Natsume packed up very quickly.

Back to the bedroom.

Time flew by, it was already twelve o’clock in the morning, the daily projection had been refreshed, and Natsume skillfully entered the system space, ready to extract and challenge the projection first.

“System, extract projection!”

Yes, host.

As always, on the big screen, the knight cards that Natsume has not yet unlocked, plus mass-produced knights such as Leo cavalry, the phantom transformation, flashes away, very fast, and then gradually slows down.

Such a rhythm, Natsume has long been accustomed to.

Just stand still and wait quietly.

Soon the projection froze.

The moment he saw the projection screen, Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned.

Kamen Rider AmazonAlfa!

The shapeshifter is Takayama Ren.

People give nicknames, widows and old people!

From Kamen Rider Amazons, one of the Heisei black hukou, many people do not carry rice dumplings for play.

“Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this knight!”

Natsume muttered.


Natsume equips the Dark Emperor Rider Drive.

Holding a card in his hand.

Kamen Rider… Krooz!

I’m invincible!

Light Photo Museum.

The exhaustion of the day made Menyaji fall asleep quickly, well, today I encountered a lot of things, I went to Akihabara in the morning to take pictures, and met the dark emperor of this world.

Fought with it, was beaten.

In the afternoon, after taking pictures in the park and killing the troubled weirdo, he meets a strange girl who is familiar and strange.

In his sleep, Shi had a dream.

In another world.

There is an organization called Overhaul Cards, and he is the leader of Overhaul Cards, and his sister is called… What is it called? What does she look like? Shi tried to open his eyes, but only saw a blur.

The dream continues.

He started the Knightly War.

Finally, a sword glowing red slashed through his body, and then a dimensional wall engulfed him who was seriously injured.

The moment the picture came to an abrupt end.

Sit up sharply!

Phew, phew…

He was breathing heavily, sweating profusely.

He raised his hands.

“This is, my memory?”

He looked a little dazed.

The taxi whispered to himself.

Late at night.

The neon lights of the city flashed, and Nautaki walked down the street alone, recalling in his mind that the person he had just met was one of the hell brothers he had summoned from within the dimensional wall to deal with the emperor in the Void Parallel World.

Kamen Rider kicks locusts!

Narutaki tells him about the impending crisis in this world, and wants him to defeat the Dark Emperor Rider and the Emperor Rider, but Yacha, who has just passively lost love, wants to ignore these things.

Just ask him, walking in a hell full of darkness, how, in the darkness, looking for the light that tears everything apart.

Narutaki, who is good at fooling the Kamen Riders of the parallel world, let them deal with the emperor horse is confused again.

Does he understand a basket of light and darkness?

Ate a closed door again.

Nautaki is very sad in his heart!

What kind of knights in this world are they?

It’s hard too!


Nautaki’s eyes glowed fiercely, for the peace of all the worlds, he had to terminate the trip of the Emperor Rider, and now he had to add a Dark Emperor Rider, if he could kill them here, even if he served the tiger with his body, it was not impossible.

He thought of evil organizations that crisscrossed parallel worlds.

Overhaul card!

He joined the organization of the overhaul card, guided a little, and after destroying the Emperor Rider and the Dark Emperor Rider, he immediately looked for other Kamen Riders, and he acted as an internal response to kill the overhaul card. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That’s a one-size-fits-all thing!

Overhaul Card Headquarters.

Sitting on the throne belonging to the leader of the organization, listening to the news reported by his subordinates, he couldn’t help frowning, and the trace of Menya Xiaoye had not yet been found.

It was as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

He has turned over the parallel world that the emperor rode by, but he still hasn’t found any trace of Menya Xiaoye, but fortunately, recently, under his slow guidance, he has successfully united the parallel worlds.

The power of overhauling cards is growing day by day!

For example, Apollo Caster in the X world.

Now he is one of the main cadres of the overhaul card, and the strength is strong, although Menya Xiaoye took away the earth stone, but did not take away the background of the overhaul card, and now they can conquer the world while looking for the traces of Menya Xiaoye.

Those who can use dimensional walls, in his opinion, are not as much as he imagined…

Maybe, it’s the guy!

Tsukikage Nobuhiko thought of the puppet who had been supported by him as the leader of the Overhaul Card, Monya Koya’s older brother, Kamen Rider Emperor Ichiichi Yaji! The man who was cut down by him with his satanic saber and fled through the dimensional wall not only did not die, but returned?

Whether the guess is right or not.

His mood at the moment is not good.

Breakfast the next day.

Xiao Ye was still a little shy.

Lowered his head and did not dare to look at Natsume.

Natsume smiled.

I didn’t continue to tease her.

After talking to Xiaoye, he went out, he is not an otaku, it is okay to stay at home all the time, it is better to walk outside, and Natsume has a serious job.

He, like the former Sword Scorpion, belongs to the Insect Hunter.

When you kill the insect, you will be paid.

Shindai Ken once took on the task of Zect to hunt xenomorphs before the steel bucket had yet to choose the fittest, so as to get money as a reward, and Natsume was not short of money.

So he won’t go to Zect to pick up assignments.

It is the system that publishes the task for him, and points can be obtained by killing alien insects, and points are hard currency in the system mall, and many Natsume eyes (Wang’s) gluttonous abilities require massive points.

Just left home.

Natsume received a call, it was Aunt Takemiya Hiroko.

I heard that someone ate the overlord meal.

Xiao Xu is confronting.

Although Kagami was next to him, Takemiya always felt unreliable, so she decided to inform Natsume to come over.

“Okay, I’m right here, come right away.”

Natsume nodded and said.


Eat a bully meal?

It’s all this time, and there are actually people like that.

Natsume shook his head.

It’s a shame!

Pulled it casually.

A black crack suddenly appeared out of thin air, it was a dark space, Natsume found the coordinates of the BsitroSalle restaurant, space jumped, and appeared in front of the restaurant: Roar.

PS: Thank you to each other Kina for your support!.

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