The Shindai sword turned over and over and couldn’t sleep.

Once again, he was awakened by a nightmare.

The clothes on his body were all wet with sweat, and it was that dream again, at the birthday party seven years ago, the maid of the family suddenly turned into a foreign insect and killed his sister, and he was haunted by this nightmare, not once or twice.

Basically every few days, it will appear.

But now it’s becoming more frequent.

Almost every day.

This made Shendai Sword very tormented, he didn’t want to forget the original incident, in a sense, hatred… Killing all the insect is the driving force behind his unremitting efforts to survive so far.

But he wanted to forget.

Because every time I remember it, it’s always painful and unbearable.


Half sit up.

Panting heavily, it took a long time to come to his senses.

The old man was asleep and did not wake up.

Shindai Sword walked out of the bedroom.

Coming to the spacious balcony, he did not wake up the old man, for the revival of the Shendai family, the old man has done too many things, in addition to taking care of him, he also has to go out to set up a stall, the Shendai sword does not want the old man to work so hard, and even calculated that in the past few days, he will go out 707 to find a part-time job other than killing alien insects, even in terms of part-time, he is also a man who wants to stand at the top.

Climb high and overlook…

Well, standing on the balcony and looking at the huge manor of the Jindai family is barely enough, the night is cold, and the moon and stars cannot be seen in the sky, so it is somewhat dark in the manor.

The Shindai Sword pulled out the Discali sword held in his hand, and his expression was solemn.


When will it be possible to kill you completely!

Shendai Jian thought viciously in his heart.

In order to kill the alien worm, even if he sacrificed himself, he did not hesitate, this was the long-cherished wish of the god sword, since the day seven years ago, he had already made up his mind, and the sword bloomed with cold.

Shindai Sword muttered to himself.

And at this time…

There was a strange movement in the courtyard, and the Shindai Sword frowned and looked, because the body was actually a foreign insect, and his eyesight, even in the dark, could see clearly.

The Shindai Sword saw this as a special power of the nobility.

In his worldview.

Nobles are different from commoners.

Such words.

He’s a little different, more chic talent, and it’s normal, right?

Find the source of movement.

Shindai Sword rolled over to the courtyard.

A figure appeared in the line of sight.

It was an eccentric man.

With shoulder-length hair and a black trench coat, the strange thing about his own dress is that it is obviously a dark night, and he is wearing sunglasses, which is a sharp contrast to the Shindai Sword in white pajamas.

“Are you… That guy last time! ”

Shendai Jian said coldly.

Last time, he said he was actually a xenomorph? What a joke!

“It’s still the same sentence from before, come and help me.”

Nogi invited.

Shendai Jian sneered, “Hehe, I have nothing to talk about with you. ”

“Then you can only fight to the end.”

Nogi pushed his glasses.

Although there is no time to stop, in his opinion, it is not as difficult as he imagined to suppress the Shendai Sword, it is nothing more than wasting more strength, ClockUp is still there, and the comprehensive hard power as a mutant is still there.

It’s not a big deal!

“Hmph! In that case, go outside and fight. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shindai Sword pouted and said.

It’s late at night.

The old man is still sleeping, in case of fluctuations in the battle between the two of them, it will not be good to quarrel until the old man rests.

Nogi shrugged.

Didn’t refuse.


He came to find the Shendai Sword, he came to find a helper, instead of directly becoming a life-and-death enemy, first wake him up, and when he remembers his identity as a xenomorph, everything when he is a human (CBDF) will naturally not pay attention.

Nogi has also seen some poor insects shrouded in human memory, and when they wake up, they will find that when human consciousness dominates, what they experience is completely regarded as a stain on their own life.

He firmly believed that the same would be true of the Shindai Sword.

No matter what, he was always a xenomorph.

The two walked to the park not far from the courtyard.

The last time they met, it was right here.

Nogi raised his crutches and looked at the Shindai Sword, his expression was particularly disdainful, he was going to teach this junior of the alien worm a good lesson today, and he didn’t need to transform into something.

But with his bare hands, he beat the Kamen Rider Steel Fight, known as the God of War, to the person who disarmed the shapeshifter.

Take down the subordinates of the insect, don’t worry!

The Shindai sword also drew the Discali sword to meet the enemy.


The blade flashed cold, worthy of being a famous family heirloom sword, in terms of sharpness and toughness, it is incomparable to those ordinary sword blades, Nogi Reji, this crutch that he is reluctant to lose after being reborn, and it is not the one that the Inland Sea folded with his knee, an ordinary wooden product, when a sword is cut through, the end is already determined!

The swordsmanship of the Shindai Sword is particularly superb.

He said that he stood at the apex, not bad at all, but he could compete with the Heavenly Dao in most of the events, and his superb sword skills cleverly dodged Nogi’s attack, and then slashed down with a sword.

This sword roared.

Especially fast!

Directly cut off Nogi Reji’s crutch, and then Shindai Sword stepped forward and stabbed straight into Nogi Reji’s heart, he knew that Nogi Reji’s true identity was a xenomorph.

That being the case, there is no need to keep your hands on it.

The Shindai Sword will not leave his hand because Nogi Reiji has not entered the form of the alien worm, and when dealing with the alien worm, in his heart, there is only hatred.

In any case, do your best to kill it.

This is what he wants!

Sword blade, flashing cold.

Nogi Ryoji frowned, and directly transformed into the form of the alien insect itself, this is his second form, but the defense area is still no problem with ordinary sword blades.

He resisted the blow.

Then he broke the Discali sword with force, and the powerful right wrist roared directly towards the head of the Shindai sword, and the Shindai sword Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi dodged the past.

Cold snorted.

Pull out the sword scorpion blade from behind.

“Fortunately, I redeemed the transformer with the old man last time.”

He said to himself.

Then summoned the Sword Scorpion Insect Instrument.

Hold it in your hand.


Thank you to each other Kina’s great monthly pass support!.

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