Charles
"Listen Charles there is reason within the madness think about it with f.u.c.kin warlords going around grabbing anything they can reach."-Steven
"And the world turning into some weird fantasy mix with guys with powers and animals that can do the unimaginable.We aren't on top anymore..well humans aren't "-Steven
"Hey now we didn't get her without learning a thing or two we still have technology and history..and..ur there's a long list i just can't remember much"-Charles
"Aren't you the guy who's constantly saying he's 56 in the soul and 46 in the mind and 25 in the body?"-Steven
"Wait what! no..who said that?"-Charles
"You di-"-Steven
"Any way! you where saying"-Charles
"Fine look at this table I've drawn like this you've got the new world hierarchy"-Steven
"Wait why for the old was zombies bottom and user 2nd"-Charles
"Quite simple really you see i count old as before the apocalypse and mutations so we still had the military some forms of goverment.And people had been staying inside and the zombies are bottom beacuse even when the major city's fell was only beacuse of three things."-Steven
"Which was the spontaneous Bursts in infections over the world the second was the loosed handling of it by oddly quite a few world goverment,leaders and militarys.And finally beacuse at the time most zombies only won beacuse of swarm tactics which was helped by people being in concentrated areas and half-hearted defence our military gave"-Steven
"Yea I'll give you that i swear I saw those guys looking through bushes,trees and fields more than shooting those walking body bags."-Charles
"Anyways as long as most people stayed inside we humans were fine but not all of us are properly prepared.But even with the hundreds of millions infected number wise that ain't shit compared to the ones left."-Steven
"Ok maybe but why are users second and animal's third i mean have you seen Zack break that log it Shattered to pieces!"-Charles
"Well it really a matter of training and instinct for both you see the animal's are already thriving in the old environment.With humans barely even having huntingskills like they use to and with no one really paying attention to them."-Steven
"True back when I was a boy we use to go hunting rabbits and the rare wild board and deer they don't make them like they use to do they"-Charles
" They quickly started stealing food and even killing those camping in the woods I found this out from a friend before we lost contact.I don't know where they got there confidence thats where I think the instinct comes in I belive like any natural disaster."-Steven
"They saw it and instead of running they used it to their advantage whilst also reclaiming large parts of land.From what i heard on the knews places like Africa and Brazil are going to be very hard to survive in harder than it already was."-Steven
"It seems they always get the short straw"-Charles
"Maybe its mother natures way of saying leave my house and garden"-Steven
"Well then the animal's have been mostly ignored and they can easily get away from zombie since they are faster or small or just not in the places most zombies are."-Steven
"Clever girls"-Charles
"Ehh..more like lucky but they kinda deserve it with the shit we did to them for the past like 5 thousand years."-Steven
"Ok thats the old what about the new then I mean sure I understand humans being last we aren't doing to great.And now that the mutations happened both zombies and animal's have had big boosts and users have started getting better at fighting and understanding their abilities."-Charles
"Yes exactly!..well anyway the animal's got a big advantage when it comes to the mutations with the likes of wolves.Getting smart enough to doubled their pack sizes and birds not having to run from human or other animals with birds blazing through city's likes Phoenixes."-Steven
"But isn't it double edged sword"-Charles
"Well ofocurce there's mutations that barely do anything to the ones that kill it user ethier instantly or slowly.Whilst also having to deal with their mates suddenly going crazy and killing them but not just that just because their animal's.Doesn't mean they let them slide they get attacked just like we do and the zombies aswell with forest all basicly ethier exploding in size and strength or collectively mutating and getting a little bit small but once you go in is almost like another world"-Steven
"Woah maybe if I get lucky I will get to seem some..or is it the opposite?"-Charles
"True that but when it comes to user and zombies the zombies ethier stuck to the horde but has a few leaders or they went on their own and mutated.However unlike the animal's and plants the zombies didn't have to worry about mutations that could kill them considering they're dead."-Steven
"Whilst with the user it envitable they will be at the top but they're playing the long game but will still be the winners"-Steven
"Well that kinda shitty but I have one question for you Steven "-Charles
"What's that?"-Steven
"How the hell do you know all this crazy crap!"-Charles
"Oh yea I guess no one told you but I only joined the group 3 days before we joined this one so me and my wife and kids.Met a couple of groups some good most bad and saw some weird things thats how I know about the animal's and zombies."-Steven
"Good job on keep your family safe Steven"-Charles
"Well I didn't want to put them in danger but I also knew we need to understand our situation better and the mad things happening."-Steven
"Ok so we had this big talk but what do you actually want?"-Charles
"Well as I said the users which is what I call them since most of the others have been using silly things like mutants and superheros.Anyway I understand that what we have going on here is very good I don't know why most of the animal's are semi-tame.And the forest hasn't changed much beside the trees growing taller and the forest getting larger we really hit the jackpots of jackpots."-Steven
"Very true I wonder how long it will stay that way"-Charles
"Anyways we have a user which as I told you is in it for the very long haul so having one as a user is great with power and longevity.We already stand out from other groups just from having Luther then we have whats litterly the perfect place to be.So I don't want to waste the best opportunity of my life to finally get something more for me and my family."-Steven
"You do know you said this would be quick right..wait.
