Two cards.

Natsume feeds it into the drive one after the other.

On the gemstone in the center of the drive, a special pattern belonging to the driving knight blooms.

【KamenRideGatack! 】

【Kamen Driving Steel Bucket】

【FromRideGatackHyper! 】

【Form Driving Beyond Steel Bucket】

In an instant, Natsume’s appearance of the sword scorpion disappeared, and in its place was a knight based on a stag beetle, which was named after the zect knight plan

Kamen Rider of God of War.

Natsume previously approached Kagami and got this card, and when Natsume obtained the knight card, it was not only the basic form, but even the ultimate form of each knight was controlled in “160”.

Beyond the steel bucket, it is also one of them.

After the pattern is mastered.

Natsume uses beyond super high speed and enters another realm, that is dozens of times the power beyond ordinary super high speed, gold dou use, is that state, and armor and steel bucket are even more special.

When they use the power of HyperClockUp, they can even freely travel to and from the past, present, future, and even alien space, reaching faster-than-light speeds.

After entering this field.

Natsume saw a knight who was somewhat similar to Jia Dou, it was Transcendent Jia Dou, Natsume was usually paying attention, he was very sure that in this world, Heavenly Dao had not yet obtained the Transcendent Insect Instrument.

Therefore, this one is… Future Heavenly Dao?


This Jia Dou also has that kind of confidence and calmness, as if he can overtake all eyes, even from the blue compound eyes of Jia Dou, you can easily see the clue.

That must be the General of the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven, the General of All Things.

Everyone has their own characteristics that cannot be learned.

Forcibly learning is just drawing a tiger according to a cat.

“Heavenly Dao… No, it should be said that it is the future heavenly way. ”

Natsume looked at the red knight and said out loud.

“I observed for a while, and this timeline in the past is really different.”

Beyond the armor, sure enough, the voice of Heaven’s Dao was heard.

“There are many more knights than in memory.”

“Maybe with you here, there will be a lot less…”

His words revealed weariness.

In the timeline of the future.

Because Masato Mishima blew up the Transcendent Insect Instrument, so that he failed to obtain that transcendent power in time, resulting in many irreparable tragedies, even Xiao Xu… So after he regained this power, he traveled to the past and wanted to change the tragedy by changing the past.

Do the way of heaven and save your sister!

Even if for this, he will pay with his own life!

What he did was the same as the Heavenly Dao of God’s Speed-Love World Restart Timeline.

“Beyond the steel bucket… I have to say, Natsume-kun, you are really mysterious, and I originally planned to find my past self at the right time and entrust the future, but now I have changed my mind. ”

“Help me take care of Xiao Xu, by the way, give this thing to me in this era, and the future will be handed over to you.”

As he said this, he suddenly smiled.

Beyond the end of hyperspeed.

The surroundings returned to normal.

In the future, Heavenly Dao took off the transcendent insect instrument on his waist and put it in Natsume’s hand, and his body also turned into colorful brilliant particles in this instant, like a rainbow that appeared in the blink of an eye, gradually dissipating.

He disappeared completely!

With yourself and the disappearance of your future, you can give hope to the past, so as to create a beautiful and new future.

Natsume lifted his transformation and held in his hand the Transcendent Insect Instrument delivered by the future Heavenly Dao.

He then summoned his Transcendent Insect Instrument.

“The future… Actually, I have already grasped the future. ”

Natsume whispered to himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, sacrificing yourself, resolving some tragedies in the future, confirming the eyes, this is what the way of heaven will do, such a thing, try to ask yourself, can you make up your mind to do it?

Natsume fell into deep thought.

Shaking his head again after a moment.

There will be no tragedy around him, so there will never be a situation where he needs to shuttle back to save the past in the future, and as a person with a plug-in, Natsume has this confidence!

Put away the over-the-top insect meter.

Natsume was also not worried about not being able to tell the difference.

After all…

Although his transcendent insect instrument was burst from the knight’s projection and belonged to the treasure owned by the person corresponding to the projection, the system produced it had a special mark.

For example, except for Natsume, the rest of the people cannot be summoned or used!

When Natsume gets it, it’s set!

“Forget it, let’s go to BsitroSalle for lunch.”

Natsume took a deep breath and said.

And at this time!

A tone appears in your ears.

[Congratulations to the host, complete the meeting with the future Tendo Commander-in-Chief, reward 3,000 points, Kamen Rider Gris, Kamen Rider Earth Emperor Card! ] 】

It’s that haunted mission again.

I didn’t expect it to be triggered here.

And the rewards are huge!

Natsume just wants to say:

Heavenly Dao, worthy of you!

Three thousand points, and two new knight cards, so Natsume has a total of five thousand points, which is a reward for killing five mutant worms!

Natsume set his eyes on the knight cards of the two rewards.

Previously, he was the Heavenly Emperor, and now he has obtained the Earth Emperor.

The two imperial belts of the Faiz world can be described as aligned.

And then there is… Grease?

All right!

The squeeze three fools are gathered!

Natsume feels that the recent knight’s fighting evolution system is very wrong, there are always some knights with 0.6 and relatively strange titles, the big three in the new decade, and the squeeze three fools in the world of creation…

It’s as if there are 7 meanings in the underworld!

However, to spit is to spit.

The knight card obtained in this way is still very fragrant, at least Natsume has less to draw on the daily projection, and now the points are stored, and Natsume is still watching the rumored dark power!

Golden fruits are available when there is a chance.

And the power of darkness is impossible!

Only the ultimate power of light.

And the power of light is just a force that was once divided by the power of darkness.

“Then again, what will happen when Ape Crossing the Sea meets the legendary Red Daddy?”

Natsume thought to himself, slowly walking towards the BsitroSalle restaurant…


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