World of Immortality

Chapter 306: bloody battle, broken bones

At the crossroads, in mid-air, more than 30 mecha fighters stood suspended, and there was a small aircraft with a strange shape around it.

On the left side of Zhang Yunxi's body, the red wolf's body was lying low, and its limbs were walking slowly and vigorously. Its body is a full circle larger than when it appeared on the Shuangdao last time, and the red hair is not as dull and frizzy as before, but has become more shiny and silky.

The red wolf shook its hair and stared at Zhang Yunxi.

"Clatter, creak...!"

In mid-air, there was a sound of mechanical operation, and the shape of the strangely shaped small aircraft began to distort, and various parts of the body smoothly changed their shapes and rearranged.


Just three seconds later, the small flying machine turned into a three-meter-high mech, covered in silver light, and landed with a bang.

A gust of wind blew in, and Zhang Yunxi looked at the three-meter-high silver mech, and saw that there were many blades on the back of his torso, and a pair of wide mechanical arms filled with ammunition compartments, giving him a sense of oppression.

In the cockpit of the silver mecha, a young man was wrapped. His name is Qu Zhengxing. He was originally a member of the Pearl AI Administration Unit. He was recently seconded to Kunnan temporarily and served as the team leader of the investigation team for the virus incident.

The silver mecha piloted by Qu Zhengxing—named Chaos Storm, has two forms in total, it can be transformed into an amphibious aircraft, and it can also be transformed into a combat mecha.

Chaos Storm is the Kunnan AI Administration Bureau, a meritorious weapon in the formation, has participated in overseas operations many times, is extremely powerful, has made outstanding achievements, and has an anthropomorphic thinking.

On the empty cross street, the street lamps were flickering, and the tall chaotic storm stepped forward, and Zhang Yunxi was completely covered by the figure: "I came to shatter your magnetic field."

Inside the machine, Qu Zhengxing also stared at Zhang Yunxi and said: "Little brat, how many meters are you riding on a horse, how dare you block the way of so many people?! All attack and capture him alive!"

This series of changes happened extremely quickly, and there was no time for Zhang Yunxi and others to escape. Qu Zhengxing's order was issued, and the light flickered in mid-air, and more than thirty mechs quickly moved away from each other and stood scattered.

"Paralyzed bastard, get out!" Zhang Yunxi backed up holding his sword: "Old Zhu, take Erha and go first!"


The Little Violent Bear reacted very quickly. After jumping up, it grabbed Zhu Qizhen's body with its claws.

With a bang, Lao Zhu pulled up from the spot and chose to break out from the air.


Zhang Yunxi immediately released the gray domain, wrapping the chaotic storm on the front side and the red wolf on the left side: "Put it on! Come on, touch it!"

After the words fell, Dirty Blood swept his sword to the left at an extremely fast speed.


But the speed of the red wolf was even faster, and afterimages appeared when the body moved, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.


A burst of sour teeth resounded, the chaotic storm was oppressed by the gravity of the magnetic field, and the surface of the body was first affected, which caused the parts to be misplaced and made harsh noises.

Pulled by the gravity of the magnetic field, the body of the chaotic storm shook visibly to the naked eye.

In the cockpit, the alarm sounded: "Please note that the external gravity index has doubled and is approaching the limit, please pay attention...!"

"Is this your domain?!"

Chaotic Storm's mechanical eyeballs stared at Zhang Yunxi. It made a low growling electronic sound, and it forcibly stretched its arms when the body was shaken by the pressure.

This is a sign of the strength of the body, the strength of the magnetic field that breaks through the field, like two strong men wrestling with each other, the one that is going down can no longer hold down the one that is going up.

"Burning Group B's energy chamber, increase power!"

The tall chaotic storm roared.


The humming sound of the machine resounded throughout, and the central energy compartment on its chest burst into brilliant brilliance, and the six pressure exhaust ports of the whole body spewed out a large amount of thick smoke.


The mechanical power broke through the heavy pressure of the magnetic field, and the chaotic storm took two steps forward quickly, approaching Zhang Yunxi's body: "You must be in awe of science and the power of machinery! I'm here to smash your domain!"

With a loud voice, the chaotic storm raised its huge right foot and stepped directly on Zhang Yunxi's head.


Faced with the fact that the chaotic storm can break through the limit of gravity in the domain, Zhang Yunxi was astonished, and swiped his sword across, and slashed straight at the opponent's ankle.


Zhang Yunxi didn't believe that his metal body could hit the kingly sword head-on.


Sure enough, Chaos Storm saw Zhang Yunxi raised his arm and slashed across, and immediately withdrew his right foot.

Zhang Yunxi was overjoyed, stepped forward and pressed forward, ready to approach and strike again, forcing the opponent back, buying time for Zhu Qizhen to break through.


At this moment, Chaos Storm's arms, legs, and back simultaneously opened more than a dozen square mechanical openings the size of cigarette packs.

"The airflow is chaotic."

Qu Zhengxing in the machine gave the order.


A sound of gasping resounded from the Chaos Storm machine, and a burst of light burst out from more than a dozen open mechanical ports.

The surrounding airflow was affected first, and the powerful force of adsorption struck instantly, deforming Zhang Yunxi's body movements.

On the ground, countless dust and gravel were sucked up, and crashed into the machine body, making a light tinkling sound.