wheres Lilly!?"-Charles
"Calm down she's over there smacking the little boy with a piece of plastic"-Steven
"Oh..ok so just say it already"-Charles
"Sorry ok listen I need you to introduce me to Luther and help me get into his good books maybe get me a type of job..please"-Steven
"Steven is that it?"-Charles
"Listen i know its a lot but please your one of the only ones who's actually gotten his attention and talked to the guy.I mean he partially gave you some bodyguards and a gun and you probably eat the best out of everyone here with the animal's you got."-Steven
"Listen Steven we've only spoke three of four times and its not like he doesn't speak English just go talk to the guy."-Charles
"No offense Charles but bullshit first he's the leader which is now like the prime minster or queen or I guess king now.Second he's only what 18 or 19 we don't have things in common I've never use to have to ask someone that old for a job ever!"-Steven
"Trust me Steven he's older for his age he's a good lad with a kind heart he's not some alien"-Charles
"Yea but don't forget how awkward it is for both sides I mean let's be honest we all dame well know we aren't going to leave next week.You might aswell walk out of a mansion and into a bear cave but because we haven't gotten past some very small small talk.He doesn't know if we will stay so he might not want to bother until then incase we leave but by doing it know it shows I've settled in and didn't try guns blazing and I'll be ahead of the group!"-Steven
"Its not a race"-Charles
"God no it use to be a race when things where normal know it a marathon with people shooting at you whilst having a suicide vest strapped to your c.h.e.s.t."-Steven
"Weird analogy but ok"-Charles
"Anyways think about if you think the world was hard before can you imagine what it going to be like in the future.I don't want my kid to be killed by a mutated fox or zombie so I need to get a rank or job of some kind.I mean common Charles there was corruption and abuse when there was laws and no powers what are we going to do know its switched."-Steven
"Haaa..yea I know..its just I've been trying to not think about that stuff but ofcource I know what the world going to start turing into.I just wanted a little bit of peace for a bit longer ya know."-Charles
"Ofcource I do Charles listen all I want is a safety net so that if something happens and for my kids and their kids future.I need to talk to Luther please I'll promise I'll make it up to you!"-Steven
"I still don't think it all out hell yet Steven"-Charles
"I mean think about it you've got to deal with mutants,bandits,diseases,zombies and other survivors and who knows what the hell else"-Steven
"Alright,alright I'll ask him for ya"-Charles
"Thanks Charles seriously i will make sure to pay you back for this i won't let you down"-Steven
"Not a problem lad you'll do fine so now get going me and Lilly are going home so see ya"-Charles
**also sorry for being gone for so long**
**also also i cant be bothered to names city's or the areas so just known it in England and shape the story how you want and where**
Currently sitting on a log bench at one of the parks was old man charles who was currently watching his grand daughter.While she played with the other children like running around the park and climbing the trees.
He was quietly watching her whilst remembering her mother and father who didn't make it but charles hoped.They were happy knowing she was in a safe and secure place in which she could learn and grow and when she's older start her own family.
"Hey Charles how you doing today?"-?
