The low-profile version of the heterogeneous empty me.

Natsume is directly good guy!

And the adult stag beetle, after completing the molt after a lot of painstaking efforts, felt the powerful power contained in his body, obviously a little swollen, and he was suppressed before, but he did not evolve.

Now it’s time to turn around!

It was clear and the rain had stopped.

Adult stag beetles feel like they’re doing it again!

At this time, on the alien worm, the phantom of the human being appeared.

They want to speak human language, in addition to mimicking human form, when revealing the prototype, they can only manifest a virtual shadow on the body, which is a strange setting.

The face of an adult stag beetle projects a human voice.

Like a street villain, he sneered.

It’s almost dressed as a black-robed old man.

“Kamen Rider… After evolution, I am different from the past, and this force can allow me to completely tear you apart! ”

“I’m already invincible!”

“For you, my winning percentage is definitely Semparsontaku!”

The insect roared fiercely.

Natsume: ……

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

That’s not a good thing to say!

There are only two things that the insect has to do now.

1. Defeat the Dark Emperor Rider.

Second, in front of the woman you like, show yourself.

To be precise.

These two things can also be combined into one.

And because of his molt.

Standing not far away, Rina Mamiya did pay attention to him.

What will happen to the next battle?

Adult stag beetles disappear in place.

Enter super-high-speed movement.

At the same time.

Natsume had already put the prepared form harness card into the drive.

【From.Ride! Kuuga.Pegasus! 】

This form is super perceptive.

Use the Pegasus crossbow as a weapon.

This is….

‘Whenever evil things appear, the shape of knowing the other is better than the other’s body, like the state of the wind shooting through the evil warrior’!

After the insect enters the hypervelocity.

Natsume’s green compound eyes directly locked its trajectory.

Cast Blast.Pegasus!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

The air bomb that compressed the high-density sealing energy directly and accurately hit the alien in the ultra-high-speed movement, and the huge energy directly made him exit the ultra-high-speed state.

But he was not eliminated because of this.

After flying upside down for a long distance.

Gradually climbed up again.

Alien insects promoted to the cadre level will gain some special abilities after molting, and Nogi Reiji is a special super speed, time stops! And Rina Mamiya is super defensive.

The adult stag beetle also has a very good defense, but that is due to the talent of being a mutant larvae.

What he really gains is his own attack power.

That’s unparalleled power.

His arms are enough to tear everything apart!

The next attack, he will be buried for it!

But he didn’t have that chance.


“The defense is really good.”


Natsume smiled slightly.

Switch patterns again.

【From.Ride! Kuuga.Amazing.Mighty! 】

After the card is read.

Natsume once again transformed from a green Pegasus form to a black amazing all-round form, a pair of scarlet eyes, a black handsome body, and a strong momentum emerged from his body.

A looming arc of thunder winds.

The nascent form of the empty self exerting its ultimate power.

Warrior of Thunder.

Not as good as the final ultimate form.

But it is quite sufficient to deal with adult stag beetles.

The insect did not enter the hypervelocity movement again.

After eating a deflated under the perception of the Pegasus form, the stag beetle was no longer ready to use super speed, and Natsume had the means to solve it, and it was futile to continue to use it.

The attack of the Swift Wind Heavenly Horse bullet will not be fatal, but he estimates that he will be cold after two more times.

Just come to the last rampage battle.

The insect crosses its hands.

The sturdy arthropods grew out of the trend, in the shape of scissors, and rushed towards the amazing all-powerful empty self, as if there was a thousand bravery.

Even if there is no super high speed, the speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Natsume.

Natsume already saw it.

A pair of scarlet compound eyes locked on the alien worm, and in his opinion, the alien worm looked like a terrifying attack, but it was actually full of loopholes, when the alien worm was about to stop him and cut him off.

Natsume jumped.

When he passed the body of the alien insect from the air and appeared behind him, he fell straight down with a palm, and the terrifying thunder attached to his palm and spread throughout his body.

The adult stag beetle suddenly let out a mournful wail.

Natsume’s attack followed.

Each attack seemed to have the power of thunder, and the insect was fixed in place because of the terrifying paralyzing effect, which happened to be intentional by Natsume, and he immediately took out the killer card from the card case.


【Amazing.Mighty.Kick! 】

Terrifying kicks and electricity circulate through Natsume’s body.

This blow is not a lock-in ability.

However, after being frozen by Natsume, the insect has now become a live target, and it is estimated that Natsume can easily hit even if he reproduces a wave of knightly foot famous scenes.

Natsume jumped high.

On his legs, terrifying arcs and sealing energy emerged, and from top to bottom, it fell through the body of the adult stag beetle, who had not even reacted.


The insect turned to ashes.

As if never came.

On the rooftop.

Rina Mamiya frowned and looked at the pure black knight below, for some reason, she sensed a terrifying aura from the body of the amazement and omnipotence, and she looked over carefully.

A black mist was hazy.

A figure with black eyes flashed.

That kind of power, with a raised hand and foot, seems to be able to destroy everything!

She took two steps back.

At this time, Natsume has dismantled his transformation.

“It was just now… Hallucinations? ”

She didn’t feel quite right.

This Natsume is a little scary.

Quickly left.

And at this time in another neighborhood of Ginza….


PS: Thank you for the great monthly pass support of ‘Jun Funeral’!

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