Night falls.

Today’s harvest was good, Natsume made a meal, and after eating the dinner, Monya touched his round belly and sat on the sofa watching TV to eat, while Natsume washed up and returned to the bedroom.

As always, the projection challenge.

Time ticks by.

Light Force Seed x1

Kazama Ryu Mystery, the ultimate makeup technique

Kamen Rider King Snake Card

All challenges are over.

Natsume settlement rewards.

“The harvest is good, after the projection challenge of the final ride is opened, the speed of collecting knight cards is really faster!” Natsume saw the king snake’s card, plus the previous Heavenly Emperor, and said to himself.

If you look at it this way.

After collecting the knight cards born in Showa, Heisei and Reiwa, and now it was a step closer! Natsume is certainly in a good mood, and the king snake card is included in his pocket again.

“However, Kazama Ryu Mysterious…”

The corners of Natsume’s lips twitched slightly.

Some want to complain.

This is Daisuke Kazama’s makeup technique, I named it the Kazama genre, in the industry, Daisuke Kazama’s professionalism is still very good, Natsume remembers, especially when I tried it with the newcomer in the industry who used top makeup techniques, it was a sudden change in painting style.

Even through glasses, you can apply makeup to the opposite face.

It’s outrageous!

When I watched it, Natsume thought it was a mistake.

However, makeup is also included in Natsume’s universal talent, which is one of them, which is not too important, but in the seven years of lengthy practice, Natsume has also filled its proficiency by the way.

This skill is not of much use to the full-level player Natsume, but as long as the item is burst from the projection, Natsume’s mood is not good for no reason.

He prefers to gain something rather than nothing.

Even if the items that burst out, for him, it is useless…

Soon it was early in the morning.

Daily projection restart.

This time the projection is…

Kamen Rider Constant Sword (Durenda1)!

From the Reiwa era, the tenth Kamen Rider of the Holy Blade world, from the same world as the King Sword, Natsume decisively used the King Sword, the Evil King Wyvern form, to fight with it.

Hengjian is the swordsman of time.

Has special powers.

Not invincible, though.

At first, when the realm of Hengjian was erased and rebounded, it undoubtedly caused Natsume certain difficulties, but as the battle progressed, Natsume saw how Hengjian fought.

Especially with AI control.

Although it has a bit of a taste of man-machine, compared with the real person-transformed Kamen Rider, it has some less flexibility, and Natsume easily found a way to crack it.

Kamen Rider Constant Sword Card, get!

Points are also growing.

But Natsume didn’t look at it, the points need to accumulate into a lot, slowly stored, now his points have broken 100,000, at first glance, it seems to be a lot, but compared with the power he wants to buy, it is too much worse!

It can only be described as a heavy task and a long way to go.

Shaking his head and not thinking much about it.

There are many weirdos in the Knight Universe, and the holster battle is even more so, so even if he completely defeats the knight in the projection, there are still enough points source channels.

Store it slowly, and you can always get it in the end.

The protagonists of developmental streams are often in this way!

Natsume said that he would also develop quietly, and then buy the card of the Demon King from the system mall to amaze everyone! As for why it was purchased, it was entirely because the projection of the King of Time extracted from the system, the final form defined by Chonghuang.

That’s right, it’s that genius is unstoppable, and the Chonghuang is full of firepower!

The card of the Magic Time King needs to be purchased in the system mall.

That card contains the power of chance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So the price is a bit scary.

Natsume didn’t think much about the future so long, closed his eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

Late at night.

The moon is sparse and very bright, and the clear moonlight falls on the earth, illuminating the darkness, and unlike the dark and windy night, this evening is not a good day to do something in secret.


The bold Haidong Great Tree of the Yi Gao wants to do the opposite, but he is a man who can take the final riding drive away from the Overhaul Card Organization, and the treasures of this world can also be easily pocketed by him.

Region X

Located in the ruins of Shibuya after the meteorite fall, this is where Zect developed the Kamen Rider system, and some experiments are still being carried out even now.

Either humans know and cooperate with protozoa to conduct research, or protozoa are hidden and carry out some research alone.

In short, this place can be regarded as a very important place for the zect organization!

The importance is almost equal to that of Zect headquarters.

Outside the barbed wire.

Haidong Big Tree stood here, through the moonlight, he could clearly see that as the center of the original meteorite impact, the depression, decay and destruction in the barbed wire! The sky is filled with strange colors.

At night, it’s even weirder.

Watching, it’s like coming to Hades!

“The best treasure in this world is here.”

He whispered.

This is the result of his recent search after coming to this world, and the result of his recent search is that zect is quietly perfecting a prop with a special role in the ruined area X.

That is the purpose of Haidong.

Looking for the entrance, Haidong quickly walked in, and there were still some people living in the ruins of Shibuya, looking really miserable, but Haidong didn’t care (promised), and quickly skimmed them.

He is not some man with a flood of the heart of the Virgin.

Surrounded by barbed wire, it is written that it is forbidden to enter, the ruins of Shibuya as a forbidden place are not as large as expected, and the location of area X is also easy to find, although this side is a more important research site of zect, but the defense is not tight, but a little loose, quite a sense of déjà vu under the lamp.

What seems to be the most dangerous place is actually the safest place!

There is some surveillance hidden all around.

There are also ant soldiers in the secret.

Haidong was hidden behind a boulder, and in the blink of an eye, he had already put zect in Area X and got an idea.


“So, let’s get moving…”


The next moment.

His figure has disappeared in place!


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