"Hmm.oh..hi Steven yes..yes she doing well and is enjoying playing with the other little children which is a rare occasion now a days"-Charles
"Well listen charles I was wondering if we could have a little chat..if your fine with it"-Steven
"Sure I've got some time come sit"-Charles
"Well charles were both men so I'll get to the point the worlds changing and I don't want my family sitting at the bottom again.This is my chance to ethier get it right or its over"-Steven
"Woah there Steven don't let the train destroy the station there just take it down a bit lad"-Charles
"Listen Charles there is reason within the madness think about it with f.u.c.kin warlords going around grabbing anything they can reach."-Steven
"And the world turning into some weird fantasy mix with guys with powers and animals that can do the unimaginable.We aren't on top anymore..well humans aren't "-Steven
"Hey now we didn't get her without learning a thing or two we still have technology and history..and..ur there's a long list i just can't remember much"-Charles
"Aren't you the guy who's constantly saying he's 56 in the soul and 46 in the mind and 25 in the body?"-Steven
"Wait what! no..who said that?"-Charles
"You di-"-Steven
"Any way! you where saying"-Charles
"Fine look at this table I've drawn like this you've got the new world hierarchy"-Steven
"Wait why for the old was zombies bottom and user 2nd"-Charles
"Quite simple really you see i count old as before the apocalypse and mutations so we still had the military some forms of goverment.And people had been staying inside and the zombies are bottom beacuse even when the major city's fell was only beacuse of three things."-Steven
"Which was the spontaneous Bursts in infections over the world the second was the loosed handling of it by oddly quite a few world goverment,leaders and militarys.And finally beacuse at the time most zombies only won beacuse of swarm tactics which was helped by people being in concentrated areas and half-hearted defence our military gave"-Steven
"Yea I'll give you that i swear I saw those guys looking through bushes,trees and fields more than shooting those walking body bags."-Charles
"Anyways as long as most people stayed inside we humans were fine but not all of us are properly prepared.But even with the hundreds of millions infected number wise that ain't shit compared to the ones left."-Steven
"Ok maybe but why are users second and animal's third i mean have you seen Zack break that log it Shattered to pieces!"-Charles
"Well it really a matter of training and instinct for both you see the animal's are already thriving in the old environment.With humans barely even having huntingskills like they use to and with no one really paying attention to them."-Steven
"True back when I was a boy we use to go hunting rabbits and the rare wild board and deer they don't make them like they use to do they"-Charles
" They quickly started stealing food and even killing those camping in the woods I found this out from a friend before we lost contact.I don't know where they got there confidence thats where I think the instinct comes in I belive like any natural disaster."-Steven
"They saw it and instead of running they used it to their advantage whilst also reclaiming large parts of land.From what i heard on the knews places like Africa and Brazil are going to be very hard to survive in harder than it already was."-Steven
"It seems they always get the short straw"-Charles
"Maybe its mother natures way of saying leave my house and garden"-Steven
"Well then the animal's have been mostly ignored and they can easily get away from zombie since they are faster or small or just not in the places most zombies are."-Steven
"Clever girls"-Charles
"Ehh..more like lucky but they kinda deserve it with the shit we did to them for the past like 5 thousand years."-Steven
"Ok thats the old what about the new then I mean sure I understand humans being last we aren't doing to great.And now that the mutations happened both zombies and animal's have had big boosts and users have started getting better at fighting and understanding their abilities."-Charles
"Yes exactly!..well anyway the animal's got a big advantage when it comes to the mutations with the likes of wolves.Getting smart enough to doubled their pack sizes and birds not having to run from human or other animals with birds blazing through city's likes Phoenixes."-Steven
"But isn't it double edged sword"-Charles
"Well ofocurce there's mutations that barely do anything to the ones that kill it user ethier instantly or slowly.Whilst also having to deal with their mates suddenly going crazy and killing them but not just that just because their animal's.Doesn't mean they let them slide they get attacked just like we do and the zombies aswell with forest all basicly ethier exploding in size and strength or collectively mutating and getting a little bit small but once you go in is almost like another world"-Steven
