Sweat like rain.

Kagami ran forward tiredly, every step he ran seemed to be a huge breakthrough for him, and at this time he had been running for a long time, Kagami looked at the heavenly path that was still cloudy and breezy in front of him.

Presumably, Natsume’s non-human guy is also like this, right?

I complained in my heart.

Kagami is still persevering and breaking through her limits one after another! No matter how slack your mind is, you can’t pull your crotch during the first training, right? In that case, he himself looks down on himself!

Not to mention coming to Heavenly Dao Special Training again.



Not far away, screams came.

The two followed the sound.

One woman, one worm!

A pair of girlfriends who have a good relationship walk side by side on the road, they agree to go shopping in the shopping mall in Ginza, and tomorrow, one of them will put on a wedding dress and become a woman.

The woman who wants to get married, called Xiaorou, has a happy smile on her face, describing the beauty of marriage to her friends.

And right at this moment!

The girlfriend, who has always played the role of a listener, suddenly turned into a worm.

A strange roar, his face was terrifying and hideous.

Seeing this, Xiao Rou couldn’t help but widen her eyes. 19

What’s going on?

She backed away in fright.

This is what Tendo and Kagami saw.

After the woman changed into a foreign worm, her sharp limbs swung towards the small soft face door, and the human heart had long been annihilated, and she was replaced by the alien worm, and there was no saying that she had a hand in her mind.

Once you launch an offensive, you are bound to use all your strength!

Tiandao saw this scene.

Walked over slowly.

Pick up your clothes.

Expose the belt.

Kagami also followed him closely, but the temperament they exuded was not at the same level at all, the aura of Tendo was very strong, and Kagami walked next to him, like a bodyguard.

At this time!

The armor insect instrument and the steel bucket insect instrument flew from above, feedback the call of the fittest! One red and one blue, which is completely the standard color of the male protagonist and the male number two.

Since ancient red and blue out of CP!

Two insect instruments collided with the carapace of the alien insect one after another, restraining the pace of his attack.

Then it fell into the hands of Heavenly Dao.

“Transform!” x2


The red armor of the armor bucket, the blue armor of the steel bucket, and the two best knights in the second- and third-generation knight systems made in the Zect organization suddenly appeared in front of them in the posture of heavy armor.

The transformed belt gives them superhuman strength.

After the transformation.

The exhausted Kagami also seemed to have hit hormones at this time, and endless potential seemed to emerge from his body, so he could do everything! He is… Omnipotent.

The latter sentence is an illusion, but the increase in one’s own ability after transformation is real!

Instant armor explosion.

The movements of the two of them seem to be the same, and the cooperation is very tacit, and the insect sees the Kamen Rider appear, and also looks away from his girlfriend.

Eliminate the Kamen Riders who hinder it, and he has plenty of time to do whatever he wants!

The monks who can run can’t run the temple.

It imitates Xiao Rou’s girlfriend, of course, it knows where Xiao Rou is, even if she runs away, if she can’t find it, it can fully vent this hatred on her relatives and friends.

Others may make small gains, but it never loses! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One to two.

It immediately knew that it was at a disadvantage, and the armor and steel bucket were close to it, throwing their fists at it, and the blows on both sides made it seem a little too difficult to resist.

Not an opponent!

Almost instantly.

It cleared its strength, but it was not a shame, and Rina Mamiya , one of their leaders, had also suffered many times in front of Kamen Rider.

This cannot be said on the bright side, but secretly, there are many alien insects who know!

It is also one of them.

Therefore, this matter is not a shame in its eyes! And as the leader of the insect active in a certain position, it is by no means alone when it acts.

Almost instantly, it was ready for an alternative.

Name: Shake people!

Several more xenomorphs jumped out of the hidden place, gathered together, and faced Kamen Rider as small groups, and when they encountered the Zect ant-soldier troops, they chose the same.

This is also what they can do, the best choice!

The strength of the insect is uneven.

The vast majority of the ethnic group is not highly talented, and the ultimate goal of insect birth is just to be able to molt, and there is no luxury at all, when the fish and dragons are mixed, the probability can only try to retain vitality in this way.

Such an insect squad, when encountering those ant soldiers who are not equipped with a knight system, has a great chance of completing the turnaround, not only surviving, but also dealing a blow to the Zect organization.

Why not?

This way, it’s better than going it alone! Except for some alien insects whose strength is really beyond the ordinary, such teamwork can be called ceiling-level.

“Oh? Is there a new 057 worm? ”

Heavenly Dao held the Ku Wu Sword and threw it towards a certain alien insect, and the void was broken, and in that instant, the alien insect was pierced by the Ku Wu Sword, and in an instant it lost its vitality and exploded.

And after penetrating the alien worm, the Ku Wu gun did not abate, and directly pierced the ground, that is, on the concrete ground, which is still the case, which shows how powerful the armor dou grasps the strength.

And at this time.

All the alien insects are blazing red light, extremely strange, trying to take advantage of the heat rise, the thick carapace wrapped around the outside of the body is completely removed, revealing the posture inside.

That’s a sign that it’s already an adult!

All the alien insects, molting one after another!

It’s very weird to look at.

If the ordinary troops of zect encounter these alien insects, which seem to be larvae, but in fact they are all adults, it is estimated that there is only one end waiting for them at that time, that is, the entire army is destroyed!

The molted insect and the armored knight entered the realm of super speed at the same time.

The battle in this is no longer visible to ordinary people.

All the adults pinch the two.

Offensive horror!

For a time, the armor bucket and the steel bucket actually fell into the downwind.

ps: Thank you for your support!.

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