"Pfft, boom!"

The dull sound of depressurization exploded in the street, and the chaotic body spewed out a large amount of white exhaust gas, and at the same time released electromagnetic waves visible to the naked eye.

"Zi la la!"

A burst of light collided in the field of dirty blood.


Zhang Yunxi's whole body was pushed upside down and fell to the ground on his back.

The electromagnetic fluctuations released by the chaotic storm are weaker than Zhang Yunxi's magnetic field in terms of energy level.

However, the main function of this electromagnetic fluctuation is to disturb the magnetic field of Zhang Yunxi's domain, forming an indiscriminate hedge, which directly causes the energy of the magnetic field to be unstable, collapses instantly, and eats back the dirty blood of the body.

That's why this machine is called Chaos Storm. It features infinitely enhanced control rather than melee combat.

Moreover, after its recent transformation, the direction of enhancement is all aimed at dirty blood.


Zhang Yunxi fell to the ground, bleeding from his nostrils, and excruciating pain in all his bones.


Before I could think about it, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air on the left.

Since Dirty Blood shined in Selva City, he has been in a state of fighting all the way, and his personal combat experience has become more and more abundant.

No need to think about it, the red wolf must have moved.

The opponent's speed was extremely fast, and Zhang Yunxi couldn't accurately capture the position, so he could only sweep to the left with his sword, expanding the attack radius as much as possible, so as to ensure the safety of his vitals.


Sweeping with a sword, Zhang Yunxi felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


At the same time, the red wolf dodged with one blow, quickly withdrew from Zhang Yunxi's attack range, and returned to the left direction.

Its body lay low, the corners of its mouth were stained with blood, and the hair on its back was broken and fluttering.

The two sides fought again, and the red wolf took advantage of Zhang Yunxi's distraction to fight against the chaotic storm with all his strength, and bit his wrist hard, but he only paid the price of having a small part of his hair cut off.

The red wolf moved too fast, far faster than Zhang Yunxi, even stronger than Jiang Xin.

1 vs 2, a complete disadvantage.


Zhang Yunxi didn't hesitate anymore, and didn't even have time to observe the scene, so he just swung his sword again, pressing the power of the domain on the edge of the sword, and swept towards the red wolf.


At the same time, Chaos Storm raised its big foot and stomped on Zhang Yunxi's head roughly.

"Boom, boom!"

The red wolf was forced to retreat, relying on its speed to avoid the domain ripples above the blade.

There was a emptiness on the left side, Zhang Yunxi didn't even think about it, he jumped up with one hand on the ground, and ran away.


As soon as he got up, Chaos Storm's mechanical foot kicked over, hitting Zhang Yunxi's back.

This body can resist the power of the magnetic field, and the strength of its own power is obvious.


A sound of bone cracking resounded, and Zhang Yunxi felt his back, as if hit by a hill, the pain was unbearable, and his whole body swooped out.


The red wolf started up again and swooped in.


Zhang Yunxi listened to the wind with both ears, discerned the opponent's attack point, and swept it with a sword.

As the distance between the two sides drew closer, Zhang Yunxi suddenly smelled a very familiar smell from the body of the red wolf, which was extremely pungent.

The sharp kingly sword shone with dim light, almost blocking all the red wolf's attack routes.

The red wolf didn't dare to take it head-on, but dodged back vigorously.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Taking advantage of the energy of the red wolf pulling Dirty Blood, Chaos Storm instantly released a group of miniature missiles.

Thirty-five hot Wu missiles rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.


When Zhang Yunxi was running, he smashed half of the missile with a sword, and an explosion occurred in the air.

The remaining half of the missiles dodged the blade and hit Dirty Blood's back straight.

"Boom, boom...!"

Intensive explosions resounded, the cuticle on the back of the dirty blood was completely exploded, and gray blood flew.


Zhang Yunxi couldn't bear the impact and fell forward.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, feeling an unbearable pain from his back, especially those two bulging bones in the mutant form, which were completely damaged at this moment, with gray and red blood flowing .

Fighting alone can't stop the power of the regional department after all.

Zhang Yunxi lay on the ground, unable to feel the two bones with his body... They seemed to be completely shattered and disappeared.

The kick that Chaos Storm kicked out just now had already crushed the bones. And the dense missiles behind it directly smashed the dirty blood cuticle, blasting the inner layer of flesh into a **** mess.

In mid-air, Zhu Qizhen, who was also very embarrassed, looked down at the ground, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Xiao Zhang! Xiao Zhang...!"

Shouting twice in a row, Zhu Qizhen completely lost his mind when he saw that Zhang Yunxi did not respond.

"Gannima's, stop living!"

Zhu Qizhen roared angrily, and directly prepared to activate the micro-nuclear kinetic energy to self-explode. For Lao Zhu who joined the Supervision Bureau because of friendship, no responsibility or sense of honor is in his consideration, and he will not care about any rules or irregularities. He didn't care about many people, only a few friends of Zhang Yunxi.

Die together!

Zhu Qizhen used his consciousness to connect to the operating system, ready to activate the self-destruct program.


At this moment, a slender figure sprinted over not far from the street, at an extremely fast speed.

"The robot with the bear on its back, you go, I'll save him!"

The crisp shouts of the figures spread throughout the street.

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