When the electric sound is played.

Several ghosts surrounded Natsume, and then all shrouded Natsume’s body, condensed into a set of armor, which is exactly the black Dark Emperor Riding Armor, and the dark green compound eyes, all reveal the powerful.

Natsume wiped his sword and immediately slashed towards the purple tide crab adult.

The blade of the sword was cold and shining, blooming with a terrifying light.

This tide crab adult is a mutant.

But Natsume didn’t care.



This world of armor, the mutant that died in his hands, has broken through the number of hands, basically Mamiya Rina found the mutant who wanted to win over as one of the twelve constellations before, and all of them were solved by Natsume.

Again not the first time to fight mutants.

Not familiar with the road yet?

And now Natsume has obtained many cards, and within these cards, the powers belonging to each Kamen Rider are sealed, and there are also extremely special kinds, including acceleration, time stop, heavy acceleration, etc.

Optional, also very much.

If this can’t even suppress a mutant, then Natsume might as well go to Fujiwara Tofu Shop to buy a piece of tofu and crash to death as soon as possible, shame!

He has no shame.

Eating deflated?

If he encounters the Demon Time King, as well as a strong person of the level of the Black God, it may be difficult for him to retreat with his whole body, but the mutant insect is only a cadre-level 383 level, and it is easy to grasp it.

Harness the card box sword and continuously slash at the adult body of the tide crab.

Make the sound of a jingo handover.

Tide crabs and insect launch counterattacks at the same time.


Natsume’s whole body is active, like a slippery loach, this mutant beckons the tide crab adult to strengthen, still a defense, and the thick defense also slows his speed.

He doesn’t have any talent for agility.

So in front of Natsume, being led by the nose is his true style, even if he can’t believe it in his heart, but the truth is like this, irrefutable.

The purple mutant beckons the tide crab adult to indicate that it is very good!

In the end, however, there can only be helplessness.

He chose to go into super-high speed.

Then Natsume responded with a steel bucket, and this Kamen Rider, known as the God of War in Zect, in the hands of Natsume, can be said to show what the God of War is!

This name is not out of nowhere.

Or just the opposite of that.

The reason why the steel bucket has been given such a nickname is very obvious (CBAC) and easy to see, they have high hopes for this new third-generation knight system, and even want the steel bucket to end the scourge of xenomorphs.

Unfortunately, Kagami is not too good as a fittest.

It is clearly a powerful knight with both long-range and short-range firepower.

But in Kagami’s hands, this is a proper meat shield!

Moreover, even if you want to clear your suspicions, there is no way to do it, because everything Kagami has done since she transformed into Kamen Rider Steel Bucket shows this.

But in Natsume’s hands, the steel bucket is a different style to play.

His fighting skills are amazing, and when he fights, he is flexible.

Therefore, Natsume’s offensive is often indomitable!

But it seems that there is a sense of déjà vu that thousands of flowers have passed through and leaves do not stick to their bodies, even if they enter the field called ClockUp at the same time, the adult tide crab is still not an opponent.

In front of Natsume, he looked like a toddler.

Caught with ease, there is no way to resist.

【ClockOver! 】

End of acceleration.


The adult tide crab of the purple mutant did not enter the super high speed again, because he knew that even if he entered the super high speed, there was no way but to be passively beaten.

Ultra-high speeds also drain physical strength. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s better to fight in the normal realm, leaving the super high speed until the moment of a thousand shots, surprise, so as to give the Dark Emperor the final blow, this is the right way to open.

This trick tide crab adult worm has some understanding.

He didn’t think it was too late.


In this regard, Natsume can only say, big brother, you really think a little more, his strength is strong, not simply because of some forms, but because he himself has extremely powerful power.

To be precise, for Natsume, it is the self that is powerful!

With me invincible!

In terms of self-confidence, Natsume and Tendo are the same, they are both men who have opened their hangings.


Without the addition of purple tide crab adults, the original fight was somewhat difficult to distinguish between the heavenly path and the alien worm, and finally it was able to distinguish the victory and defeat, HyperClockUp, so that beyond the innate nature of the armor dou is invincible, unless it has a time stop, it can barely suppress it, but unfortunately after the first form of Nogi Reiji died.

In this group of alien insects, the number of mutants is quite large.

It can really have the ability to stop and die.

Now, there is none.


The adult tide crab that confronted the Heavenly Dao became a fish meat on the chopping board, allowing the Heavenly Dao to slaughter, surpassing the jia dou and standing not far from the adult tide crab, the Hundred Worm Sword is in sword mode, and the Imperial Bee Thunder and Scorpion Instrument are dressed in the sword body.

Then, press the red, yellow, blue and purple buttons in turn.

The energy converges at this moment.

In an instant, the huge blade of light flew out, landed on the alien insect, and exploded directly.

After solving this alien worm, he directly dissolved the transformation and looked in Natsume’s direction.

He didn’t go over to help Natsume.

Because he knows.

Natsume that guy… Definitely win!

Tiandao is very confident in himself.

And he has the same confidence that Natsume can beat him.

“Well, let’s end it on our side too.”

Natsume slowly took out a prop.

That’s a K touchscreen!

Let’s be honest.

Natsume originally wanted to use the Chonghuang mode of the King of Time, but after thinking about it carefully, when he fought against the Chonghuang projection, he used the final god lord form, which was also extremely good.

Just under the reality of also using.

This is the first appearance!

K Touch Screen, Dark Emperor Rider Drive, Dark Emperor Ride Full Card…

All the props of the old ten-year God Lord are ready.

Natsume begins a new round of transformation.

One call on the K touch screen.

The electric sound then plays…


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