【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

Natsume transforms into the Dark Emperor Rider.

The dark knights, meeting in the dark space, looked at each other in the air, the eyes of the compound eyes collided in midair, and the battle between the dark emperor and the king sword began.

As a knight controlled by the system AI.

Wang Jian was the first to strike.

The dark sword moon was dark in his hand, and the purple-black light was all wrapped around it, as if with the power to tear and devour everything, and Wang Jian slashed towards the dark emperor.

When the sword is swung, it makes a whistling sound.

With the momentum of breaking the army!

The Dark Emperor Rider held the card box sword to meet the attack, the jingo connected, only listening to the ‘ding’, the card box sword and the dark sword moon darkness collided together, and the air suddenly flooded with ripples.

Wang Jian’s power is great.

However, Natsume, who transformed into a Dark Emperor Rider, can handle it with ease.

He pressed forward hard.

Suddenly, a huge force poured out from the body of the Dark Emperor Rider, and unprepared, Wang Jian was violently thrown out, and he retreated several meters before he could stop.

After stabilizing the figure.

Wang Jian put the dark sword moon back into its scabbard and pulled the trigger.

The electric sound is playing!

[The moon is secretly living! ] 】

Draw your sword.

[Flashes after reading! ] 】

Suddenly, all the strong dark energy converged on the Dark Sword Moon Darkness, and the Wang Sword launched an attack with a juhe slash, and a black crescent-shaped slash swept towards the direction of the Dark Emperor Horse.

Natsume didn’t care.

Insert a card into the drive.

【Attack.Ride.Slash! 】

[Attack Control Slash! ] 】

The enhanced energy was concentrated on the blade of the card box sword, generating a purple-black ghost, which, together with the card box sword, slashed towards the slash of the king sword.

‘Boom one by one’

Boom, explosions sounded.

The Dark Emperor Rider is at the center of the explosion.

A puff of smoke enveloped it.

One of the laws of metaphysics:

There is no harm in smoking!

The Dark Emperor Rider did not suffer any damage.

【Attack.Ride.Blast! 】

Purple-black laser bullets kept appearing.

All of them fell on Wang Jian.

For a while, sparks flew everywhere.

The figure of the Dark Emperor Rider slowly walked out of the smoke, of course, he was unharmed, the card box sword in his hand had been transformed into a card box gun, and Fang Cai’s bullet was instilled from the muzzle.

Wang Jian rolled and dodged.

After dodging.

Wang Jian’s hand has an extra book, which is the legendary book of divine beasts, ‘Evil King Flying Dragon Fantasy Drive Book’, and he uses the Dark Sword Moon Dark and the Evil Sword Calibur Drive to match this drive book.

【Jaou.Read! (Evil King Guide!) )】

[Dark Sword Moon Dark! ] 】

【Jump.out.the.open.it.and.burst! The.fear.of.the.darkness! (Jump out of the book, turn the page!) Fear the Dark! )】

【You.make,right.a.just.no,matter.dark.joke! Fury.in.the.dark! (The right choice, refuse to banter!) Rage in the dark! )】

【Jaou.Dragon! (Dragon of the Evil King!) )】

[No one can escape…].

Accompanied by sound effects.

In an instant, Wang Jian entered its enhanced form.

The face resembles the head of a dragon.

The compound eyes of his eyes were scarlet.

The shoulder armor is like two golden dragon heads snapping, and the cape is wrapped behind it, looking extremely powerful and domineering.

Kamen Rider King Sword – Evil King Wyvern form, which hosts the power of the “Evil King Wyvern”, a mythical beast that exists as the apex of many evil dragons, gives the shapeshifter the power of profound darkness and obtains overwhelming combat power.

This form has extremely excellent power.

As we all know, in the Kamen Rider world, the people who have capes are basically big guys.

“Evil King Wyvern?”

Natsume whispered.

If it comes to form change, Natsume said that he is too good at riding as the Dark Emperor.

One after the other, the card is fed into the drive for reading.

At the time of transformation.

A terrifying aura poured out from Natsume.

That terrifying power, as if even the air was frozen.

【Kamen.Ride.Kuuga! (Kamen Harness, Empty Self)].

【Ultimate! (extreme)].

The Dark Emperor Rider transforms into an all-powerful form of the Void Self.

And this does not end.

A cloud of black qi emerged from the empty body, and at this time, the dark space as a battlefield seemed to be cheering for him, the two corners on his head were transformed into four corners, and the left and right shoulders had more spike-like shoulder armor.

On the black body, golden lines are spreading.

Those eyes also turned black.





The fierce warrior, enough to bury the darkness of the sun, the warning of the spirit stone Yamadam, the Kamen Rider’s ultimate black form, appeared here, and the darkness contained in his body made this dark space tremble a little.

“This is the ultimate power of the empty self…”

Shake your fist gently!

Natsume could feel the powerful power that could not help but emerge from his body, and at this time, he was enough to control the extreme, and he had previously transformed into a completely astonishing all-round form.

But it felt completely different then than it is now.

The complete body of the power of gold is also far from the extreme.

‘If you punch down, you may die!’ ’

In this form, Natsume can say the same.

Darkness invaded and ravaged all around.

The amazing murderous aura gushed out from Natsume’s body, but for Wang Jian, who was only a virtual projection, controlled by AI, and had no emotion, there was no impact, and the King Sword of the Evil King Flying Dragon directly drove the kill.

[Must kill Read! ] Jaou.Dragon! 】

[Moon Dark will kill! ] 】

[Learn a flash! ] 】

Dark energy entangles.

In a split second.

The purple Eastern Divine Dragon energy body swept towards the ultimate black eye, and the furious energy seemed to tear everything apart, and Natsume was not afraid in the face of the oncoming energy impact.

Drive the killer card.


Start accumulating.

The legs retract powerful sealing energy and fire.

Jump up and give a flying kick.

Powerful forces collide.

The ultimate kick was obviously superior, easily tearing Wang Jian’s attack apart, falling on Wang Jian’s body, and the terrifying power raged and spread in his body, and the virtual projection shattered in an instant.

Natsume dismisses his transformation and returns to his original appearance.

Return to system space from the duel arena.

A system prompt sounds.

“Congratulations to the host, successfully defeated Kamen Rider King Sword Projection.”

“Reward: Kamen Rider King Sword Series Knight Cards, Points x1000”

“Drop…’Dark Space’!”


ps: ask for all kinds of data!

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