Natsume was speechless.

whispered, did not complain more, he directly opened a spatial passage through the dark space, went to the place of the incident, what happened to the random dimensional wall, how useless to think, just look at it in the past.

Menya Xiaoye walked out of the dimensional wall with a confused look and appeared in this strange city.

It’s a fairly lively park.

But no one noticed her sudden appearance.


At this moment, several people in the park suddenly changed, as if there was a steaming heat on the surface of their bodies, which was very terrifying, and then faded the human skin and turned into a foreign insect.




Strange calls roared out of their mouths.

That instant caught the attention of almost everyone around.

Then came the screams of fear.



Menya Xiaoye noticed the presence of the alien insect, his brows wrinkled slightly, his right hand was placed on the earth stone hanging around his neck, and his left hand was raised, but at this moment, a black spatial vortex appeared.

It is deep and dark inside, and there is no light in sight.

Then, a figure walked out from within.

That’s Natsume.


What happened to finding that it was not the weirdo from the dimensional wall that he imagined, and there was still a little regret in his heart?

Natsume’s gaze looked at the girl in a floral dress not far away.

Some are familiar, but for a moment I can’t remember who it is.

The insect tore towards the girl.

It’s time for a minute.

Bang bang!

Gunshots rang out, laser bullets landed on the strong carapace of the insect, splashing sparks, such an attack was not painful for the insect, but it did block the progress of the insect.

The gaze was attracted by Natsume.

Natsume waist attire, Dark Emperor riding drive attire.

A card in your hand.

Feed into the drive.


Single push!


【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

The sound effect of transformation sounds.

Monya Xiaoye looked at Natsume, who had transformed into a Dark Emperor Rider, in shock, it turned out to be… Dark Emperor Ride Drive? She remembered that the drive of the Dark Emperor Rider should have been destroyed.

Brother… No, the man who didn’t take her to play on her own in other worlds is now only using the White Emperor Riding Drive.

In order to conquer parallel worlds, the overhaul card developed three knight systems.

They are: Dark Emperor Ride, Emperor Ride, Final Ride!

Now, the Dark Emperor Horse should be destroyed, the Emperor Riding is in the hands of Menyashi, and the Final Riding Gun, which was originally used as the Emperor Riding Weapon, was stolen by Haidong Dashu, so where did the Black Emperor in Natsume’s hands come from?

Monya pursed his lips.

I don’t know why.

After the transformation.

Natsume habitually wiped his sword, and the arrows attacked towards the insect, accompanied by the sound of AttackRideDarkDecadeSlash, and the successive slashes, carrying several purple-black ghosts, cleanly chopped at the insect carapace.

Under the impact of that force, the insect retreated one after another, and even two of the insect defenses were slightly weaker, unable to withstand that level of force impact, and exploded with two roars.

The remaining larvae enter the molt.

Turns into an adult pose.


Ethnic groups that prefer to live in groups and act collectively, presumably the other two alien insects that have just been blasted by Natsume, after completing the molting evolution, are also in the same posture, which is more reasonable.

“Be careful!”

Monya shouted Xiaoye, she knew that after the insect molted, it had super high-speed power, she couldn’t help but shout, maybe because of the kindness of her heart, or maybe Natsume suddenly appeared to save her, or maybe it was Natsume… Naturally has an affinity.

“I know.”


Natsume takes out the card that kicked the locust.

【KamenRideKickHopper! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

【Kamen Driving Kicking Locust】

Natsume used the Kicking Locust card.

The insect is poised to enter a super-high speed.

Natsume entered at about the same time, and the Kicking Locust also had the power of ClockUp, but it was relatively unstable and did not last as long as the rest of the zect knights.

But for Natsume, it was perfectly enough.

As long as the insect is defeated for a long time, there is no problem.

Ultra-high speed.

Several xenomorphs encircle Natsume, and the adult termites work hard to perfectly explain what a team is, and Natsume doesn’t care about the actions of the xenomorphs, and the ants are just ants, if there are more.

Can’t make any waves.

A series of kicks.

Knock the insect back.

Natsume didn’t use his fists, because after harnessing the power of kicking locusts, he had already discovered that the power of kicking locusts has a very high blessing on kicking skills, and the use is very silky, and if he uses fists, of course, it is no problem.

But it always felt awkward.

Something is wrong!

The adult termite launched an offensive in several directions, spitting out the formic acid that can easily corrode its prey from its mouth, all of which struck towards Natsume, who indifferently sent a killer card into the drive.

【RiderJump! 】

Leg muscles are recharged.

Jump in an instant!

The offensive of adult termites has undoubtedly failed.


The knight kick wrapped around the red arc fell with a bang.

When it falls to an adult Tianling cover, the armed anchor-type supercharger linked with the insect instrument on the left leg works to continuously supercharge, kicking the locust to jump in the air, and infusing the power of the knight’s kick into the body of all adult insects.

【ClockOver! 】

End of acceleration.

The alien insects exploded one after another, raising a field of smoke.

Points earned.

Natsume lifted his transformation and looked at the girl.

And what she hangs in front of…

Earth Stone!

This moment.

Natsume establishes the girl’s identity.

Monya Night!


Sister Han!

Her brother, like Tendo, is also one of Kamen Rider’s world-famous sisters, and Natsume remembered the previous dimensional wall, and the whole person couldn’t help but be stunned.

In this way… Everything is connected.

That random dimensional wall brought no one else, it was the girl who was as beautiful as a flower in front of Natsume’s eyes, Menya Xiaoye!

Monya looked at Natsume suspiciously.


Was it he who brought himself into the world?

PS: The remaining two chapters will be posted in a moment! Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions!.

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