But even so, Heavenly Dao was still secretly a little frightened.

The strength and defense of the unicorn adult worm is beyond his imagination, and it is completely different from the alien insects he has encountered before, ordinary alien insects, under his successive combos, were beaten to pieces, and can only wait for death to come.

But the unicorn fairy worm can see the trick.

His offensive largely failed.

Instead, he was punched in reverse!

It’s hard to do too!


With a force at the foot of Tiandao, he ran towards the unicorn adult again, and when he was about to approach the adult’s side, Tiandao raised his right leg, supported by his left leg, and bombarded it from top to bottom.

Adults have their arms folded in X and easily resist.

Then comes the top of the knee.

Heavenly Dao immediately took several steps back.

The adult attack was defeated.

The heart is risky.

A pair of blue compound eyes cold “five seven three” indifferently looked at the unicorn adult worm, that position is not interesting, even if it becomes a Kamen Rider, with the protection of armor, it is the same.

After temporarily retreating, Tiandao sorted out the offensive, took a deft step under his feet, and punched his fist at close range, looking at the shadow of Wing Chun and his own routine.

Tendo is the same as Natsume, and he has learned a lot of fighting skills, but he takes its essence, removes its waste, and absorbs it that is beneficial to his own growth, and the useless flower rack is discarded by the trend.

Feel free to do whatever you want.

The heart moves!

All moves, at your fingertips.

“Master Heavenly Dao, try to cut him in the middle!”

Natsume stood on the branch on the side, condescendingly watching the battle between the armor and the unicorn adult, and said with a smile.

Tiandao: “…”

Unfortunately, this dazzling boxing did not break through the defense of the unicorn adult worm.


The unicorn adult foot kicked the ground, like a rocket, rushing towards the armor, this time the attack is more fierce, that is, the way of heaven, shackled by the knight system, and some can’t react.

The unicorn fairy adult directly sets a set of lightning five consecutive whips.

Knock the armor back violently.

It’s overwhelming.

Tiandao still didn’t speak.

Natsume knew the character of Tendo, let him take the initiative to ask for help, it is estimated that it will not work, and he does not want to stand idly by, this mutant is worth a thousand points, this alone, it is enough.

Take out the driving card box gun.

Attack driver cards are sent in.

【AttackRideBlast! 】

Swing shooting!

The gun shadow doppelganger, purple-black laser bullets continued to fall on the unicorn adult’s body, blocking its attack, and then Natsume transformed into a cardbox sword, casting a sword technique that fell from the sky.

Split towards the unicorn adult worm.

After one hit.

Natsume slashed out several swords in a row, and there was no special energy covering it, but the sharp blade also made it retreat one after another.

“How’s that, no problem, right?”

Natsume said with a smile.

“I didn’t let you come.”

“Don’t be arrogant.”

“Who’s Tsundere?”

Heavenly Dao’s mouth is hard.

“Well, before I came, I said that I would fight side by side, and I won’t break my word.”

“Shhh Just don’t hold me back. ”

“Don’t worry~”

Suddenly, behind the adult one-horned fairy, a pair of gray-white wings suddenly appeared, and in an instant it flew into the air, looking like a unicorn fairy, with his palms spread out, and strange energy gathered.

One by one, the destructive energy bombs fell.

Raise countless soot.

The bullet was easily dodged by the unicorn adult in mid-air, releasing energy bullets while charging power on its legs, and the arc wrapped around it like a knight’s kick.

Under a series of operations, the physical strength of the unicorn adult worm seems to have not been consumed at all.

Don’t panic at all.

Energy bombs and temporary knight kicks, it is not cast to want to kill with one hit, just to touch the prize, if it hits, it will be earned, if it is not hit, it will not lose at all!

The battlefield gradually opened up and came to the barren clearing.

Great view. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is no shelter whatsoever.

“Kamen Rider… So, what can you do? “The unicorn adult laughs wildly, it can not only fly, but also react quickly, and the energy is extremely large, almost continuous.

When he was still a larva, he lurked and collected information about Kamen Rider.

Armor, Bee, Dark Emperor Ride, Thunderfly…

None of these knights can fly.

This empty place was simply a paradise for him to fight.

The time and place are favorable and the people are all occupied by it.

Unicorn Adult: How do you lose the flying dragon riding face?

Tendo and Natsume dodged the attack.

The unicorn worm flies very high…….

With the bounce power of the knight system, it is not very possible to reach, and there is no point to borrow power around.

“The special ability of this adult worm won’t be energy enhancement, right?”

Natsume muttered softly.

After the alien mutant molts, it will basically have the corresponding special ability, the flight is the unicorn fairy’s own bringing, and the resistance is the versatility of the mutant, so it seems that it should be energy?

However, this scene seems to be the perfect time to use that card.

“Heavenly Dao…”


Tendo raised his eyebrows and waited for the following, but after Natsume called his name, he didn’t continue talking.

At this time, Tendo noticed that Natsume had taken out the card that he had previously had in Kuriyama Park.

Feed in the drive, close it and read.

【FinalFromRide! KaKaKaKabuto! 】

The electric sound sounds.

Natsume clapped his hands expectantly and walked behind Tendo.


“It might be a little itchy.”

Natsume chuckled and slapped behind the armor, and in an instant the armor began to deform, turning into a gigantic insect appearance, with blue steam gushing from the back of the tail, flapping its wings at supersonic speed towards the unicorn adult in the sky.

The unicorn adult immediately entered the ultra-high speed.

The insect-shaped armor bucket easily caught up with it, and the unicorn spiral attacked, directly pushing it out of the super high speed, and fell from the sky like a shooting star.

Insect armor dou landed on the ground 2.1 and turned into a knight’s form.





The arc begins to charge up.

Natsume pinched the timing.

Kill cards are sent in.

【FinalAttackRide! DarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

Unreal card light appears.

Natsume jumped to his feet.

The bridge built by the cards began to correct with Natsume’s position, and Natsume crossed the cards and kicked at almost the same time as the knight of the armor, kicking on the sides of the unicorn adult’s sturdy armor.

Different power infusions.

Wreaking havoc all around!

Exploded with a bang.

The unicorn adult who had not yet been able to react from the state of complacency was numb, and before he could react, he was directly sent to hell….

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