ZECT headquarters.

Command Room!

Mitsuku Kaga and his assistant Masato Mishima are here.

And the leader of the protozoan side, one by one, is also there!

A fake smile appeared on his face.

It seems that people and animals are harmless, but in fact, I don’t know what evil intentions are buried in my heart?

This is his disguise!

In front of them was a large screen with many densely packed red dots.

These red dots quickly gather in a certain direction.

They’re all alien insects.

This machine is designed to detect the presence of alien insects.

Ability to detect fluctuations in life that occur in xenomorphs.

It is a new product produced by the study of alien body fluids.

“The alien insects are all assembled towards the Z area, do you organize all the troops to dispatch?”

Masato Mishima pushed his glasses, his tone was “zero one zero” indifferent, and he said without fluctuation.

He has no feelings, so even if this happens, he is calm.

“Mr. Negishi, what do you think?”

Kaga Mitsuru looked at Negishi, who was standing next to him, and said with a smile.

He threw the problem to Root Bank, who was paddling next to him.

Negishi waved his hand and said, “Huh? This kind of thing is not my strength, Mr. Lu just decided. ”

Kaga Mitsuru smiled.

Looking like Masato Mishima said.

“Let all the people below take action, and strive to annihilate all the alien insects in one fell swoop.”


Masato Mishima nodded.

“By the way, the ockDown system is already equipped, right?”

Kaga Miro remembers that the ClockDown has been designed in the lab, and although there is only one one, the coverage is still sufficient for the final showdown.

Without a magical skill like ClockUp, the insect is like a toothless tiger.

The threat to ant soldiers plummeted.

Whether it is an elite squad or an ordinary ant soldier squad, they can use sabers and machine guns to unfold dense fire coverage and kill them.

“Yes, it’s in the branch where Shuichi Tian is.”

“This way…”

Kaga Miriku nodded absently, but his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

The final battle against the Insect begins, meaning that their common enemy with the Protozoa will cease to exist.

If it is not my race, its heart must be different, and this is the same whether it is a protozoa or a human being.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and without the enemy, the contradiction between them will be completely exposed.

-for-tat is inevitable.

Let’s hope everything goes smoothly.

The battle for human survival is coming.

Victory, and humanity continues to live on this planet.

To fail is to perish!

Negishi still showed such a smile on the side, not saying much, but his heart became more and more excited.

The technology to convert all humans into protozoa is ripe.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

As soon as this order was delivered.

The ant soldiers stationed in the neon army all took action.

The speed was fast, and it quickly assembled towards the Z area.

Natsume and Tendo met on the road.

Walk side by side on the road.

Suddenly, Natsume sensed the movement of the insect, and at this time, he and Tendo’s mobile phones rang at almost the same time.

Take out your phone.

The caller shows that Natsu’s purpose is Misaki Yugetsu, and Tendo’s is Kagami.

Pick up the phone.

Sure enough, it was all the same thing, and the alien insects were assembled on a large scale.

After hanging up the phone, Tendo looked at Natsume and said, “You should know what the situation is, right? ”

Natsume nodded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Spoke out about his agreement with the Shindai Sword.

“So it is.”

Heavenly Dao understood.

The insect that killed his sister was himself, and he understood the pain that lingered in his heart.

If it were him, he would have hurt his sister.

But that possibility doesn’t exist.

He is Providence!

Natsume also did not use the dark space, and the two drove the locomotive together towards the Z area.

On the way.

Natsume couldn’t help but sigh slightly in his heart.

Knight’s Christmas seems to have always been accompanied by tragedy.

Probably this is called fate.

His gaze froze slightly, but no matter what, he wouldn’t let this kind of thing appear beside him.


Only by controlling more powerful forces can we control our destiny…

Soon, Natsume, they came to the Z area, along with Daisuke Kazama, Kagami and others.

Area Z is a very open place.

It used to be a large farm, but unfortunately it was abandoned.

Except for some of the more brutal buildings, the rest of the place is very open, and the scenery ahead can be unobstructed.

Over here are the Ant Troop and Kamen Rider.

On the opposite side is the Shindai Sword and the army of insect brought by two Nogi Reiji.

In the middle is the Chu River Han Realm.

Separate the two sides for a standoff!

Fight, on the verge.

Shuichi Tasho had ClockDown put it out and started it.

At this time, the number of alien insects on the other side is very large.

Under the summoning of Nogi Reiji, even if all the alien insects did not appear, seventy percent came.

Seven years lurking.

There must be a lot of alien insects in this world, densely packed, as if there is no end in sight.

Compared with the number of ant soldiers in humans, the number of alien insects can be several times larger.

“It’s vast.”

Daisuke Kazama couldn’t help but sigh, he had been chosen by the Thunder Dragon Insect Instrument to become Kamen Rider for a while.

I’ve also been fighting the Alien Bugs.

But such scenes are still rare.

It was also the last time I faced the overhaul card 5.2, but the combatants of the overhaul card were far less terrifying than the alien worm in terms of appearance.

He also did not expect that he would be able to experience this kind of thing twice in a row in his lifetime.

I think that when I think about this in the future, I will also feel a lot of emotions.

One of Nogi’s mercy, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Being pinched by the Divine Generation Sword, in fact, his heart was very unhappy.

But there is nothing to do if the skill is inferior.


He always felt that there was something wrong with the Shindai Sword summoning all the alien insects for the final battle.

Thought about it.

He still quietly took out the device to summon meteorites and used it.

Even if something happens, the alien worm of the meteorite wandering in the universe will still come to this world.

This is the back hand left by Nogi Reiji!


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