
Natsume prepares to leave, and Yugetsu Misaki takes the initiative to leave Natsume’s phone.

Watching Natsume leave.

She pursed her lips.

Picked up the flip phone and dialed the number of Captain Shuichi Tian So.

Toot toot….

“Hey, Misaki, what’s going on?”

Tian Suo Xiuyi’s breathy voice came, and his tone sounded a little cold, but this was also the way he usually spoke.

“Mr. Tasho, I encountered an alien bug this morning, and the Dark Emperor Rider saved me, but my foot was sprained.”

Yuyue Misaki did not hide it and said directly.

“Xenomorph… Well, since you are injured, rest and recuperate, and I approve you to cultivate for a few days before returning to the team. ”

As soon as Tian Suoxu said a few words, he hung up the phone.

However, after twisting his foot, why does Misaki feel even a little happy? ’

He felt a little puzzled.

But I didn’t think much about it.

Over the years, he has led the branch to fight the Insect, and Misaki has always been his right-hand man, and when fighting the Insect, he is undaunted, and he has always been cautious, and he will definitely not lie about his injury in order to want to rest.

Outside the building called ‘Area.X’ in the depressed area of X, a black armored car slowly approached, and Negishi and a few men in white coats stepped out of the car.

Along with this, there are a number of ant soldiers.

Negishi and a few white coats walked into the dilapidated building.

Let the ant soldiers guard outside.

These ant soldiers are all Gengishi’s guards.

They are engineered protozoa.

Over the years, with the continuous research of human protozoa, their technology is not very mature, and there are many deaths and injuries in the process of experiments, but fortunately there are also successes.

But experiments with protozoa did not stop there.

Their vein is no match for alien insects.

Protozerg are sparsely populated.

They also want to pocket this rich planet and become a paradise for pleasure, and the brutal method of the alien is impossible, and the experiment they are conducting now is for the future moment.

After the alien worms are eliminated, they will protozoize all mankind.

‘If it is not my race, its heart will be different’!

This cannot be false.

This is true for humans, for protozoa.

Why are humans defenseless against protozoa?

Neishi led a few people to the underground secret room, and the man’s eyes flashed with fierce light, and his hands and feet were bound by iron chains, and he roared like a beast.

Especially when he saw a few people on the root bank, the Mimic Heavenly Dao was even more angry.

His memories are confused, there are mimesis, and there is also his former self….

At the age of seven, he was caught by protozoa and carried out inhumane experiments.

He was the first successful experimental subject to the transformation of humans into protozoa.

He is also an experimenter of the continuous evolution of the zect knight system.

If the eyes can kill.

It is estimated that several people in Gengan have died an unknown number of times.

Unfortunately not.

Mimic the hysteria of the roar of the Heavenly Dao.

It resounded throughout the X region, but unfortunately no one heard it.

Negishi said with a grin. “Ah, a new experiment is about to start, I’m really looking forward to it~”

He stood aside and watched.

The white coat that followed him stepped forward and put his hands on the body of the mimicry heavenly way, they needed further experiments, by storing the gene frequency of human conversion into protozoa into a certain container, as a signal receiver, after sensing the real signal, that frequency will completely play a role, achieving cross-species transformation.


In a big supermarket in the corner of the city.

The shelves collapsed and all kinds of goods fell to the ground.

It looks like it’s coming to the end.

For some people in the supermarket, they have indeed just experienced the ‘end of the world’.

Today supermarkets have discount activities, as long as it is a couple or husband and wife to buy things, all 90% off, this discount is not too discounted, but anyway to buy things, can save a little is a little.

Plus today is the weekend again.

Many people are not at work on weekends, so many people come to hear about it.

You can also shop at a discount and go on a date.

It’s a one-size-fits-all thing.

But a sad tragedy happened in the lively supermarket not long ago!

The alien worm appeared.

Probably a worm that mimicked a single dog came by chance and was shown a face.

After the mimicry, the xenomorph receives all the memories of the imitated person.

Perfect integration into humans, if not actively exposed, it is difficult to be found, but at the same time, a certain emotion that is too strong in human beings will also affect the insect, and even suppress the insect heart for a while.

When the insect saw various show affection scenes, the jealous and unhappy emotions were quickly amplified.

So he returned to his appearance as a foreign insect and killed all sides in the supermarket.

This is the area managed by the first branch of Tianshoshu.

After receiving the news that the alien worm has appeared.

Shuichi Tasho immediately led his troops to dispatch.

Come to the scene.

Most of the people fled, only the humans killed by the alien insects in the supermarket, filled with a bloody atmosphere, the alien insects did not continue to chase other people, after venting, they simply summoned companions and stayed to eat together.

“A squad, B squad, attack from both sides.”

“Team C is responsible for support.”

Tian Suo Xiu gave the order.

“Yes, Captain!”

The voice of the team members responding came back in the headset.

Shuichi Tian was in the command car, carefully watching the video on the screen, as well as various new instruments, but Misaki was not there, so he had to do these tasks himself.

The newly added Takatori Lianhua, a thief who plays with a tightrope, is a combatant on the front line.

Kagami is not suitable for staying in the command vehicle.

If you go out to fight, you may be beaten, but Kagami is indeed a natural warrior, mortal in the flesh, and when he sees a foreign insect, he will not retreat, but will rush up without hesitation.

There are an estimated six alien insects inside the supermarket.

All are larvae.

Without turning on the lights, the whole looks a little dull.

The ant soldiers moved forward cautiously.

Avoid scaring snakes.

But at this time!


The ceiling shattered.

The larvae cast crows to fly ‘from the sky’, caught the ant soldiers by surprise, and quickly opened fire to meet the attack, and the alien insects took the lead and quickly divided the battlefield.

In just an instant, the ant soldiers were defeated.

Some ant soldiers died as a result.

Inside a dark space.

Natsume sensed the movement on this side and opened up space….


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes!

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