“Oh? Kamen Rider Ultimate Ride. ”

The Heavenly Dao Master stood in place, and the armor insect instrument that Ben held in his hand was quietly on his shoulder at this time, and he whispered the name of the final rider to watch him fight.

He didn’t transform after all.

The final horse is related to the Dark Emperor Rider, if this is the case, look at his fighting style, in the past few years, the only urban legend he has heard is the Dark Emperor Horse.

And when the insect instrument awakened, and knights such as Jia Dou, Imperial Bee, and Thunder Fly appeared one after another, the new knights, including the Fist Locust Yacha, thought he also knew, but in the end, he really didn’t understand.

During this time, he was addicted to collecting insect instruments and did not encounter them.

Heavenly Dao thought of the strange man who appeared from within the dimensional wall in the morning.

They obviously don’t belong to this world.

So, will the final ride also …?

He raised an eyebrow.

He didn’t think much about it, just watching the battle of the final horse, if his guess was correct, it must be very interesting.

After Haidong transformed into the final rider, facing the only alien insect in front of him, he directly turned on the long-range poke mode, and the final riding gun in his hand continuously shot laser bullets towards the alien worm.

Falls on the carapace of the larvae and sputters an unknown number of sparks20.

When the shot was fired, the final rider did not stand idly in place.

It’s not his style.

As you shoot, you let yourself get closer to the xenomorph.

In a sense.

This is the awakening of nature!

Since ancient times, shooters love close combat.

Nothing else.

The final ride is like this, and the thunder flies in this world are also the same, the desire for close combat has almost been integrated into the bones, subconsciously, will act in that direction.

Such a habit will make them suffer when facing the extremely strong!

But now what Mrs. Haidong is facing is just a small larvae, not a mutant-level cadre, and she has not even molted, showing the power of the alien insect itself.

He stepped forward to fight in close combat, and it was easy to defeat it.

The larvae were defeated under the offensive of Haidong.

One punch smashes the larvae back.

Haidong took out a card and sent it to the drive to read.

【KamenRideKabuto! 】

Kamen harnesses the armor!

This driving sound effect, the dark emperor ride, the emperor ride, and the final ride, the three seem to be the same, but the emperor horse can only be controlled in form, and the final horse can only summon the data puppet, and the dark emperor horse transformed by Natsume has the strength of both and can be arbitrarily chosen.

However, when hearing the card used by Haidong.

Tiandao slowly typed a question mark.

This… Steal numbers in person?

On his right shoulder, the little guy also seemed to sense something, looking in the same direction as the line of sight of the Heavenly Dao, and sure enough, with the fall of the transformation sound effect, a figure condensed by the data on the side of the final rider.

That red armor is undoubtedly armor!

Haidong noticed the Heavenly Dao General over there, but he was fighting with the alien worm, and he didn’t need to care about what he wanted to say and what to do until he killed the alien worm.

This card, but it came from the gentleman.

Haidong thought to himself.

He took three cards.

Sword, Dragoon, Armor Fight!

Take it and use it, and then return it back, anyway, the cards of the final ride and the emperor horse are universal and can be connected to each other, similar to this kind of thing, he has already done it more than once.

As for taking the armor card, how does Shi fight the xenomorph?

Haidong is not worried.

Shi Na guy, very strong, and he doesn’t still have Faiz’s card, Faiz’s acceleration form, even in the face of adult insects in a super high-speed state, can keep up with its speed.

【KamenRideRioTrooper! 】

Thinking in his heart, Haidong sent a card again, but it was not a dragon horse and a sword, after all, these two knights teamed up, something bad might happen, Haidong had a hunch.

Therefore, after the armor fight, he summoned the Laumo Leo cavalry again, sent a card in, turned into several Leo cavalry, and swarmed towards the alien insect together with the armor fight.

This wave is called a righteous gang fight!

Under the siege of knights.

The insect is embarrassed to resist.

Not angry in my heart! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is it just a larva that hasn’t molted yet? What’s wrong with it? To let it go through such a thing?

After summoning the other knights to work, Haidong did not continue to rush to melee combat, he had already had a melee combat addiction before, and now it was a dispensable mood for him.

After all, the insect still failed to molt.

Finally ride the card and launch the kill!

【FinalAttackRide! DiDiDiDiend】

Energy shoots and annihilates the insect.

He then dissolved his transformation.

Whether it was the armor he was wearing, or the knight next to him who was purely condensed by data, all of them disappeared in an instant, and the Haidong Great Tree walked towards the direction of the Heavenly Dao.

“Kamen Rider Koto, Tendo Commander-in-Chief.”

He said in a calm tone.


Tiandao looked at him.

In fact.

He is also interested in the 990 Haidong who transforms into the final rider, after all, such a Kamen Rider seems to be from the same origin as the Dark Emperor Rider, but he does not show too much urgency.

He knows, at this time, whoever opens his mouth first will already lose half!

“Lately, you’ve been collecting insect instruments, right?”


Tiandao nodded, since he did it, there was nothing to admit to death, that kind of words did not match his style, just like a perfectly harmonized movement, mixed with discordant notes.

“I advise you not to collect it, zect can’t give you beyond the insect instrument.”

Madam Haidong held the card of the armor bucket in her fingers and said seriously, because even if the Heavenly Dao General continued to collect it, it would be meaningless, and the Area X Transcendent Insect Instrument had long been stolen by him.

Moreover, it exploded in the end!


Tiandao raised his eyes, as if he wanted to figure out why Mrs. Haidong suddenly said this?

There must be some reason he doesn’t know about this!

That’s right.

He remembered that his mimicry self had said that on the night he escaped, the area X of the Shibuya ruins caused a great vibration, and the fire was all over the sky, could it be that the insect instrument exploded?

Thanks to 19xx564, the cold autumn leaves are rare monthly pass support!

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