
Because it is a holiday day, the flow of people is very large, many parents bring their children here to play, this should be a time to relax, but their luck is obviously not good.

Encounter the horror weirdo that ravaged the city.


In the crowd, suddenly appeared.

The terrifying face frightened people into panic, and at that moment, it seemed that they had lost their due calm thinking, but the greatness of parents is that even if they sacrifice their lives, they must save their children.

They did their best to keep their children alive.

Natsume came out of the dark space.

Because of the suddenness of the incident.

Even the Zect ant troops stationed here failed to arrive in time after receiving the news, and by the time they came, there must have been a lot of casualties, but there was no way.

There are too many xenomorphs, and the world is too big.

And Zect is extremely limited in terms of manpower and material resources, and they can only manage according to the jurisdiction and try to minimize the loss, which is the only thing they can strive for.

When the insect appeared, Natsume immediately came over.

As soon as possible, he arrived at the scene.

This speed is not unfast!

Natsume stood on a high platform.

Snapped his fingers.



The strange fluctuations, centered on Natsume, spread outward, releasing all the power of the fluctuations, and except for Natsume, both weirdos and humans stopped moving.

“In that case, it’s better to choose the day than to hit the sun, try it?”

Natsume stood still.

Prepare to experiment with newfound powers.

It is one of the superpowers derived from the power of light, the power of mind! Mental dynamics, that is, the ability to intervene in the movement of material systems through thoughts, are very broad.

Attackable or defensible!

If you control it to the extreme.

It is also a terrifying and powerful force, like a tornado in the world of One-Punch Man…

Natsume has just gained this power.

In terms of control and expressiveness, it is definitely not so terrifying, Natsume is extremely talented, has an all-powerful talent, and a talent for heavenly reward, which allows him to not encounter the slightest obstacle when learning things, but growth is not achieved overnight.

Familiarization, it also takes time!

Natsume easily wrapped all the alien insects present with his thoughts.

Restricted their movement.

It’s like binding magic.

After doing these.

Natsume snapped his fingers again and restored the flow of time in his area, everything was the same as before, people fled around in a panic, and order was impossible.

There were even rumored stampedes.

There’s no way around it.

Human beings are not carved out of the same mold, everyone, even twins, will be more or less different, and it is whimsical to want all humans with different characteristics to become the same.

And if this is the case, it will lose its original meaning!

In the field, it became spacious.

Except for the alien insects that were forcibly bound by Natsume’s use of Nian power, humans have long run away, only Natsume is still there, but Natsume himself is a retrograde!

Quack quack….

The insect roared one after another.


It seems that at this moment, they have exhausted all their strength to break free from the shackles that Natsume brought them, but unfortunately, the final result ended in hope.

Wait until everyone has run away.

They are still standing in place like Han, if it is not for the appearance of the alien insects themselves, they are extremely hideous, and the effect of the visual impact is estimated to be even more powerful than now.

Natsume jumped down from a height.

With a wave of your hand.

The power of thought, which had already been connected with the alien worm, was used again, and the invisible power fluctuations gradually spread and spread around! Then lift the alien worm out of thin air and throw it away.

Think of it like throwing garbage away. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Don’t care at all.

Natsume had already prepared the Dark Emperor Rider Drive, took out the transformation card from the card case, and sent one of them into the drive, pushing and closing it with both hands to read!


Natsume murmured.


The electric sound of machinery sounded between the woods.

【KamenRideDarkKabuto! 】

That’s right!

The knight harness card used by Natsume is, the black armor fight.

A long-lost knight card!

The last time it was used in the real world, it is estimated that it was back to the battle with Tendo at the pier, and after that, even if Natsume used it, most of the time he summoned the black armor dou like a tool man.

The insect hits the wall.

Crack all around.

Natsume’s power directly dropped them, which can be described as very uncomfortable! Stumbling up from the ground, the alien insects rushed towards Natsume.

And Natsume, who transformed into a black armored fighter, was not afraid at all and directly faced it.

Harness the card box sword to transform into a gunless appearance.

Deft attacks.

The insect swung its sharp claws and attacked the face of the black armor, Natsume dodged sideways, but instead scratched the larvae’s particularly tough skin with a kunmu sword, and then the other insect was not to be outdone, and used a crazy scratch towards Natsume.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that the effect is outstanding.

And Natsume is still not afraid.

Kick the insect into the air with one kick.


Ku no sword transforms into the appearance of Ku no gun, banging bullets, armor dou and black armor fight, as the leader of the ZECT second-generation Kamen Rider system, can attack from a distance, can be short-range, and grab with both hands, enough to adapt to most battle scenarios.

The swift bullet landed precisely on the insect.


This moment.

Another alien worm, which exploded.


Natsume said that this is not a good Zhao.

The rest of the worms are molting.

Adult spiders full of loyalists!


Adult dragonfly!

【AttackRideClockUp! 】

Natsume swiped a skill card, and almost at the same time as the molted insect, he entered the realm of super high speed, in the outside world, they could not be easily seen, but in super high speed, they were also a regional balance.

What’s the difference between it and ordinary fighting in the outside world?

There is no difference!

Hence the points.

Natsume was still able to crush.

“. One! ”



As he walked, he let the faster-than-light particles fly for a while, transform into atom-shattering fluctuations, and gradually transfer to the right leg of the black armor bucket.

Raise your legs and sweep, easily take away the spider adults…


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