"Woah maybe if I get lucky I will get to seem some..or is it the opposite?"-Charles
"True that but when it comes to user and zombies the zombies ethier stuck to the horde but has a few leaders or they went on their own and mutated.However unlike the animal's and plants the zombies didn't have to worry about mutations that could kill them considering they're dead."-Steven
"Whilst with the user it envitable they will be at the top but they're playing the long game but will still be the winners"-Steven
"Well that kinda shitty but I have one question for you Steven "-Charles
"What's that?"-Steven
"How the hell do you know all this crazy crap!"-Charles
"Oh yea I guess no one told you but I only joined the group 3 days before we joined this one so me and my wife and kids.Met a couple of groups some good most bad and saw some weird things thats how I know about the animal's and zombies."-Steven
"Good job on keep your family safe Steven"-Charles
"Well I didn't want to put them in danger but I also knew we need to understand our situation better and the mad things happening."-Steven
"Ok so we had this big talk but what do you actually want?"-Charles
"Well as I said the users which is what I call them since most of the others have been using silly things like mutants and superheros.Anyway I understand that what we have going on here is very good I don't know why most of the animal's are semi-tame.And the forest hasn't changed much beside the trees growing taller and the forest getting larger we really hit the jackpots of jackpots."-Steven
"Very true I wonder how long it will stay that way"-Charles
"Anyways we have a user which as I told you is in it for the very long haul so having one as a user is great with power and longevity.We already stand out from other groups just from having Luther then we have whats litterly the perfect place to be.So I don't want to waste the best opportunity of my life to finally get something more for me and my family."-Steven
"You do know you said this would be quick right..wait.
wheres Lilly!?"-Charles
"Calm down she's over there smacking the little boy with a piece of plastic"-Steven
"Oh..ok so just say it already"-Charles
"Sorry ok listen I need you to introduce me to Luther and help me get into his good books maybe get me a type of job..please"-Steven
"Steven is that it?"-Charles
"Listen i know its a lot but please your one of the only ones who's actually gotten his attention and talked to the guy.I mean he partially gave you some bodyguards and a gun and you probably eat the best out of everyone here with the animal's you got."-Steven
"Listen Steven we've only spoke three of four times and its not like he doesn't speak English just go talk to the guy."-Charles
"No offense Charles but bullshit first he's the leader which is now like the prime minster or queen or I guess king now.Second he's only what 18 or 19 we don't have things in common I've never use to have to ask someone that old for a job ever!"-Steven
"Trust me Steven he's older for his age he's a good lad with a kind heart he's not some alien"-Charles
"Yea but don't forget how awkward it is for both sides I mean let's be honest we all dame well know we aren't going to leave next week.You might aswell walk out of a mansion and into a bear cave but because we haven't gotten past some very small small talk.He doesn't know if we will stay so he might not want to bother until then incase we leave but by doing it know it shows I've settled in and didn't try guns blazing and I'll be ahead of the group!"-Steven
"Its not a race"-Charles
"God no it use to be a race when things where normal know it a marathon with people shooting at you whilst having a suicide vest strapped to your c.h.e.s.t."-Steven
"Weird analogy but ok"-Charles
"Anyways think about if you think the world was hard before can you imagine what it going to be like in the future.I don't want my kid to be killed by a mutated fox or zombie so I need to get a rank or job of some kind.I mean common Charles there was corruption and abuse when there was laws and no powers what are we going to do know its switched."-Steven
"Haaa..yea I know..its just I've been trying to not think about that stuff but ofcource I know what the world going to start turing into.I just wanted a little bit of peace for a bit longer ya know."-Charles
"Ofcource I do Charles listen all I want is a safety net so that if something happens and for my kids and their kids future.I need to talk to Luther please I'll promise I'll make it up to you!"-Steven
"I still don't think it all out hell yet Steven"-Charles
"I mean think about it you've got to deal with mutants,bandits,diseases,zombies and other survivors and who knows what the hell else"-Steven
"Alright,alright I'll ask him for ya"-Charles
"Thanks Charles seriously i will make sure to pay you back for this i won't let you down"-Steven
"Not a problem lad you'll do fine so now get going me and Lilly are going home so see ya"-Charles
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