“Ha~ Today is another beautiful day.”

Natsume stretched and said to himself.

Walking on the road early in the morning.

Blowing a gentle breeze, giving people a comfortable, pleasant feeling, no alien insects, no overhaul card infested figures, the world is very peaceful.

That’s nice.

Natsume is not a war fanatic, he is passionate about collecting points, but he does not want ordinary people to suffer because of this, such feelings are really a little tangled.

Before I knew it, I walked to the beach.

But it’s not a hot summer anymore, those eye-catching summer scenery has not appeared, and on the huge beach, only three or two groups are walking slowly.

Natsume is one of them.

It has to be said.

Walking on the beach to relax is indeed a good way to relax, but the beach deceased said that he had something to say ~ to say.

Not far away.

A gray-haired, half-hundred-year-old couple holding hands and slowly walking forward, their relationship is very good, then again, Natsume has never envied the couple hugging each other on the street, he will only envy the old man holding hands on the street.

That kind of feeling is the most sincere and pure.

Perhaps in life, they have also experienced many things, including misunderstandings and betrayals, but they have still come to this point and spent half of their lives, which is the most enviable.

Natsume looked at them.


His life has long been different from ordinary people, before the system was rebooted, Natsume was just a Kamen Rider Dark Emperor, and he was just a Kamen Rider.

He himself, in a sense, has no other talent except for the reward of Heavenly Dao and the omnipotent talent, he is similar to Heavenly Dao, very powerful, but all aspects of himself still belong to the category of human beings.

But now, since the system was rebooted, everything is different.

His physique has been steadily increasing.

This is also premised on the exclusion of other superpowers.

Of course.

Even so, Natsume himself is still a human, there is no doubt about this, his own essential bloodline has not changed because of these things, but he is no longer an ordinary human, but a superhuman.

This is the evolution of the bloodline, not the change of the bloodline!

Natsume had a reverie.


At this time!

The screams of the old couple made Natsume come back to his senses, and he looked ahead, dozens of alien insects gathered and appeared, undoubtedly all larvae, but looking dense, it was especially terrifying.

Natsume immediately rushed forward.

Stand in front of the old couple.

“It’s dangerous here, get out!”

Natsume said seriously.

“Kid, that… What about you? ”

The grandmother looked at this child about the same age as her grandson and hesitated and asked.

The old man on the side also frowned and said: “Child, it’s better for you to run, we are all people who step into the coffin with half a foot, it’s nothing to die, and you are still young, and you still have a lot of life.” ”

These two old men, with kind eyebrows and good eyes, are both good-hearted people.

Natsume’s heart warmed.

The world…

There are still many good people, and it is precisely because of the existence of these kind people that their battles … Kamen Riders in all worlds, even if they sacrifice their lives and sacrifice themselves, must protect them, which is meaningful!

“Don’t worry, because I’m Kamen Rider.”

Natsume said with a smile.


He placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive on his waist, automatically extended his belt back, and held the Dark Emperor Rider’s transformation card in his hand.


Natsume drank lightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

【KamenRide! DarkDecade! 】

Several black ghosts converged on Natsume’s body, covering him entirely, transforming him into the Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider, and the pair of dark blue compound eyes revealed a terrifying aura.

He is like a black knight, but he is never tyrannical, walking on the bright road and guarding the road!

With the appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider, the two old men were stunned.

Then they looked at each other and smiled.

This kind child, it seems that it is not so simple, but this is good, with such power, kind children, should be able to protect themselves well, right?

“In the name of the Dark Emperor, I give you the finale!”

Natsume whispered to himself.

0 for flowers 0

“Just use this card.”

That card, since the day it was obtained, Natsume has never used it, but today seems to be a good opportunity, the card Natsume is holding is not a driving card with a knight pattern, nor is it a form transformation card.

Rather, it is a weapon card similar to a bazooka.

Emperor rides bazooka!

It comes from the world of TV-kun, but unlike the pink bazooka of the emperor ride, Natsume’s one has been transformed into a similar color to the dark emperor horse.

It should be renamed the Dark Emperor Riding Bazooka.

Feed into the drive, without saying a word, read directly!

In an instant, an electric sound sounded.

【AttackRideDarkDecadeBazooka! 】


Just like the projection tool, this power, condensed in Natsume’s hands, faced with the dozens of alien insects running towards him, trying to kill him, aimed the cannon of Bazooka, aiming at them.

Pull the trigger.

The purple-black light bullets, at this moment, gradually converged, as if revealing a terrifying trend, and the alien insects at this time, swarming, surged towards him, without the slightest fear.

Nor has there been a molt.

If you don’t enter a super high speed.

Their end has also been determined!

The Dark Emperor rode on the bazooka, condensed the shells, and flew out.

Crashing inside the swarm!

It was as if a meteorite had fallen from the sky.

Fell somewhere.


The explosion sounded, and the storm set off at this moment, swept away, under this fluctuation, there was nothing left for the alien insects except destruction, and in the smoke and dust, there was a spider-like figure that broke through the encirclement and rushed towards Natsume.

That’s an adult! Spider-type adult worms!

“But to no avail.”

Natsume said coldly.

Instant delivery of killer cards.

【FinalAttackRideDarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

Card phantom construction, the Dark Emperor jumps up…

Thanks to 1iwen.., Lingtianzhiyi for the big monthly pass support towel!.

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