Mackerel miso is delicious.

Natsume ate slowly.

Inside the kitchen.

Xiao Xu glanced at Natsume quietly, and only felt that he looked good when he ate, just like a nobleman, there is a saying called ‘beautiful and delicious’… Thinking like this, her face turned red again.

How can you think that way?


One after another, guests walked in, and it was almost time for lunch.

“Brother Natsume, call me if something happens.”

Takemiya said.

“You’re busy.”

Natsume smiled and nodded.

In the small shop, it was busy again.

But didn’t see Kagami?

The plot has begun.

Natsume remembers that Kaga Mishin has been working part-time at Bsitro.Salle, and before fighting with the Insect, there is no trace of Kaga Mi in the squad of Shuichi Zecta.

Could it be the butterfly effect?


University of Tokyo Hospital.

In a ward.

Kaga Mixin slowly opened his eyes, the unfamiliar ceiling, and the smell of disinfectant water in the air, originally felt a little hazy and blurry, but the pain in his body suddenly came, and it suddenly made him awake.

He sat up sharply.

“Here is one by one!!”

A woman’s voice picked up his words.

“This is the hospital.”

Kagami immediately turned her head.

“Captain Tasho, and Miss Misaki?”

He was stunned.

Seems to remember something.

He encountered the xenomorph.

And the way of heaven.

Heavenly Dao turned into a jia dou, and then he fainted, and it was Heavenly Dao who sent him to the hospital?

“Kagami, what the hell happened?”

Yuzuki Misaki asked.

She was complaining that Kagami, a new junior, was not in tune and was late twice in a row, but Kagami was injured and hospitalized, which was an unexpected situation, and of course she would not grasp that simple problem.

“I encountered an insect attack, and then…”

Kagami explained what she encountered and did not hide anything.

“Jia Dou? No way! ”

Shuichi Tian frowned.

“The fittest person appointed by the headquarters has not yet contacted us, and the belt has always been in my hands.”

It can be noticed that he is carrying a somewhat heavy suitcase in his hand.

Open the box.

A belt made of metal is lying inside.

The belt is here!

That day Dao…?

Kagami’s heart was full of doubts.

What’s going on?


‘That’s where Xiao Xu works, right? ’

The Chief Master of Heavenly Dao looked at the sign of Bsitro.Salle not far away, thinking in his heart, and his steps were faster than before.

Once it comes to questions about my sister.

Heaven’s Dao will become different from his usual him.

It started when the meteorite fell seven years ago.

Tiandao kept his distance and secretly guarded Xiao Xu, but where Xiao Xu worked, he came for the first time.

At this time.

A few foreigners with tall horses ran out of the restaurant in a panic.

They smoked and choked the children around them, Xiao Xu extinguished the smoke with water, of course they were not happy, and if they wanted to make trouble, they were beaten by the handsome man next to them.

Tiandao raised an eyebrow.

It seems that something is happening in the store.

Xiao Xu will be fine, right?

He immediately ran in.

The restaurant is still lively.

“Natsume-kun, thank you.”

Xiao Xu stood in front of Natsume, lowered his head, and said a little shyly.

This is the second time Natsume has helped her today.

“No thanks.”

Natsume said with a smile.

Xiao Xu gently bit her lower lip.

Except thanks.

She didn’t know what to do.

Tiandao pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as I came in, I saw Chang Wei fighting….

Ahem, it’s a crossover.

Xiao Xu was standing shyly in front of a man.

Who the hell is that guy…

Could it be Xiao Xu’s boyfriend?

Although he had long thought that this day would come, Tiandao never thought that this day would come so quickly, his gaze moved away from Xiao Xu’s back and fell on the other person.

“It’s him!”

Tendo doesn’t like to remember unrelated passers-by, and he and Natsume only met once when they were buying tofu at Fujiwara Tofu Shop a few days ago, but just one side of the relationship impressed him.

Since then.

Tiandao had a premonition in his heart.

They will definitely get together again!

I just didn’t expect that when we met again, it would be like this.

When he came in from Tendo, Natsume noticed him.

Wang Tiandao, who has always been calm, had a somewhat beautiful expression at that moment.

Probably, he will only be unpressed in matters related to his sister.

Tiandao stepped forward.

Sit in the seat opposite Natsume.

His expression returned to his previous form.

“See you again.”

“Grandma once said, Ru Nai walks the way of heaven, the person who is in charge of everything, my name is the general division of heaven.”

Tiandao began to introduce himself.


Sure enough, it’s still good middle two.

Natsume said in his heart.

If he is allowed to say, it is estimated that he will have to be embarrassed to cut out three rooms and one hall on the ground, but the middle two returns to the middle two, and the heavenly way says it, but there is a natural taste.

This is something that no one else can learn.


Natsume replied calmly.

The man in front of him is the forced king of the Heisei era, ‘the way of heaven, the commander-in-chief’, the speed of evolution is faster than light, and the man who shines like the radiance of the sun, can do well in everything.

Everything is almighty except for having children.

But Natsume did not deteriorate because of this.

He owns the system.

This means that his potential will be endless.

Even if you become a god, even if you have eternal life….

Something that seems impossible.

And no longer far away!


Xiao Xu brought another mackerel miso and placed it in front of Natsume.

“This is… Thank you. ”

Xiao Xu spoke softly.

“Great, I just haven’t eaten enough.”

Natsume smiled warmly.


Xiao Xu lowered his head.

For some reason, I feel an itching feeling in my heart.

“This scent… I also want a mackerel miso serving. ”

Tiandao said.

“You’re the weird guy in the morning.”

Xiao Xu remembered who Tiandao was.

Talking to himself.


Natsume couldn’t help but laugh.

He is rigorously trained.

At this time.

In Heavenly Dao’s mind, only one voice kept echoing.

You’re a weird guy, you’re a weird guy….

.jpg wry smile!

In Xiao Xu’s eyes, he turned out to be like this?

“The mackerel miso is gone, that’s the last one.”

Xiao Xu pointed to the already empty plate in front of Natsume.

Heavenly Dao: “…”

I felt like I had been hit by an arrow in the heart.

Today things are not going well.

What a crime….


ps: Woo-woo, can the flower break a million first┭┮_┭┮

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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