
Asura Field?

For some reason, such an idea suddenly appeared in Natsume’s mind, but it was slightly different from the scene he imagined, and the age of the three was not much different.

There were no generations, and after a while, we talked together.

There is a posture of directly cutting off the head of the chicken and worshiping the handle.

Natsume raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

Only… It’s very confused.

The topics they talk about are not limited to a certain one, talking about some of their past experiences and sharing some interesting things they have encountered, which can be described as the south of the world.

Natsume didn’t bother them.

Instead, he entered the system space and took advantage of this time to open today’s projection challenge.

Physique +1

Physique +1…

The time soon came to noon, in addition to the increase in physique, Natsume did not get other powerful blessings, but fortunately, it was not in vain, and the physique was enhanced, which was still very good.

Includes endurance, reflexes, speed, strength, etc.

Every growth is all-round!

Natsume’s growth is very balanced.

Proper hexagonal warrior!

“I’m getting stronger again!”

Sensing the increase in physique obtained into the body, Natsume muttered, although it was not much, he could still sense the enhancement, even if it was just a fraction, it was really good to know how he was slowly getting stronger like this.

Natsume enjoyed it a lot.


With the enhancement of physique, Natsume still does not know where the upper limit is, and other bloodlines obtained in the system will gradually be transformed into an increase in physique, blessings on Natsume, and will not change his own bloodline, that is, he is still a human today.

The limit of an ordinary person is 10, so what about him?

The system does not set a maximum field.

No limits?

Natsume thought to himself, looking forward to the future.

Soon it was noon.

The girls got along very well, not like those girls’ dormitories in Natsu’s current life, intrigued, six people in the dormitory, there would be several small groups, Natsume was stunned when he learned the news.

“Master, come over quickly and see what is wrong with my steps.!”

Takatori Renka shouted from the kitchen.

Yugetsu Misaki and Monya Koye also went into the kitchen to help wash the dishes, handle the seasonings, and do what they could.

“Here it is.”

Natsume got up, shook off all the strange thoughts in his mind, and walked into the kitchen.

City corner, some underground tunnel.


Screams echoed through the tunnel.

Kagami heard the voice and immediately ran over.

Summon the steel bucket insect instrument.




Kagami transforms while running, and the movements are flowing in one go, and he has obviously practiced the transformation movement after he really became the fitter of the steel bucket.

Walk to the scene of the incident.

Two little boys were forced into a corner by the insect, and the insect was trying to use them as food, the little boy was terrified, but the older child still stood firmly in the way.

“Don’t allow you, you hurt my brother!”



Under the cover of the mask, Kagami whispered, as if through those two little boys, he saw his former self and younger brother Kaga Miryo, who had also made a promise at that time!


“Give me… Stop! ”

Kagami drank.

A fierce punch landed on the insect carapace, knocking him back.


The insect roared angrily.

As if accusing the steel bucket of disturbing his eating. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Take a short leg and run towards the steel bucket.

The sharp limbs lit up with a cold cold, as if to completely tear the steel bucket to pieces in an instant, and the insect race, after imitation, killed people, and humans became their rations.

Inside the insect, foodies were also born.

For them, disturbing to eat is tantamount to a real provocation!

In the face of the onslaught of the attack, Kagami did not dodge, the two children he saved were still behind him, so he could not escape, once he dodged, maybe the children would be injured.

This is something he does not want.

Stings one by one

In the blink of an eye, the arthropod slashed through the armor of the steel bucket.

Sparks splattered.

The steel bucket stood still.

Immediately said:

“You guys take the opportunity to run away and protect your brother.”


The two children quickly ran towards the outside of the passage.

Kagami has no worries.

Knock the xenomorph back with one punch.

The right hand presses the full-speed switch of the steel bucket insect meter three times, and at the same time, the double horns of the stag beetle in the head transform into fluctuating faster-than-light particles and converge to the knight’s piston punch on the right foot.

【RiderKick! 】

Arc winding.

The steel bucket suddenly jumped up and kicked the alien worm.

Then it landed steadily.

After a brief silence.

Insect explosion!

Kagami flicked the steel bucket insect instrument, which automatically fell off, and the armor on his body also dissipated like the wind.


Kagami was about to jump with excitement.

Wave your arms.

“My time has really come!”

He swung his fist continuously into the air.

It’s like punching.

Destroying the insect, Kagami continued to walk forward, saving the two children, and his mood became much better, and he did well in the battles after becoming an fittest.

Ordinary adult insects were also easily eliminated by him.

There is no experience of deflated for the time being.

In Kagami’s heart, she didn’t feel like Kageyama Instant, but she was in a good mood~

After Ka (gotta) Kami left.

Behind a certain pillar in the tunnel, a figure revealed his true face, he looked calm, released the armor insect instrument he was holding, and watched Kagami leave, but Kagami did not notice him.

Tiandao lifted the vegetable bag at his feet.

This is the dish he bought back to prepare for the tree flower.

“Oh? Is it Kagami? ”


The corners of his lips raised.

It is not surprising that Kagami can become a Kamen Rider, in his eyes, Kagami is a complete fool, and it is true that fools have fools.

He just thought it was interesting.

At all costs.

His potential is the strongest!


Tiandao frowned and looked back.

It seems, is there anyone else?

PS: Thank you for the great monthly pass support inside!.

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