
The sky is clear, the breeze is gentle.

It was a nice good weather.

Natsume got up early.

After playing a warm-up punch in the courtyard and resting for a while, he returned to the living room for breakfast, and he habitually picked up a newspaper on the table and read it.

The Koto World timeline is located in the old decade of Heisei.

Because of the appearance of alien worms, protozoa.

Some technology has been improved.

Kamen Rider’s belt, an instrument to detect the appearance of xenomorphs, and a weapon to fight xenomorphs, but the world’s overall technology tree has not been greatly improved.

The mobile phones that people commonly use are still old-fashioned flip phones.

The era of a smart machine has not yet arrived.

Therefore, the official newspaper is also a good news channel, and Natsume has always had this habit, and the news of the insect has been concealed, but with the arrival of the active period of the insect, strange things happen everywhere.

Natsume watched while eating.

It’s all nutritious.

At this time, the news topics were very formal, and there were no shock department members joining, and the headlines were less.

For example:

“Shock! The director of the Metropolitan Police Department went to Fengyue Street for this matter? 》

Isn’t this title much more eye-catching?

I complained like this in my heart.



Wrapped in a large number of headlines, a report that occupied a small position attracted Natsume’s attention.

‘At 6 p.m. yesterday, an unexplained explosion occurred in the cargo warehouse at Terminal C-3 in the harbor area, and a guard died, the specific cause is being tracked by the police, calling everyone to pay attention to fire safety…’

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

This plot, how familiar it looks?

Thought about it.

Isn’t this the first battle of the ant soldier troops of the first division of Tasho Xiu when the plot of the Jia Dou World really begins? The alien worms that fight them molt into adults and then become spiders.

It just confirms the statement that spiders sacrifice to the sky.

It is now seven years after the Shibuya incident.

The timing is right.

The same goes for the location those.

As for the explosion mentioned in the report, it is not difficult to understand that the existence of alien insects cannot be made public for the time being, and has always been secretly handled by Zect’s special ant soldier unit.

Sometimes, under the pretext of gas explosions, transport vehicle explosions, flammable and explosive explosions….

These are normal.


After breakfast, Natsume walked out the door.

Inferred from that report.

The appearance of the armor fight should be in the near future, and then the knights belonging to this world will appear one after another, which also means that with the meteorite, the alien insects that have been lurking for seven years have entered the active period and began to act.

Those guys feel that the strength they secretly accumulated is enough!

So it began to appear frequently.


‘It’s okay, I’m by your side… Have me by your side…’

On a small hillside outside the ruins of Shibuya.

A bicycle was parked.

And next to the bike.

A young girl was whispering as she drew a rough picture with a pencil, about the Shibuya meteorite seven years ago, and in the midst of a pile of rubble, a poor fairy girl was being tenderly guarded by an angel.

The girl’s face showed a soft expression.

This is a quiet, gentle girl.

Her name is Hishita Xu.

Xiao Xu is seventeen years old this year.

She raised her head and looked at the ruins of Shibuya, which remained untreated, and her soft face became gloomy again.


Take a deep breath and calm your mood.

She stood up and pushed her bike away.



On the street adjacent to the residential area of Harajuku, a man walks on the road, his face is not visible, even a little stiff, but if people who know him well see it, I am afraid that he will scream in fear.

His appearance is almost exactly the same as the newspaper reported that the guard who died yesterday at the C-3 dock warehouse in the harbor area, almost like it was carved out of a mold.

This guy is not a twin, nor is he a supernatural event that ‘came back from the dead’ in urban legends.

His true identity is that of a paramorph imitating a guard.

The man walked into an apartment in a residential area, and in the parking lot downstairs of the nearby community, an old man and a young man, two criminal police officers from the search division were ambushing in the car, secretly observing.

They are responsible for tracking.

There are some special connections between the Metropolitan Police Department and Zect, although they do not know the existence of alien insects and protozoa, which are creatures from outer space, but they also know that most of the reported ‘explosions’ are not the truth.

There are also certain things hidden.

“It can’t be wrong, he is the guard who died yesterday, do you want to arrest him?”

The young police officer said.

“No, that’s all we can do.”

The older police officer shook his head.

He’s older and he’s been in the Metropolitan Police Department longer, so he knows more than newcomers.


“I don’t really know the specific situation, but now that an organization has already taken action, let’s not make trouble.” The older man said immediately.

For some reason.

Some ‘nonsensical’ events are always full of strange colors.

After he finished speaking, he took out the phone he was carrying and prepared to report the news.

But after dialing the number.

But there was a sound of ‘moisture’ electricity.

What forces have influenced this?

And they suddenly saw the guard who should have entered the apartment from the rearview mirror in the car!


In the mouth of the guard, a strange sound sounded.

The criminal police moved quickly, drawing guns and shooting.

The bullet passed through the guard’s face.

But no blood appeared.

Instead, he turned into the original insect, attacked the two criminal policemen with sharp claws, and after getting out of the car, he re-imitated the old man, confused the public, and prepared to leave.


But a passer-by witnessed all this.

That’s the Hinata.

After leaving the outskirts of Shibuya, Xiao Xu was about to go back to the store and walked into the short road in the laneway, but saw such a frightening thing, Xiao Xu hurriedly turned the car around, ready to escape.

The alien worm, which mimicked the appearance of a human, just looked expressionlessly in the direction Xiao Xu left.

A pair of eyes filled with killing intent….


PS: That, is anyone watching? Everyone squeaked, a new panic.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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