Gradually, the number of these alien insects is getting smaller and smaller, and the knights are explosive in this battle similar to the holster war.

As before.

The power that bursts out in this way is, of course, more terrifying.

There is no other reason.

This is naturally because of the blessing of some kind of mysterious Buff.

This kind of Buff is often able to unleash their full potential, and the increase in strength reaches a terrifying 12%!

If it is ordinary, this is simply something that you dare not think about.

Of course, there is a more important reason, Zect, the latest development of the ClockDown system.

This system can limit the skills that the alien insects rely on most for survival one by one at super speed.

In this way, everyone is on the same level.

As far as the insect and ant soldiers are concerned, no one is stronger than the other.

The battle of the ant soldiers is still the same as usual, and they are better at fire coverage.

Until the necessary moment, there will be no hand-to-hand combat.

This is also normal.

After all… Who would use their own weaknesses to contend with the strengths of others?

Creatures such as alien insects, except for some gifted mutants, most of them are not much different.

Their defensive power may change more or less because of the different ontological forms,620 but that is not as much as imagined.

Using the fire suppression of the saber machine gun, as long as the cooperation from all directions is coordinated, weaving a terrifying fire network, then even if the alien insects want to escape, there is no way, the super speed can not be used, you can only fill it with your life.

Of course, if only according to this assumption, it is not difficult to do.

If there are alien insects, they are people.

Fight the number, they have not been afraid of anyone, the original worm is a younger brother in front of them.

Although the number of humans is also large, the number of ant soldiers who join Zect is not so large.

Moreover, in the battle with the alien insects, the ant soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

The attrition of combatants cannot keep up with the new recruits who can participate in the battle.

Many times, it looks like a fault.

Even now, not all of the people in the ant army are combatants.

More, obviously, are the bright ant soldiers of the reserves.


In addition to the ant soldiers, there are also Kamen Riders, and the knights explode and roam the battlefield.

With each shot, many alien insects are always destroyed.

In this way, the two work together.

It was only a matter of time before all the alien insects present were wiped out.

At this time, Natsume’s ears kept sounding prompts.

These are a steady stream of points.

He shakes people directly.

Therefore, the knights he summoned are tireless and do not feel pain, simply to fight the tool people who appear to fight the aliens.

But their strength is not weak.

Every time you shoot, you can always bring Natsume a gain of points.

He himself does not need to shoot.

You can earn points by lying down, which… Isn’t it beautiful?

And in these integrated solar calendar prompts, Natsume accurately distinguishes two more special.

[Kill the adult horseshoe crab (the first of the third form), reward 500 points]

[Killing an adult horseshoe crab (third form and second), reward 500 points]

These two tips are somewhat different.

How to say it…

This difference comes from various aspects, and the other xenomorphs, who come here, basically have no mutants except for Nogi Reiji and Shindai Sword.

There is not even strength at the cadre level.

Either the larva, which rewards ten points after killing, or the adult after the crispy skin, the reward after killing becomes one hundred points.

But this is already the final result.

Only mutants, the reward will become more after killing.

Of course, Natsume also wanted to kill more mutants, but there were not enough of them.

That thing is like the knight born among humans.

It seems like a lot, but as long as it is compared to the total number of humans.

It will be different!

As a matter of fact.

In Natsume’s view (CBDI), the number of knights in the world of Koto is not much less, just right. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a knight fan, before crossing over, Natsume remembered all the existing knight plots, and the number of knights was small, and there was nothing.

There may be misunderstandings, but everyone’s goals are the same.

Is it to solve the weirdo, protect peace, protect mankind? That’s about it.

And in a certain world, once there are more knights born at the same time, then the final result is infighting.

It’s no secret anymore.

Not bad from his previous guess, this third-form Nogi Reiji is indeed a lot worse in terms of strength.

The two combined can barely have the level of a cadre-level weirdo, and if they are taken out, they are only half-step cadres like the battery tiger.

This can be seen from this integral.

After solving Nogi’s reji, the projection he summoned is still in a combat state, and maintaining this state and earning points is still a must for Natsume.

And he himself, together with the Shindai Sword, left this battlefield.

The Shindai Sword transforms into a poisonous scorpion adult, which is his essence.

And Natsume, at this time, still maintained the state of the king of the emperor.

“Come on, Natsume.”

“We made an appointment before.”

On the body of the alien insect, the face of the Divine Generation Sword suddenly appeared.

He looked at Natsume and said seriously.

That’s the only way to do it.

He can achieve true liberation.

Natsume nodded, then looked at him again and asked, “Any more wishes?” ”

“If you can, help me help the old man.”


He replied.

Then, he jumped up and penetrated the body of the adult scorpion that had removed all defenses.

That destructive energy flowed through the limbs.

The Shindai sword endured the pain and quickly dared to go towards the house.

He still maintains his human posture.

Lie in a chair.

“Young Master!”

The old man trotted up.

“Old man…”

“What are your orders?” The old man’s face showed a kind smile, and he was a little reluctant.

“Can I sleep for a while?”

“Of course you can!”

“You don’t have to worry about anything, I will always be by your side.”

The old man grabbed the young master’s hand.

He didn’t want to let go.

But now, it has been…

“Thank you, old man.”

Shindai Jian smiled and fell into a deep sleep.


He finally fulfilled his dream of destroying all the xenomorphs, including…


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