Alien worm destruction.

Shuichi Tasho ordered his ant soldier squad to start cleaning up the scene, and after that, he and Yugetsu Misaki got out of the command vehicle together.

With the departure of Heavenly Dao, they did not pursue.

One comes….

They know the strength of Jia Dou, and rush up hard, as if delivering vegetables.

Second, they also recognized the Heavenly Dao as a jia dou.

Besides, there was a ‘Knight Capture Plan’ at the Zect headquarters, which failed when capturing the Dark Emperor Rider, and what happened after that, the members of these divisions did not know.

And Jia Dou’s capture plan is not their responsibility to follow up.

They’re even less likely to do this kind of thing.

“Kagami, you are?”

Shuichi Tasho looked at Kagami and was a little puzzled, at this time, Kagami should act with Yacha’s phantom squad, right? The transfer document was personally approved by him.

Even if it was a little humiliating, he did not refuse for the wishes of his subordinates.

Yuzuki Misaki also looked at Kagami suspiciously.

What does this thick-eyed Kagami want to do?

Kagami scratched her head.

“That, Mr. Tasho, these days in the Phantom Squad, I have thought a lot and struggled. In the end, I decided that I would come back to fight with you, Mr. Tasho… And Miss Misaki, who is my very important partner! ”

“So, please forgive my willfulness, member Kagami, please return to the team!”

Kagami bowed deeply and said sincerely.

His words are from the heart.

That day, Yacha’s teaching of ‘perfect reconciliation’ strengthened Kagami’s desire to go to the Phantom Squad to study, in fact, in addition to learning that spirit, he also had a little Jiujiu in his heart.

He may not have the careful idea of joining the elite phantom squad of the Zect headquarters and using the hands of this team to participate in it and kill more alien insects.

But after joining the Phantom Squad, he always felt that he did not belong there and was out of place there.

Probably because of my own thoughts, the reason why I went astray.

Thinking about it, Kagami decided to return to his original team.

With your own efforts, you can also kill the insect!

As long as you work hard.

That’s enough.


Tian Suo Xiuyi’s stodgy face seemed to have dark clouds gathered, and his tone was also a little stern.

It’s over, Mr. Tasho’s tone is definitely over. ’

Kagami was panicked.

He also had some self-remorse.

Why did my previous self stupidly propose to join someone else’s team? Isn’t this hitting Mr. Tasho in the face in front of everyone at Zect? I blame myself for being ‘seduced’.

Inside, why wasn’t it firmer?

And how long has it been now.

I naively wanted to come back again.

Will such a person who ‘jumps repeatedly’ be accepted again?

“Welcome back to the team!”

Shuichi Tasho’s fierce expression disappeared as if it had never existed, and he patted Kagami’s shoulder, a smile like an old father on his face.

“We will work together in the future.”

“Eh… Huh? ”

Kagami jerked her head up, looking surprised.

Yuyue Misaki also smiled faintly.

“Kagami, don’t be too entangled, you went to the Phantom Squad, you went as an exchange of different branch teams, and now you want to come back, of course we welcome it.”

Shuichi Tasho seemed afraid that Kagami would misunderstand, so he explained carefully.

“Mr. Tasho…”

Kagami was very impressed.


After receiving a call from Shuhua, and Kagami went to kill a few alien insects, Tendo Commander-in-Chief quickly bought a lot of ingredients at the supermarket, fresh bamboo shoots from the deep mountains, and tofu from Fujiwara Tofu Shop.

He prepared very richly.

After buying the ingredients and seasonings that were missing at home, the man who ‘walked the way of heaven’ drove his motorcycle home quickly.

He walked in, cleaned up, and after a short rest, he went into the kitchen.

Downtown, a villa area adjacent to Tokyo Tower.

Residential luxury.

This is a place where only the rich can live, and outside a villa with a small garden, Tendo Shuhana and Natsume together opened the gate and walked into the courtyard, and the name of the door was also marked with the word ‘Tendo’.

“Brother, I’m back.”

Shuhua excitedly pushed open the door and walked in.

“Ah, how was it today?”

Tiandao asked while chopping vegetables.

It is not difficult for him to use two things.

“How to say it… I didn’t play tennis for a while, and the experience was very exciting! ”


Tiandao subconsciously felt that something must have happened to Shuhua today, and when he didn’t know, this was Tiandao’s intuition, and his intuition had never gone wrong.

Put down the kitchen knife and raise your head.



His eyes widened, because the person who went home with Shuhana was not Nanako Kamiki who he had guessed before, but Shuhana said that it was someone he knew and there was no problem.

Because he and Natsume, know each other.

Why get married?

Naturally because of Xiao Xu, his other….

Younger sister!

“Brother, it’s Brother Natsume, is it surprised, is it surprised?”

Shuhua said with a smile.

Tiandao laughed dryly.


Surprises too.

If you are happy, forget it.

“Today, encountered a worm?”

Tiandao asked directly.

Natsume nodded.

“Since you saved the tree flower, let’s stay.”

He said in an arrogant tone.

Speaking up.

He also remembered the last time, when the belt had not yet awakened, he also did not obtain the insect instrument, and Shuhua encountered an insect attack on the way to school, and the black knight who saved her at that time was Natsume.

Kamen Rider, Dark Emperor Ride!

“Brother, Brother Natsume is my guest.”

Shuhua pouted.

Tiandao: “…”

He warned Natsume with his eyes not to mess around, and went to cook with mixed tastes in his heart, as a sister control, in order to let his sister grow up safely and happily, he could be said to have broken his heart.

“Brother Natsume, don’t care, brother is like that.”

Shuhana pulled Natsume and sat on the sofa.

“I know.”

Natsume smiled slightly.

The name of the sister control knight, he already knew in his previous life, ‘walk the way of heaven, save his sister’ is also the words he can practice with his life!


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