The battle is over.

In the quiet and somewhat excessive warehouse, people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Kageyama instantly took off the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument, his face was not good-looking, the perfect debut he had already planned and booked was so ruined, depression is certain, and unhappiness is also certain.

Abominable Dark Emperor Ride!

He said viciously in his heart.

Next time, be sure to give Natsume some color, don’t think that the Dark Emperor rides greatly, he is still Kamen Rider Imperial Bee!

Yacha wanted to break the awkward impasse.

Xu Yi still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He took a deep breath, looked at Kageyama, his most trusted and concerned subordinate in the past, wrapped his arms around him, and said, “Kageyama, what’s going on?” ”

“It’s all about drawing out the enemy’s guilt.”

Kageyama instantly regained his composure and said.

“It’s all acting? Why do you want to do it. ”

“If anyone will leak the information of the Phantom, then those who lose the qualification to be the Queenbee, are expelled by the Phantom, and then hold a grudge.” Kageyama instantly put his hands in his pockets.

Self-conscious said.

“You boy…”

“Are you saying I leaked information?”

Yachi wanted to frown.

Kageyama continued, “But I think too highly of you, I didn’t expect you to see that I had become a royal bee, and I thought you were so powerful. Hehe… That’s all. ”


Lead the team away.

When Yacha was still trying to catch up, Kageyama’s voice came again, “The perfect harmony of the phantom does not need you, the second chapter of the perfect harmony, you are already a discordant timbre. ”

The Phantom Squad quickly moved away.

It’s very angry to be robbed.

But the matter has been settled, and of course there is no reason for them to continue their stay here.


Yacha wanted to smile lowly, his shoulders constantly shrugging.

Lost in his soul, he walked out of the warehouse.

Walking aimlessly through the street.

The self that had been regained collapsed completely.

Lively streets.

Looking at the traffic on the road, people coming and going, Yache wanted to feel that something was wrong, as if it was pitch black, there was no place for him to belong, and he looked at the sky blankly.

A dark cloud just obscured the daylight.

“I, ah, in hell…”

The other side.

The olive oil that Aunt Takemiya needed was bought, and Natsume went back with Xiaoxu, and Tendo carried Kagami wordlessly, aiming for the Bisitro restaurant and moving forward!

The two cars went side by side, and the speed was basically the same.

Heavenly Dao originally wanted to carry Xiao Xu, walk the way of heaven, and protect his sister, it is the responsibility that Heavenly Dao remembers in his heart, if he can, who wants to take care of Kagami, this hot-blooded fool.

But when he made this suggestion, Xiao Xu didn’t even think about it and directly refused.

This made the sister control knight Tiandao very hurt.

I could only helplessly take Kagami back to the restaurant to work.

Xiao Xu hugged Natsume’s waist.

Heavenly Dao is blinded!

Abominable Natsume…

Kagami noticed the change in Tendo’s expression, his gaze kept falling on Xiao Xu’s waist around Natsume, Kagami said that he understood, Tendo should be envious.

Grabbing the hand in the back seat, he gradually hugged Tiandao…

Tiandao snorted coldly.

“You dare! I’ll throw you down! ”

Tiandao said coldly.

Kagami: …


Poor Baba, weak and helpless.

“Natsume-kun, they… What’s wrong? ”

Xiao Xu hesitated and asked aloud.

“That’s probably how they interact, right?”

Natsume said with a smile.

“Oh, I see.”

Xiao Xu nodded gently.

And then…

Tilt your head and don’t look at Heavenly Dao them.

Because of an accident on the way to buy olive oil, when they returned to Bsitro’s restaurant, it was already noon, Kagami put on her apron, worked as a worker, and immediately started working. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiao Xu gave the olive oil to Aunt Takemiya.

“Natsume-kun, what do you want to eat at noon?”

Xiao Xu asked gently.

“Mackerel miso.” x2

Natsume and Tendo said almost at the same time.

“That, I want to eat too.”

Kagami raised her right hand.

“By the way, Kagami, this takeaway troubles you to deliver it.”

Takemiya took out a takeaway.

The corners of Kagami’s mouth twitched.

Life is not easy, Gagami sighed.


Takemiya bowed his words.

“Just send it to the pet shop across the street, which Mrs. Kitamura wanted.”


Kaga ran with her takeaway.

Takemiya Bow couldn’t help but smile.

“This daredevilish child…”

Xiao Xu makes mackerel miso in the kitchen.

Tendo looked at Natsume, and his heart was mixed.

The younger sister left him, he had long thought that there would be this day, and he originally thought that the other party could receive a knight kick from him, so he agreed to pass the door, but Natsume this guy is a little difficult, the last time he fought him, he also lost.

Although he said that his evolution speed is faster than light, he will not necessarily lose after that, but it is also true that he lost the game before.

Natsume was unclear about the complexity of the Heavenly Dao.

He was thinking about the Phantom Squad’s worm.

The team members who mimic the phantom lurk, at first let the alien insects wait for the opportunity to assassinate, and then gather all the members of the phantom team somewhere, lay an ambush in the heaven and earth net, and let the phantom team be completely destroyed.

It looks like a brain player.

Or a white variant.

It’s a pity that I don’t know if I can molt …

After the mutant molted, the points were richer, and there was even a chance to obtain special talent abilities, and Natsume felt that he must find an opportunity to go there, and this time was under good observation in the dark space.

“That’s right, Heavenly Dao.”

Natsume thought of something. (No, good, good)


Tendo tapped his fingers on the tabletop and looked at Natsume suspiciously.

“Next time I have a chance to fight side by side, I will give you something good.”

Natsume thought of the FFR card that had not yet been released.

“No chance, grandma said, my evolution is faster than the speed of light, and no one in the entire universe will catch up with my evolution, including you.” Tiandao said arrogantly.

Intuition told him that Natsume had something to say.

He said it was a good thing, but it must be looked at the other way around.

“But you lost to me last time?”

Natsume blinked.

Heaven:….. Send.

“Hmph, not necessarily next time.”

Takemiya bow watched the two argue.

CP sense again?

She quickly patted her face and threw out the strange thoughts, thinking that she must have seen too much recently…

ps: Seven more, please order first!.

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