Xiaoyan obediently hid in the distance.

Cheer for Daisuke.

The battle continues.

The royal bee, which was fighting with the adult fly, was somewhat absent-minded and was knocked to the ground twice by the adult fly.

“Brother Yache!”

Kageyama shouted worriedly.

Immediately raise the machine gun and shoot.

The adult fly spits out a strongly corrosive dissolving foam at the fallen queen bee, which reacts quickly, and the ‘Cast.Off’ shattered armor ejects it.

Royalbee stood up.

At this time, the two battlefields were gradually intertwined, from the reeds, several ambush larvae jumped out, and the phantom ant soldiers gradually felt the pressure, for some reason, they always felt that today’s battle, the captain’s command, seemed to be less?

Kageyama looked at the Imperial Bee who seemed to have been severely weakened with concern.

I also remembered the big brother Yache who returned from the team late last night.

What happened to Brother Yache?

The Queenbee got up and blasted a xenomorph with a blast, next to the melee shooter Thunderfly, who had also been disarmed.

“A new knight of the organization? No, the same as those two guys! ”

Yacha thought of Jia Dou and the Dark Emperor Ride.

did not act with ant-soldier troops.


Remembering last night’s failure, Yacha thought that his heart became more and more irritable.

“One by one…”

His tone was low.

The volume gradually increases.

“Why get in my way!”

Clench your fists.

A punch towards Thunderfly.

This sudden change made Daisuke Kazama, who turned into a thunderfly, stunned.

Caught off guard, he retreated a long way and was thrown down.

Koto: Daisuke….

Ant Soldiers: !!!

Aliens: ???

“You guy, do you want your team members to be killed?”

Daisuke Kazama said with a frown.

“I must, knock you down!”

Yache wanted to say coldly.

‘The organization only needs me as a knight’!

This is what Yacha thinks in his mind.

It was as if he had lost himself.

The face of a human female appeared in the light of the adult fly: “Although I don’t know what happened, it seems that there is internal strife.” ”

Another alien worm: “Worthy of being human, full of inferior creatures.” ”

“Then let’s start the feast too!”

The Insect rushed into the Phantom Ant Squad.

Entered melee mode.

Losing the suppression of long-range firepower and the instructions of the ‘queen bee’, the elite squad of the Zect headquarters was like a mess of sand, killed by the insect strongly, and many team members died.

Kageyama rushed up to engage the insect.

Being slapped and flying far away.

The war situation became a pot of porridge.

A xenomorph struck towards Xiao Yan.

“You guy, crazy, right?”

Kazama Daisuke snorted coldly.

Enter ultra-high-speed mode instantly.

The long-range shooting bullet destroys the alien insects that are close to Xiaoyan, and then casts a special kill.

【Rider.Shooting! (Knight Shooting)].

Aqua-blue light bullets shuttle.

Destroy many xenomorphs in one blow.

There are only three larvae, one adult.

The royal bee continued to attack towards the thunderfly, pressed the back switch of the insect instrument, and prepared to launch a special move towards the thunderfly, but at this time, the royal bee insect instrument took the initiative to leave the knight’s bracelet and dismantled the transformation.

The adult fly took the opportunity to knock the arrow car into the air.

The heavy impact made him almost gag.

The transformed knight’s bracelet also fell off.

The Imperial Bee Insect Instrument hovers overhead.

Allowing Yache to summon, he did not respond.

Another larva molts.

“Abandoned and disqualified?”

Daisuke Kazama whispered.

Enter the super-high speed again.

Distance yourself and fight the xenomorphs.

He intermittently remembered his identity one by one


As a Kamen Rider system specializing in long-range combat, hand-to-hand combat is not good at it, and Daisuke Kazama is not a fighter like Tendo and Natsume, who has a full level of fighting and physical fitness.

Or keep yourself, burst out more combative!

Several other xenomorphs were defeated by him.

The adult fly was defeated by his beating.

Right now!

It is the highlight moment that belongs to Thunderfly.

“This is the final blow…”

Faster-than-light particles converge.

Muzzle charge.

Kill one by one knight shoot!

The aqua-blue light bullet, exploding at close range, directly crushed the adult flies that rushed to his side, and exploded into pieces.

【Clock.Over! 】

End of acceleration.

The Thunderfly Insect Instrument broke away from the handle of the gun and flew into the distance.

“Daisuke, are you all right?”

Xiao Yan ran over.

“Of course I’m fine.”

He glanced at the Phantom Force and withdrew his gaze.

That’s someone else’s internal business.

He didn’t bother to bother.

“After all, I just blew the wind here…”

Whispering to yourself.

“Let’s go, Xiaoyan.”


Big hands holding small hands.

Drifting away.

The ant soldiers began to work on the scene.

After processing, prepare to close the team.

“He, what to do?”

An ant soldier said.

The ‘he’ he said was the captain they had abandoned in battle and had been abandoned by the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument, but now, no matter what, there would be some mustard in his heart.

Everyone’s gaze fell on Kageyama Instant.

Kageyama Instant is the one Yacha wants to ‘pamper’ the most.

“Let him calm down here first.”

Kageyama instantly took a deep breath and said.

He picked up the knight’s bracelet that had fallen on the ground, and deep under his eyes, there was a heart called greed.

After the Phantom Squad evacuated.

On the beach, only Yachi wanted to lie here, his eyes were blank, looking at the blue sky in confusion, and the gentle wind ruffled his hair, making him a little more awake.

“I, lost myself…”

Yacha wanted to look at his hands.


Bsitro.Salle restaurant.


Natsume sat in his seat, drinking a cup of coffee, which was sparkling.

“It’s a lot better than before, it’s great, Xiaoxu.”

Natsume praised without reservation.

Xiao Xu lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

You can see that she is happy.

“By the way, Brother Natsume, can I ask you one more thing this afternoon?”

Takemiya said.

Natsume raised his head with a puzzled look on his face.

“Xiao Xu wants to paint outside the ruins of Shibuya, but recently there have been news of monsters appearing in the city, and I am afraid that something will happen to Xiao Xu, so I ask you to accompany Xiao Xu!” I treat Xiao Xu as a daughter. ”

She said with a smile.

Xiao Xu: Auntie….


Natsume did not refuse.


PS: Thanks to ‘Pi Pi Pi Kachu’, ‘You Dye,’ ‘Great Monthly Pass Support!

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