Early morning.

The sky is gray, as if it is going to rain, there is no sun, but people’s lives still have to go on, on the road, pedestrians going to work and school are hurrying, cars coming and going.


Yugetsu Misaki woke up, looked at Natsume next to him, remembered the events of last night, and his face quietly turned red again.

“Are you awake?”


Yuyue Misaki pursed her lips, she was too bold yesterday.

Still, it’s nice.

In her heart, it was as sweet as eating honey.

“The time is right, let’s go to the morning exercise.”


Zect Division.

Shuichi Tasho summoned Kagami, Renka Takatori, and Yugetsu Misaki, all of whom were powerful warriors of the branch and extremely important people in the formation of the branch.

“Sister Misaki looks very good today!”

Taka Tori Lianhua looked at Yuyue Misaki, and said with a bright look in her eyes, she went back to her residence yesterday and did not go to Yuzuki’s apartment, so she didn’t know that Yugetsu Misaki didn’t return late at night.

“This… Probably yesterday’s night’s rest is better. ”

Yuzuki Misaki smiled sweetly and said.

“Is that so?”

Gao Tori Lianhua always felt that there was something wrong with Yuyue Misaki saying this, but she thought left and right, and did not understand that after seven years of training at ZECT, Gao Tori Lianhua’s growth experience itself did not look like a normal person, so her thoughts were different from normal people.

And the other two present, Shuichi Tasho is protozoan mimicry, Kagami is a han, and both of them have a common characteristic, that is, single Wang, who never knows what sweet love is.

No one knows the sweetness that the Misaki Yugetsu radiates from the inside out.

This is just a small episode.

Shuichi Tasho did not do more entanglement on this issue, and directly pulled back to the topic, the reason why he would gather everyone this time was exactly what Yuzuki Misaki said with Natsume yesterday.

Recently, the strange insect that specializes in hunting criminals has come to their jurisdiction.

The rest of the squads failed.

That’s because the appearance of the alien worm is too unfounded, like a rootless ping, chasing those criminals, and no one knows who the next target of the alien worm is.

And it’s an adult worm that molts.

There are still too few squads equipped with the knight system of zect, and ordinary ant soldiers can only be described as difficult when facing adult worms, after all, it is the power that can enter the ClockUp one-by-one ultra-high-speed field.

Except for Kamen Rider.

Others can’t get into that realm.

Of course.

Inside zect, a system called ClockDown was also secretly developing at this time, but it did not equip all the troops below.

Therefore, when facing adult worms, it is still the same as before.

There are no knights, basically for nothing.

Previously, a squad of a branch went to fight it, and the final result was…

All extinguished!

It’s brutal, but it’s also realistic.

And their division, with Kamen Rider Kagami, and Natsume as a hole card, their congenital conditions are already very good compared to other divisions.

“Insect, punish criminals?”

Kagami whispered.

He remembered the child in the factory in Wenjing District, the insect mimics a human, and sometimes, it is also affected by memory, presumably this insect mimics the person, and the guy who committed the crime, has a grudge.

Or maybe he was a righteous police officer himself!


Even so, it was not a reason for him to do whatever he wanted, besides, there were other ant soldiers killed by him, who were at the forefront of the battle to protect humanity, if that worm could be forgiven.

So, what is the sacrifice of the ant soldiers? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuzuki Misaki said the method that Natsume told her yesterday, and they agreed unanimously, they were ready to lure the snake out of the hole, since the alien worm came and went without a trace, then they designed to lure the alien worm out.

Shuichi Tasho is responsible for contacting the Metropolitan Police Department, and Zect’s human high-ranking Kaga Miriku is the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the two sides seem to be incompatible, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that there is an inextricable connection.

As a result, his proposal was adopted as soon as it was reported.

They will secretly track and then let people play the role of shadow thieves, stirring up trouble in some areas that have already been arranged, while letting the Metropolitan Police Department issue a wanted warrant, newspapers, TV news and other multimedia means.

In short, first beat the reputation of the shadow thief.

Each time the shadow thief steals, it will leave the location information of the next theft.

Plus cooperation with the Metropolitan Police Department.

In this way…

That alien insect will definitely be enraged, and finally use the image of the son and mother of the god family as a guide, successfully lure the alien worm out, and the ambushed knight will make a move, and successfully complete the one-hit kill!

The layout was perfect.

“Mr. Tasho! Be sure, let me be the bait! ”

Kagami pleaded.

He is Kamen Rider.

Again the people of zect.

If you are a bait, there is no more suitable person than him, and you can’t let Takatori Renka and Cape 297 Yugetsu go, right? Although it is not impossible, Kagami feels that Natsume will definitely give him.


Why Natsume?

Kagami couldn’t quite figure out these things.

At this time, don’t think too much.

Rush up and do it!

“Well, okay, then that’s how it was decided.”

Tian Suoxiu nodded and said.

Kagami is indeed a good choice.


He heard that Jia Dou was collecting the insect instrument recently, and the shadow mountain of the phantom team was taken away from the imperial bee insect instrument and the knight’s bracelet, disqualified and became an outcast.

Thunderflies, sword scorpions, also encountered!

And what about steel buckets?

What is the idea of the General Division of Heavenly Dao? Shuichi Tasho couldn’t understand it a little, but when he heard Yugetsu Misaki say that Natsume would also participate in this incident, Shuichi Tasho was relieved.

Compared with Kagami, no matter how you look at it, Natsume is more secure.

This is what comes from start to finish.

If you act with Kageyama, you will have to worry about your own safety.

If you act with Kagami, you may be more embarrassed.

And if it’s Natsume…

Don’t say anything then.


Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of Feng Xiao Xiao Yi Shuihan!.

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