Soon after.

It’s getting late.

Natsume got up to say goodbye and was ready to leave, it was night, the ‘moon dark wind high night’ was the most frequent period of insect haunting, he was ready to go outside to try his luck and earn some more points before returning home.

Money can be obtained from all aspects of the stock market.

As the most important points, in addition to challenging the knight projection, it can only be obtained by constantly killing weirdos, and the knight projection only has a thousand points as a reward when it is challenged for the first time.

Throughout the Kamen Rider world, the number of knights is far inferior to that of weirdos.

What’s more, the insect hunter is his job.

On the doorstep of the Bsitro restaurant.

Xiao Xu saw Natsume leave.

There was some reluctance in my heart.

“Xiao Xu, Brother Natsume has gone away, and if you look at it again, it will become a lookout stone.”

Aunt Takemiya had a meaningful smile on her face.

Xiao Xu pursed her lips.

“Just… No, no! ”

She walked quickly into the kitchen.

Weakly said.

However, her face was red, and this was very unconvincing.

Takemiya didn’t say anything more.

Xiao Xu has a thin skin.

It must be gradual~

Late at night, Yue’er climbed into the air, like the only yellow pomelo hanging on the head of a dry old tree, and when the wind blew, it brought a trace of dust and sand in the air… Cold moon, dead trees, flying sand.

After Natsume left the Bsitro restaurant, he walked alone on the deserted street.

Along the way, I haven’t encountered any alien insects yet.

Natsume pondered something to himself.

“The cards of Jia Dou, Imperial Bee, and Black Armored Dou are all available, and the three gold, silver and bronze brothers over there have already been pocketed, and the Kamen Rider of the Zect system still has Thunderfly, Sword Scorpion, Fist Locust Kicking Locust…”

Talking to himself.

‘Brothers Hell’ is not in a hurry for the time being.

However, the thunder fly and the sword scorpion can be put on the agenda, and the Shibuya meteorite fell seven years ago, and he became a knight, and he should be said to be the predecessor of Jindai Ken and Kazama Daisuke, right?

Well, this is the ‘love education’ of the predecessors who walked on the road of knighthood to the younger generation, and there is no more loving knight in this world than him.

In an abandoned park outside the ruins of Shibuya, Daisuke Kazama lies bored on the slide.

I feel a little sleepy.

Suddenly inexplicably sneezed.

Daisuke Kazama was stunned.

Got a cold?

Not true….

Something is very wrong!

“Daisuke, it’s already so late, it’s cold for a while, let’s go back.”

Xiao Yan looked at Daisuke Kazama and said.

The heart said that Daisuke has not been lacking exercise recently, and he is a little weak.


Daisuke Kazama rolled over and stood up.

He doesn’t know what Xiao Yan thinks in his heart, otherwise he will definitely have to refute righteously, he is not vain, how can a man admit that he is false in front of a woman? Not even an eight-year-old girl!

Natsume turned the corner and descended the stairs, the guard patrolling on his bicycle.

Suddenly, a worm appeared, and its limbs pierced the guard’s chest to kill it.

Subsequently, the imitation is the appearance of a guard.

A weird smile appeared on his face.


The woman dressed in white and returning home from work saw this strange scene and screamed in fear.

Insect will not spare ‘witnesses’.

Humans are food, the more the better.

Kill and eat her, and it’s better to lurk.

Just when the insect wanted to do it.


There was a sound of footsteps.

The insect subconsciously raised its head.

Natsume was walking slowly.

“Looks like you’re lucky tonight.”

A smile rose at the corner of his mouth.


The Dark Emperor’s transformation card, sent into the drive.


Changed into the appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider.

A sword slashed at the insect.

“Run away.”

The sharp blade of the card box sword slashed at the insect, and suddenly Mars splashed, Natsume said to the woman who was stunned not far away, and the woman who reacted immediately ran.

Natsume didn’t care.

Another continuous slash, slashing at the alien worm.

The insect retreated one after another.

‘Quack! ’

Let out a scream.

Natsume wiped the blade of his sword, but it’s a pity that he is not a man who appears with a stereo like Qiao Fengqiao’s gang master, otherwise you are too beautiful to use as a punishment song, not as good as Boruto?

After several attacks, the insect has not molted.

Natsume said ‘waste’.

With a vacancy of ninety points.

But he was too lazy to entangle with the alien worm.

It is much easier for the alien worm to molt than the original worm, but in the end, whether it can molt depends on the talent, and the alien worm in front of him, it is obvious that even the molt has become a dream thing.

Take out the killer card and read it inside the Dark Emperor Rider drive.

An electric voice sounded in the air.

【Final.Attack.Ride! Dark.De.De.De.Decade! 】

Unreal cards build bridges between Natsume and Xenomorphs.

And at this time!

An angry voice came from not far away.

“Stop me!”


“All the insect, I will defeat it!”

It is the little young master of the Shendai family, the Shendai Sword.

He held the sword scorpion blade in his hand.

One grabbed the sword scorpion insect instrument that rushed out of the drill and completed the transformation.

Natsume ignored him.

How can you give up the points you get?

Jump in place.

The card phantom automatically corrected its position with Natsume’s movements, and as Natsume shuttled by, the power contained in his right leg gradually increased, and suddenly fell on the alien worm.

Kill it.

[Kill the insect and reward 10 points].

Insect explosion.

The prompt of the Knight Fighting Evolution System sounds.

“I’ll tell you to stop!”

The Shindai sword transformed into the Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion, and after the insect exploded, he directly swung his sword towards the Dark Emperor Rider, and the Dark Emperor rode still, and when the slash was approaching, he raised the card-box sword to resist.


The jingo touched, and a crisp voice sounded.

The two temporarily distanced themselves.

“Little young master, don’t be vexatious~”

“Shhh Thank you for the old man last time, but now fight with me, you said next time! ”

The alien worm was killed, and the Shindai sword was unable to return to the sky, and fighting Natsume was used as a vent…


ps: It is expected to be on the shelves at nine o’clock in the evening, the recent update is a little slow, and I will try to explode after the launch, and I shamelessly hope that everyone will give a subscription~

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